Saturday, February 16, 2013

Massage Therapy Careers: How to Become a Massage Therapist

As is the case with any job or career it is always best to find out if you could be happy in the profession before you invest the time and money in to entering the field. This may not be an easy task to complete but it is a good idea to getting started with any field to make sure you can do the job, and then find out how to get started with doing the job.

There are some steps that could apply to almost any career field, including that of a massage therapist and this is the example we will use. Obviously, you don't have to use this exact path, but it wouldn't help in the long run of determining your potential career as a massage therapist.

First, you need to try to contact someone that already is a massage therapist and see if they will allow you to shadow them on their job for the day. See if they will let you see them do the massages, but also see if they will allow you to see the other roles that they have to fulfill as well.

You may not realize the amount of bookkeeping and math involved in being a massage therapist if you have to keep your own books. This will give you a very good idea of if you can do the job or not.

Next, look in to what it takes in your specific area to become a massage therapist in reference to licenses and training sessions required. Remember that all those classes and certifications will require money and time and you need to see if you have either or both available. If you can't find the information you need it is smart to call a local business that performs these services and see if they can point you in the right direction.

Once you are satisfied with the idea of fulfilling these requirements you need to find the right training program for you. Regardless of if this program is taught in a school, online or by an employer you need to get through one to have the right to perform your job duties. If you complete this training you will be ready to start applying for jobs as a massage therapist in your local area, or even abroad.

Applying for jobs is no different than if you were doing it for anything else, apply for many and wait for the results to come back in. Don't sit around and wait for someone to come find you, apply, interview and follow-up!

Benefit of Hot Stone Massage

More and more, hot stone massages are being appreciated worldwide because of their healing benefits and their ability to relieve stress. It is being increasingly demanded at many spas and wellness centers and is also being used in therapy. While stones have always being used for construction or decoration, in the past few years, some specific stones have being found to be good instruments for body massage. A massage stone is a smooth, flat and heated or cold rock used for body massage.

The massage stone was first used traditionally by some tribes in South America and Asia. The recent revival of hot stone therapy in the U.S was by Mary Nelson of Arizona who introduced the LaStone Therapy.

Different types of stones are used for stone body massages some of which are sardonyx, marble, jade and basalt. Basalt is the most used stone for this purpose because of its greater capacity to retain heat energy. It is placed in water and heated to attain a certain temperature range; then it is placed at specific points (generally the back or other parts like palm of hand and legs) of the body. The heat energy transferred to the body generates great benefits to the body.

Hot stone massage is known to have several benefits some of which are:

Muscle Relaxation: The heat from the stone causes greater relaxation of the muscles. This helps the therapist to manipulate the inner tissues more effectively. Some athletes have particularly tense muscles which make regular massage a challenge; these stones provide the energy required to soften them before the therapist continuous with deeper massage.

Improved Circulation: The therapists generally allow the stones to lie on the body parts for a while before starting the massage. The energy absorbed by the body tissues penetrates deep and causes the widening of blood vessels and the result is a more fluent circulation of blood round the body. This is important for an improved state of health.

Pain killer: All other methods of massage can help relieve pain generally caused by injuries, stiff joints or tense muscles. However, heated stone massage is more effective because of the intense nature of the massage. A heated stone massage leaves a better feeling because it permits the therapist to perform a deeper massage effectively as compared to other methods. Many times, pain is stress related and nothing eases stress as effectively as a heated stone massage.

Mental benefits: The relaxation gained from a warm stone massage helps ease mental stress and tension. Hot stone massage has been used in a complimentary way to traditional medical therapy and has many times been incorporated into the treatment plan of a patient. It is not a substitute for professional care but it is a great enhancer.

Wellness: Warm stone therapy is also used to achieve wellness as it is associated with balance and harmony. Hot stone massages have been known to cure insomnia and depression. Since they are used to release deadly toxins from the body, they naturally augment the curing of whatever condition was tied to those toxins.

The benefits of heated stone massage cannot be over emphasized; it promotes a feeling of peace and harmony and eases tension in a stress-filled world.

The Chair Massage Business

The chair massage business can be an exciting and well-paying way to gain extra income. However, in order for it to work as one's full time job requires a lot of work. For years, massage therapists have used chair massage as a way to generate money, market themselves, and help to fill their appointment books with longer sessions.

Here's what you'll need:

A massage license (for nearly all states)

A business license

A massage chair

Cleaning supplies

A timer or clock

*Business cards

*Appointment book

*Receipt book (for those who ask for a receipt)

*Music, candles, mood enhancers

*Massage insurance

If you're not a massage therapist, becoming a therapist is going to be your first and most important challenge. In most states, you have to obtain licensure from the state or city/county in which you are living. In order to get licensed as a massage therapist, you will need to get some training. Many massage schools provide programs that go over the number of hours required by the state, but you may find several schools that offer only the precise number of hours that are called for. You may very well find courses as short as 7 months long. Various colleges are now offering massage programs as well. Ensure that the school is accredited and has decent reviews.

In addition to the massage certifications, etc., you will need an occupational license. This permits you to accept money for services rendered. You will find many therapists who work "under the table," but you are legally responsible for claiming your earnings. A business license allows you to accept money, but it also means that you have an official business and that you are responsible for paying taxes on this business.

Of course, if you're going to have a chair massage business, you will need a chair! A massage chair can run anywhere from $100 up to $600 or more. If you're just starting out, I would not recommend buying the expensive chairs just yet. And when browsing for a chair, try to find one that is easily moveable (wheels are a plus).

Cleaning supplies will include things like paper towels and some spray cleaner. I have used a variety of cleaning solutions in the past, and I've found that a 50/50 mix of alcohol and water works well. You will also need hand sanitizer.

Most chair massages are around 10 to 15 minutes long. But, the time might vary depending on the client, the event, etc. So it is important to keep a clock or timer within eyesight. You don't want to keep the next client waiting too long. Many therapists also invest in face-cradle covers for their chairs. They are comfortable, but I found the select-a-size paper towels to be more cost effective and most clients don't really care.

Always remember that this is your chair massage business, so you can run it however you choose. However, you will probably want business cards to hand out, an appointment book nearby to schedule longer massages, and possibly a receipt book for those who want receipts. You may also want to bring music for your clients to listen to, maybe some candles, aromatherapy, and anything else that will give them the best experience you can give them.

Market yourself wherever you think people would be benefited by chair massage. Many corporations would love to have a chair massage during lunch breaks. Golf courses, radio stations, sporting events, art festivals, malls, grocery stores, and airports are all great locations for a chair massage business. However, all of these venues will require you to go through some red tape before you can set up.

After all is said and done, you should have fun and enjoy meeting all the different men and women you will encounter with this type of business. If your heart is in it, it will show through your hands, and people will come back again and again.

What Is Transference and How Is It Involved With Massage Therapy?

If you are in the body-work industry, you should be very aware of transference, what it is and especially how it relates to your work. My understanding of transference is best illustrated by the following scenarios:

1. Therapist attends to a client with a headache, symptoms of a "bug," acne, anger, fatigue, good or bad pregnancy-related issues, et al emotional scenarios. The client leaves happy, refreshed and ready for life, but the therapist suddenly, or later, starts exhibiting symptoms they didn't have previously.

2. Client is nervous and unable to relax. Suddenly a usually-confident therapist starts feeling nervous and fidgety during the session (or the reverse scenario).

3. During the massage, the client or the therapist feels extremely powerful parasympathetic/reverse parasympathetic stimulation and begins to believe more is happening during the session than actually is. (Either could imagine they are "in love," being "hit on," harassed, touched inappropriately, etc).

4. Therapist and client knowingly or unknowingly disagree on the purpose of massage. (Clients can tell whether a therapist is committed to and believes in the therapy, or this is just a job and the therapist can't wait to finish and go do other things.)

5. Client, or therapist, spends the session discussing personal matters/gossip and when they part, one or the other or both are still in the negative emotional place of the discussion.

6. Client or therapist decides when they meet that they don't like one, the other, or each other.

7. Client has a preconceived idea of the skill set/caliber of the therapist and begins to condescend to or intimidate him/her; maybe say something negative about the establishment, etc.

8. Client has history with molestation and/or rape trauma and related issues, etc., and misconstrues "normal and professional" handling during the session as "harassment."

9. Client gets upset during treatment (maybe the therapist forgot a "request not to do") and either speaks angrily to the therapist, starts breathing angrily, or scowling or some other defensive reaction, verbal or non-verbal.

10. The session "takes the client to a place" they struggle or wasn't prepared to go and this has caused an emotional release (laughter, crying, embarrassment, etc.), or physical release. (Unfair responsibility/blame, etc. can sometimes be projected in either direction.)

Any of the above illustrations will affect the business, the delivery and/or reception of service, the results of the therapy, as well as whether the client returns for follow-up care and/or whether the therapist exercises his/her right of refusal of such care. A certain "energy" change in that environment will happen and set a tone, much like when someone scorned, confident, powerful, loved, or esteemed, etc., walks into a room filled with people. That person can usually feel the "presence" of the mass and whatever the dominant energy is.

So how does one guard/shield from any energy transference? Any defense will have much to do with your belief systems and/or your own personal convictions, as well as your education. If you believe you are a conduit between the universal energy and the client, then you would know that to be effective at this task one needs to be centered, grounded and committed to being the best, purest, cleanest conduit with purpose. This is accomplished mainly by breathing, allowing energy to flow through you with limited attachment.

First, the therapist must be very confident and knowledgeable of their skill-set and especially their purpose for being in the business. Secondly, that therapist must understand their purpose for treating each client and keep "referring" to this mentally throughout treatment. Why am I touching this person and what result do I want them to have? For me, is massage just to "feel-good"? Equally important to these is BREATHING, with purpose. If the therapist is not breathing properly, hence administering self-care, he/she will interpret and react or respond to any "improper or inconvenient discovery". The reverse of this also is true for the client. Both people need to focus on their breathing and purpose for being in that little room together regardless of the undertones. The deeper your breaths, the more oxygen your heart gets to pump and the faster the exit of energy flow to the universe; also, the more calm you'll remain, grounded, collected and focused on the purpose at hand. When client and therapist work as a team with a common purpose or objective, there will be lots of room for the healthy benefits and enjoyment of massage therapy and less chance of transferring the unwanted.

The hands can transfer the energy, good or bad, from client to client, between therapists, and vice versa. It is imperative that each party, but especially the therapist, take care of "self" before, after and during the session, to allow for only a limited attachment to any unwanted "energy" or ailment. Wash your hands immediately after each session and before touching another person, including yourself. As soon as possible at the end of your day of giving/receiving therapy, get some cardio exercise, meditation, etc., and most definitely bathe. Depending on your convictions, as mentioned, a therapist might want to wash their clothes in preparation for the next day. Never go to bed unwashed after giving therapy to someone and if you are a client who felt some ailment or unwanted energy was transferred during your session, take another shower/bath. These are very effective in cleansing and soothing "the spirit" as well as the body.

Physical Therapy - Progression Through Time, Trial and Error

Who came up with the idea to help people with physical problems? The story of physical therapy begins during the year 460 B.C. with two men, massage, and a large vat of water.

If a time machine were ever invented, you may find it interesting to travel back to the year 460 B.C in order to search for a man named Hippocrates and another man named Hector. The two could be found going about their daily activities in Ancient Greece - though those activities may astound you. Hippocrates always felt that massage was the way to ease the pain of those that suffered, while Hector always considered the use of hydrotherapy rather helpful. However, in order to find the first documented story of physical therapy, you may have to set that time machine for the year 1894.

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy began in England during 1894, and this group of healers was formed by many nurses wishing to start formal therapy training programs. Once the rest of the world heard about these nurses and their society, various other physical therapy groups began to pop up all over the world. Eventually, many schools across the globe were founded, and this sort of healing took on a whole new meaning.

From the moment the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and various education programs sprung up, the story of physical therapy would change forever. As soon as people began to become interested in this profession, many scientists found themselves seeking answers to various therapy related questions. Thus, research into the field was begun, and the very first type of research relating to this profession was published in the United States in March 1921 - this was also the first edition of The PT Review.

Once the first journal related to this type of therapy was published, Mary McMillan began the Physical Therapy Association (APTA). Soon enough, this profession gained legitimacy all over the world, and many began to take great interest in this field. As you can see, this type of therapy has come a long way from its ancient beginnings.

The story of physical therapy is vast and it contains many struggles. However, this background also contains many triumphs - the biggest one being that this practice (and some of the original publications about this practice) still exists today. Those that have taken the oath to become a part of this field are both well educated and highly qualified - in short, these therapists know how to help a person move again ... and that is no small feat.

Determine the Physical Therapy Equipment You Need For Your Office

There are many types of specially designed physical therapy equipment ranging from devices to aid in activities of daily living (ADL) to exercise equipment that can include anything from treatment tables and arm splints to treadmills and weights. The equipment needs for any physical therapy office can vary greatly depending on the type of physical therapy that is the main focus of your practice. Each different type of patient or client has individual needs depending on the reason physical therapy is needed.

Physical therapy in general is a type of practiced medicine that involves highly specialized exercises designed to improve the quality of movement and strength for those with illnesses or injuries and is also designed to prevent future injuries or health problems. Physical therapy may include such varied activities as stretching limbs, weight lifting, walking exercises or water aerobics. Physical therapy can also include what is known as manual therapy. This is when the physical therapist will perform twisting, pushing or pulling of body parts to improve function, strength and mobility for those that need this type of therapy.

The best way to determine what type of physical therapy equipment you may need is to have a thorough knowledge of the types of physical therapy being performed in your office. If you mainly work with geriatric patients for example, many of the needs of your patients will focus on mobility issues and increasing daily function as well as aiding those with the many physical and mental disabilities associated with aging. Common devices used can include walkers, canes, crutches, lifts and transfer boards as well as other equipment patients can use at home to promote self sufficiency.

Orthopedic physical therapy often also focuses on mobility issues and will include some types of similar equipment as well. Other equipment often used for orthopedic patients include the additional use of collars, splints and braces. Rehabilitation physical therapy for those with severe injuries and physically disabling illnesses may need specially designed treatment tables, mattresses, wedges and scales. Other types of physical therapy that need specialized equipment include pediatric physical therapy and therapy to aid function in those with cardiac and pulmonary diseases and disorders.

First determine the type of patients that are the main focus of your facility. Then list all the types of physical therapy that are commonly (and perhaps even not so commonly) needed for your particular clientele. Once you have determined this, you can then go through each type of therapy you will be using in your office to meet your patients' needs and take inventory of all equipment needed for each particular type of physical therapy.

If you are the manager or owner of the office or facility, you may not know enough about the specifics of the therapy performed to determine your needs on your own. It will be highly beneficial to consult with the physical therapists within your office. You will need to spend time speaking with them to get their personal feedback on the specific physical therapy equipment needs of the patients coming to your practice. It is also best to spend time observing the types of therapy they perform on a daily basis and how each is performed. This will give you a much better idea of what is needed within the office to adequately meet your needs.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Going to See a Massage Therapist for the First Time? Here's What to Expect

Registered massage therapists can help treat a number of conditions and ailments, including back and neck injuries, knee injuries, asthma, arthritis and much more. But when you go to a massage therapist for treatment, what will he or she actually do?

First, if you're suffering from an injury or illness, you need to see a registered massage therapist, or RMT. An RMT is trained in anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology and much more. When you see an RMT, you know you're seeing someone with the experience and education to help treat your particular health issue.

The truth is your massage therapist has one main goal - to get you well. The primary aim is to restore, maintain and maximize your movement, function, all to help improve your overall wellbeing.

What happens when you visit a massage therapist for a treatment? First, after taking a detailed health history and learning about your injury or condition, the massage therapist will work to come up with a treatment plan.

Next, you'll be asked to prepare yourself for your treatment. Your massage therapist may ask you to remove your clothing from the waist up, and may also ask you to remove your pants (but leave your underwear on). He or she will leave the room, and give you time to undress, lie down on the massage table and cover yourself with a sheet. A good RMT will keep all of your sensitive areas covered at all times with a sheet, never exposing you at any time.

If you're uncomfortable with the idea of removing your clothing, be sure to speak to your RMT about it before your treatment. Together, you can come up with a solution to ensure you get the treatment you need, and ease any fears you might have about disrobing.

The reason the RMT generally requires you to remove your clothes is so he or she can have full access to your muscles. An RMT generally applies an oil or lotion to the skin when performing the massage, which is best done when you've removed your clothing.

Then, the massage therapist will come back into the room (and will knock before entering to be sure you're ready) and begin the massage. You may start out lying on your stomach and then flipping onto your back, or vice versa. Your therapist will guide you through the process, and may ask you questions throughout the treatment to discover if anything hurts or which areas might require special treatment.

When your allotted treatment time is up, your therapist will leave the room so you can dress. When you're finished, your therapist will give you any additional information you may need, require payment and book another appointment based on how much treatment you need.

Fun Fundraising Ideas for Schools This Year

The school systems in the UK are incredibly underfunded, making it very difficult for the teachers and the students to get all the equipment required for the assignments and projects in the class work. Aside from this, the current tough economic times have necessitated that we make renewed efforts to raise funds for schools not only for improving the learning standards, but also to improve the longevity of the school.

Let's have a close look at some unique fundraising ideas for schools that can lead to additional funds for the system.

1. Carnivals - Any fundraising event for school doesn't have to be boring. Yes, there are events where baked goods and cookies are sold, but mostly parents of children participate, and the generated funds are not considerable. On the other hand, a carnival is a completely different thing. Although there won't be assortment or rides, but every class can have its own "game"

This can be a cakewalk game where each contestant stands on a number platform with a cake and wins it if a specific number is called, or a ring toss game where contestants try toss plastic rings around soft drinks bottles.

2. Box Tops - This is one of the best fundraising ideas for schools that won't require lot of work. The "Box Top for Education" package can include boxes of crackers, cereals and various other items usually purchased at the grocery stores. Each box will bring small amount to the school when returned. This can be beneficial if all parents of students, their friends and neighbours also collect the Box Tops. These box tops are then collected and given back to the school, which then sends them back to their manufacturer. Once all these boxes are received by the manufacturer, the school will get the check, all with small expenses incurred by the parents.

3. Cheerleader/Dance Fundraisers - You can run several fundraisers with cheerleading squads, if cheerleading is not within your schools activities then dance troops will be. Try a night of dance entertainment, films like high school musical and shows like glee, x factor and The voice have inspired many young people to sing and dance. If you have many talented individuals or groups then putting on a show for an evening and selling drinks and refreshments is a great way to make money.

4. The ECO - Friendly Fundraiser - You can even do eco - friendly fundraisers where you can sell eco - friendly and herbal products. You can ask the parents to donate eco - products and sell them off or have them as prizes on stalls. Trying to get local business to donate any products or get involved with discounts on certain products like laundry balls, bamboo clothing and towels or eco - baby products can also be great if they agree to a percentage going to the school. You can even think about getting in a local colleges Indian head massage, reflexology and aroma therapy students and showing people the treatments and selling treatments to parents. The profits can be split between the two schools.

5. Discount Card Fundraisers - This is not only the quickest, but also one of the best school fundraising idea. In this, you will sell discount cards where buyers get discounts on purchases made at all major discount stores. These cards are great because they pay for themselves within few short visits and customers save good money on their purchases. Customers too love these cards because without any big investment from their side, these cards help in raising money for schools.

With these exciting fundraising ideas, you can easily generate sufficient funds for your school without putting in too much of efforts or money.

Spa & Beauty Schools Online - Studying For A Degree In Cosmetology

Thinking of getting trained through spa & beauty schools online? Well, you are not alone. An increasing number of people are opting for such schools to add to their qualifications in a simple and convenient manner.

Surveying Options Available

Today you have many options to choose from when it comes to a beauty school or spa online. While a plethora of schools are available on the Internet, selecting the most appropriate one requires some amount of patience and research. A good way to embark on your quest is by narrowing down the search on the basis of your requirements. Reading up various reviews and testimonials on such spa & beauty schools online gives a fair picture as to what to expect from any particular school as such.

There are many schools mentioned on the Internet offering a wide range in courses to choose from. Official websites of leading cosmetology schools have indeed much to offer. In addition to providing various courses for those who wish to pursue the specialization concerned, such institutes also host all kinds of other relevant information. With well written articles and frequently updated blog entries, websites of leading institutes are usually a storehouse of information on all facets related to enhancing physical appearance.

Courses Available To Choose From

Prominent spa & beauty schools online offer an impressive range in courses. Along with offering courses, these institutes also provide tips and strategies for those looking to break into the market in the field chosen by them. Courses offered usually belong to the common categories of:

* Massage - including chiropractic and exercise science;
* Beauty - which includes make up and nail care;
* Holistic And Natural Health - a section which includes various courses for naturopathy, reflexology, acupuncture, hypnotism and metaphysics;
* Barbering And Hair Designing;
* Aesthetics And Skin Care; And
* Cosmetology.

Offering various courses in the above-mentioned categories, spa & beauty schools online are a great way to get a certification in a hassle-free manner.

Adopting The Right Approach

While you can approach almost any school for your certification, opting for the best available lets you gain a certification that has the highest reputation in the field. Leading spa & beauty schools online offer certificates that carry the maximum influence in the sector concerned. With the ever increasing focus on looking good, courses offered by such a school are immensely sought-after today. Websites of such institutes offer the facility of selecting a school near you. Based on your requirements, you can short-list options available on the basis of zip code and courses offered. Popular programs mentioned on these websites usually are for -

* Massage therapy,
* Cosmetology,
* Nail technician,
* Aesthetics,
* Skincare,
* Hand and foot therapists,
* Barbering, and
* Hair designing.

With the right certification, there are excellent growth prospects in the long run. Promising several well paying positions, certification by the best names in the field opens up many doors for you.

Spa & beauty schools online offer many attractive options for people looking for a career in the fitness and beautification business. With various options to choose from, the right school is perhaps just a click of the mouse away.

Finding Good Massage Therapists on Craigslist

For massages, find a good spa and not hotels, unless you are quite sure about the masseur. If a massage therapist prefers to use his, or her, own business clinic, it is okay, yet verify whatever you know about them. A simple Google search can help to some extent, you may find other customer's feedback or some other important details about the masseur.

A good price for a good massage is always satisfactory. On Craigs list you might find a wide range of rates specified by trained massage therapists. To get the best service, compare prices and opt for a reasonably priced masseur who is preferably located in your own locality- you don't want to end up being charged for the masseurs travel.

A legitimate massage parlor offered the best of services can be difficult to find, indeed. So, do not hesitate to ask a great deal of questions including the location of their clinic, their experience in the field of therapeutic massage, their qualification in the specialized field, the institute that they had their training from, and so on. You need all the assurance that you hire a good as well as legitimate masseuse with experience.

Massages are known for their ability to de-stress minds and heal physical injuries. It is also a good relaxation therapy which might take weekly, or monthly, sessions for prolonged sense of well being. You don't have to forgo a session while travelling. Downloading a Craigs list search tool will help you find a good spa anywhere within the country.

Benefits of A Hot Stone Massage

There are key points on the human body where a massage therapist can place smooth basalt or hardened lava stones to help the body relax and release tension or pain. These rocks have usually been smoothed by water and treated with heat before being placed on the body. They can bring great relief to rigid muscles plagued by continuous dull pain and help to reduce stress and anxiety. As a form of alternative medicine, hot stone treatments are becoming the effective holistic treatment of choice for many devotees to help the body function better.

Muscle Relaxation
The main benefit of using hot stones to relax muscles is that it enables a therapist to more easily perform deep tissue massage. This targets the connective tissue in the body and gets rid of chronic knots that tend to form in the shoulders and back.

Stones are placed on a patient's back, between the toes, or at places on the body that are thought to be energy centers. If the therapist uses massage oils, the heat from the smooth rocks is pushed over muscles to warm them and start the relaxation process. Then the therapist uses his hands to massage the back.

Finally, the heated stones are placed on the back again and left in place for a while. Sometimes, stones are also placed in the palms to relax muscles. If any muscles are inflamed or injured, a therapist may also alternate hot stones with cold stones.

Pain Relief
For many centuries, healers have used hot stones to relieve pain. Health experts believe the stones work well with managing pain because they help the recipient remain calm and and let go of stress. A low-stress state makes it easier to release pain. Additionally, the heat from the stones gives an intensity not present with other kinds of therapy like Swedish massage.

Improved Circulation
Heat also acts as a trigger for opening the blood vessels and improving circulation. A body with good circulation has blood vessels that carry more oxygen to the muscles, helping them to relax. Most people do not realized how constantly tense muscles are tied to chronic fatigue or that a tired body is usually one that has poor circulation. Deep massaging brings more vitality to tissues in the body and keeps blood flowing evenly.

Mental Benefits
Regular stress triggers a set of chemical reactions in the body. Under stress, the body releases two hormones: adrenaline and cortisol. The heartbeat races, blood pressure rises, breathing elevates and the entire body can tend to tense. When a hot stone massage places the body in a relaxed state, all of these chemical responses stop. The mind is in a calmer place. Other triggers a therapist may use enhance this calming effect are soothing music or calming soundscapes like softly chirping birds or running water.

The Money Diet Part II - How to Enjoy Life While Paying Off Your Debt

Just as starvation diets are doomed to fail, cutting your expenses to the bare bones in order to pay off your debt will ultimately boomerang on you.

You've got to get real. How long do you think you're going to stay on a budget where everything except the basics - you know - food, car payments, your mortgage or rent, insurance, etc. - is going to pay down your debt?

You've got about as much chance of staying on that type of a regimen as you do eating only celery sticks and lettuce for the next five years.  Do you really think you could live with that?

Here's a better plan:

Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. On the left hand side write down every luxury  or near luxury that you've been spending your money on. Check through your receipts, your check book, and you credit card bills. Make sure you put down everything.

You might have things like the theater or the movies, vacations, cable TV, stuff like that. Even go so far as to put down Christmas gifts and birthday presents.

I know, I know. They don't look like luxuries. But even if they are near-luxuries, such as going to a restaurant, getting gourmet coffee, and paying for an ongoing gym membership, write them down on the left side of the paper.

Now, on the other side of the fold write down alternatives to the "expensive spread".

For example, if you go get a massage regularly you could check out a massage school. Student rates are about half of what a regular masseuse charges.

Same goes for beauty schools instead of beauty salons.

Instead of going to the movies in the evening you can catch a matinée. Or just make a movie night at home with the whole family. Pop some popcorn, get big bags of candy. You get the drift.

Follow through with this plan and you will still enjoy life and you can use the money you save to pay down your debt.  It might hurt a little, but don't you think this approach is something you can live with?  It certainly beats celery and lettuce.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Online Physical Therapy Schools

For students who have never enrolled in an online course online physical therapy schools can be daunting. Prospective students might want to know how an online degree or certificate compares to one received at an institution which offers this course in class.

For students to expect to be successful at online schools, they must be prepared for their studies and able to manage their time well in online courses. Whereas in regular classroom instruction, there are reminders to finish projects or assignments, or attendance is part of the overall grade, in online courses this is not the case. In an online course, you must log into the site and complete your assignments and submit them on time. These are excellent skills for the workforce.

Okay, that said, let's look at what this course actually involves. Physical therapists work in the health industry. They measure, assess, and treat medical issues related to a patient's physical mobility. They possess a degree in physical therapy are must be members in good standing in their certification program. Many possess master's or doctorate degrees. The cost of their degrees vary widely with the schools they attend.

Whatever school you choose whether it is in-class, online or a combination, the school must be accredited as Physical Therapy Education by the American Physical Therapy Association so you can write your national boards. This is a crucial first step in choosing online schools.

Of the over 200 physical therapy degree programs in US, almost all grant doctoral degrees. These take three years of post-graduate studies to complete. They build on what was learned in an undergraduate education. Courses most often include: neuroscience, biomechanics, and pharmacology. The courses also offer clinical or "hands on" training. This training would normally include: tests and measures, medical screening and therapeutic interventions. The graduate of the doctoral program can then write the National Physical Therapy Examination. Passing this licenses the graduate in every American state. Often if they move to another country physical therapists will be required to become licensed in that country before being employed there.

Advantages to online schools include: working at your own pace, holding down a job and having a family life are all doable. They are also less expensive if only for the fact that travel and accommodation costs are non-existent with online study.

Online learning has disadvantages: You are working alone. You have limited access to your instructor and/or your fellow students. Time management and mature self-pacing are crucial to your success. Attendance and participation are not even considered in marking. Since physical therapy most often uses a team approach, online study is nothing like the environment in which you will be working.

Online physical therapy schools have increased in both popularity and number since widespread availability of the Internet became a reality. Given your work and home situation, online learning may be the best option for you.

How to Choose a Physical Therapy Assistant School

If you wish to pursue a career in the field of physical therapy but you don't have the means to go back to college for that matter, a great option for you would be to take up a physical therapy assistant course instead. A lot of people are now using a PTA degree as a stepping stone towards a career in physical therapy later on. The first thing you need to look for is an accredited physical therapy school that will give you the appropriate training and instruction for this profession.

The fact that it only takes 2 years to finish a PTA degree program makes it an ideal option for many. This is also the reason why there are so many colleges and other educational institutions these days that offer such program. With the great number of schools with this degree program, it is more necessary that you choose the most reputable school so that you can guarantee better employment opportunities in the future.

You just have to surf the internet to get a list of all the schools offering physical therapist assistant degree programs. Take a look at the list and sort them according to the programs offered, the training facilities as well as the tuition fees they have. You may need to invest some time in this search, but doing it right will help you find the best possible school for you.

As you go searching for various PTA schools, you will realize that you can choose among technical schools, some universities as well as community colleges to take this course. The programs available in each school may vary according to the specialty of the institution. There are some schools also that have modern facilities, which enable them to offer programs that other schools don't. But no matter where you choose to go, you will have almost the same curriculum and training objectives.

In choosing a physical therapy assistant school, you should also look at the subjects that you will be required to take in order for you to get admitted to the program. Basically, you will need to take courses on physiology and anatomy. Some schools also require their PTA students to take up kinesiology. This course focuses on the body movements necessary to the success of a physical therapy program.

Another important consideration when choosing a PTA school is the treatment techniques applied and taught by the institution. You have to know that knowledge in some special treatment techniques is an advantage when you apply for a job later on. Among the most ideal methods you would want to learn are how to use ultrasound and hydrotherapy. Learning some stretching exercises is also essential, as it greatly helps in the improvement of muscle conditions and body movements. Know first the certain therapeutic techniques taught by a physical therapy assistant school so that you can choose where you will be most effective.

All physical therapy assistant schools have strengths and weaknesses, so it is important that you weigh your options well before you make up your mind about where you will take a physical therapist assistant degree program.

Finding the Right Massage Therapist

Massage can be one of best experiences in your life. It can relax you, get rid of pain-inducing knots, improve your immune system, and improve your overall well-being. When you have the right massage therapist you look forward to your sessions, knowing that you will feel better after the experience. But what if you have a therapist that you don't like or who hurts you unnecessarily? It is very hard to relax and get all the benefits of a massage if you are tense during the session or you are afraid you will be hurt. In short, finding the right therapist for your needs is crucial for the success of any massage therapy session.

The following are some things to consider when looking for a massage therapist:

  • Understand what you are expecting to get out of your massage session- If you are looking for a general relaxation massage, you need to make sure your therapist understands that and does not give you a deep tissue massage. The reverse is true as well. If you have specific areas that need focused, deep tissue work, you will most likely not get it from a therapist who specializes in Swedish relaxation massage.

  • Your therapist should be able to adjust to your needs - Never be afraid to give your therapist feedback on your session. If you are getting too much or not enough pressure, tell your therapist. A good massage therapist will be able to adjust their technique to satisfy you.

  • Where are you getting your massage? - You will most likely receive different massages in a spa setting and a chiropractor office. A spa setting will be more focused on relaxation where a chiropractor's office will focus more on specific, deep tissue work to help correct muscular problems.

  • Massage is a personal experience - Each person responds to their massage and massage therapist differently. While some people may love a particular therapist you may not care for him or her. It may take trying several therapists before you find the right one for you.

  • Some therapists just aren't very good - Even though most massage therapists are licensed (some states do not require licensure), that doesn't mean that they give a great massage. If you don't like a massage you received from one therapist, try another one. Do not let a bad massage experience sour you on getting a massage.

Finding the right massage therapist can sometimes be a tough search. You may have to try a few before you find just the right massage therapist for you. However, once you have found the perfect fit for you, you will set yourself up for many years of wonderful massages!

Immune System Response and Mental Benefits of Massage Therapy

The techniques of therapeutic massage and bodywork as we know them today have been practiced for over 120 years and widely accepted as the most effective alternative medical treatment in the last several decades. This is because the treatment of stress requires the trained hands of a Registered Massage Therapist to attack the root of the problem, namely the muscles and connective tissue that store the stress when signals from nervous system tighten the body and hamper the natural flow of life energy (known as "Chi" in Asian medicine and martial arts). Like most medical treatments the Chinese were doing it in 3000 BC but the Western world developed massage techniques in Sweden in 1813 where massage movements were studied and systematized into what we now call "Swedish massage". Massage therapy is defined as the application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body and the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body with the hands for therapeutic, relaxation, and pleasurable effects.

Stress is a killer and weakens the immune system; it also can lead to depression, impotence, drug dependence, alcoholism, and violence. When tension mounts and is stored in the body tissue a chronic problem develops and nothing seems to go right in the person's life. The fast pace of modern living requires accelerated activity and a higher-than-normal load of problem-solving to be carried out and deadlines to meet. We are faced each day with frustrations in traffic, on transit lines, at the office, and with family members at home. Fortunately those of us who are health conscious can get relaxation massage treatments on a regular basis so that life can be easier to deal with and overall health can be improved.

Massage therapy has helped those with arthritis, eating disorders, depression, and back pain. The RMT will target tissues like muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments, and other connective tissue underneath the top layer of muscles. The elderly are finding that regular massage treatments allows them more freedom of movement and some relief from the constant pain of arthritis that is so hard to escape. Treatments can alleviate some of the side effects of cancer and post-operative pain. Massage can reduce anxiety; it can lower the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and treat migraines.

Posture becomes worse as a person gets older and massage therapists work to take away the lower back pain that can cause a person to over-compensate and put the spine out of alignment even further in an attempt to avoid painful positions. Injury rehabilitation is another area where bodywork can speed healing. The Olympic Games has used massage since 1996 as an official core therapy for the athletes competing. It has been shown that those competing after a massage are able to run faster, jump higher, and show increased performance. In fact every system of the body is improved with treatment.

The future of alternative medical treatment through massage therapy will see an even greater increase in popularity as patients become more disillusioned with dependence on pharmaceuticals and surgical operations for certain conditions. There is the appeal of having someone else do the work; most people don't have the time or determination to take up Tai Chi or other exercises to ease some of the body's problems as it grows older.

Health Benefits of Massage Therapy: Pain Management, Relaxation, and More!

As with most "alternative" forms of health care, massage therapy is sometimes met with skepticism. People often assume that any positive health effects from therapeutic massage come from the so-called placebo effect (symptoms being effected by your perception of treatment). However, that simply isn't accurate. In addition to decades of anecdotal evidence regarding the effectiveness of Swedish massage (and other types of massage therapies) in promoting pain reduction and general well-being, recent research continues to show the distinct benefits of massage treatment.

Chronic pain can be debilitating, especially if there is no identified cause to target with medical treatment. However, a recent study has shown that therapeutic massage can provide short-term relief for chronic lower back pain, helping pave the way for long-term health. In a study authored by Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Kahn J, et al. in the 2011 Annals of Internal Medicine journal, subjects were found to have less pain in the short term when treated by various massage therapies than control subjects who only received medical treatment such as pain medication and physical therapy.

Another recent study, authored by Perlman AI, Ali A, Njike VY, et al. in the 2012 PLoS One journal, found 60 minutes of Swedish massage treatment to be an optimal pain-relieving dose for people suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Participating in one 60-minute session of Swedish massage therapy once per week was found to reduce both stiffness and pain for these patients.

As you can see, these studies, and many more like it, are finding strong connections between massage treatment and pain reduction, as well as other health benefits. It's also important not to discount the health benefits of relaxation, either. Today's research increasingly shows the dangers of stress for high blood pressure and heart problems, stroke, and other major health concerns. Because Swedish massage and other types of massage almost universally promote relaxation, in addition to their other pain-fighting benefits, this general stress reduction can contribute to your overall well-being.

If you've been a regular recipient of massage therapy, or you've been considering using a massage therapist for alternative treatment, it's a great choice for many health benefits. As both years of anecdotal understanding and cutting-edge research show, massage can reduce stress, increase relaxation, and treat pain. And, as compared with medications, surgery, and other types of traditional medical treatments, therapeutic massage is a non-invasive option with few side effects, making it a great choice for promoting whole-body wellness.

Shape Up Your Career At Physical Therapy Schools

There is a profession that deals with fixing impairments in the body and restoring mobility through evaluation and exercise. The job is performed by physical therapists who have to undergo specialist degree training at Physical Therapy Schools to become qualified.

The schools help you to prepare for and pass the national licensing examination that is now a requirement in most States before you can begin practicing the profession. There you will receive the specific education and training to become either a therapist or therapist assistant.

The most important aspect of these school programs is to receive accreditation. So the institutions must prove to the official accreditation authority that their schooling methods cloak students with specific facets to their character relative to the profession before they can be considered for accreditation.

So when considering a school, ensure it is one of the 200-plus across the nation approved by the Accreditation Commission for Physical Therapy Education, the only body recognized by the Education department to carry out this purpose.

Enrollment in these schools will help you to determine if physical therapy is the right profession for you, but even before enrollment you should have spent some time as a volunteer at a facility to help you decide which area of the profession you will feel most comfortable in pursuing as a career.

Indeed, volunteering is important, as most school programs will require you to be in possession of a letter of recommendation from a physical therapist to form part of your application. As well, this step may not be optional, in some cases, as many of these programs place a demand on you to spend a specific amount of hours in volunteer time at therapy sessions.

Remember, in deciding on a school there are few things to be considered. Its location. You may not want to travel far distances, but stay close to home. Its size. You may feel more comfortable in a small school as opposed to a large university. Private or State-funded. If finances determine that you select a State-funded school, be aware that tuition at these institutions is somewhat less intense than what you can get at a privately run school.

Finally, do a background check on your chosen school. Make sure it is accredited and has been training students in this field for many years. Remember, it is important to locate the best school in your area of specialization.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Massage - 5 Tips to Finding a Massage Facility and Therapist

Finding a Fort Collins massage facility and therapist is very easy for people in Colorado since there are so many in the city and in the state as a whole, but finding one with extremely high standards and quality of care can be challenging.

Understanding what to look for in a facility and therapist is the key to getting exactly what you want out of the therapy you receive. Lets look now at 5 tips that will help you find the right Fort Collins massage facility and therapist for you.

1. Make sure the therapist is licensed to practice massage within the state they are working in.

2. Does the therapist have malpractice insurance?

Here are two of the actual leading sites for therapists within the united states. The first is, also this site contains a list of therapists who've been certified or licensed in massage therapy as well as who have a malpractice insurance policy for Fort Collins massage. The other one is, and just as before it provides several individuals who have malpractice insurance and in addition to their certification has already been assessed. Not just any individual can call an insurance agency and state I'd really like to purchase insurance. They're going to request specific information like proof of proper education, state requirements, and so on.

You might also want to interview a Fort Collins massage therapist on the telephone. You'll be able to inform them of your unique therapy requirements and see how they react to your statements and answer your questions. Each massage therapist is unique, I'd personally say that being conscious of what is available is useful for the client so they are going to know in some manner what they are searching for, whether they are dealing with an injury from sports, automobile accident, workers compensation, or just basic muscle pain from day to day life. If they are attempting to cope with pain, chances are they might need to lean in the direction of somewhat deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy training, or even medical massage.

3. Does this specific therapy center or therapist currently work with insurance carriers and medical providers. It can be a nightmare working with the insurance providers yourself, weather it be health, auto, or workers compensation insurance. If you do not have the proper information in the order that they need it this procedure can eat up so much of your time and resources, it becomes quite discouraging. Find someone with years of experience in this field and you will have nothing to worry about because they will do it all for you as far as the massage therapy portion is concerned.

Finding a Fort Collins massage clinic that takes all 3 types of insurance is quite rare, most therapy centers today simply work on a cash only basis or only work with one type of insurance. With this said, be sure to search around to find the best fit for your individual matters.

4. The therapist must have advanced training and experience in treating soft tissue injuries. When you are working with a therapist specializing in medical massage they should be used to working with specific diagnosis from physicians, which many times include very complicated soft tissue injuries to the neck, back, shoulders, hips, and so on. A therapist with advanced training will have the knowledge base to work within the scope of the referring physician and they will also know advanced methods such as positional release, neuromuscular therapy, active/passive therapy techniques, trigger point therapy, deep myofascial release, and these are only a few that have been listed. Again, finding a Fort Collins massage therapist that has training in this many techniques can be challenging, but when you do find someone be sure to put them high on your list of contacts in your cell phone.

There will be times of pain in the body when this person will be your best friend.

5. The therapy must include client education and training in self-care techniques. The care you receive in any Fort Collins massage therapy center is extremely important, but what you take home and do on your own time is truly just as valuable if not more so. If you figure an average individual receiving massage will have therapy sessions twice per week for an hour at a time, this is only 2 hours of the week. This gives the injured individual another 166 hours for the week to be on their own and without the therapy. For this reason you must have a therapist that will show you techniques in stretching, postural changes, and actual manual therapy techniques that you can be performing on your own time. These steps will truly make the long term difference in pain relief and a much improved quality of life. So be sure to keep these tips in mind when choosing a Fort Collins massage facility and therapist.

Types of Massage Therapy

The changing dynamics of today's lifestyles have altered our needs and wants. In the earlier times, people had different lifestyles and the way of life was not very hectic. However with increased pressures and the chaotic lifestyles, people confront many problems that they did not face before. To alleviate and relieve the tensions that people face, massage therapy has emerged as a very effective and beneficial practice. Not only does it involve soothing and relaxation of body muscles and the pressure points present in the human body, it leaves one mentally refreshed.

Message therapy even medically is considered the most effective and the best tension reliever. In some cases, it is even an essential part of the Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Massage therapy has a very vast scope and it encompasses around 80 different types of therapies.

The basic purpose behind the massage therapy is to alleviate pain and relieve one of tension, pressure etc. The process is can be simply explained, basically the relaxation of the muscles and tissues of the body increases the oxygen and blood delivery to those areas of the body where the massage is being performed, this results in a decreased level of pain suffered.

The therapist exerts varying strokes of strong pressure so as to relax the pressure points, which are also known as knots.

This is a very famous and renowned massage type. The massage is aimed at relaxing the joints and making them more flexible, this is done by giving long strokes to the person combined with muscle friction and kneading so that it flexes the joints.

Another common massage type that people are usually aware of, as the name suggests strong finger and hand pressure is exerted on specific areas of the patient's body where the muscles and tissues are tight or knotted together. The focus in on those parts of the muscle layers that are deep inside the skin.

For a Shiatsu Massage, recurrent and different pressures are exerted to the body parts whereby the energy flow is stabilized.

Reflexology (zone therapy) is an alternative medicine method involving the practice of massaging or applying pressure to parts of the feet, or sometimes the hands and ears, with the goal of encouraging a beneficial effect on other parts of the body, or to improve general health.

Thai massage is a type of massage in Thai style that involves stretching and deep massage. This form of bodywork is usually performed on the floor, and the client wears comfortable clothes that allow for movement. No oils are used in Thai massage. A significant part of the practice of Thai massage also includes yoga-like stretches, which are intended to stimulate the body through a pumping action, which is connected with the patient's breathing.

Various forms of massage require different techniques to be performed. For almost all the massages, it is imperative that fingers and hands are used to perform it however there are certain types that require other body parts such as elbows, feet and forearms to be used.

Working in Sports Medicine Clinics As a Physical Therapy Assistant

Choosing a career as a physical therapy assistant (PTA) can be a great choice for a number of reasons. It may be the wages, the in demand skill set, or a genuine interest in helping sick and injured individuals. PTAs enjoy a career that has excellent diversity. They are able to work with those who suffer from arthritis to dementia, to young children who suffer from spina bifida. They have the potential to gain experience in many workplace settings that interest them personally. In a society where fitness and rehabilitation are large parts, the role of a physical therapy assistant in sports medicine clinics is a common one. This may a perfect fit for an individual with a background in athletics, or a keen passion for fitness to upgrade their knowledge and skills by completing an in demand associates degree.

Sports physical therapy generally focuses on healing strains, sprains and sports related injuries. Whether these injuries are suffered by the weekend warrior, varsity athletes, or other individuals a PTA working in a sports medicine clinic setting will have excellent direction from the senior sports physical therapists. Working in a sports medicine setting also allows a PTA to pick excellent exercise rehabilitation skills. a PTA often assist the patients with the exercise program that is prescribed by the physical therapist. Ensuring the patients are following the exercises properly will help a PTA become very familiar with rehabilitative exercises.

While sports physical therapy positions may not have the highest wages in the industry, they are steady and there are many other perks, such as health benefits, great work place environment, and excellent hours that follow a very favorable schedule with weekends off. Working with sports physical therapy professionals you will be learning from experts in how to evaluate and improve movement of the body through physical exercise therapy, and this can also benefit your personal knowledge.

Physical therapists in general have a great degree of job satisfaction, those that work in sports medicine have some of the highest rates of job satisfaction in the nation. The unique analytical skill set required even for a PTA is very rewarding, challenging and interesting.

If working with athletes, or physical fitness is an interest to you, an associates degree studied at a physical therapy assistant school will offer a great career, many opportunities, job security, as well as satisfying job.

Online Naturopathic Schools - Forming Future Naturopathy Experts

Alternative medicine is exuding palpable energy in the form of natural health treatments over the use of conventional medication and surgery methods, which has taken the world to its strong influence as the evolution of naturopathy medicine has arrived. Miracles in the health of patients are widely visible around the world as the effects of alternative medicines are certainly positive. The practice of naturopathy has certainly attained high position as the expansion of online educational degree programs are widely available for the aspirers to choose from.

Career options are varied for the seekers who aspire to earn an online natural health degree to expand future prospects in their career in naturopathy. The foundation of naturopathy lies in enhancing body's natural healing aspects and teaches harmonious ways of treatments while stressing out on nutritional and spiritual health. Online natural medicine schools are the foundation basis, which are widely imparting accredited education for the students who are influenced by the evolutionary practice of treatment.

To earn an online degree in naturopathy it is imperative to be assertive in the field by choosing the best online school that certainly matches with your requirements. As the coursework in alternative medicine requires constant practice and includes study of the most complex disciplines, the future prospects are complementary to the hard work required. Depending upon the goal and specification, one can choose from certificate or diploma online courses as it is the best way to get eligible to be accredited in the profession.

Natural health courses are offered by established online schools that emphasize on imparting excellent education while providing varied courses to choose from the list. Herbal studies, holistic care for animals, iridology, natural wellness, nutrition, reflexology, relaxation therapy, reiki, massage techniques, acupuncture and chiropractic medicine are among few specialization, which are offered at natural health colleges to be chosen by an aspirer. As these online schools guarantee career oriented programs on the key principal of enhancing mind, body and soul, students are given expert educational training to expertise in providing natural healing techniques and hand-on experience.

As the field of holistic medicine requires highly educational qualification, the coursework in diverse specializations in the field may differ with special hand-on training programs and patient care training. Extend your educational qualification and make the most of its benefits as being assertive towards your goal is the most important aspect of seeking a wise and outshining career in the field of naturopathy.

What Massage Can and Cannot Do For You

Many people have benefited from massage therapy for a long time now. Many already include it in their regular health regimen because of its benefits. But although massage therapy has been here for a long time now, there are still a lot of false beliefs about massage therapy. So what is massage therapy and what is it not?

Massage therapy can be traced back thousands of years ago. It was passed on from generation to generation and is now accepted as an alternative treatment to certain conditions. It is also useful in preventing certain conditions that stem from stress. Stress comes from many forms. It can be emotional, mental or physical stress. Today, there are a lot of different types of massage that are used for different types of people and conditions. For example, sports massage therapy is used by many athletes to prepare their muscles for a demanding activity ahead. It is also used to alleviate muscle pains after each strenuous activity. We also have relaxation massage which aims to help you relax. Myofascial massage which targets deep tissue pains and knots. These and more!

However, massage does not only help you relax, it has also other benefits. Massage basically helps flush out toxins from our body by improving our lymphatic and blood circulation. You see, our lymphatic circulation holds our body's natural defenses against common illnesses. Once it is able to circulate well throughout our body, with the help of massage, it can better help us fight many illnesses. It also helps us flush out other toxins from our body. The more we feel relaxed and healthy, the better we feel about our life and about ourselves.

Now, massage therapy cannot be employed on people with certain medical conditions. If you really want to have a massage and you have a health problem, you have to talk to your physicians first. They will give you a go signal and a written consent that you should present to your therapist. Massage therapy can be employed to people who are undergoing chemotherapy but there are limitations. There are rules that need to be followed so as not to compromise your health. Again, you need your physician's advice just to be safe.

Massage can't cure cancer, heart diseases and other medical conditions. It is always best to visit your doctor so that you can get a better assessment of your condition. Massage therapists will not provide you their services if you have a health condition that can jeopardize your health and their profession.

Cellular Memory and Bodywork - A Couple of Stories

There's a lot of talk about cellular memory these days. I remember the first time I was aware of my body's capacity to house information. Before I went to massage school or understood the body in any way other than what I'd learned growing up in Southern Appalachia, I was in a car wreck. As part of my rehabilitation, someone suggested I try out Trager Therapy. I hadn't even gotten a massage at this point in my life.

During one of my sessions, when the Trager therapist was working on my right ankle and I felt a rush of heat in my body and, though my eyes were closed, I saw a field of red. Afterward, I told my therapist about this and she said, "Oh, you must be storing some anger there." I immediately dismissed this notion. First of all, it seemed impossible that I could store an emotion anywhere in my body and second, I never felt angry, so this just couldn't be! (I had a lot to learn about anger!!)

A week later, the incident buried in my consciousness, I returned for another session. This time, as she began moving my ankle, I was filled with a feeling of rage. It lasted only a few moments before I experienced an incredibly vivid memory. The memory was very real--as if I was reliving the moment. In the memory, I was 5 years old and my parents were hosting a 4th of July party. Something (I didn't recall what) happened and that made me very angry. I took off running and ran down a steep portion of our yard. At the bottom, I landed wrong on my ankle and sprained it badly. I had not thought of this event in many years and was astounded at what had transpired as my ankle went through the gentle movements of the Trager session.

After that, I began to relate to my body in a new way. I was a believer in the concept of cellular memory.

In the first ever massage therapy class at Rocky Mountain Institute of Healing Arts, one of our students did not have a sense of smell. She hadn't been able to sense smell for many years although she did not know why. One day, I was teaching neuromuscular therapy for the abdominals. This is such a sacred region of the body that I had prepped the students for being especially sensitive. During the practice, the student who couldn't smell was receiving the treatment. She began to feel emotional and started crying. Her partner in the trade was a good friend and high school classmate, and he did a wonderful job just softly maintaining his touch without pushing any agenda. She couldn't understand why she was feeling such grief, but was willing to stay open to the experience.

All of a sudden, she smelled a strong smell of cigarette smoke. (At the time, she thought someone was smoking outside the window). Then came a memory of her grandmother when she was dying of lung cancer. Her grandmother had been a lifelong smoker and even at the end of her life, as she was using an oxygen machine, she continued to smoke. The student felt a lot of sadness with this memory. She had loved and missed her grandmother tremendously. She continued to let the feelings and tears flow. After a while, the emotions subsided and her trade partner finished of the session with some soothing and soft strokes. After that massage session, her sense of smell returned and has remained since.

Our bodies are amazing. They are excellent guides to healing, not only physically, but also emotionally.

© 2008, Rebecca Mauldin

Electro Therapy Method Interferential Current Therapy and Its History

Interferential Current Therapy, also known as IF, is a form of electro therapy, in which electricity is used to provide pain relief and promote tissue healing.

This therapy originated in Germany and was originally administered by an interferential physiotherapist. It wasn't until 1960 before the therapy was delivered by physical therapists in the U.S. It has been used by physiotherapists to reduce inflammation and swelling. It has also been observed that IFC helps sufferers of asthma and can benefit those with back pain and osteoarthritis.

Interferential Therapy and TENS
Pain treatment through mean of electricity first originated when TENS machines were developed. TENS (Transcutaneous Electronic Nerve Stimulation) also delivers electric current however it faces some resistance in penetrating skin and hence it results in an unpleasant feeling.

Interferential Therapy on the other hand penetrates skin more easily and is more comfortable and pleasant than TENS. The two currents produced by Interferential interfere with each other to create signals stronger than TENS which can penetrate deeply to interfere with pain sources. Hence, it can be argued that interferential is one step beyond TENS.

The resulting impulses stimulate underlying tissues and nerves. They are not painful though. Patients feel them as minor prickles on their skin.

How does it work?
The electrotherapy device involves placing electrodes on skin near the affected area. The electrical device generates minute electric impulses which are transmitted through your skin. The crossing over of two or more electric currents cancels parts of electric currents which create a different net current applied to the target tissue.

These low-frequency signals stimulate endorphins, natural painkillers produced by our body. Interferential therapy can treat muscle strains, sprains and spasms.

Many times a physical therapist might use warm moist heat also with the interferential treatment. It involves applying heat to reduce pain and promote healing once swelling has minimized. Heat applied to the affected are attracts blood which is conductor of electricity. More blood in the area create an electrically conducive environment. This enhances the ability of IFC current to stimulate underlying sensory nerves.

Interferential therapy can be used for:

Osteoarthritis, Muscle Reeducation, Acute Edema, Circulatory stimulation and Urinary and Fecal Incontinency.

Although there are many benefits of this therapy, there are some contraindications as well. It can not be applied near heart if the patient has a pacemaker. It can also not be used in pregnant women. Precaustions must be taken before use.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Treating Athletes Using Massage Therapy

Over the past ten years it has become more common to find massage therapists treating athletes using massage therapy. The therapeutic advantage of massage not only eases the pain in sore muscles, but actually strengthens an athlete prior to a game or event. It is not uncommon for professional athletes to have their own personal massage therapist.

There are many different massage therapy techniques used to treat athletes. Many therapists use deep tissue massage to treat athletes who are injured. Deep tissue massage is often used as relief for injured muscles. In order to perform a deep tissue massage a therapist must use either the fingers, thumbs or even the elbows to get into the grain of the muscles. In order to practice a deep tissue massage, a therapist must be thoroughly trained as if not done properly, it can cause additional pain or injury. this type of massage is very effective as it works beneath the surface muscles and is a popular method for relieving not only injuries, but also chronic pain and even inflammation.

To prepare an athlete, a massage therapist will concentrate on the muscles most often used. By using various sports massage therapy techniques, the muscles are relaxed. Being tense will make an injury worse. It is the reason why so many drunk drivers walk away from car accidents while those they hit die. It is because the driver was completely relaxed. The muscles were relaxed. It works the same way with an athlete.

An athlete who goes into a game with muscles that are relaxed and toned is in much better condition to avoid greater injury to those muscles if they are tense. This is why so many athletes use the benefits of massage treatments, such as relaxing spa treatments, prior to sporting events.

A good massage therapist can have a thriving practice in the field of sports medicine if he or she is well versed in treating athletes. They must have complete knowledge of the anatomical structure of the human body and need to know which muscles are most prone to strain and injury. They not only need to know how to relieve the pain from injury, but also to prepare an athlete so that he or she does not get a greater injury. Sports massage techniques include both deep tissue massage and a variety of relaxing massages and stretching techniques. While a physical trainer works with an athlete to improve his or her skills on the field, the therapist works with the body of the athlete to prepare the body for the exertion it will soon endure.

Treating athletes using massage therapy is very common and has been practiced for years. Without the massage techniques performed prior to the game, the athlete may not be able to sustain the beatings that some of their bodies take during a sports competition such as football. This is a growing field and very prosperous for a person who is willing to learn the proper techniques.

5 Top Physical Health Benefits of Relaxing Hot Stone Therapy

"What is in it for me?" Our human nature causes us to ask this question. Ultimately, we are concerned about our own interests. We should certainly be courteous when driving, waiting in line, or chatting on the phone.

However, we ultimately want to know how we will benefit from certain products or services. Hot stone therapy is no different. Is it helpful for therapists to use stones, and hot ones at that? In fact, hot stone massages can provide patients with a wide range of benefits. Here are some of the most significant ones:

1. Revitalizes and relaxes muscles and muscle tissue

Unfortunately, getting a hot stone massage will not give you the physique of the Incredible Hulk. However, it can revitalize muscles that are weak and unused. If you are recovering from an injury, a massage can speed up your recovery, and can improve muscles that have become weakened, due to inactivity.

In addition to reinvigorating your muscles, massages can also provide relief to "trigger points" in your muscles. By relaxing tense muscles in part of the body, you can actually benefit other regions of the body as well.

2. Improves blood circulation

While massages in general can improve your blood circulation, hot stone massages are fantastic at achieving this goal. The reason is that they use heat therapy. The therapist warms the stones to a perfect temperature, which allows them to inflate tiny blood vessels in your body. The result is that your blood circulation quickens.

3. The body releases toxins

Perspiring not only serves as the body's air-conditioner, but also allows the body to release toxins. While we often do not consider skin to be an organ, it is technically the largest organ of the human body! By using heat therapy, such as hot stone massages, the increase of the body's temperature causes perspiration to push toxins out of the skin's pores. This can have a tremendously helpful effect on your overall health, and can even be effective against some sicknesses.

4. Stress-reduction takes place

Stress is a part of everyday life. However, it is important to realize that although we cannot always eliminate the causes of stress, we can indeed change how we deal with it. Stress basically consists of those tense and worrisome feelings we have, due to problems in our lives. Hot stone massages reduce stress by allowing our bodies to relax, and increasing our bodies' blood circulation. The heat therapy from stones creates this effect.

5. Reduces pain

Our bodies sense the world, through tiny objects called sensory receptors. However, our brains tell our sensory receptors "You are feeling pain." Hot stones reduce the signals of pain from the sensory receptors, to the brain. Thus, we feel less pain.

Hot stone massages can provide an array of benefits, including the aforementioned ones. Reducing stress in our lives remains one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle of our hectic modern world. Hot stone massages remain one of the best ways to decrease the stress and increase the rest!

Tilt Tables For Testing And Therapy - Offering Comfort, Strength And Support

A bed that enables you to stand without exerting much pressure on yourself, a bed that protects your back and any part of the body from excessive strain while shifting positions of relaxation from sleeping to standing, this bed is known as a tilt table. Tilt tables are popularly used in several hospitals, physical therapy centers as well as at homes wherever required.

You must have heard of a test known as the tilt table test which doctors use to diagnose patients who have a fainting sickness. Syncope is a condition where a person loses consciousness precisely due to a significant drop in blood pressure. This drop is mostly caused by a change in position, usually from a sitting or sleeping position to a standing one. A tilt table test is extremely helpful in identifying this condition effectively.

The patient sleeps in a relaxed manner on the tilt table which resembles a cozy bed. Velcro safety straps are then fixed firmly and securely on the patient. These do not hurt and are comfortable yet secure enough. The patient is then moved from a sleeping position to a standing position and they then test the blood pressure as well as the heart condition and compare the two to see changes taking place in the body due to this movement.

Movement on the tilt table is comfortable and secure. This is also used in physical therapy where patients suffering from vertebral accidents or injury or pain can experience a change in position at a comfortable level and forms a part of their therapy for improvement. These tables come in various forms and are popularly used in therapy and rehab because they are specifically designed for such purposes and available in the market.

A tilt table is available in both manual as well as electric forms. They are sturdy and strong enough to handle the weight of heavier patients and function without any hindrance. The straps and cushioning varies according to the product and you can choose one with most comfort and strength. Foot pads are also available and standing for longer durations are less of a discomfort if you buy the right one. The price ranges from $1500 to $5000 depending on other features offered as well as quality and purpose of use.

Tilt tables today offer improved comfort, motion and monitoring indicators that allow for a comfortable use as well as productive instruments for therapy. All you need to do is choose the right one suited to your particular requirements.

The Requirements to Teach Physical Education - PE Teacher Requirements

The requirements to teach Physical Education in the United States are, first and foremost, an accomplished four years bachelor degree in athletic training and physical education, or something equivalent. You must also be physically fit and able to demonstrate application of theories. A background of athletic sports is an advantage and good communication skills are essential. A Physical Education teacher is responsible for ensuring physical fitness and health in the curriculum by exercise, sports, and other activities. One is not merely a gym supervisor but also knowledgeable in nutrition. Not only are PE teachers responsible for physical activities, but also for teaching health and nutrition in a classroom setting.

There are a variety of degree options that an aspiring PE Teacher can choose from including BS in Heath Science, BS in Health and Wellness, Master of Public Heath, Master of Healthcare Administration, and more. Some courses you might see in college are Physical Education Theory, Theories of Sport Pedagogy, Team Sports, Individual Sports, General Teaching Methods, Human Development and Physical Education Classes for the Physically Impaired.

The salaries for PE teachers are on par with other teacher with salary averages ranging from $33,000 to $51,000 per year. But this will highly depend on the state where you will be teaching. For example, according to the Indiana University website, the annual average income of a Physical Education teacher at a middle school level is at around $24,700 with health-care and retirement benefits.

Physical education subjects do not demand an excessive amount of physical work anymore. Rather, the goal of the PE department should be to promote physical fitness and help students commit to a lifelong healthy habits and activities. Teaching PE also involves coaching, physical therapy, personal training and professional athletics. Furthermore, medical and health related professions may also be accepted. Another abstract that is highly recommended by schools is staying fit. This is to inspire students to stay healthy by making a role model for them. Sports are also other examples of expanded horizons for a Physical Education teacher. As a PE teacher you might be expected to be capable of training and working with student team athletes on different strategic approaches. The PE teacher is also often looked to be involved as a coach in sports they specialize in. Physical education teachers are responsible for not only the PE subject alone but also the overall athletic physical fitness elements in a school's curriculum.

A good and qualified Physical Education teacher, coach, or instructor must always be an advocate of health both inside and out. This includes hygiene, general heath, exercising, nutrition, and more. Not only should the student see a PE teacher as a healthy model, but also someone who is sincerely devoted and committed to holistic health. These professionals extend their knowledge and apply their wisdom outside the boundaries of gym exercises and protein shakes. They must inspire and encourage their students to stay healthy and commit to changes that will allow then to live healthy and active lives.

Hilot - Effective Filipino Massage Therapy

Hilot is a popular massage method that originated in the Philippines which is commonly used in its provinces. It uses traditional Filipino herbal medicines and ointments as a part of the healing practice.

This type of massage therapy was the only source of medical care for the Filipinos many centuries ago. Even today, in the rural areas of the Philippines, hilot is still used by many people especially the poor people who have no money in getting their sick loved ones to the hospital for treatment.

Hilot is a combination of many types of medical care from healing, setting the bones in place, and delivering babies from pregnant women on rural areas. Most massage therapists are known as "manghihilot" which almost all of them are fond of using herbs and ointments during the massage therapy.

Like most Asian style of massage therapy, Hilot focuses its healing ability by clearing the energy pathways all over the patient's body which is believed to be responsible in providing a healthy condition to the human body. Most of the massage therapists that are good in this method can sense what is wrong with the patient's body by looking at him or her. Hilot, unlike most massage therapy needs communication from both parties as the massage therapist works on the patient's body. This type of massage therapy is a light therapeutic massage that can relax and comfort the patient's body.

During a massage therapy session, the massage therapist asks the patient to lie down on a massage table or bed and remove the upper clothing as he or she starts working at the back part of the patient. Heated banana leaves and other herbal leaves are used and placed on the different areas of the patient's body to help him relax which is similar to the use of hot stones. Herbal ointments are then applied on the back part of the body as a lubricant for better maneuvering of the hands for the different massage strokes. Pressure then is applied as the massage therapist works in relieving back pain and removing stress out of the patient's body. In case the patient experiences painful strokes or too much pressure applied by the massage therapist, he or she should let the massage therapist know how he or she is feeling so that the therapist can adjust and reduce the pressure and effort being used on the patient.

Hilot is a deep tissue massage which is a type of massage commonly used by athletes or individuals that works hard or has stressful jobs. This type of massage therapy relaxes and energizes the body in order to work properly and at its best. The deep tissue massage releases tension on the muscle which calms it and prevents body stiffening that often results as stress on the patient's physical condition. Unlike most massage therapy though, hilot doesn't follow a pattern during a massage therapy session, instead the massage therapist bases his or her work on the treatment needs of the patient. Hilot is an effective method of relieving body pain and other types of sickness.

Acupuncture For MDs - Programs of Study

Today, there are advanced educational programs and continuing education courses in acupuncture for MDs. A variety of practicing physicians may choose to enroll in any number of these acupuncture for MDs training courses to further the scope of available healthcare services or to simply enhance treatment options to patients.

Medical healthcare givers and chiropractic doctors who participate in specialized training (in acupuncture for MDs) acquire a solid foundation of medical acupuncture skills. In addition, acupuncture for MDs course is specifically designed to combine both Eastern and Western medicine and healthcare principles to better evaluate and treat patients both conventionally and complementary.

Potential candidates will have already earned a doctorate level degree from an accredited medical university or school, and have the opportunity to learn classical Chinese medicine techniques and methods through intensive training. Acupuncture for MDs programs emphasize Neuro-anatomical relationships to pain and the applicable affects of acupuncture.

Further studies in acupuncture for MDs courses entail instruction to close the gap between the science of acupuncture and its practical application. Physicians, chiropractors and other licensed healthcare practitioners who have successfully completed training in acupuncture for MDs program will be able to effectively integrate therapies, diagnosis and other associated acupuncture techniques and theories into clinical practices. For example, Acupuncture for MDs programs can be beneficial to physicians that offer healthcare services in pain management, orthopedic conditions, rehabilitation and physical therapy, and other chronic health disorders and diseases.

Depending on the acupuncture school or college in which professionals choose to participate, a number of acupuncture for MDs courses can be taken online as part of an overall continuing education or specialty program. In addition, acupuncture for MDs curricula is course-intensive; often requiring prerequisites of a medical license and degree transcripts from an accredited university or other post-graduate institute. Programs in this field of study frequently exceed over 500 hours of classroom and clinical training.

If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding training in acupuncture for MDs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Many Benefits Of Hot Stone Massage Therapies

Massaging with hot stones is not by any means a new modality. It has been around and in use for many centuries by many different cultures. I am often asked "who used them first" or "where did this technique originate?" I never know where to begin to explain the history behind this wonderful healing art. North American Native Indians used them. They were used in South America, Africa, Europe, Egypt, Japan and India. There is written history confirming that more than 2000 years ago the Chinese used heated stones as a means to improve the function of internal organs. Ancient Greek and Roman cultures which date back to 27 B.C. have a recorded history of using hot stones for massage and bodywork.

Hot-stone massage was re-introduced in the United States in 1993 in Arizona by massage therapist Mary Nelson. Her invention of La Stone Therapy technique caught on and today, there are many styles and techniques of using hot stones during a massage treatment session. Hot rocks are used for full body, deep tissue specific work, facials, pedicures, manicures, meridian therapy, reiki, polarity therapy and even cranial sacral work.

When performed correctly, a hot-stone massage session is one of the most relaxing and rejuvenating experiences a person can receive. The stones have incredible energy. Hot rocks protocols enhance the benefits of a regular massage. The effects hot rocks have on the body are sedative which can relieve chronic pain, reduce stress and promote deep relaxation. There are many other valid reasons to receive a hot stone massage:

  • Decrease back pain and muscle spasms

  • Improve poor circulation

  • Relief from osteoarthritis and arthritis pain

  • Decrease stress, anxiety and tension

  • Help with insomnia and sleeping disorders

  • Decrease depression

  • Relief from fibromyalgia

  • Increase flexibility in joints, improving mobility and movement

  • Relief from strained and contracted muscles

Can you remember the last time that nothing in your body was causing pain?

I received my first hot stone massage when I was three-quarters of the way through massage school in 2005. At the time, I was working full-time during the day at a very high-stress medical facility in the accounting department, going to massage school in the evenings five days a week, and emotionally stressed from coping with surviving a divorce. To say the least, I was physically exhausted and very much in need of some TLC and R&R at the close of the third term in massage school.

A student friend gifted to me a La Stone Massage session. Afterward, as I was sitting with a cool glass of mineral water (and one tiny square of dark chocolate), I felt floaty, loopy..... "stoned" (pun intended). My body felt like a strand of cooked spaghetti. I found myself trying to count the little holes in the ceiling tiles! It was a revelation and an "ah-ha!" moment for me when I realized or rather became consciously aware that never, in my entire adult life had I been pain-free like this. It felt good. I decided then that my first CEU's when I graduated from massage school was to learn how to perform this modality so that I could share with the world how wonderful it is to feel this good without the use of a pharmaceutical drug.

Hot stone massage restores the body. The mind, at first, has a bit of a confusing time with what to do with a pain-free status throughout the body but does eventually recognize and welcome this homeostasis. This in turn lifts the spirits to new heights. There is so much room for happiness when all that pain gets massaged out-of-the-way! Feeling fabulous like this can turn anyone into a hot stone massage junkie.

The Difference Between Athletic Therapists and Physiotherapists

Physiotherapists, the Athletic Therapist, and Their Differences

In the healthcare profession, there are many specialties and expertise. In the field of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular science, physiotherapists are considered as one of the highly skilled technicians in this area. Physiotherapy, otherwise known as physical therapy, specializes in the study of the musculoskeletal system. Disorders found in the muscles, bones, joints, and other parts of the body that causes physical disabilities and movements are the main focus of physiotherapy.

There are many types of physical therapy, and athletic therapy is definitely one of them. While most physiotherapists focus on a wide variety of clients, from post-surgery patients to individuals with lifelong disabilities, athletic therapists mainly specialize in the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of people who suffer from sports related injuries. The bulk of an athletic therapist's list of clients is mostly individuals with a rather active lifestyle, as well as professional athletes.

Unlike physiotherapists that employ a wide range of treatments depending on what is appropriate for their patients, athletic physical therapists normally have targeted treatment programs specially developed for specific types of injuries that were sustained from various activities, whether it's sports related, occupation related, injuries incurred in an accident, while doing recreational activities, or even injuries acquired while doing day-to-day stuff.

Even if it's just an ankle sprain that has rendered you unable to walk properly, an athletic physiotherapist can make you an accurate treatment program to help your ankle recover quickly and healthily. He may even provide you with some tips to minimize the risk of that injury from happening again. But don't get me wrong, general physical therapists can treat such types of injuries as well. It's just that these types of injuries are the main cuisine of sports therapists, so to speak.

One major difference between a physiotherapist and an athletic therapist is the fact that sports therapy is mainly based on a sports medicine standard of treatment and rehabilitation, unlike physiotherapy where the study of neurological and cardiovascular rehabilitation are key factors. However, physiotherapists and athletic therapists often work hand in hand, along with other healthcare professionals, to achieve a mutual goal, which is to get the best results and the speedy and healthy recovery of the patient, or client.

As far as education is concerned, physiotherapy is normally a general practice as it covers a variety of healthcare aspects such as geriatrics, pediatrics, cardiac and respiratory care, as well as musculoskeletal and neurological injuries. It is upon graduation that most physiotherapists tend to go on their separate ways as they pick and choose the specialties they one to focus on. Only then will they be able to develop their sports therapy skills through various professional development courses and experiences.

If you were to venture into the field of athletic therapy, the scope of your practice would include the immediate care, rehabilitation and reconditioning of musculoskeletal injuries. But you don't just treat injuries; you are responsible as well for the prevention of such injuries, especially when it comes to your highly active clients. Keep in mind that a person does not have to be a professional athlete to incur sports related injuries.

Whether you are a general physiotherapy practitioner or one of the hardworking sports or athletic physiotherapists, what's important is that you do your work and you do it well in order to help others get back to their old selves, or in order to inspire them to restore confidence in themselves.