Saturday, January 4, 2014

Physical Therapy Majors

Students, who major in Physical Therapy can look forward to a bright future when they start practicing in their chosen profession since Physical therapy is considered to be one of the fastest growing professions in the United States. There has been a lot of growth in the profession since its inception during the end of World War I and with an abundance of employment opportunities along with lucrative starting salaries, a major in Physical Therapy is well worth the investment.

The main role of a physical therapist is that of rehabilitation. Therapists work with physicians and other therapists to rehabilitate people with injuries, those with impairments and those afflicted with diseases to improve motor functions, stimulate muscles and relieve pain. Many therapists focus on rehabilitation following injury although there are Board-certified specializations available in various areas like sports-related physical therapy, pediatrics and orthopedics.

Physical therapists are trained to rehabilitate people through a variety of mediums. They may use heat, electricity, cold, sound and water during treatment sessions depending on the patient's problems. After the clinic session, they prescribe exercise schedules to help condition and strengthen the problem areas to allow for continuous healing in between clinic visits.

Part of a therapist's training includes mastering and passing a national, standardized test before they can get out there and try to establish a practice. In order to practice, a therapist may also need a master's degree or an advanced degree that is beyond a bachelor's degree. Therefore, majoring in PT will definitely require you to stay longer in school.

A master's degree in PT takes at least six years to complete. The programs are split into two parts. The first part consists of a traditional undergraduate program that takes 3-4 years to complete. The second part consists of the Physical Therapy graduate program, which takes three years to complete and includes participating and completing practicum training, which is where you will receive a lot of your first-time exposure to the actual practice of PT.

The training you receive as a Physical Therapy major may take a little more longer than the other degree programs being offered today, however, the resulting career you can build can be extremely rewarding, not just compensation-wise, but also profession-wise.

Popular Services Offered by Massage Therapy Health Centers

Many massage therapy health centers offer numerous services to accommodate the growing demand of their clients. Aside from offering the usual massage services, many health and wellness centers are now expanding their services to attract more clients. This is also one way to keep regular clients from going to other centers.

Aside from massage, what are other popular services offered by massage therapy health centers? What make them the ideal place to relax, unwind, and reenergize? Here are the popular services these centers often have in common:

Massage therapy
What is a massage therapy health center without offering massages? This is their primary service that is available in different ways and techniques. Massage therapy is a very effective way of relieving stress and aids the circulation of blood in the body at the same time. It is recommended for patients suffering from arthritis and those who are under therapy.

Skin care treatments
Many massages health centers also offer services for your skincare needs. A qualified dermatologist is readily available to assist you and give you the proper treatment for your skin. Facials, peeling, waxing, and bleaching are some of the most common treatments.

Body spa treatments
Body spa treatments are also an added feature to most massage therapy health centers. Most health centers offer unique styles for their body spa treatments. You can have a body scrub in a forest setting or even enjoy having your whole body moisturized by expert hands with scented candles all around the room. For a more romantic and relaxing feel, you and your partner can avail of these treatments together.

This added service for massage therapy health is a methodical massage that's very beneficial to your body. Reflexology focuses in stimulating the reflexes of the hands and feet that relate to a specific area in your body. In just a short reflexology session, you will feel more relaxed and relieved of your body pain.

Many massages health centers now provide this type of service. Acupuncture is originated in Asia and is now widely practiced in many parts of the world. Acupuncture is a very complicated yet effective process that must be performed by a qualified professional. That is why massage therapy health centers offer it to clients.

Sauna is common in many massages health centers that cater to individuals who want to shed those extra pounds easily and instantly. This type of service is available in two modes. One is the public sauna wherein a space is provided for customers who want to try it and the other is a private sauna for those who want a more peaceful ambiance. The sauna is also effective in keeping the skin moisturized and young looking.

Massage therapy health centers offer services that help promote wellness and better health. The services they offer are all designed to benefit the human body. Further, they only hire experienced professionals to deliver their services. There are many spas and wellness centers today that all you have to do is visit them and see which ones appeal to you most.

Build Your Massage Practice Faster With Essential Rebooking and Referral Skills - Skill No 1

Key Rebooking Skill No. 1: Meeting client expectations

No matter how successful our marketing and advertising is at getting new clients through the door, we just aren't making the most of all the time, money and effort we spend on these promotional activities if these new clients don't rebook with us, and refer new clients to us as well.

A key rebooking skill is managing client expectations. If we can successfully do this we are much more likely to end up with a highly satisfied client who will want to rebook with us, and send us referrals too.

Client expectations can be broadly broken down into these 4 categories:

  • the entire massage appointment 'experience'

  • the hands-on treatment

  • how they will feel immediately after the treatment (short term)

  • how they will feel the next day, and beyond (medium and long term)

These expectations are largely based on a clients' previous massage experiences or, if it's their first massage, what they've heard or been told, or images they've seen of massage. What we are dealing with here are clients beliefs and assumptions, such as "no pain, no gain", or "a 30 minute appointment means 30 minutes on the massage table", or "if she's any good she can fix it in one session".

It can often be the case that we're being compared with other therapists that the client has seen in the past. These therapists may well work very differently to us. It's human nature to think that what is familiar to us is 'right', so if we then experience something different, it's easy to label it as 'wrong'.

There are many ways of giving an effective massage, and part of our job is to educate the client about this. It's important that we don't dismiss their previous experiences, or label what other therapists do as 'wrong' - diplomacy and professionalism at all times are essential. Finding out as much as possible about a client's previous massage experiences will help us enormously here, as well as explaining to the client how we ourselves work - and why.

Another crucial factor in meeting client expectations is to find out exactly why they have booked the appointment, and what their expectations are for the outcome of the session. Discussing and agreeing a treatment plan, including which body parts will be worked on, and even for how long, will ensure that the client isn't disappointed, for example, not to get their usual face massage, or help them to understand that the best approach for their shoulder pain is to focus entirely on the problem area(s).

We need to be constantly alert for any signals (obvious or subtle) that the client is in any way uncomfortable, uncertain, or unhappy. Trust your instincts and remember that, even when asked, clients are quite likely to say that they perfectly happy whilst actually feeling quite the opposite.

Expert communication coupled with client education will help you meet - and manage - client expectations and satisfied clients means increased re-bookings and referrals.

Massage Therapy Benefits Research

Whether it is to get that moment of relaxation or to retain relief from that aching pain, there are many wonderful benefits of this type of therapy. Massage therapy is something that people of all ages can enjoy and benefit from. It relieves the injured, the ill or stressed and those who just want to enjoy a nice relaxing massage.

If given by a professional, it can be a very pleasurable experience which reduces the stress and tension in ones body. It may calm an individual's nerves allowing them to clear their minds. A study has shown that after medical students in New Jersey were massaged before an exam, there was a decrease in their anxiety and it also stabilized respiratory levels. In general it improves your mood whether people are sad, angry or depressed. Another study showed that women who have suffered the recent death of their child were less depressed after receiving a massage.

In addition, it has been discovered that this therapy also encourages our metabolism. A study concluded that office workers who were massaged were more alert and ready for action at work, compared to those who were not massaged. By reducing spasms, tension and cramping is also helped those who play sports, making players play more effectively lowering the risk of one of the injuries stated above during a game. By receiving a massage, we also improve the efficiency of our movements leaving us less stiff and creating sufficient blood flow complimenting the actions of the heart.

This will lead to increased stimulation to the lungs and other parts of the body, while nutrition distribution takes place to the body.

Whether it's just to benefit one of your major systems, reach relaxation and peace of mind or to help our bodies heal a lot faster massage therapy works. There are many benefits of massage therapy so why not enjoy some of them, today?

How to Become a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario

If one desires to become a Registered Massage Therapist in Ontario, Canada, one must complete twenty hundred hours of coursework in an educational setting. However, unlike the United States, Canadian provinces allow massage therapists to work across various provinces as long as one completes a secondary online training course in relation to such provincial requirements. Therefore, one may want to attend schooling in the area in which one lives and works, followed by additional training in other provinces as required.

As such, a new organization which identifies as the National Massage Therapy Alliance has replaced the old Canadian Massage Therapist Alliance. An alliance which requires that each therapist complete training through an affiliated training program in the province in which one intends to do such business. In addition, each therapist must be a successful graduate from a curriculum which is recognized by the province in which one has attended school.

As most individuals who have ever had a massage know, there are many different styles of massage. In Canada, the Massage Therapy Association of Canada requires that individuals complete training through one of a number of programs in various styles of massage. As all coursework in Canada is specialized, one must complete with regards to each style of massage to provide services in that specialization. After which, once licensed one can provide services in each area in which one is registered by the Massage Therapy Association.

Such coursework can be obtained through one of a variety of programs offering training in body work, reiki, craniosacral therapy, reflexology, shiatsu and therapeutic touch. So, one may want to research which style of body work one is most interested in providing. Although, as there are many areas of specialized massage therapy, once registered most individuals continue training in other areas in order to provide a combination of services at some point in their career.

For, although massage therapy can be an excellent field, one must complete many hours of coursework to become a registered massage therapist. For example, in Ontario, the requirement is twenty two hundred hours of coursework, followed by continuing education before one can become registered. This is to help prevent individuals from working without a license and running the risk of a lawsuit against the organization with which one is registered.

Effective April 1, 2009, the Canadian First Ministers have now agreed that regulated professions must be able to work in all provinces. So, if one is a massage therapist in one area, those in good standing can now establish oneself in Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador. However, one must be registered in at least on Canadian province in order to do so. Therefore, one may become registered in each province upon completion of an online standards and regulations course developed and presented by the College Of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

So, if one is desiring to become registered in Ontario and is already registered in another province one can find the application for such training on the college website. In addition, once one is registered, one must also continue to complete coursework throughout their career and have no grievances with clients in order to stay in good standing.

With regards to costs, massage school, while not as expensive as in the United States, is not cheap. This is because massage therapy is self-regulated. In addition, it is a self-supporting career in which one generally finds their own clients with which to work in such fashion. However, the government only allows funding for fees of public council members. Therefore, the college attempts to keep fees for attending such programs as low as possible in comparison to other schools.

In addition, one may want to attend a school which operates on a non-profit basis as fees range from $500 to $700. Whereas, in the neighboring United States, one can spend a great deal more money on such training. Therefore, it is a great profession for individuals living in Canada.

To this end, if one desires to become a registered massage therapist in Canada, there are many options for doing so with regards to training. However, although one can work across provinces, one may want to specialize in s specific area of training then add on to such training at a later date. For, in doing so, one can earn the money through a massage practice in one style of massage in order to pay for training in order to build skills in other styles over time. Regardless, no matter which style of massage one decides to provide, one is providing a service which allow individuals to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle by offering a service which heals and relaxes body, mind and soul.

Top 10 Complaints About Massage Therapists

Are you a massage therapist who's new or old in your practice and wanting to increase your client base? Many therapists may be unaware of certain things they're doing to sabotage their massage practice. If you find that some of these complaints apply to you, take it as a learning experience and make behavioral modifications. This will benefit both you and your clients and help to improve the professional image of massage therapy as a viable wellness practice.

1. Massage therapist who don't return phone calls. If you take too much time returning calls, chances are that the potential client will find someone else to take care of them. This can also happen with regular massage clients. If you think you are the only massage therapist out there for your clients, think again. If you keep them waiting too long, you'll be one client short.

2. Routine massages are boring and they make you boring. People know when you have a routine and its boring. They know you're bored and they will also be bored. People are smart and they know when you're interested in what you're doing. Make each massage unique to that particular client and their needs.

3. Don't forget their needs and or special requests. When someone says they have pain, ask them when, where and why. Ask them how much time they want on a particular area and give it to them. When you take care of people and they feel better, they will recommend you to others if they're willing to share you!

4. Unpleasant body odor is a big turn off. Seriously folks, you are working close to people so please smell fresh and clean. Keep your breath fresh and wear deodorant. Smokers, sorry but non-smokers would rather not smell your smoke break. Please wait until after work to have a smoke. No joke, this really upsets people. They may not say anything, they just won't return no matter how good the massage was.

5. Please be on time for your clients. Whether you're meeting at an office or going on-location it's important to be on time. Sometimes other clients will run late but let them know in advance that its important to begin on time so that the rest of your appointments will also be on time. You need to practice good time management and be clear on time tables. Let them know that if they are late, you still have to end on time. It's unprofessional to be chronically late to appointments. Traffic is not a good excuse, it shows you didn't plan well in advance.

6. Who doesn't dread a Chatty Kathy? Everyone relaxes in a different way. Some people sleep and some people talk during massage. Follow their lead but be sure to let them lead or dominate the conversation. Don't talk their head off. Remember that this is their massage and not true confessions!

7. Ouch, that's too much pressure. I can't remember how many people have told me about massages that left them bruised. Since the training requirements are so different from place to place, there's different views on how much is too much pressure. Listen to your client. If they say "Uncle" its time to ease up.

8. Wimpy massage is a bummer. If your client keeps asking you to go deeper and you can't, it may be time to lower your massage table. Having your table lower will require less power from your hands as you can lean in with your whole body. Your clients will be amazed at how strong you are and you'll save your hands.

9. Sharing personal problems is inappropriate. Nobody wants their massage to turn into a session of Dear Abby. If your client is conversing with you during massage, please keep the conversation light and geared towards them. If they ask questions about you, keep it brief, general and remember to turn the conversation back to them.

10. Making inappropriate comments make your massage clients uncomfortable. Sometimes you see something on someone's skin that may be a concern. But be careful not to make the client embarrassed or stressed during the massage, it sort of defeats the purpose. If you see a mole or something that you think should be brought to the client's attention, why not wait until after the massage and ask the client if they have someone to keep on eye on it? Also, when working on people of the opposite sex, certain comments can be easily misconstrued so be sure to avoid sending the wrong message to the person on your massage table.

If you're wondering why your clients are not coming back for more, one of these top complaints could be the culprit. Think about how your clients see you through their eyes. This is a great exercise in self-examination and a wonderful tool for personal/professional growth in your massage practice.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Massage for Your Teen

If you started to massage your teen as a child, you can continue to do so as long as you both are comfortable with it. If you have never massaged your child, your teen may prefer you taking him or her to a certified massage therapist. (With teens who have never been given a massage as a child, this is pretty much a guarantee.)

Your teen has a lot of stress in his or her life. He/she is busy with school and homework, may be into sports or other after school curricular activities, hold a job, help around the house, etc. He or she may be worried about getting his/her driver's license. Learning how to drive and knowing you could fail your driver's test is a huge stress maker!

Your teen can benefit from massages. It is a good idea to set three to five times a week aside to give your teenager a massage. You can have the massages be as little as fifteen minutes if you so choose.

Find a comfortable and quiet place to perform the massage on your teen. Make this your special quiet time together. You may use essential oils to give the best massage as possible. Plus, the oils will seep into the skin helping your teen benefit even more.

When you give your child the gift of a routine massage you are benefiting his/her health not only mentally but physically as well. When your child is under stress, the stress hormones kick in making it hard for the body to stay healthy. Your child may become sick as the good cells are being taken over and making your child ill.

Your child will be able to focus on schoolwork, his/her job, homework, etc., when he/she is relaxed. You may see your child's grades improve after you start to give him/her a massage a few times per week.

You may decide to give your child a sports massage, deep tissue massage, Trager massage, hot stone massage, etc.

The hot stone massage is extremely relaxing. Specific hot stones are used for different key parts of the body. The hot stones are made out of basalt which is a rock that is rich in iron. Due to the iron, the hot stones retain heat. Since the hot stones are so smooth due to being smoothed over by the river's current, you can also take the hot stones and use them to massage parts of your teen's body during massage time.

To heat the stones you will need to immerse them in water. You will then heat the stones in an electric heating device. Once your teen's muscles are very relaxed, you can apply much deeper pressure if your teen needs it. Your teen will benefit from the warmth of the hot stones as they will improve his or her circulation and calm his/her nervous system.

Have peace of mind knowing you are helping your child in a loving and caring manner. You will feel very proud when your child is a happier and healthier person.

Can't Sleep? Is Your Body Trying To Tell You Something?

It can be extremely frustrating when a person cannot get to sleep at night. Instead of brushing it off, it is important to recognize that this can be a problem with serious roots. Here is a look at different types of insomnia and ways that massage therapy can relieve the condition.

Transient Insomnia. This kind of sleeplessness will last for less than a week. It is the least devastating form, since it will go away on its own in a short amount of time. It is often caused by different situations that a person is experiencing for the moment. These situations can include common aches and pains, diseases, sleeping in a new environment, or jet lag.

Acute Insomnia. This kind of sleeplessness will last for a month or less. The cause of this type of insomnia can be both physical or psychological. Stress, medication, or withdrawal from alcohol, nicotine, or caffeine may be to blame.

Chronic Insomnia. This kind of insomnia lasts for an extended period of time longer than one month. Long time sleep deprivation can have devastating effects on the mind and body. A person may experience hallucinations or double vision. Chronic insomnia can be caused by depression, anxiety, or another psychological condition.

Benefits Of Massage Therapy On Insomnia

Relieves tension buildup. Massaging the muscles will get rid of the tightness that accumulates over time.

Decreases stress and anxiety. Massage has a way of relaxing the body. Massage can lower the heart rate, cortisol levels, and levels of insulin. It also raises endorphins in the body which makes a person feel better. The lower the levels of stress that a person experiences, the less likely they are to suffer from insomnia.

Relaxes Muscles. Rubbing the muscles will loosen the built up. When the body is more relaxed, it is more likely to sleep better.

Improves blood flow. Massage heightens the circulation in the body. It can lower blood pressure, heighten metabolic waste, and increase nutrition to tissues. Proper circulation assures that the correct amount of oxygen will be delivered to all body parts. This will help a person sleep better.

Reduces fatigue. Massage can relax the body and lower the amount of fatigue that a person is feeling. Being tired without the ability to get to sleep can be alleviated with a good massage.

Insomnia can seem endless as a person lies wide awake, even though they are tired. Instead of turning to medication that can bring negative side effects, it may be better to try massage therapy. Massage relieves tension and stress and also has other health benefits. After practicing massage therapy, a person may be able to escape the sleepless nights and finally get a good night's rest.

What Is the Difference Between a Massage Therapist and a Bodyworker

The difference between a massage therapist and body worker are distinctive yet not mutually exclusive since they both are body focused for relief of pain and stress while restoring and revitalizing strength and energy. The different benefits of each approach are apparent in their intent and result of intervention. A massage therapist works on the physical body with Western medical and physical therapeutic training. While the bodyworker works on the mind, body and spirit as one entity with Chinese and Easter medicine philosophy (practice of acupuncture, acupressure, herbs and hot and cold items).

The bodyworker is trained in the delicate techniques of touch with the added influence of pressure that comes from centuries of ancient Chinese medical training in manipulative application of needles, physical pressure, natural herbs, hot stones and ice or cold items to relive, restore and revitalize the energy field of an individual person (known as the "Oi"). The major theory behind the bodyworker's practice is to provide balance and restorative power so that one gains vitality and maintains equilibrium of good health. The belief is that if a person has regular intervals of bodywork, they will arrest chronic aches and pains caused by stress, illness or disease and have a healthy "Oi," and thrive on positive health.

In the alternative, a massage therapist has the goal of providing a form of tension relief, soothing of muscular and joint discomfort that is calming and supportive of overall restfulness and fitness. It does not propose to be a health remedy. A massage therapist manipulates soft tissues, massages and pressurizes the skin to varying degrees. It goes through a range of levels of application of pressure for specific effects. A light massage stimulates blood circulation and loosens muscular tension, while more intense therapeutic applications serve to provide deep tissue massage and vigorous muscle stimulation. Massage therapists can also apply hot stones, oils and other items in the process of massage.

In addition, a massage therapist provides the manipulation that many find very relaxing to relieve daily stress and anxiety. They also provide the manipulation that sufferers from arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain and chronic pain disorders, injuries due to accidents, sports and illness, headaches, sinus misery, depression, hypertension, immune disorders and more find relieving.

In conclusion, the similarities of a massage therapist and bodyworker are that both provide physical touch, pressure and applications for relief, relaxation and health related, self care purposes. The main focus of a massage therapist is to provide release of tension, decrease soreness, relieve pain and elevate feelings of fitness, reduce some mental and immune disorders as well. While a bodyworker focuses on obtaining and maintaining optimal health, restoration from aches, pain, illness and symptoms of disease. Areas of practice tend to determine the requirements, credentials and training required for practice of each of these disciplines. The bodyworker is trained in ancient traditional methods for wellness maintenance and health related remedies.

'Massage Therapy Success' Review - Is it an Essential Guide For Your Massage Business Plan?

This is a review of "Massage Therapy Success", the product by Amy Roberts designed to help the aspiring massage therapist wanting to run their own successful massage therapy business. Amy's promise is to teach you "how to get more clients and keep them coming back for the life time of your massage career".

My first comment is that her course is extremely thorough. The complete package is made up of 4 manuals, which can be purchased separately but of course you get the best value by getting them as a package. And, quite frankly, for anyone serious about getting their own massage business off the ground, or getting their existing business growing to the next level, this is ALL essential knowledge.  

Here's a run down of each book:  

Book 1 - Ignite Your Massage Therapy Business .

  • This is the 'nuts and bolts', over 100 pages of vital information

  • Mindset for Success

  • Creating your Business Vision

  • Preparing for Success

  • Marketing Secrets

  • Providing Exceptional Customer Service

  • Optimizing your Energy

Book 2 - Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists  

Over 100 pages of every marketing strategy you could think of to get your massage therapy business off to a flying start or take it to the next level. This information can SIGNIFICANTLY increase your clientele when used with Amy's marketing techniques. Includes information on:  

  • All kinds of networking and advertising

  • Brochures, flyers, leaflets

  • Newspaper advertising and editorials

  • Telephone marketing

  • Internet marketing

  • Massage business cards

  • Word of mouth and referrals

  • Shows and exhibitions

  • And much more

Book 3 - How to Write Advertising for your Massage Therapy Business  

This is like 'Part Two' of Marketing Secrets for Massage Therapists. This book shows you how to optimize everything you learned from the last book, and to significantly increase the results from all your marketing efforts. VERY powerful stuff. 

I was very impressed with the depth of this information. Close to another 100 pages.  

Book 4 - Understanding your Client  

Let's face it, when you have your own successful massage therapy business you are not just in the massage business, even more so you are in the 'relationship' business. This is a recurring theme in Amy's teaching.  

Building relationships with your clients leads to repeat business, referred business and increased business. To do this successfully you must understand your client, it is a foundational cornerstone to your business, and Amy has a real gift for getting that across and showing you exactly how to do it.   

Extremely valuable information. Close to another 100 pages.   


I have read other resources that don't cover a fraction of what Amy covers in her books in this package. I have to say I think she has done an exceptional job and her expertise really shines through, so I would definitely describe Massage Therapy Success as an essential part of any budding entrepreneurs Massage Business Plan.  

If you are serious about taking your massage therapy business to the next level I am certain Amy's information will be a massive help for you to take it there. I know if I had this information when I was starting out it would have saved me many many months of struggling and frustration.  

Of course it all comes with a 60 day money back guarantee which is nice to know too. Exceptional value, two thumbs up from me.

The Benefits of Swedish Massage

Did you know that a Swedish massage treatment can actually alleviate physical and emotional stress? It is quite true, you know. In fact, the Swedish massage is usually employed as part of stress management therapies. Just how can this particular massage help an individual?

Well, for starters, Swedish massage actually refers to the various styles of muscle relaxation. It is characterized by applying firm but gentle pressure on the upper muscles press against the deeper muscles and bones. It was become one of the most popular massage therapies that individuals who are interested of learning can actually attend massage therapy schooling and specialize in this technique.

This therapy primarily uses six essential movements. The first includes long gliding strokes on the surface of the body using the palms, thumbs, and fingertips. The second includes kneading movements, of course using the palms, thumbs, and fingertips. The third includes circular pressure movements to awaken sleeping nerves. The fourth includes oscillatory movements that shake or vibrate the body. The fifth includes brisk hacking or tapping. The sixth includes bending and stretching of the arms, wrists, and legs.

This skill and knowledge of which part of the body should be massaged in a certain way and to which direction should the strokes move toward may be learned from attending massage therapy schooling. The main purpose of this therapy is to loosen tight muscles, relieve muscle tissues of accumulated toxins, as well as to increase oxygen flow all over the body.

Swedish massages actually flushes out uric acid, lactic acid, and other metabolic wastes from muscle tissues, thus accelerating muscle strain recovery. Moreover, this massage technique stretches the tendons and ligaments keeping them elastic and flexible. Additionally, the Swedish massage enhances blood circulation without increasing heart load as it soothes the nerves by stimulating the nervous system and the skin glands. All in all, the toxins that pile up in the muscle tissues are loosened and purged out the kneading, stretching, and vibrating motions of the massage.

Because of its efficacy in hastening of one's recovery from certain injuries, ridding the body of toxins, and alleviating physical and emotional stress, Swedish massage became the foundation of several other Western massages including sports massage, deep tissue massage, and even aroma therapy.

Swedish massage therapy is wholly beneficial and is not at all difficult to learn. Not only does this promote improved health and well-being, it also helps in tightening the bond between couples. Doesn't feel great to be receiving a good massage from your wife or husband after a tiring day? And isn't it just as much fun to be giving that same loving person a good massage as well, to relieve him or her of his or her pains and aches? The skills in perfectly doing this massage can be obtained from attending massage therapy schooling.

Physical Therapy Colleges

Among the various physical therapy colleges, why is it that none of them offer marketing education (emphasis on clinical skills and theoretical knowledge instead of real world marketing knowledge).

In today's health care scenario, a physical therapist cannot aim to manage the care of patients or clients without considering their resources, the fees that may be charged for the services provided, and a host of other factors related to the business aspect his or her practice. Skills like leadership, administration, management, and marketing are a crucial part of physical therapy today.

Administration and management skills depict the business side of physical therapist practice. These are necessary for a well-organized PT practice. Leadership is the means through which the physical therapist faces the problems he/she comes up against. Leadership can take many forms and represents the roles that therapists assume to fulfill their professional responsibilities in their chosen practice areas.

All of these skills are important to clinical practice, and should therefore be included in courses taught by physical therapy colleges.

The APTA's Normative Model, which guides the curriculum in physical therapy colleges, lists 5 categories of business and management skills expected of new graduates: direction and supervision of human resources, participation in financial management, establishment of a business plan, participation in marketing and public relations, and use of other business strategies in physical therapist management. However, the Normative Model does not specify which specific skills or groups of skills are most critical for newly graduated physical therapists on setting up their practice, nor does it indicate the level of skill or knowledge that should be required. In addition, it is not known whether these 5 suggested content areas are the most appropriate areas that need to be included in the curriculum of physical therapy colleges.

The absence of any clear directions and objectives has made PT colleges churn out students who have the requisite clinical skills required to be a physical therapist but do not have the real world knowledge of how to market their practice. There is essentially a gap between theory and practice in what is taught in physical therapy colleges. Recently graduated physical therapists find them themselves at a loss when it comes to managing aspects like getting more clients, boosting up referrals or marketing their services. Sometimes, physical therapists spend money on marketing plans without understanding whether the marketing strategy will work for them or not.

This is why PT colleges need to offer marketing as part of the curriculum so that the students are ready to face the world when they actually set up their own practice.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Massage Therapy Schools, What To Expect And Watch Our For

Massage therapy schools are proliferating across the country as more and more people decide to become licensed as massage therapists. There are schools in nearly every state, and there are a variety of programs that focus on particular types of massaging, so you can become specialized in certain areas.

Before enrolling in a massage therapy school, it is probably a good idea to do a bit of research into the different types of massaging, so you can decide if you would like to specialize in any one area; then, you can choose your massage therapy school accordingly.

Once you have determined what you want to do, you can begin researching schools in your area. Different factors like tuition prices, length of the program, and the experience of the instructors should come into play.

When choosing a massage therapy school, it is best to look for one that is accredited; that is, those schools whose programs have been evaluated and determined to be teaching the correct methods in a universally acceptable way. Many schools, though, rely on traditional Chinese theories for massage.

In general, when you enroll in massage therapy schools, expect to spend around six to eight months learning and practicing. Of course, there are more lessons to be learned than just the massage techniques, though. You will find that coursework may include basic anatomy classes, techniques for massage, legal requirements and responsibilities, management and finances, and even health and regulatory practices.

These are all in addition to practicum's wherein you will have the opportunity to practice your newly acquired skills. Performing an internship may or may not be required; nonetheless, it is a great idea to shadow a massage therapist who has achieved success to see the techniques in action, in a real-life setting.

Massage therapy schools that are accredited and are regulated by state standards will ensure that you receive a top quality education in your new career path. In those few months that it takes to learn to become a massage therapist, you will acquire skills in everything from pressure points to opening and managing your own spa or salon.

In fact, these business skills can aid you in developing a business plan and marketing methods that will be transferable to your real life, where you can take everything from the classroom and make it work for you. Beyond the business aspect, expect to get some history lessons as well.

Massage therapy schools, particularly the ones that help you specialize in particular methods, will not only instruct you in those methods and techniques, but will also teach you all about their origins and evolvement over time.

Knowing not only what you are doing but how it has been developed and molded over time will make you an expert in your field of expertise. Beyond that, expect to find out everything you need to know about the law and regulatory practices of your state and/or region. This way, massage therapy schools are certain that they teach every possible aspect of massage therapy, including what it takes to have a successful, law-abiding practice.

Jump Start Your Career With Technical School Training

Continuing your education through schooling is always a beneficial decision. Most students use school loans to complete their education, but don't let the idea of getting into debt scare you. Training through a technical school will get you the job that you want sometimes in less than a year of training and will help you develop the skills to succeed. Getting a loan is a small detail within the larger picture of your career. If you are interested in training to work in the medical, business, or design fields, vocational school is still the best option for you to succeed.

Why should people go to technical school over a 4-year college?

  • Lower tuition costs

  • Convenient locations

  • Prepares you for a career that almost guarantees a job out of school

  • Time - in 9 months you can complete a thorough program that teach you just what you need to know

Going to a small, 4-year liberal arts college could cost you $30,000 or more a year. These fees include tuition, room, and board. Many people are not interested in wasting their money on such an expensive education to study something like philosophy or English. What kinds of jobs will those students get to pay back their school loans? Becoming a teacher may be the only option for them and in some areas of the country, a job as a teacher can be difficult to find. It makes much more sense to go to school for training that will directly apply to a future job. There are also career services offered through every school to help you find a job placement after you complete the program.

Students who train to become a dental assistant, a network administrator, or a graphic design specialist at a technical school are far more likely to get secure jobs enabling them to pay back the small amount of school loans they have quickly. The savings on tuition by going to a vocational school means that completing such a program is a much more secure investment. Every technical school has a financial aid office willing to go the extra mile to get you the money you need to go to school. Schools want your business; so don't let fear of not getting a loan keep you from beginning a new career. There is money available for you.

You don't have to pay thousands of dollars a year to live on a campus to go to technical school. Schools that are located near you offer classes at times that are convenient for your current work schedule so that you don't have to rearrange your life to be on campus. You don't need to live there; you don't need to spend money on airfare every time there is a holiday. You can live at home and go to school at the same time.

The length of the programs is also much more appealing than for a university or college. Why go to school for four years only to have an insecure job future when you can spend less than a year preparing for the job you're sure to get right out of school? You don't need to spend years building up debt through school loans. You can go to school quickly, learn the skills you need, and begin working so you can get out of debt more quickly.

Technical schools offer many rewarding career choices. You can study massage therapy and spend your workday interacting with people and helping them to overcome stress and physical debilitations. You can study what it takes graphically and technically to build enticing websites. You can study business administration and become proficient in Office software programs and leadership skills. Whichever field you choose to start a career in, technical schools are the stable educational investments that will pay off in the end. Don't be discouraged about what you hear. Technical schools will help you get the loans you need to continue your education.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Become A Massage Therapist

If you are still thinking about a career to pursue that will not only give you financial and physical rewards but emotional satisfaction as well, then I would recommend that you consider a career in massage therapy. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), massage therapy will grow from its current population of around 124,000 practitioners by 19% more up to the year 2018.

Rewards of Becoming a Massage Therapist

Financial Advantages.
Depending on experience, a massage therapist can command an average rate of $20 to $40 an hour, without tips. For inexperienced therapists, the normal rate is about $9 an hour and as one learns more about the trade, then he or she can increase the rate up to $15 per hour. On the other hand, the more experienced therapists receive about $50 to $70 an hour and of course, the client's expectation is that these pricey therapists are knowledgeable in the various types of massage therapy modalities.

Career Stability.
As mentioned earlier, the BLS says that the massage therapy industry is projected to increase its number of practitioners by 19% up to 2018. This means that the need for massage therapists is there for reasons such as:

- People are becoming more health conscious, thus, there are a lot of vacant positions for therapists
- Doctors now include massage therapy in their treatment plan
- More insurance companies now cover massage therapy in their programs
- Replacement for therapists who left the industry
- Health spas and gyms now have wellness programs that include massage therapy

Improved Lifestyle.
Because it is a very profitable career, therapists claim that their lifestyles have improved since becoming a massage therapist. With their salaries and tips, a lot of them were able to buy their own houses, cars, send children to better schools, and travel with their families.

Emotional Satisfaction through Service to others.
Right now, people seek the services of therapists to help them de-stress and relax especially after a busy day at work. Whether the purpose for seeking massage is for rest purposes or as part of their medical treatment, at the end of the day, what matters is that you were able to help people feel better and comfortable about themselves through the wide-range of massage techniques available.

In addition, knowing that clients were pleased with the way one handled the massage is already enough to make one 100% satisfied and happy being a massage therapist.

Free Massages Among Therapists.
Finally, massage therapists form a deep fellowship that is why they help one another financially and emotionally as well. In addition, they also give free massages among themselves so they also maintain good health and well-being.

So, make up your mind if you intend to work as a therapist. The time is still ripe for you to join the bandwagon and reap the rewards of becoming one.

Physical Therapist Jobs in High Demand in Geriatric Settings

Patients participating in the Medicare program must meet certain criteria before Medicare will reimburse them for services rendered. A component of this criteria that must be met before Medicare will reimburse the patient for their stay in a skilled nursing facility is skilled physical therapy services. When a patient receives the appropriate amount of skilled physical therapy minutes, a portion of their skilled nursing facility stay is reimbursable. The role of the physical therapist is not only vital to the skilled nursing facility, the patient also depends on the therapist to deliver skilled therapy minutes that may qualify them for monetary reimbursement of their stay.

Physical therapy jobs in skilled nursing facilities are needed due to the high number of orthopedic injuries and surgeries. It is very common for hospitals to discharge their post hip replacement surgical patients to skilled nursing facilities. Physical therapy is crucial in the rehabilitation of the orthopedic surgical patient. The physical therapist also places an important role not only in the orthopedic surgical patient, but in the orthopedic medical patient as well.

Patients who have had strokes depend on rehabilitation that only skilled physical therapists can provide. Without proper physical and occupational therapy services, the stroke patient will have a harder time with rehabilitation. These therapist jobs in skilled nursing facilities or skilled nursing homes can also benefit residents that have chronic pain and who experience deconditioning. Deconditioning is often a result of being bed bound for a period of time. By not using the muscles, they can become deconditioned, and therefore will not function at an optimal level.

The physical therapist assists the resident with strengthening exercises that are specific to certain muscle groups. The physical therapist gets job satisfaction by assisting the resident to meet and maintain their goals. The therapist can also visit the discharged nursing home resident at home to make sure they are continuing to meet their therapy goals.

In order to apply for physical therapist jobs in a geriatric setting the applicant must have a four year college degree in physical therapy and be qualified in treating the geriatric patient in terms of their physical therapy needs. After the physical therapist takes and passes their state boards, they will get a license to practice and only then will they have the opportunity to gain employment as a licensed physical therapist in a geriatric or other therapy setting.

In addition to the skilled nursing facility, physical therapist jobs focusing on the geriatric population can be available at rehab facilities, long term health facilities, doctor's offices, hospitals and even in the private home.therapists can choose to work in the home health field of physical therapy which in addition to treating the geriatric patient, can focus on younger adults and pediatric physical therapy as well.

With the aging population growing by leaps and bounds and the advent of complicated orthopedic surgical procedures, physical therapy jobs are more in demand now than they ever have been. The future of the physical therapy job outlook is bright. Statistics show that physical therapy job opportunities are growing by the thousands every year. The job of the therapist is one that is recession proof. As the population continues to age, career opportunities for the skilled physical therapy will continue to grow.

The Facts on Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is most often prescribed for patients with permanent disabilities, recovering from a major injury or accident, or suffering from conditions such as arthritis or lower back pain. Some diseases or conditions can impair patients to a degree that a physical therapist must teach the patient to function with the limitations of the condition. Under the guidance of a therapist, patients can regain a major share of their mobility, achieve flexibility, and acquire balance and coordination. At its very core, physical therapy can help significant improve the overall fitness and health of a patient.

As with any treatment, the effectiveness of physical therapy requires the full participation and adherence to the physical therapy treatment. Often, patients become proficient in their exercise regimen and make the assumption their recovery can be accomplished without the support and guidance of their physical therapist. Such decisions can actually cause more damage to the existing injuries. True physical therapy requires time and patience to achieve the best results.

Monitoring a patient's progress, trained therapists can correct any errors in posturing or practice by the patient. Therapists will often make adjustments to the exercise program as the patient improves in health and strength. Complete recovery is achieved through diligence, compliance, and dedication, which requires continued interactive between the patient and therapist.

During treatment, a physical therapist may use a combination of passive and active methods to bring about pain relief. These include heat/ice packs, ultrasound, low-impact aerobic conditioning, and stretching, to name a few. TENS therapy is also an effective tool to manage pain. The small, battery-operated device delivers low-voltage electrical currents through the skin via electrodes placed near the source of pain. The electricity from the electrodes stimulates nerves in the affected area, sending signals to the brain that "scramble" normal pain perception.
One of the most common ailments for those seeking physical therapy is back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association, 31 million Americans experience low-back pain at any give time. It is one of the most common reasons for missed work and is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor's office.

A series of complicated structure of bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles, the back can easily experience a sprain or ruptured disk. Sometimes the simplest of movements, such as bending over to pick a pencil up off of the floor, can have painful results. Poor posture, obesity, and stress can also cause or complicate back pain.

While there is no single type of physical therapy which can alleviate chronic back pain, it can offer a world of benefits. It can also prevent further problems before they arise. Overall, physical therapy can increase function and improve the quality of life for someone suffering from back pain.

Rather than promising an instant "cure all," physical therapy teacher patients how to manage their own pain. Patients learn to cope with the pain while minimizing the impact of the pain in their lives. The best results for physical therapy come as a result of patients who can take control of their condition and not expect a miracle cure.

Increasing function and improving quality of life through movement is the heart of PT, according to Dr. Scott Fisherman, Chief of the Division of Pain Medicine and Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of California, Davis. After gaining a good perspective on a patient's overall health, attitude, and daily routine, the therapist can judge a patient's progress and control over his or her own pain.

Together, the patient and therapist will map out a program of activities designed to address each of the impairments caused by the pain. The best sign of success of physical therapy is a noticeable improvement in a patient's daily activities and the ability to reclaim a normal routine.

Let's Get Physio: Working As a Physiotherapist

The clue is the name of what an occupation as a Physiotherapist involves. They help and treat people with physical problems which can be brought on due to a range of problems including illness, accident or old age.

Movement is central to individual's well-being in the field of physiotherapy and it is the physio's job to maximise their patient's movement through treatment and rehab.

In general, physiotherapists must be skilled in:

  • Manual therapy

  • Therapeutic exercise

  • Electro-physical modalities

There are many different fields that a physiotherapist can work in including women's health, elderly care and occupational health. They are highly sought after professionals in most healthcare facilities including hospitals, nursing homes and clinics. Many chartered physiotherapists also set up their own local practices, treating patients in their local community for rehab and sports injury ailments. In fact there is not many fields of life where physiotherapist are not required - they are known to work in schools, the workplace and training companies too.

As with most healthcare careers, being a physiotherapist requires you to have the ability to build trust and rapport with your patients, their families and a team of medical professionals. You need to use your expert judgement to make a diagnosis, have the knowledge on how to treat the ailment and the ability to leave your patient with the piece-of-mind that they are receiving sound, professional treatment from a qualified healthcare professional.

In Ireland, the industry body representing over 3000 physiotherapists is the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. Four major universities and colleges currently provide the 4 year degree course required to qualify as a physio - UCD, the Royal College of Surgeons, Trinity College and University of Limerick. As places on these courses are in huge demand, entry points required are usually high. Because of this many students choose to study physiotherapy abroad in places like the UK where entry requirements are not as stringent as Ireland. You cannot legally practice as a physiotherapist until you are a member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists. This membership is indicated by the letters MISCP after the person's name.

People use the clich矇 of a "hands-on" job all too often but being a physiotherapist really is, literally and figuratively! Wherever people are at risk of injury, there will always be a need for physiotherapists. That is why it is a very sustainable career which can bring you work in various different settings and specialties.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Physical Therapist Salary - Income Advice For New Therapists

Injuries are very much part of every professional athlete's life. At certain points in their careers, they may suffer injuries in varying degrees of severity. When this happens, the services of physical therapists are very much needed in order to ensure proper rehabilitation by developing a plan using treatment techniques to restore function, reduce pain, to promote the ability to move and to some extent, to prevent disability. Physical therapy workers are some of the better paid healthcare professionals because of this important role they play in injury treatment. The physical therapist salary is very competitive compared to many healthcare salaries.

Athletes are not the only group of people which need physical therapy services, as virtually anyone who has an unfortunate accident or disease that causes movement dysfunction, limiting the individual's abilities to move and perform functional activities would be a candidate. This type of therapist also develops fitness and wellness-oriented plans for patients to prevent their loss of mobility before this gets out of hand.

Most people that are interested in entering this career may want to know how much money they'll receive per year or per hour. Half of all these types of therapists employed in the United States receive $74,480 a year or $35.81 an hour; translating to $76,220 in mean annual salary, or a $36.64 mean hourly wage. The lowest 10% of therapists earning the least salary receive $52,170 in annual wage, while those upper 10% earning the highest physical therapist salary earn $105,900 a year.

Physical therapists in ALF or assisted living facilities earn the highest salary these days, as of September 2010, with an estimated salary of $99,000. Occupational physical therapists working in correctional facilities on the other hand, earn almost $60,000 in annual physical therapy salary. Homecare physical therapy workers receive $75,000 annually, the same with physical therapists in inpatient and outpatient work setting.

To give you a clearer perspective on the trend of the physical therapy salary, the salary index for this occupation in October 2008 was 1.0 and in July 2010, the salary index is about 1.15 with a high of 1.35 at the beginning of this year.

In relation with this increase in therapist salary, the Bureau of Labor Statistic reported that there will be a growth in the need for physical therapy in the next ten years growing by 30%. There are reported changes in the restrictions on physical therapy service reimbursements by third-party payers that will increase the number of patients with access to services, increasing the demands for physical therapists. This is in addition to the growing number of elderly people who will be needing physically oriented therapy services in the years to come.

Having a job in a physical therapy is a rewarding career in terms of the physical therapist salary one receives and the satisfaction of being able to help an individual survive an accident or a debilitating disease and recover fully again.

The Benefits of Chiropractor Massage Therapy

If you are experiencing any type of pain or discomfort in your back, neck, or hips, then chances are it is a good time to see your friendly neighborhood chiropractor. They have more than enough expertise to figure out what the problem is and help you to fix it. They have a variety of advanced methods that they can apply to ensure that you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible, and they will also be able to tell you what you can do in your life to further increase your body's healing process.

One of the top things that a chiropractor can to do relieve muscle tension and stress is by offering massage therapy. Though massages don't really have to do with the spine, the therapy of them goes very well with the alignment procedures that chiropractor's offer. When you are done with your session, you will feel as though you have just been pampered at a salon. Most chiropractic offices have full-time massage therapists on staff. These massage therapists typically specialize in many types of massage including Swedish, pre-natal, trigger point, deep tissue and sports massage.

What this means for you is that your back and hips will be positioned properly, and any muscles that have been strained or tweaked during your injury will be taken care of as well. What you may find after undergoing massage therapy is the fact that it actually helps to put your skeleton into the proper alignment. By having your muscles massaged and relaxed, they are able get loosened up. When your muscles and connective tissues are loosened, they will stop pulling on your bones as much and that will lead to longer relief for you.

If you are tired of the stress and tension that you feel your body is going through, then go and see your friendly neighborhood chiropractor. You would be amazed at the vast amount of techniques and treatments that your chiropractor is able to offer to ease all the pains that we typically deal with these days. They have so many solutions, including massage therapy and physical therapy, enabling them to get to the bottom of even severe issues that have plagued you for a long time. They do all these things in the healthiest, most natural way possible, which means that you won't have to worry about any side effects or addictions like you would from taking pain killers.

How to Become a Massage Therapist

Do you desire to help others? Does the thought of placing hands on another with the intent of facilitating healing and stress relief appeal to you? Are flexible hours, rewarding compensation, and a positive job outlook top priorities for your career choice? If you are like so many that answered yes to the above three answers, a career in massage therapy may be for you.

Over the last ten years, the need for skilled massage therapists as well as the interest in becoming a massage therapist has increased. Whereas, before massage was mostly a second career choice or side gig for stay at home moms or "peace loving hippies" now massage therapy careers appeal to the masses. Because massage therapy is a perfect blend of art and science it seems that individuals from such diverse life experiences are drawn to it.

So if you are interested, what do you need to do? There are three basic steps to becoming a professional massage therapist. I assume you will do your research about the industry (Continue reading articles like this and visiting websites) as well as,speaking with successful massage therapist. In other words make sure you have decided this is something you want to do before you get started. Agreed?

Now that you are ready let's begin:

  1. Attend massage therapy school - Every state has specific requirements for the number of massage education hours you must complete. The hours range from 200- 1000. Keep in mind more isn't necessarily better and less isn't necessarily best. Do your research. Look for schools that are accredited by COMTA (Commission on Massage Therapy Schools) and ACCSCC (Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges). Schools with these distinguished credentials have established themselves as leaders in massage therapy education. They have agreed to be held to a higher standard of accountability and professionalism. COMTA and/or ACCSCC accreditation doesn't guarantee that the school you are looking into is a great school but it's a good start. Ask questions. Speak with the faculty and staff and most importantly speak with current students and past graduates.

  2. Become Nationally Certified - Thirty-five out of fifty states, as well as the District of Columbia, use the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Exam as a part of the State licensure process. The cost of the exam is $225. Once certified, you will need to participate in approved continuing education courses in order to maintain your credentials.

  3. Get your license - Most states require massage therapist to obtain a state massage therapy license that is issued by a specific board (usually a massage therapy or nursing board). For those states that have yet to implement that requirement you will most likely need a standard business license, especially if you are self-employed. The best way to learn about the specifics of getting your local license will be to inquire of your massage therapy school. As the rules continue to evolve, massage therapy schools are usually the first to learn of the changes.

So, that's it. To become a massage therapist you must attend a state approved massage therapy school, become nationally certified (in most states), and get your local state, city, or county license. Once you have completed these three task you are well on your way to being able to pursue those dreams you originally had of having a rewarding career that would allow you to help others through touch.

Starting Salary For Massage Therapy

As holistic and complementary medicine is becoming more and more popular, there is a need for more therapists to undertake the necessary training and start working in the market to cover the demand. Patients who have tried the holistic approach are now finding that they are easing their aches and pains without having to resort to medication and long term pain killers. Because of this expansion in the market, the starting salaries for massage therapy practitioners is ever increasing.

If you are a fully qualified therapist who is just starting out as a professional, there are several different routes to take, each of which will vary your earning power considerably. The starting salaries for massage therapy carried out for an employer, such as a spa or health club, may be from as little as $9 per hour up to around $18 per hour. It really does depend on your employer. Some employers pay on a commission basis, which can really add up if you become popular. Also, you must never forget that you should be receiving quite a lot of tips.

Although this may not sound as high as you had thought when you initially considered the starting salaries for massage therapy, there are many ways in which you can vastly increase this figure. If you have the facilities, you can start your own, small scale therapy centre either at home, or possibly in small, suitable, rented accommodation. Being your own boss can be very rewarding, both personally and financially and it is very convenient to be able to choose your own working hours, especially if you have a family to consider. Admittedly you will need some capital for the property, equipment, advertising etc. but if you are able to put together an economic starting package for your business you will soon start to reap the rewards.

Starting your own small business does not necessarily involve the renting of premises. If you have access to a vehicle, you can start working as a mobile therapist. The starting salaries for massage therapy can easily be eaten into if you have to pay for a workplace. If, however, you opt for a mobile practice, you will get to keep a good deal more of your income. Once again, you will probably have to spend money on advertising and some equipment, but you will probably find that even these outgoings are less than if you were trying to start a spa style venture. You will have no water or fuel bills for example. One obvious expense you will have will be your vehicle and insurance. Domestic vehicle insurance will not cover you if you are using your car for work purposes.

These are just a few guidelines as to how you can try to increase the starting salaries for massage therapy. As you become more experienced and build up a client base, you will soon find that you have become a part of a very lucrative and highly respected profession. Your salary will keep going from strength to strength and you will, I am sure, be well rewarded for your expertise.

Massage Therapy - 7 Tips to Picking a Great Massage Therapist

You've heard a lot about therapeutic massage and pain relief.  Now you're thinking about finding a massage practitioner. 

Or, maybe you've already had massage therapy but are not quite sure it was as effective or good as you thought it should be. 

Maybe the pressure felt too light or too deep.  Perhaps you were uncomfortable for one reason or another.  Maybe you even thought that you would never have another massage again!

Massage therapy can be extremely effective for relieving almost every type of pain.  I must admit that I'm highly biased, but a really good massage therapist can deliver the best and most effective therapy you can get.

So, how can you find a "really good massage therapist?"

  1. Ask around.  If you know someone who is very happy with their massage therapist, ask for the therapist's name.  If your friend feels better because of their massage, that's a pretty good sign that you will, too.

  2. Massage therapists who have their own office, use the word "clinic" in their business name, or work in a medical facility will more likely practice "medical" or therapeutic massage.

  3. Go to the website for the American Massage Therapy Association.  It is the largest professional massage organization and has listings of members.  Membership requirements are fairly strict, and there is a wide mix of members.  Some have a ton of training and experience, some are new to the profession and have had entry level training.

  4. Go to the website for the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork.  They also have a listing of therapists who have passed the NCTMB examination.  Almost 80% of the states are licensed now, and many of them use this exam for licensing.  In states which are not licensed, massage practitioners who want the best credentials available often take this exam on their own.

  5. Interview the massage therapist you choose on the phone.  Ask them as many questions as you can think of.  Tell them about your pain, where it is, how long you've had it, and what you've done for it.  Please give them the short version.  Listen carefully to their response and see if it sounds as if they can provide the appropriate massage for you.

  6. You can interview the massage practitioner in person if you make an appointment to do so.  He or she will be glad to set aside 15 minutes to discuss your situation, explain their probable treatment and show you their office.  If they have trigger point charts on the walls (which show pain patterns and the muscles that most like are causing the pain) that is usually a very good sign.

  7. Ask the massage therapist about their training.  Are they new to the field, have they been in practice for many years, have they had any advanced training, especially in pain relief for your specific complaint?  Listen carefully.  There are people who do massage who will say that they can take care of you, but don't have the training or background.

When you have selected a massage professional, remember that it is your body.  You are the expert.  If you have questions or concerns, or the massage doesn't feel right to you, speak up!  A good, competent massage therapist will be glad you did.  They want to do their best, and input from you will help.

Effects of Massage Therapy on the Skin of Lymphedema Patients

The difference between normal massage techniques and manual lymph drainage techniques is that strokes that are used in normal massage therapy are applied with a bit more pressure than are strokes of manual lymph drainage therapy. The basic strokes that are used in normal massage therapy are petrissage, effleurage, tapotement, vibration and friction.

It should be noted that massage stroke effects are not limited to suprafascial tissues like the skin. These strokes also cause reactions in subfascial areas. Subfascial tissues are muscles, tendons and ligaments.
It is possible that local arterial blood flow is increased by massage strokes and there is venous and lymphatic return. Normal massage strokes can loosen subcutaneous adhesions as well.

There are various massage therapy publications that list edema as one of the indications of these techniques. This is a correct statement but it is also in a way misleading if one does not establish or clarify the distinction between edema and lymphedema.

Edema is actually related to suprafascial tissues and can be the result of various problems like inflammation or impaired venous return. Examples of impaired venous return are valvular insufficiency, pregnancy, or prolonged sitting and/or standing.

In edema, the lymphatic system is overloaded but remains intact. This results in water getting accumulated in the tissues. This condition is called dynamic insufficiency.

It is possible that massage therapy benefits some forms of edema but is contraindicated for others. This is why normal massage therapy should not be used in patients with edema without prior consultation with a physician.

Lymphedema on the other hand is always a result of mechanical insufficiency of the lymphatic system. This in turn ends with water and protein accumulating in tissues. When the lymphatic system becomes mechanically insufficient the transport capacity of the system decreases below the required physiological level of water and protein load. The system is not capable then of properly responding to an increase in lymphatic load.

There are also several negative effects of massage therapy on lymphedema. As mentioned before, massage strokes usually lead to an increase in arterial blood flow (also called active hyperemia) in skin areas to which normal massage techniques are applied. This active hyperemia is escorted by an increase in blood capillary pressure. This leads to a subsequent increase in ultrafiltration of water in the blood capillaries area. The result of this process is that more water accumulates in the interstitial spaces. As the lymphatic system is mechanical insufficient the lymphatic system is not able to manage this additional water load and there is an increase in swelling.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Massage Therapy and The Obese Patient Part I

When I first opened a private practice as a massage therapist nearly 10 years ago, I felt dismayed every time an overweight patient walked through my door. How was I going to help this person? What challenges was I going to face? Would I be up to the challenge? Every time a person with a serious health challenges comes in, I face these questions. With the overwhelming number of people in the world facing obesity, the challenge of providing good quality massage therapy that meets the patient's needs is growing.

Obesity is defined by the American Obesity Association as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or greater. A BMI of 25 to 29 is considered overweight. Obesity affects at least 69 million Americans or more than sixty-four percent of adults. Obesity is a chronic disease with a familial component. The tendency to become fat is encouraged by our lifestyle which includes a lack of physical activity combined with abundant, good-tasting, high-fat food. Obesity increases one's risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, cancer of the breast, colon and prostate. The latest research shows that obesity may shorten lifespan. Persons with obesity are also subject to mental distress due to poor self-esteem and discrimination.

Caring for the obese patient was not what I thought it would be. During a practicum, an Instructor was asked about obese patients. He said, "Close your eyes and dig in." Of course, this is terrible advice and I'm sure it was meant to be a joke, however, it stayed with me. More and more, I realized that working with obese patients takes special skills just like working with patients with any other chronic disease.

When working with obese patients, a thorough health history should be taken. I have had a few new patients complain to me about the length and thoroughness of my intake form: "My last therapist never had me fill out a long form." I explain that there are health conditions for which special techniques are used or conditions that contraindicate massage. " You should be pleased that I am asking you these detailed questions, " I explain. "It shows how much I want to help you feel better instead of just giving you a generic massage." Most patients respond positively when they see the intake form in this manner. To say that the health effects of obesity are numerous is an understatement. The American Obesity Association lists at least 28 different categories of medical conditions for which person's with obesity are at risk of developing.

It has been my experience that most obese patients prefer light pressure. At first, this went against what I thought would be true. However, according to the American Obesity Association, increased bodily pain as well as musculoskeletal pain is reported more by persons with obesity as compared to persons with other chronic medical conditions. There is a possible physiological explanation. Skeletal muscle tissue has more density than adipose (fat) tissue. The cellular make-up of these tissue types differs greatly. Skeletal muscle tissue is striated and composed of numerous microfilaments. This allows the body to move voluntarily. Adipose tissue is a specialized form of connective tissue. Connective tissue has cells scattered throughout an extra-cellular matrix. In this case, the tissue is loose and its job is to store fat. Due to these differences, persons whose bodies have more stored fat need lighter pressure.

A treatment option for obese patients is warm stone massage. Although contraindicated at higher temperatures for diabetic patients, warm (not hot) stone massage is both gentle and therapeutic. Warmth increases blood flow, circulation, metabolism and lymph function while decreasing tension.

Most standard massage tables are not made for the extra-wide patient. I have a 31" table and I do have some patients whose arms hang off the sides while laying supine. Try to make the patient as comfortable as possible using bolsters, rolled up towels, etc. Some obese persons have difficulty breathing while in the supine position. If this is so, you may want to use a massage chair. Many obese patients will need help sitting up from the supine position and may have difficulty turning over without help.

There are a number of specialized products on the market today that may make obese patients more comfortable during the massage. These include wider massage tables, specialized bolsters for women with larger breasts, large body cushions and bolsters, and neck supports and elevated face rests. If your practice has a large number of obese patients, it will be worth the investment in proper specialized equipment for both the patient and the therapist.

I urge all therapists to read and study about obesity. Education is one of the most important aspects in learning about any chronic condition. It will help you understand the needs of your patients.

Working with obese patients can be challenging, but with the proper education, attitude and equipment, you will be successful in treating this growing segment of the population.

Massage Therapy Careers - Three Options

There are a remarkable number of variations on massage techniques.  Most professionals today concentrate on just a few of them, choosing to excel in a limited number of therapy models rather than be casually acquainted with a large number of massage techniques.  This article addresses the most widespread massage professional specialties and discusses the education and certification requirements for the job.

The different styles of massage, or modalities as they are called, can be confusing to the layman.  Reflexology, Swedish massage, acupressure, deep tissue massage, sports massage, and neuromuscular massage are terms that you'll encounter in most spas or massage studios.  Because of its long affiliation with alternative medicine, massage techniques are occasionally referred to as "bodywork."  Lesser known massage techniques such as Rolfing, Hellerwork, Aston-Patterning and Neurocranial Massage can often be found in massage facilities associated with holistic healing.

  • Day spas are a primary resource for massage treatments, and massage is important to the bottom line, typically contributing 50-60% of the facility's revenue.  Relaxation massage is an invigorating experience when provided by an experienced professional, which is why many spas have repeat customers.  Fees for this service are in the $50 - $75 range.  Many new massage therapy school graduates gain experience in this environment and then hand out a shingle and develop their own personal practice.

  • Clinical massage has become a mainstream option in recent years.  Practitioners in this sector of the trade often work with patients to reduce pain in a particular part of the body.  Clinical massage is also used in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques to help in the rehabilitation of an injured extremity or muscle group.  Therapeutic exercise designed to restore full range of motion in, for example, an injured shoulder or leg can be painful and tiring.  Massage of the affected area is a way to induce relaxation following the workout.

  • Sports massage is designed to keep athletes in top shape.  Many athletes today develop their own training regimens in order to maximize their careers.  Often they will go beyond what coaches and trainers associated with sports teams expect of their athletes.  Sports massage therapists work with injuries and soreness, but their primary focus is helping an athlete to maintain maximum flexibility.  The sports field is a growing and lucrative message specialty.
Massage therapists  learn their craft in privately run schools or academies, in some vocational schools, and in colleges.  Massage therapy programs generally cover subjects such as anatomy; physiology, the study of organs and tissues; kinesiology, the study of motion and body mechanics; as well as hands-on practice of massage techniques.  Many massage professionals seek training at more than one source so that they can learn the modalities they wish to specialize in.

As of 2007 thirty eight states and the District of Columbia had laws regulating the massage industry.  Generally they require graduation from an accredited institution and passage of a national or state exam.  There are two national certifying bodies, both of which require an exam.  The prevalent organization is the National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCETMB). Many States require that therapists pass this test in order to practice massage therapy.


Physical Therapy School Accreditation

Physical therapy school accreditation is perhaps the most important aspect to consider when you are choosing which programs to apply to. There are many different aspects of a good school, including the curriculum, reputation, classroom and lab technology, location, budget friendliness and success of former students. If the school isn't accredited, though, none of those things will even matter. The only degree that can hold up to a high level of scrutiny is one that comes from an accredited school; this applies to physical therapist schools or any other field.

The Importance of Physical Therapy School Accreditation

There are several accrediting agencies that evaluate physical therapy schools based on a serious set of professional standards. An accrediting agency must also be accepted by the United States Department of Education to be trustworthy as an evaluator of these schools, which ads a further complication to your research on various programs. Some of the most reputable organizations that accredit physical therapist schools include the following:

- American Physical Therapy Association

- Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education

- Regional Accrediting Bodies (i.e., Physical Therapy Board of California, etc.)

The basic fact that you need to understand is that physical therapist schools that are not accredited are probably little more than diploma mills that do not offer an acceptable education. Even if they do offer a good education, though, employers will not take your degree seriously if it is not from an accredited school. You also need to have a degree from an accredited school to sit for the certification or licensing exams in your state. And if that isn't enough, the credits will also not transfer to other schools if you should decide to switch programs or return to school later for a higher level of education.

Other Factors to Consider When Choosing a Physical Therapist School

Accreditation is the most important factor, but you must also consider whether this specific program is right for you. Think about whether the location, cost, availability of classes and scheduling work for your budget and lifestyle. See what kind of experience the faculty has and how esteemed they are in the professional field. Also, look into where some of the school's graduates are practicing now, and see if any of them have careers like you've imagined for yourself. The school you choose is important, so make sure it's a high quality program before applying.

A Look at Massage Therapy Jobs

Today massage therapists are quite new to many health professionals. They are registered, licensed, and certified, and today there are many massage therapy jobs out there. In fact, billions of dollars are spent in America alone on massage therapy. This is an incredible opportunity. However, there are many people who don't take time to investigate the profession which is why many massage therapists end up quitting their job within just one year. Quite a few people have the idea that this is just physical work, but there is a lot of mental work involved as well. So someone who wants to get a job in massage therapy should take time to research the opportunities and the various types of massage out there.

Essentially massage therapy is about taking the body's soft tissues, and manipulating it in order to get effects that are therapeutic. It provides the easing of tension for the joints and muscles as well as stress reduction. Massage also helps to provide better circulation, it provides lymphatic stimulation, and also helps to calm down the nerves.

Of course to get massage therapy jobs, people have to take the board exams and then become licensed. This can be a license from the city, county, or the state, depending on the area. They also need to become registered with a professional association. Only then are they able to get jobs in massage therapy.

There are a variety of different massage therapy jobs out there today. Of course there are massage parlors and clinics that offer jobs to those certified in massage therapy, but there are a variety of other jobs that are out there too. Often massage therapists can get jobs in spas, at fitness clubs, with sports teams, or even on cruse ships and at resorts.  There is also the opportunity to go with a private practice. Many massage therapists work for themselves, starting up their own business. If they are good and know how to effectively run a business, within a year a quality practice can be built up and it can be quite lucrative.

Earnings at massage therapy jobs can vary, but they are very good. The earnings can be anywhere from about $30-60 for an hour. This all is dependent upon the location that they are in. You do need to remember that you won't be able to work long hours at this job. There really isn't a ladder to climb when you get involved in this career, which is something many people don't realize. The only way to improve is to learn new techniques that are advanced and then to charge higher rates.

People who want to start earning money with a good career will find that massage therapy is a pretty good choice. There are quite a few massage therapy jobs out there and the earnings are fairly good as well. Just ensure that you take a good look at this career and the job options before you make up your mind that this is the right option for your needs.

All About Massage Therapist Training

A massage therapist is a professional trained in one of the arts massage therapy, which varies in relation to style, atmosphere, education, and personality. The field of promoting well being and general heath is quire broad, which can run from therapists performing one of the basic massages to those, trained or specializing in a particular field, health condition, or muscular problem.

If wishing to get started in the profession of massage therapy, it's vital to research the training and certifications required to become qualified in this field. Requirements often vary from one region to the next, so be certain to review the requirements of your own local authority or jurisdiction prior to enrolling at one of the massage therapy schools.

Schools accredited to teach massage therapist programs are quite easy to come by today, although not so easy to get into. Each of these learning centers have a list of qualifications a student must process, such as a general education degree or high school diploma, in order to gain entry in a particular program.

Some of the more prestigious schools will also require that a student attends a pre-entry interview or supplies a written submission prior to being accepted at that particular institution. If a school is confident a student is serious about enrolling, and pleased with the results of the interview or written submission, than they are more often than not accepted into the program.

Most of the teaching schools start out with teaching the fundamentals, which can consist of a student having a working knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the human body, the different types of muscle groups, and how those particular muscle groups function. With the basics learnt, students can progress to more advance matters, such as deep tissue massage and muscular tension, as well as learning how a massage therapist can use their skills to help with certain other health conditions, such as those relating to acupuncture, aromatherapy, and Reiki.

Besides learning about the human body, a student on a massage training program will also be instructed on how the mind is able to interact with the body. Also, a respected school provides information on the best business practices, ethics of running this type of business, caring for a client base, and providing exemplary customer care.

A trained therapist can expect to meet a wide-ranging mix of patients throughout a typical business day. A lot of patients visit a trained therapist for the more common purpose of comfort and relaxation, although others will walk in requiring more intense work. Each client is likely to be different; a therapist therefore needs to rely on their own training and past experience to treat patients on a one-on-one basis.

Once qualified, a therapist has the opportunity to work fulltime in medical clinic, luxury spa, or as a freelancer in their own practice, with fees varying for the different types of services provided. With experience, other services might be offered, such as those relating to other body treatments or facials.

Targeted Or Full Body Massage Therapy, Which Is More Effective?

Deciding what type of massage is best for you is not always an easy task. Normally, massage therapists will either focus on targeted or full body massage.

Targeted therapies focus on a specific part of the body that needs massaging. We often call these areas trigger points. When they are massaged properly they release any built-up knots in your muscles that have been triggering discomfort and pain in other areas of the body. But massages are not done solely for pain relief. Reflexology is the act of massage for targeting specific areas on your body to aid in regulating your body systems. This type of massage is not for relieving pain, but for making your entire body healthier from the inside out. Another targeted massage therapy technique focuses on the cranial sacral area of your body. This refers to your head and neck. It is most effective in healing TMJD, headaches, and back and neck pain. Targeted massage therapy is perfect for anyone with a specific area of discomfort.

When we traditionally imagine massages, most people picture full body massage techniques. A Swedish massage is a very popular therapy technique that involves massaging the deep tissues in your body. This aids in releasing any metabolic build up and tight muscles that may be ailing you. It also realigns your entire skeletal system and improves your overall mobility. Athletes are very common with another type of full body massage called sports massages. This therapy technique releases metabolic build up and tight muscles, while improving your level of mobility by re-aligning your skeletal system. It is much like a Swedish massage, though it is geared more towards athletes or very active people. The final type of full body massage therapy is that which is geared towards specific conditions. For example, prenatal and geriatric clients can get massages that are designed just for them. These massages are very gentle. They focus on gently releasing metabolic build up and tight muscles, while also gently realigning the client's skeletal system. The ultimate goal in mind is to improve the prenatal or geriatric client's overall mobility.

So how do you choose between targeted or full body massage therapy? Determine if you are focusing on the overall wellness that a full body massage offers, or if you are simply looking to correct a region of chronic pain or a specific condition that is greatly impacting your life. Specific regions of your body are normally better treated through a technique like reflexology. If you are still unsure about which therapy technique is best for you, then stop in to your local massage parlor and speak to a therapist. He or she should be able to determine which technique will be best for you.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Working As a Physical Therapy Assistant: Job Description

The Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) functions below an accredited Physical Therapist, and assists in the day to day physical therapy procedures performed by them. The PTA additionally perform an essential part in within patient treatment and care. They can be responsible for operating a number of physical therapy tasks and modalities including giving ultrasound treatment, rendering massage to affected patients, using hot and also cold compresses on affected patients, as well as teaching patients rehabilitation exercise routines. Their duties can include supervision of the physical therapy facility floor, ensuring patients are following the directions effectively, and making necessary corrections. Physical Therapist assistants can also in certain workplace settings be responsible for teaching patients how to walk with assisted devices, as well as working with individuals recovering from surgery and serious accidents. Physical Therapy Assistants will also have to be accountable and document and record patient information in a responsible and accurate format.

The duties can change from workplace to workplace for a physical therapist assistant. Some other basic duties and traits that fit the job description are:

The rest of the certified nursing assistant's duties fall into the category of "assistance." These may include the following:

*Helping patients with ambulation (walking, moving out of their wheelchairs, etc.)
*Use of mechanical devices that pertain to physical therapy treatment.
*Offering support, direction and encouragement during physical rehabilitation routines
*Providing support and documentation to the licensed physical therapist
*Assisting patients to treatment areas and commencing treatment under the guidance of a licensed physical therapist assistant.
*Depending on the work place setting, there could be many other assisted based job duties
First Aid & CPR Certification - As a physical therapy assistant, it will be necessary to be training and skilled in basic emergency procedures. Due to the work environment and the patients that are worked with this is a requirement for ever PTA
*Documentation and Awareness of Patient Needs - A physical therapy assistant is more than just an assistant who does what is asked by the supervising physical therapist.
*They are responsible for documenting patient charts with full medical terminology, while respecting and working around the patients specific needs or situation.
*Respect Patient Rights - A physical therapy assistant has a responsibility to uphold all that surrounds a patient's rights. These rights may include, but are certainly not limited to privacy, confidentiality, being aware of treatments they are receiving, as well as a right to accept or refuse that treatment. The rehabilitation process can take its toll on the sometimes frustrated patients, remember to always give them their dignity and respect.

As you can see there can be quite a diverse and long list of duties and responsibilities for a physical therapist assistant. A physical therapist assistant should and many do take much pride in their career, their education that they have received to work in such a field, and the wages they earn operating in this professional career.