Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Fundamentals of Massage As Therapy

When we talk about the therapeutic benefits of massage, you often hear about different massage styles and techniques. Deep Tissue, Thai, and Sports are some examples.

However, massage is therapeutic on a more basic level. This is often overlooked.

The perfect massage for your ails.
As a therapist, I am always trying to match the right technique with each client's needs. I have advanced certifications in several different styles, so I easily pick and choose what the client's body cues me to do.

However, sessions didn't always follow this pattern of technique-matching. When I first began practicing massage therapy, I was keener to the deeply therapeutic effects of basic human touch. I saw this basic need and its healing effects. I practiced it, first and foremost.

As I become increasingly skilled, it requires more effort to continually go back to the fundamentals. Probably the most therapeutic feature of a good massage is the touch itself. A caring, conscientious touch from a therapist is more important than any skill they have learned from any instructor.

Back to basics.
Some clients avoid telling therapists that they want a Swedish massage. They don't understand that Swedish strokes are the foundation of most other massage, and that Swedish can be performed lightly or firmly. You can barely leave Swedish effleurage or petrissage out of any massage session, and the pressure is not the same as the technique.

When humans practice very basic, instinctive, types of human touch, it often resembles Swedish-style effleurage.

A fundamental massage, consisting of basic strokes, is common in massage research. Health practitioners know the links between child development and touch. They have also revealed how stress relief prevents disease, and how massage can contribute to health improvements.

In conclusion, it is tempting (as a client or therapist) to figure out which type of massage you want. But don't forget to include a good ole-fashioned basic massage in your health practices.

Benefits of Massage Therapy and How it Helps Common Ailments and Reduces Pain

Massage is deeply relaxing for the recipient and has become increasingly popular over recent years as a way to unwind, relax and treat oneself to a bit of 'me' time. Many people even opt for a massage every week and find that they benefit from it immensely.

Having a regular massage can have many benefits, not only to your body functions but also to your overall well-being. Massage, when properly administered, helps the body and mind tremendously. Here are just some of the physical benefits of massage therapy.

1. Improves blood circulation in the body - Massage eases and loosens our tense muscles, flushes more toxins from our system, which improves blood circulation and enables oxygen enriched blood to every cell in the body.

2. Repairs damaged tissues - Massage decreases the inflammation, promotes speedy recovery from any injuries and alleviates the pain caused by damaged parts, by improving our circulation, and is a great complementary therapy for anyone experiencing agonizing conditions.

3. Alleviates muscular aches and pains - The healing art of massage treats fatigue and stiffness in the muscular system. It induces good muscle tone which reduces cramp and breaks down any scar tissue you may have from an old injury. The muscles, ligaments and tendons are manipulated and stretched to keep them flexible, pliable and stronger and in good repair. Acupressure is a technique for relaxing and soothing sore muscles.

4. Reduces and can eliminate the pain. - Massage provides healing properties if you're ailing. If you suffer from an internal injury, such as pain or inflammation, a massage can dramatically even eliminate the pain. Why do you think professional athletes have so many massages? Since a massage goes to the core of the problem, you immediately begin to feel better.

5. Aids digestion and strengthens our immune system - Massage assists in detoxifying our body and improving our immune system by eliminating waste matter from our colon and improving our digestion

6. Helps disorders of the skeletal system -You will benefit immensely if you suffer from arthritis and the pain caused by stiff joints will decrease considerably

7. Improves the Lymphatic System - Massage helps to eliminate waste products and toxins from your body and reduce any swelling from an injury.

8.Improves breathing - Massage breaks down any mucus or bronchial secretions and eliminates them from the lungs which then improves the workings of your Respiratory System

9. Improves your skin. Within hours of a massage your skin becomes clearer and your complexion has a healthy glow as the blood circulation improves around the body.

The beneficial effects of massage and its power to heal have been known for centuries. However it is only fairly recently, through scientific studies, that we are beginning to understand the positive effects massage can have on our health. Massage is a generic term that covers a range of different strokes. Some are very specific and designed to treat a particular range of problems. Sports massage is one of these. Although not restricted purely to sports injury, it can be used to treat many physical, soft tissue conditions. Other styles work on a more holistic basis and work to treat the whole person, bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit to encourage a general sense of heightened well-being.

To sum up, massage therapy on a regular basis, helps with common ailments, reduces pain, makes you feel less tired and gives you a general sense of heightened well being. It increases your awareness and respect for your own body, thus giving you significant health benefits. There is very little that I know of that makes you feel better than a good massage!

Negative Untoward Effects From Massage Therapy

Although massage therapy cannot directly cure all of your physical and mental ailments but somehow it can help through natural and pure ways. Worry and hassle free for you, Since you don't have to suffer all the high cost of medicines that will not ensure the cure of certain ailments but this massage therapy will help you by stimulating your body to work on its own towards optimum health and wealth.

However, massage therapy has proven to be extremely useful and helpful to many. It is being used by professional athletes, but also by the elderly and it is even practiced on newborn babies. This illustrates the wide variety of massaging and how it can benefit people of different age, sex and body type. The general benefits of massaging is that it improves circulation, which in turn provides extra oxygen and nutrients to the internal organs. This gives the client a feeling of freshness, new energy and also motivation to deal with everyday problems. Another main benefit that almost all massage techniques have, is that massaging improves lymph fluid flow. This is an important part of one's immune system and it also helps to carry away waste and toxins from the body. You will leave your first massage session feeling calm, light and rested - as you would have taken a week-long vacation!

To sum up, the world of massage is well worth discovering. You will find a solution to health problems that you have maybe had for years. In addition, massaging will offer you a time to concentrate on yourself - your needs and wishes. It helps to find the balance between the physical and spiritual side. Make an appointment and take the first steps towards the happier, energetic, more optimistic you.

10 Reasons Why We All Need Massage Therapy

I do not know about you, but one of my dreams is to have a personal masseuse in my house, on call at any moment. Now whether that will ever happen? I do not know. And whether my wife would ever allow that is a different question. But besides massages just feeling great, what are some of the other benefits you can get from a massage or bodywork treatment. I am going to write about ten benefits that you can get from a body massage, although there are way more than just ten benefits.

1. Helps with back pains and range of motion - Have you ever hurt your back or neck in a car wreck? Therapists will use massage therapy to help relieve you of your pain.
2. Helps to decrease anxiety - Can you say, relax?
3. Helps muscles - If you are a person who works out normally or you are an athlete, than a massage can help your muscles recover quickly from a hard workout.
4. Improves Circulation - Massages can help blood flow, by allowing nutrients into your tissue.
5. Stretches tight muscles - Many times we get knots in our muscles, which can cause discomfort and pain, even headaches.
6. It's a pain killer - Helps release amino acids into the body
7. Reduces Swelling - Any time you experience an injury, bodywork treatment can help the swelling.
8. Improves Joints
9. Helps your immune system - We can all use a better immune system
10. Improves Skin Tissue - Can help with avoiding stretch marks

Those are just ten easy reasons why getting a massage once in awhile is important, and the list could go on. We live such busy lives, all of the stress and all of the wear and tear can really take a toll on our bodies, but if we just take the time to give our bodies a treat, we can live happier and healthier lives. Do you ever wonder why we are aging faster, it is because of stress, stress and stress. In fact stress can actually cause disease in our bodies. Massage therapy helps us to release the stress of our daily lives and promotes us to have better sleep, better energy and better focus.

My dad always used a term with me when I got hit by a pitch in baseball, he said, "walk it off, son." Now, I often tell people to 'walk it off" as a joke when I see them stub a toe or get hurt in some sort of way. But we can use that term in our daily lives, just switch out the word "walk" with "massage." Boss yelled at you today? Massage it off! Your son is learning how to play the drums? Massage it off! Family did not like your cooking? Massage it off! Do you catch my drift? Obviously we are not going to get some bodywork done whenever something bad happens, because we might be in the therapy room 24/7, but do not forget to give your body a little treat here and there.

Massage Therapists - Tips For Mobile Massage Safety

For many clients the idea of having a massage therapist come to them is appealing. They do not have to drive or deal with parking on their way to or from their appointment and they are able to relax immediately after the appointment. As a massage therapist, providing services to these clients can be lucrative. However, concern for your safety may limit you from offering these services. We employ many therapists across the country to meet the demand of mobile massage services and recommend the following tips to help ensure their safety.

Your company image is important to ensure both you and the clients are comfortable with your business relationship. Professionalism in your advertisements, phone consultations, and marketing materials will project the services you provide.

Have a safety person you contact to provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of the client you will be visiting. Explain to them you'll call them when you arrive and when you leave so they will know where you are.

Once you have a client's name, research them on the internet. Conduct a search on their name and go to sites like to determine if they reside at the address provided or your local sexual predator lists to determine if there are any areas of concern.

Consider processing payments by credit card over the phone in advance so that you are not carrying cash with you on appointments.

Personally, I have found visiting clients in their homes provides another level of interest to client relationships. I have the opportunity to meet family members, see their environment and lifestyle which assists in assessments and recommendations, and reduce my overhead costs not having to maintain an office.

As a mobile massage therapist, you have a great service to provide and keeping your safety as a priority is critical.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Career Paths for a Qualified Massage Therapist

Completing your training in massage therapy can open quite a few doors. In fact, there are plenty of different career opportunities for people who attend and graduate from accredited physical therapy schools. Those opportunities range from setting up your own private practice to working for a big league sports team.

Work for Yourself

One option is to set up your own practice. Start by promoting yourself as a traveling masseuse. Provide your own table and supplies and set up appointments to provide massages in the homes of your clients. This type of arrangement allows you to build a steady clientele and create a revenue stream that is quite impressive.

Health Spa Opportunities

You can also become an employee at a local health spa. Assuming the spa has a steady flow of clients who like to work out and take classes at the facility, there's a good chance you will be in demand. One of the benefits of this arrangement is that you get to work at the same facility every day and have the chance to meet a lot of people. Assuming you do great work, word of mouth will help you build a loyal group of clients in very little time.

Sports Therapy

Working for a sports club is also a great career option. In this setting, you would provide therapeutic massage to team players as part of their ongoing training. You would also work with the medical team to provide various types of physical therapy for injuries sustained on the job. Keep in mind that sports clubs will want therapists who completed coursework at accredited physical schools and are well versed in many different massage techniques.

Pregnancy Massage

Another way to specialize your services is to offer pregnancy massage. This particular type of massage therapy focuses on reducing the severity of the aches and pains that women experience while carrying a child to term. You will utilize different techniques to help minimize muscle pain and promote blood circulation to the extremities. Depending on the techniques used, you can also help women achieve a more balanced mood as the body continues to undergo more changes during the progression of the pregnancy.

Rehabilitation Work

Your talents can also be of use in rehabilitation centers. Massage can help to stimulate muscles and promote blood flow, two important elements in recovering the ability to walk and move after a traumatic accident, stroke or other debilitating issue. The therapy can also help to soothe tired muscles after long periods of therapy. In addition, the relaxing effect of massage on the nervous system can come in very handy when the patient is feeling discouraged with the progress of the rehabilitation effort.

Certification in massage therapy does not mean you will work in a massage parlor the rest of your life. The skills you've developed can be utilized in a number of settings. Explore all your options and find the career that will provide the right type of financial and personal satisfaction.

Does Discount Massage Hurt Your Business?

Well, that question largely depends on your target audience. Are you seeking to build a client base with the budget conscious, or clients with a disposable income? Are you marketing to people who might get laid off at any moment, or are you targeting people who are financially stable? I once heard another massage therapist complain that certain clients would only come around when she sent out a coupon or ran a special. Well, I believe people will only pay as much as you think you're worth.

What's the deal with all these deeply discounted massage businesses popping up everywhere? In my opinion, they are a good business model based on a monthly subscription of massage treatments. The franchise model is easy to duplicate, and is the same everywhere you go. Massage franchises have a system and apparently it works. What does this mean for you and your massage practice? Absolutely nothing. If you think that competing with discount massage is the way to go, you'll be broke and burned out before you know it.

Are the discount massage businesses really my competition? I don't think so. These places have been going up for years and it hasn't slowed my business at all. The massage chains are not hurting my business because I'm not competing for their customers. The feedback I get from people who go to the massage chains are that the price is great, but the massage is a hit and a miss. The other feedback I frequently hear regarding the discount massage business is: "You get what you pay for." In my experience, most people would rather pay more for an effective massage than waste their money on something that doesn't make them feel any different or any better.

Who is your target audience? Do you target those people who are always looking for a bargain? If that's the case, you'll always be seen as the discount massage therapist. Do you really want to be seen in that light? I remember in a professional development class from massage school, we discussed how to price our services and how that reflects how we are perceived. I'll never forget when the instructor mentioned that once you start your prices low, You'll never be able to raise them. When your clients are accustomed to paying nothing, they will get upset when you raise your prices. These people will go to another therapist who charges nothing. If you don't value your services then why should others?

In conclusion, what I think it really comes down to is that, if you don't value your time or your services, neither will anybody else. I'm so grateful to have had that sage advice in the beginning of my massage career. I started my prices at the upper levels and there they've stayed for almost twenty years. If you're competing with discount massage, those places might hurt your business but if you're offering a quality product at a higher rate, there isn't a lot of competition out there. Now, if you just want to get your feet wet, you could start out at one of those discount places. You will make more flipping burgers and is this why you went into massage in the first place?

Physical Therapy to Improve Strength and Conditioning

Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge. Being a spit second faster, a little stronger and having better endurance can mean a big difference when it comes to competitive athletics as games and races often come down to photo finishes and last second plays. Today many physical therapy practices now include strength and conditioning clinics for everyone from high school football players to major league baseball players to help individuals reduce the risk of injury and improve their agility, endurance and strength. A major part of modern sports medicine is preventative techniques that help athletes stretch and train properly to avoid common sports injuries such as sprains and strains.

One way to help athletes avoid injury and maximize their athletic skills is through conditioning. No one simply takes to the field or court and jumps right into mid-season form. Athletes need to work their bodies into shape and most of the grueling conditioning is done prior to the start of the season. Physical therapists and strength and conditioning coaches can be very helpful in planning training programs that will improve balance, speed, strength, explosiveness, stability and agility. Through specially designed programs including core strengthening and plyometric exercises therapists and coaches can help athletes train their bodies to be prepared for specific athletic activities that will improve their performance and reduce the chance of injury.

While many people think of physical therapy as a rehabilitation service that takes place after an injury or surgery, studies and test show that the exercises and programs that make up physical therapy treatment can be used as preventative measures that will train a person's body to be more prepared for the rigors of athletics. For instance, proprioception is used by trainers and coaches to reduce an athlete's reaction time to an adverse situation which minimizes injuries such as ankle sprains and knee sprains. The less time it takes a football player to react to an oncoming tackler the better his chances of avoiding a hit. And obviously the lesser hits you take in a game the less chance you have of being hurt.

Physical therapy has demonstrated that through multi-directional agility training and proper stretching techniques athletes can not only improve their strength and conditioning but also reduce the risk of injury. No matter what sport your participate in, from wrestling and swimming to track and field and boxing, your body undergoes intense physical strain and the only way to prepare is through specific sports training programs that are designed to improve endurance, reaction time and agility.

Some More About Massage Therapy

Many people still look at massage therapy with skepticism, just like other alternative therapies and health care system, but the fact remains that there is scientific proof that there are health benefits of therapeutic massage. Some of the massage therapy benefits include pain management, muscle toning and well-being. The new and recent research that has been done on health benefits of massage treatment shows distinct and visible benefits that just cannot be ignored.

It can be debilitating when you experience chronic pain or ache and with no treatment available, you don't have anything else to fall back on except alternative therapies. In a study done on therapeutic massage brings short-term relief in back-pain which brings long-term health benefits. Another study found that people who were only on physiotherapy and pain medication found less relief than those who were given different massage therapies.

Maybe you are unaware than an hour of Swedish massage, just once a week for arthritis can be extremely relaxing and relieves pain immensely because it gently massages away the inflammation, enhances blood circulation and reduces stiffness. Thus, never underestimate the health benefits of muscle relaxation through therapy.

The sedentary lifestyle that most people lead shows the dangers of cardiac issues, hypertension and results in hear attacks and stroke among other health issues. But with any of the massage style including Swedish massage and deep tissue massage promote blood circulation, skin and muscle toning and reduces the threshold of pain.

If you have been receiving massage frequently or want to use alternative methods with massage therapist, you have many choices. With years of understanding of pressure points can lead to higher relaxation, reduced stress which in turn helps pain management. The benefits of massage are that it is non-invasive and can be done along with any medication that you have been prescribed. There are virtually no side effects and makes a great choice for complete wellness and health.

Most individual that take to massage usually do it on the recommendation of others or select it as the last resort to subside the chronic pain. Traditional medical treatments including massage is now considered to be one of the best treatment methods for circulation and pain management. And if you haven't tried the massage therapy before, it is time to schedule an appointment with any of the leading therapists and see how different you feel after an invigorating session. Not only do you feel more relaxed and relaxed and less stressed but it is good for your health. But select the therapist with care. Only see therapists who are licensed and have good credentials and years of experience working with numerous individuals. You can ask them questions and get references to be sure about your decision but if you have doubts, ask your friends or family for good referrals.

Licensed Massage Therapy - Advantages Galore

In terms of safety and effectiveness, it is important to seek not just a professional massage therapist but a licensed massage therapist as well. Most of the time, patrons lose their way in the sea of massage therapist and most of them are unaware of the significance of a license.

It is important to turn to a licensed massage therapist for a professional massage in order to prevent unwanted circumstances like further body pain.

Due to lack of state regulations and federal requirements on Massage Therapy licensure, people often get confused or lost among the voluptuous market of Massage Therapy. The state should be more open to giving information to the consumers as to what their rights are. Moreover, the state should be definite as to what the qualifications are for the would-be licensed therapist. On the other part, the consumers must be wise and inquisitive about their potential massage therapist before they entrust their body, health, time and money.

Appropriate Inquiries Consumers Must Ask A Potential Massage Therapist

It is the customer's right to ask a retailer things about his profession and product. The massage therapist must not shun customers when they asked these following questions, instead they must be able to provide a straight, honest and verifiable answer.

-Are you a licensed massage therapist?

-Where did you acquire your massage therapy license?

-Is the validity of your license covers this state?

-What school or from what program did you attain training completion?

-What lessons did the training cover?

-If there is a certain massage therapy that you are interested in, you might want
to ask the therapist questions like what type or types of massage does he
specialized in or if you have the name for that therapy, you could ask for more
information about it just to check if the therapist is knowledgeable on this practice.

-Did the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork or
(NCBTMB) issued your certification?

Unfortunately not all states require license for a massage therapist to perform this practice. There is a maximum of 37 states plus the District of Columbia that requires regulations on massage therapy license. Although a therapist can practice this course without a license, it is not an implication that it is safe to receive a massage therapy from an unqualified or inexperienced ?therapist?. It is still best to turn to a licensed massage therapy for quality assurance.

If the masseuse is not a licensed massage therapist, it is advisable to ask him if he holds any training certificate (given by NCBTMB) that could account to his profession and / or expertise. In the case that the masseuse is not able to secure a licensure, a good alternative is a membership in the American Massage Therapy Association which is also known as AMTA or the certificate given out by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork or NCBTMB. AMTA is a respectable professional organization for massage therapists. A number of states use AMTA standards for massage therapy licensure.

However, consumers must be cautious about the certificates. It should be up-to-date and should have a good feedback.

It is wise for consumers to check and verify the accuracy and dependability of all the information given by their massage therapist. They can log on to AMTA website or search state database for the status of a certain individual. This would help customers decide if the massage therapist is trustworthy or not.

All these checking and verifying may be time consuming but you will soon realize that all your efforts are valuable and worthwhile as your health and safety is on the line.

Sports Massage And The Stages Of Injury

Another form of massage therapy is sports massage, but don't let the name fool you. Sports massage is usually indicated when there has been an injury to the body acquired during sports activity, but can apply to any activity that causes repetitive strain on the body. The most common injuries are strains and sprains, tendonitis, and inflammation. There are different stages to all injuries ranging between acute and chronic, and both have different effects on the body, and different methods of treatment.

The first stage of injury is called acute. This happens when the injury is new and usually will cause pain, inflammation, and decreased movement in the injured area. Massage therapy treatment in this first stage is generally a lot lighter due to the signs and symptoms. The massage therapists goal is to reduce the pain and inflammation by light pressure and possibly ice directly on the injured area. No home care is usually given other than elevate and ice the effected area. Usually the acute stage can last from a few weeks up to a few months depending on the severity.

The second stage of injury is the sub-acute stage. Here the client will find that the injury is not as painful and the inflammation is pretty much gone. Movement may still be restricted. The massage therapists goal in this stage is to decrease the rest of the inflammation and increase movement slowly. Pressure during the treatment increases and alternating hot and cold packs may be used to bring blood flow to the area so that it can heal quicker. If the client is comfortable with it, the therapist may also begin using trigger point therapy. Trigger points are little nodules in tight muscles that can refer pain from one area to another. When released the affected muscle loosens up and is less restricted. Home care may be given at this point in the form of light stretching as long as the client remains pain-free.

The last stage is the chronic stage. The pain and inflammation will be gone but extreme tension in the muscle and decreased movement of the effected area still remains. As long as the client is comfortable, the therapist will begin using deep pressure to help release tight muscles and, and trigger point therapy where it is indicated. Some therapists use stretches within their massage treatments and other prescribe it as home care. The goal in this stage is to increase the movement in the area and hopefully bring it back to its pre-injury health. Home care are usually stretches to help lengthen and increase movement of the affected area. In the chronic stage, heat can also be used to help soften a muscle before it is stretched.

In all massage treatments, all injuries, acute or chronic are treated this same way, most times the cause isn't too much of a concern. Inflammation can occur in a marathon runner, the same as it can in someone working at a computer 8-9 hours a day. If you are not sure what type of treatment best suits you please ask your massage therapist.

I am constantly asked whether ice or heat is appropriate for an injury, and here is my advice. Use ice first. Using ice in moderation will do little harm if there is inflammation, but using heat will increase the inflammation and pain. Don't use the ice pack for longer that 15-20 minutes at a time and continue every couple of hours. When in doubt use the acronym CBAN. COLD, BURNING, ACHING, NUMBNESS. When you feel the area is achy and becoming numb, this is indication that it is time to take off the ice. If you find that using ice is having no effect, then switch to heat.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Massage Therapy - Online Courses and Degree Options

Massage therapy is a part of the alternative health care industry which has gained much popularity in the modern era. Therapists use different kind of massage techniques to heal various problems and also give the human body relaxation, stress relief and mental health release. There are many people around the world who opt for training in this profession. You can now seek complete massage therapy training through online education. Explore the different online courses and degree options available for you to get a massage therapy certification.

Overview of the Massage Therapy Online Courses and Certifications

Online courses offer people with flexible access to coursework enabling them to get their certification more quickly. These courses help the student get a lot of information about massaging techniques, human anatomy and pathology. These courses are sought by those who are stepping fresh into this profession and also by people who are already leading careers in this field but are looking to polish themselves up a little through each course. The online massage therapy courses you can pursue include:

  • Physiology and Anatomy

  • Aroma therapy: Facial Massage

  • Various Massage Techniques

  • Ayurvedic Massage Fundamentals

  • Cardiopulmonary Health and Illness

  • Sports Medicine

  • Chair Massage Fundamentals

  • Pathology of Disease

  • Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis

  • Medical Terminology

  • Countering Occupational Posture Problems

  • The Importance of Massage Procedure

  • Physiology and Anatomy

Associate of Science in Massage Therapy Online

Many of question the need to pursue an associate online degree in massage therapy when we have the individual courses present. This degree program is important because it offers specialized courses to students which qualify them as licensed massage therapists; this licensure is something which you cannot get through individual courses. The program of study in this degree includes the following curriculum:

  • Sports Medicine

  • Hydrotherapy

  • Physiology

  • Medical Terminology

  • Anatomy/Body Mechanics

  • Pathology of Disease

  • Massage Techniques (deep tissue, Swedish, etc.)

After you have completed this massage therapy online degree you will have ability in kinds of massage styles such as Aroma Therapy, Deep Tissue, and Shiatsu. The skills you will earn include the understanding of the human anatomy, communication, management and legal certification. As a graduate of the associate degree online you will be able to seek employment at hospitals, massage clinics and towards various other health care industry related careers.

Salary Outlook and Economic Growth

According to the US department of labor massage therapist held about 122,400 jobs around the years 2008; this number is more likely to increase as there are more people emerging who place their interest in this vocational field of learning. The hourly wages of a licensed massage therapist is about $16.00 and this amount increases with the place and environment, massage therapists also earn income through gratuities.

This field of study has a bright future as more and more people are opting for alternative ways to deal with health and physical problems. Massage Therapy degree online is pursued by a number of people all around the world this development has made many colleges and universities offer online courses, certificates and massage degrees online.

Interesting Facts About Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has long been used as a form of alternative health care. Most people today use it for relaxation and its calming effects on both the mind and body, but it has also been used for everything from chronic pain and sports injuries to relieving long-term symptoms of chronic conditions. Enjoy the 10 interesting facts on massage therapy below.

  1. Some of the first instances of massage therapy exist in ancient Egypt, with pictures on tombs depicting its use. This was around 3000 B.C. It was around roughly the same time period in ancient history when the Chinese began using massage to clear energy channels in the body and create a more harmonious environment between the mind and the body.

  2. The Japanese were introduced to massage therapy by their monks who went to study in China and brought home massage therapy techniques and practices.

  3. Athletes in Ancient Greece used massage therapy to loosen joints and increase circulation. Massage is still used today by serious athletes and was even used in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.

  4. As of 2010, there are more than 125,000 massage therapists in America. This is a quickly growing area.

  5. Various research throughout the years have shown massage to have positive effects on people suffering from autism, ADHD, anorexia, asthma and arthritis. It is also thought to be beneficial for diseases such as cancer where pain relief becomes one of the primary goals for patients.

  6. Approximately 10% of Americans say their doctors have specifically suggested massage therapy as a form of treatment for various conditions and disorders. Massage therapy is also enjoying a wider acceptance in Western medicine and is beginning to be offered by doctors, clinics and hospitals throughout the U.S.

  7. There are more than 80 different recognized types of massage and over 250 different total methods of body manipulation within complementary and alternative medicine.

  8. Swedish massage is the type of massage most widely recognized by the general public and most popular in the U.S.

  9. More than 1 out of 4 Americans have had a massage in the last 12 months.

  10. The average cost of a Swedish massage ranges from about $50 to $90 or more depending on session length and location (massages generally cost more in urban areas).

These are just a few interesting ideas to get you started on your journey of understanding the unique history of massage. The rich tradition and clear benefits of massage show just what an advantageous therapy it can be for many people in different situations.

The Warming Benefits of Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Hot stone massage therapy, which is administered via the strategic placement of smooth heated rocks at key points on the body, is a variation of traditional massage used to reduce stiffness in the muscles, ease tension and improve circulation. By placing the heated stones on these specific points - some of which include the hand, toes and back -the muscles are prepared to allow for deeper relaxation.

Your massage therapist will administer a hot rock massage, by rubbing the body with stones to create the ultimate healing and relaxing experience. Because the warm heat from the stones helps to relax the muscles, it allows the therapist to apply deeper pressure. Strategic placement of the rocks during the hot stone massage is important, as they are thought to be the energy centers of the body that returns balance to the mind and body. Deeper muscle penetration and relaxation is one of the attributes that makes the hot stone massage therapy so popular. It is also proven to improve one's circulation and flush out toxins that could be harmful to your body. If you suffer from any of the following medical ailments, hot stone massage therapy could be just what you need:

• Muscle pains and aches;
• Upper and lower back pain;
• Effects of anxiety and stress;
• Symptoms of arthritis;
• Fibromyalgia;
• Insomnia;
• Depression.

So what types of rocks are used in stone massage therapy? The river rocks used in stone massage therapy have been made smooth by the current of the river over time. Made of basalt, they are rich in iron so they retain heat. After being immersed in water, they are placed in a device that heats them to the proper temperature. The hot stone massage technique is very popular, but it is particularly so among anyone who suffers from stress-related symptoms and who are more comfortable with a massage that is administered with a lighter stroke. As mentioned before, during the process of hot stone therapy, the muscles become easier to work with as a result of the warmth being directed to them.

Some people may be turned off by the thought of hot rocks on their body. But there is no need to worry... the stones are always smooth, flat and only about the size of a large egg. The heat is not a concern either, as the hot rocks are warmed under the strictest precautions in a unit that carefully monitors the degree of warmth. And while everyone has their own comfort range, your massage therapist will always hold the stones in his hands before applying them to your body to make sure that they are not too hot.

To begin your hot rock massage session, your therapist will ask that you lie face down on the table so that he/she can place the hot stones on the key points on your back. When the muscles have been sufficiently warmed, the therapist will continue your hot rock massage by removing the rocks and using them to rub your back with just the right amount of pressure needed to provide complete relaxation. Most massage therapists like to incorporate some type of cream, oil or lotion into hot stone massage therapy to allow the stones to run smoothly over your skin. Your massage therapist will then ask that you lie on your back so that he can address the front of your body, by placing the hot stones on the palms of your hands and between your toes.

People should not engage in hot stone massage therapy if they have open wounds or rashes, are currently engaged in chemotherapy or are known to be prone to blood clots. And if you are pregnant, as with any other procedure, you should contact your personal doctor before beginning any massage program.

Physical Therapy for Back Pain

Back pain is considered a symptom of advancing age due to wear and tear changes in the joints that eventually involves ligaments and muscles. Although, the spinal muscles are designed to sustain contraction and pressure for longer period of time without getting fatigued, with advancing age and some systemic or organic diseases, the capacity of back muscles to sustain pressure decreases, leading to the symptoms of back pain with activity.

The cause of backache largely depends on the level of activity and the age of individuals. In old age, degenerative bone diseases, osteopenia or osteoporosis (de-mineralized bones) and compression vertebral fractures are the most common causes of backache. In younger individuals non-traumatic causes are mostly trivial that resolves spontaneously, without leaving any significant morbidity or disability.

Associated factors of backache normally help in pointing to the cause/ diagnosis of backache. Backache along with sharp and shooting pain down the legs indicate sciatica. Limited range of motion of spine indicates degenerative diseases or inflammatory joint conditions that cause stiffness of joints. Involvement of bowel or bladder indicates a more neurogenic cause. Sometimes presence of one or more of the symptoms suggest the co-existence of a multi-factorial issue like long standing arthritic changes in spine that can lead to spinal stenosis that will eventually cause neural abnormalities.

If you are experiencing chronic backache for at least a period of 2 weeks or longer in the absence of any trauma or injury, you must see a healthcare provider. Physical therapy provides relief in almost all the cases of backache; however, you must first determine the primary cause or etiology of your backache.

Generally physical therapy exercises helps in regulating normal circulation that promotes healing regardless of the type of injury. Physical therapy exercises for relieving backache are normally directed towards three basic goals: aerobic conditioning, stretching and strengthening.

Aerobic conditioning or high impact or vigorous physical activity should not be performed by individuals who have back-pain. However, in order to improve the stability and functioning of back muscles, low impact exercises are extremely helpful. These include swimming, yoga, cycling and brisk walking. Low impact exercises and aerobic conditioning help in detoxification of tissues that decrease the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. Free radicals damage the tissues and delay the natural healing process.

Stretching exercises normally deal with the exercises involving hamstring muscles of the thigh. Moreover stretching exercises of the back region help in the realignment of ligaments by reducing the stress and tension on back muscles and improving blood supply to clear toxins from the tissues.

Exercises that employ strengthening of back muscles require low impact, high energy exercises by following the recommendation and exercises suggested by physical therapists. Strong back muscles provide support to the vertebral bodies, nerves and blood vessels.

TENS Units for Electrotherapy is also one of the very popularly used methods to relieve backache. Physiotherapists use the TENS technique that helps in relieving backache by releasing trans-cutaneous electrical nerve signals which reduces the perception of the brain to the nerve pain associated with backache.

Experts also suggest massaging and application of warm compresses (in the lumbar vertebral region) to be very effective and soothing for relieving backache. Warm compresses (via a hot water bottle) and massaging (with the help of certain massaging devices or experienced massage therapists) improves the blood circulation that helps in the wash-off the inflammatory and pain causing mediators and also ensure healthy recovery of spinal tissue, vertebrae and ligaments.

Do Physical Therapists Like Their Jobs?

Choosing a career path is crucial for all of us thus it is necessary for students to choose wisely what course or college education they will take up. They need to make sure that what they have chosen are the ones which they have passion and like best. More often than not parents often intervene with their children's choices most especially with the kind of college education they will pursue. Because of this there are so many people who become less interested with their job thus going to work everyday becomes dreadful.

But what about the job of a physical therapist, does it give them satisfaction and contentment? As long as they have chosen to become a PT and was not just forced by their parents or anybody, the answer for this is YES. According to a survey of National Opinion Research Center in 2007, 75% of Physical Therapist do like their job to their hearts content, and they are more than satisfied with their jobs.

Just like other allied and medical careers, physical therapy is also one of the most promising jobs anyone can handle. The satisfaction a PT can get from helping people can never be equaled. Seeing their client getting better with each therapy makes them happy, satisfied and contented. Just like doctors, and nurses, physical therapists also touch each patients' lives thus they feel more rewarded the moment they can see the improvements in their clients' condition.

Basically there are so many reasons why more PT like their jobs aside from their drive to help other people. According to surveys the number one reason why most therapists like their job is due to financial aspect. It is undeniable that PT are receiving higher salaries as well as compensation thus making their job more rewarding and worthwhile.

Job opportunities for therapists are vast compared to other professionals. There is a high demand for PT worldwide. For this any PTs can easily get a good paying job anywhere. In addition they can also run their own private clinic if they do not want to have an employer. They can be their own boss, work at their own time and pacing yet earn a hefty monthly income.

Another thing which makes therapists like their job is their chance of traveling abroad. Opportunities to work abroad for PTs are immense not to mention the financial income they will be bringing home with them. Because of this the job of a therapist is deemed to be very satisfactory.

Despite the fact that there are hostile and unfriendly and bratty clients they will encounter it doesn't negate the fact that they still enjoy and love their job. Bottom line is that PTs have the intrinsic desire to help other people. They get their strength as well as drive to serve their client with a happy disposition and in return monetary and financial reward follows. Traveling around the world is just a bonus. Therefore out of 100 there will only be a fraction of therapists who will tell you they are not happy and satisfied with their job.

Continuing Education Courses for Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a job that demands a lot of a therapist's knowledge and skills. Because of that, it comes as no surprise that employers and patients alike want to see physical therapists take a step further in to making sure that they stay abreast with the latest discoveries and innovations in their field of work; this is where continuing education comes in. Continuing education courses are short courses designed to provide professionals with broad as well as specific knowledge of some of the newer key concepts that will improve our overall patient care. Continuing education also covers re-learning of the very important things that were taught years ago but still remain to be factual and helpful today.

Almost all physical therapy governing bodies provide continuing education courses for their professionals. For example, the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) offer classes, seminars, workshops, and a lot of other activities geared towards broadening your horizon in terms of knowledge and skills within your profession. You must also know that as of the moment, there are at least 33 states that require all physical therapists to gather a certain number of continuing education credits in order to apply for re-certification. Therefore, it is safe to say that you do not only ensure high quality patient care with CME, you are also complying with state requirements for re-certification.

If, however, you do not find CME courses offered by physical therapy associations you are interested with, you can try third-party CME providers. They offer a variety of activities - from conferences while on cruise to online continuing education courses. Just make sure that these third-party CME providers are certified to offer CME activities. Otherwise, although you may have learned a lot from them, you cannot use those activities to gain CME credits.

One other thing you need to look out for in choosing continuing education activities is the course description. The main purpose in engaging in activities like these is to learn new things and re-learn topics and subjects we may have forgotten over the years. Therefore, course descriptions are very important as they give us a general idea of what we should expect we will learn at the end of the activity.

Continuing education in physical therapy, as in any other profession, is an essential way to keep up with our ever-changing world. There are a lot of technologies, facilities, and knowledge that are discovered every day. It is one of our responsibilities as medical professionals to make sure that we know of these new discoveries and use them for the good of our patients.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Massage Therapy: Benefits Beyond Muscle Relief

Massage therapy loosens the body's tissues and muscles and provides relief from stress and pain. It is one of the ancient forms of therapy used for healing.

There are several techniques used for a massage such as rubbing, vibration, applying pressure, friction kneading etc. on various tissues, muscles, fascia, joints, skin, ligaments etc. All the techniques used during a massage target at benefiting the circulatory and lymphatic, musculoskeletal and the nervous system of the body. Apart for bringing relief from stress and muscle tension massages also help in clearing waste including lactic acid from the body. There are different types of massages an individual can opt for like the Swedish massage, acupressure massage, deep tissue, sports etc. There are several benefits and advantages an individual can derive from a massage therapy. They are as listed below.

1. Massages loosen the tissues, muscles and stiffness in the body and it enhances the flexibility in the joints.

2. It minimizes back pain.

3. Massages are also great to treat tendinitis and arthritis as they stretch and exercise weak and tight muscles.

4. Therapy improves circulation and reduces respiratory problems as they pump more nutrients and oxygen into vital organs and tissues.

5. It also helps expectant mothers with quick and easy labor during childbirth.

6. fuel lymph flow, which increases body immunity.

7. It helps in the rehabilitation post-surgery or injury.

8. It also treats anxiety and depression.

9. It minimizes cramping and spasms.

10. Massages give relieve from headaches and migraines.

11. Massages for a sportsman help him or her to recover from tough and strenuous workouts.

12. Skin massages improve the skin texture allowing the skin to breathe and stay healthy. 13. It reduces dependence on medicine, heals stretch marks and scar tissues and helps in the regeneration of tissues.

Studies have shown that most diseases occur due to stress and massages are a great way for relieving stress. They thereby act as a precautionary measure for diseases. Stress is one of the major reasons for early ageing which can be treated by massages. Burn injury patients, asthmatic children, people suffering from high blood pressure, water retention etc. have all acknowledged the benefits of massage therapy. Researches claim massages can also treat neurological disorders, chronic diseases and stress related to modern lifestyle.

The benefits of massage are undoubtedly numerous. Visit a massage salon today to reap its fruits in the form of stress relief, lose muscles and tissues and reduced pain.

Top 5 Home Foot Massagers

You don't need to go to a massage therapist to get a great massage for your legs and feet. Although sometimes it's nice to treat yourself to a professional massage, you can have a great massage every day from the comfort of your home, all without shelling out too much cash. Foot and leg massagers are ideal products for anyone who has sore feet and achy legs after a long day, especially those who stand or walk a lot at work. There are plenty of great foot and leg massagers out there, but the following five could just be the best.

  1. 3-In-One Massager for feet, legs and calves- You will feel like you're getting three massagers in one with this comprehensive system for aches, pain and soreness in all your lower joints and muscles. The 3-In-One even gets down to the deep tissues with its intense massage settings. New models can be found at finer retailers like Brookstone for around $300, but they often go on sale.

  2. Revitaleg- This portable foot and leg massager inflates and deflates around the leg to reduce swelling on the go. Those who frequently have long workdays, travel often and need some way to rejuvenate back in the hotel room, or have bad circulation due to diabetes, pregnancy or surgery can greatly benefit. This model can be found online and at retailers such as Target; basic models start at around $100.

  3. Shiatsu Leg and Foot Massager- You can feel like you've visited a spa without leaving your house with this foot massager, which features a network of tiny "fingers" that relieve tension through three different settings. This model is perfect for deep massage of foot and leg tissue where your circulation may be poor, and is available online at sites like Homedics, starting at around $60 for the basic model.

  4. Shiatsu Squeeze Leg and Calf Massager- This massaging unit takes care of all the work for you; just slip your feet and calves in and let the machine do the rest. The Squeeze works away throbbing, aching muscles in the feet and ankles using a combination of heat therapy, vibration and resistance. It's available at and other online retailers starting at around $240.

  5. U-Comfy Massager for calves and legs- This amazing massaging unit is designed to hit the ankles, calves and feet with several massage settings, adjustable angles and simultaneous actions including stimulation, vibration and warmth. It's available at a variety of online retailers, starting at around $180.

The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy to the Elderly

Massage therapy provides the aged people enormous benefits the will help improve their health conditions and well-being. As days go by, we must consider ways of helping the elderly since they are the ones who are greatly affected by their age.

Studies show that massage therapy can directly impact and control the adverse effects of getting old. The soothing sensations of massage can relieve the pain that the aged people are suffering from. It may also bring a feeling of comfort for people who are suffering from arthritis and other muscle pains.

As a person gets old, he becomes less and less active. Hence, the quality of his life is at risk. This condition affects the health due to lack of physical activities that should be regularly done by the body. It has been promoted by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) to use massage therapy as a way of curing physical ailments. Recent study shows that this practice has been commonly used but only few know the benefits of doing such.

Massage therapy can provide lots of benefits to the senior citizens. The Touch Research Facility has proven that therapeutic massage can help cure Alzheimer's disease by relaxation and communication brought about by the massage.

For those who are suffering from arthritis, this therapy will help reduce the pain and may also help the patient move in a wider range as it will trigger natural lubrication of the joints. Arthritis directly affects the joints which makes it hard for older people to move.

Aside from the relaxation and comfort that massage therapy can provide, it also helps enhance the strength and the coordination of the muscles. Another benefit of the therapy is that it improves the body posture as it reduces muscle tension. As a result, massage therapy may improve the quality of rest for the elderly.

Massage therapy will also energize the body together with mental enhancement since it provides relaxation of the mind. Studies have proven that the therapy truly plays a significant role in the health of the community.

As studies continue to instill in peoples minds that physical therapy can bring numerous benefits, the number of people who understands the significance of such therapy continues to increase as well. Nowadays, a lot of people are into pharmaceutical approach when it comes to the adverse effects of aging, but none of these treatments can be as effective and natural as massage therapy.

Physical Therapy Colleges - What You Need to Know

Due to the vast array of physical therapy colleges from which one can choose from, choosing the right one may appear to be a daunting task. However, there are ways to narrow down one's choices and make the selection process a bit easier.

Certain aspects such as the area of the country where one lives will certainly factor into the decision, as will the amount of money a person can set aside for their education. Initially, however, one must understand the educational requirements associated with the profession before beginning to review the various physical therapy schools to choose from.

Physical Therapy Colleges


The minimum education required for a person who wishes to become a licensed physical therapist is a Master's degree in physical therapy; however, some students choose to pursue a doctorate. Most colleges that offer Master's degree programs require a bachelor's degree in neuroscience, athletic training, biology or a similar subject. These requirements will vary from one learning institution to the next, but almost all schools require a bachelor's degree in one of the above subjects.

From the time one first enters college, it will take the student six to seven years to complete their education in order to work as a physical therapist. Those who choose to pursue a doctor in physical therapy can anticipate approximately eight years of schooling. Certain colleges also require that one have a grade point average of 3.0 or greater to be considered for admission.


Almost all physical therapy colleges are accredited, but one should still inquire about this aspect during the research process. Accredited colleges offer programs that have undergone extensive evaluation by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy or the United States Department of Higher Education. Such accreditation ensures that a student will receive a high quality education from qualified instructors. In addition, to be deemed eligible to sit for the national licensing exam, one must have graduated from an accredited college.

Popular Choices

Although there is a vast array of schools from which one can choose from in the United States, some top choices according to educational experts include: the University of California and the University of Pittsburgh.

Those who are interested in undergraduate programs should consider colleges such as Connecticut's University of Hartford or the University of Evansville, which is located in the state of Illinois. These two schools offer combined bachelor of health science and doctor of physical therapy programs.

The American Physical Therapy Association offers up-to-date information with regard to the accreditation status and entrance requirements of various physical therapy colleges. The Association can also assist potential students with selecting the school that is most appropriate for their needs and budget. As the field is predicted to grow at an impressive rate, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, those pursuing an education with the intention of joining this field are making a wise investment in their future.

The 3 Secret Questions Revealed You Must Ask to Choose the Best Massage Therapy School for You!

Before I tell you more, let's talk about you!

People have told you that you're good with your hands!
You love making people feel good and you would love making
money while you do!

So now you say to yourself, "I need to find the right
school for me."

You start calling schools and every single school tells
you they are the best school and each school claims that
when you graduate you'll have all the skills you need to
start your exciting new career. Wow! An exciting new
career awaits you!

But whoa! Stop! Hold your horses! Which school do you
pick? They all say they're the best! Can they all be? Can
they all be the best for you?

How do you choose the school that will give you the
highest level of training so you'll be one of the most
sought after massage therapists in the field?

How will you know the difference between a school that
offers you an exceptional education and a school that
offers you a slick marketing campaign but gives you a
mediocre education?

Well, I've got a secret. I've worked on the inside as an
"Admissions Director" in a number of schools from big
corporate schools to small schools and I know what they
do to try
to "convince you" to go to their school regardless of the
quality of education you'll receive and regardless of what
would be best for you!

They don't want you to know the inside secrets which I'm
about to share with you.

Now, don't get me wrong, there a number of exceptional
massage therapy schools throughout the country and the 3
powerful questions you'll receive momentarily will help
you find those diamonds amongst the glass!

Here's more of the secret! All massage therapy schools
are a business. Well, nothings wrong with that, but the
problem comes when a school cares more about the bottom
line than the success of their students.

So what do some schools do? Sometimes they invest more
money in their marketing than they do in the quality of
your education. Why would any school do that? It's a whole
lot easier to create slick marketing ads than it is to
create an exceptional curriculum and education!

A number of schools pay big bucks to giant marketing
companies to spin their school so you will enroll! What
are most people impressed by? Pretty, shiny brochures,
with pretty shiny people in it and polished sales

Now there's nothing wrong with all that, but will any of
those marketing devices really let you know the true
quality of education you'll actually receive?

No, but people usually base their decision to enroll in a
school based on the sales pitch they are given and if they
"like" the "admissions advisor". Now some of you may know
this already, but the titles; "admissions rep" or
admissions advisor are simply fancy names for trained
sales people that have big quotas to meet and in some
schools you are simply a number to help them meet that
quota! I should know, I used to train them!

Now even though your "admissions rep" may be a really
wonderful person, how can you possibly know the quality of
the education you'll receive from a person telling you
what they want you to hear.

This brings us to the 3 powerful, secret questions you
*must* ask to find the truly exceptional school:

#1. How many modalities will you be able to *practice*
upon graduation?
(A modality is a style of massage)

Why is it so important to learn multiple modalities? If
you only learn one style of massage, you will be working
in the same way every day. If you do anything
repetitively, you risk injury or burnout and with only one
style of massage, believe me, you will get burned out! If
you learn multiple styles you will enjoy massaging your
clients for years!

Imagine if you were a hair stylist but were only taught
how to cut one style of hair. Let's say a bowl-cut. Two
things would happen. One, you would get very bored and
two, not all of your clients would want that particular
style. One style does not fit all.

The same goes for your massage therapy clients. Each of
them will need different styles depending on who they are
and what they need from their massage therapy session.
Some will need the energizing effects of Shiatsu. Some
will need the deeper work of Neuro-muscular therapy. Some
clients may need the clearing work of polarity. Make sure
the school you select offers multiple modalities!

Now here's another secret! A slick marketing trick that a
number of schools use. Most schools offer only one type of
massage training and little teaser intros on some other
types during your education. They usually include these
teasers in their brochures and presentations. You will
probably think you learn all of those styles during your
training but in reality, they do *not* teach you the other
styles. You will only be qualified to practice *one* type
of massage upon your graduation.

Remember, ask the school how many modalities you will be
qualified to practice when you graduate!

#2. How does the school teach body mechanics, that is how
will they teach you the techniques of massaging clients so
you won't burn-out?

Did you know that over 100,000 new massage therapists
have left the field in the last 4 years? Why? Simple
answer. Because of burnout. They were not taught the
proper way of using their bodies to massage their clients.
Make sure the school you select can clearly explain to you
how they'll teach you good body mechanics.

#3. Does the school offer a holistic approach to your
training and have them explain it to you.
(This is the MOST important question because most
schools teach a one dimensional technical approach.)

You need to decide if you want a technical training,
which teaches you how to do a technical massage which is
very one dimensional or a holistic training which teaches
multiple modalities and has a multi-dimensional approach.

Graduates of technical based massage therapy schools
receive a competent knowledge of the body and learn a
thorough technical approach to giving massages to their
clients, but they tend to give their clients impersonal,
technical massages. They simply learn how to move muscles

Graduates of a holistic training not only learn the
science of massage, you will actually transform as a
person which will make you a better therapist. From that
foundation you can then transform your client during their
massage session.

How will you transform as a person you may ask? A
holistic massage therapy school teaches you from a
Mind/Body/Spirit approach that is heart-centered and takes
into account the entire person not simply their muscles.
It's not just what techniques you use in a massage that
matter, but how you apply those techniques. The "how"
involves the kind of environment you create during your
session so your client feels safe and open to receive your

That massage would then be called a "Mindful Massage".
Being mindful means you learn how to become calm,
centered, open-hearted and fully focused on your client
throughout the massage. Mindfulness also involves being
"embodied." Embodiment means you are not just in your
"head" but alive and aware in your body and connected
with the entire Wisdom of your Being. All of this allows
you to trust your intuition to create a unique massage
every time for your client instead of the same "routine."

Your clients will receive a much deeper experience from
someone who is trained in the holistic approach. If you
have a client that has only known the technical massage,
they will be absolutely blown away by the multi-
dimensional, heart centered holistic massage that you give

In a technical massage the massage therapist works "on"
you. In a heart-centered holistic massage, the therapist
works "with" you.

I have a test you can try on your self right now that
illustrates the difference perfectly!

Test # 1. Take your left thumb and find a spot on your
right forearm that's sore. Press down hard on it with
your thumb. How does that feel?

Test # 2. Now, take your right thumb and find a spot on
your left forearm that is sore. Lightly place your thumb
over that spot. Lightly. Take a deep breath in and as you
exhale, increase your pressure only as fast as the muscle
releases under your thumb. This is called sinking in. You
sink into the muscle instead of pushing on it.

Which experience did you prefer? If you picked # 1, then
by all means go to a technical massage school. However,
if you picked # 2, a holistic massage school would be
perfect for you. I think your clients would probably
pick # 2 as well.

You now have the 3 *powerful* questions that will help
you choose the perfect massage school for you. Make sure
that you ask these 3 questions to any school that you are
considering and you will find the school of your dreams!

What Are the Benefits of Massage Stone Therapy?

For hundreds of years, people have cited great benefits that come from doing massages. In more recent times, specifically from in the early 1990s, massage stone therapy has become increasingly popular as a method of doing more effective massages. Many people will tell you that the levels of relaxation and soothing received from a stone therapy session far exceeds the results found from a regular massage. With stone therapy, specifically hot stone massage, heated basalt stones are placed at certain points of a client's body to allow for relaxation, positive flow of energies, and remarkable stress relief.

While the muscles are being treated with heated stones, the therapist or masseuse uses other heated stones to perform deep tissue massages on the rest of the body. There are even cases where cold stones are used, which are particularly effective when used on pressure points. For a significantly effective outcome overall, both hot and cold stones are used simultaneously to target every single area of the body that needs attention.

There are several benefits to be had from doing massage stone therapy, with the main ones being:

• Muscle relaxation - using heat treated stones on specific muscles that are sore will cause them to relax almost immediately
• Stress release - cold stone massage therapy specifically targets people who are undergoing stressful conditions, because the cold stones are placed on pressure points that are blocking the release of negative energies
• Cleansing properties - massage stone therapy is said to have really good cleansing properties, as many people believe these stones help to release toxins from the body when infused by heat from the stones
• General pain relief - even if there are no sore muscles, overall pain can be treated with stone massage therapy.

People with specific health conditions have also reported getting really positive results from massage therapy, specifically hot stone massage. Some of these conditions include stress, depression, muscular aches and pains, anxiety, build up of toxins in the body, blood circulation problems, and inability to sleep, or insomnia. When massage stone therapy is done on a fairly consistent basis, people end up having a sense of euphoria and relaxation over a prolonged period of time because therapy has engaged the muscles, joints and organs in the entire healing process.

If you happen to be experiencing any kind of physical difficulties, whether pain, injury or stress in general, massage stone therapy is definitely recommended as one of the most effective ways of getting your body back to a point of feeling healthy and having a sense of general well being. If you are a newcomer to this type of treatment, make sure you hire the services of a well trained therapist or masseuse who has had a lot of experience in performing stone massages. While you certainly will want to experience the total relaxation that comes with stone massages, you do not want to end up in a situation where pain is all you feel after the massage is done.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Benefits of Cold Stone Therapy

Cold stone massage is a good way for you to provide stress relief and help your body in relaxing. This method also aids your mind so that it can let go of all its anxieties and trauma. If someone is suffering from a sporting injury wherein the muscle becomes swollen and inflamed, a good cold stone massage should do the trick as well. Together with a soothing human touch this massage will be able to calm your body and senses. This type of massage is currently gaining popularity because of all the advantages that you will get from it. The following are just some of its benefits:

• Smooth marble stones are normally used for this therapy because it has the ability to retain cold temperature. The coldness that these stones provide, once it is placed on your body will help you ease up your anxiety level. These cold marble stones will assist your mind so that it will only focus on the body and not on the pertaining mental stress.

• It also helps to soothe would be sinus problems. What therapists usually do is place this cold stones on top of a cloth and then position it over the face. The coldness of the stones will work to diminish the nasal swelling and therefore, it will reduce the sinus congestion.

• Menstrual pains and bloating can be a monthly problem for most women. If you are suffering from this type of condition every month, then it is recommended that you also get a this type of massage regularly. This is because menstrual pains can be calmed by this type of massage. Once cold stones are placed in the abdominal part of the body, the swelling of the uterus will be lessened thus diminishing any menstrual discomfort that you are feeling at the moment.

• It's also a good way of boosting blood circulation. If cold marble stones are placed strategically on the correct locations on the body, it will definitely improve the overall blood circulation of the body. When this happens, this may also reduce the possibility of high blood pressure.

• Tendinitis and other sports injuries may also benefit from the treatment that you will get through cold stone massage. Cryotherapy or cold therapy actually soothes the inflammation of the muscles and joints by radiating through the painful area to reduce the swelling.

• Studies also indicate that getting regular cold stone massage can support a healthy immune system. Since this type of massage helps in reducing the level of stress hormone cortisol through its relaxation properties, enhanced immunity is very possible.

• One of the benefits also includes the revitalizing of your energy levels. When you undergo a cold stone massage, the cold stones that hold and radiate the cold temperature will help contract the muscles in your body. It will also help alleviate any bloating and would boost the energy levels throughout your body.

Top Physical Therapy Schools in the United States

Anyone who is looking to pursue a career as a physical therapist should consider attending one of the top physical therapy schools in the country. After a major illness or injury, physical therapy is one of the most essential rehabilitation steps for a patient. Therefore, those who wish to pursue a career in this field should dedicate themselves to receiving a quality education at a top school, in order to provide a high level of care to their patients. Although there is a vast array of schools from which one can choose from, many of which offer a high quality education, those interested in enrolling in one of the country's top schools should consider the following.

Top Physical Therapy Schools

University of Pittsburgh
The University of Pittsburgh offers both Master's and doctorate physical therapy programs to qualified students. The school consistently ranks as one of the best schools in the nation for physical therapists. The program requires six semesters of classroom study, followed by a three-year paid clinical internship, during which the student will learn clinical skills under the direct supervision of a licensed physical therapist.

University of Southern California
The University of Southern California is the top ranked school for physical therapy programs. The school offers a doctor of physical therapy program. The classroom segment of the program is completed in four years, followed by a paid internship at a facility of the University's choice, which will last anywhere from two to four years, depending on one's aptitude and whether or not the student has chosen to specialize in a certain area.

University of Miami
The University of Miami's Department of Physical Therapy offers prospective physical therapists a high quality learning experience. One can choose to pursue a Master's degree or doctor of physical therapy, which will take four or six years to complete. In addition, students are also required to actively participate in faculty research as part of their coursework. Most students have the opportunity to present their findings at the annual conference of the American Physical Therapy Association. Those who wish to enrol in one of the country's top physical therapy schools and have an interest in research should certainly consider the University of Miami.

Curriculum and Coursework
Coursework will vary from one school to the next depending upon a variety of factors, such as the college or university one chooses, and the electives he or she selects. However, all schools have compulsory courses such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, neuroscience, behavioral science, cellular histology, etiology, first aid, medical law and interpersonal relationships. Most of the nation's top schools that offer divide students' education between classroom lectures and clinical experiences. Typically, the first two to three years of the student's education will be spent in the classroom, followed by clinical rotation under the supervision of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

Cost of Tuition
The cost of tuition can also vary significantly depending on the school in which the student is enrolled. However, as of 2011 the average tuition for a doctorate program at a top college or university stood at approximately $65,000, with a Master's degree program averaging $50,000. However, it is in the best interest of all prospective students to explore their options with regards to financial aid, government-subsidized education loans, and grants from private or non-profit sources.

Regardless of one's goals regarding his or her future career path, seeking an education at one of the nation's top physical therapy schools is a wise decision, which will enable an individual to put himself in the best possible position to find employment as soon as possible.

What Kinds of Qualifications Does a Masseuse Need?

Massage therapy is both an art and science that requires special training. It is one health career that has become popular in recent years due to more people requiring the services of a professional masseuse. A masseuse will apply medical massage techniques to sooth and alleviate aching muscles and tissues to promote healing of an injured area or an area that has a lot of tension. As well, a therapeutic massage promotes relaxation and stress relief. To become a qualified masseuse, it requires the proper education, training and one must have essential skills to properly massage specific areas. Kneading and massaging skills are essential to treating a client.

To become a qualified masseuse, one should take a massage therapy program from an accredited massage therapy school or program. To be accepted, one must have completed their high school diploma. There are a number of accredited schools that you can attend where the school will provide a certificate as a massage therapist that will meet the licensing requirements for your area. It is essential for one to become a certified massage therapist. For instance, in the United States, one will take the National Certification Board of Massage Therapy certification exam once they have graduated from an accredited massage therapy school. Each state requires a masseuse to be certified.

Currently, thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have massage therapy regulations and mandates. It is essential that one completes a massage therapy program that is accredited by a national massage therapy accreditation agency. When choosing a program or school, it is important to inquire about that school's accreditation.

There are a number of areas one can specialize in when considering a career as a masseuse. Such specializations can include: Swedish massage, sports massage, and clinical massage. In order to special in a particular massage area, one will have to undergo more training in that area as well as acquire a particular certificate. It is recommended that one attend a school that provides the necessary education and training for a specific massage area.

When searching schools, it is important to check the schools to see what types of massage programs are available. A good research tool is the internet. You will find a broad number of accredited massage therapy schools online and each will describe the programs they offer as they can vary according to the type of massage programs they offer. Costs of attending massage therapy school can vary from hundreds of dollars to a few thousand.

After you have completed the massage therapy program, you will have to get licensed. It is important to check your area's licensing requirements as it can vary from state to state. Many states require a specific number of hours of training that must be completed before one is granted a license. Once one has a license, they can work in such areas as a physical therapy clinic, physical rehabilitation facility, hospital, wellness clinic, own their own business, doctor's clinic, sports medicine, nursing homes, spas, and fitness centers. A masseuse can even have their own portable massage business where they go to the location of a client to provide a therapeutic massage.

A career as a masseuse is one area that is growing in demand. It is a gratifying and financially rewarding career for people who enjoy helping to improve individual health and wellness.

Using Exercises For Rotator Cuff Treatment Effectively

One of the most important parts of physical therapy for the shoulder are exercises for rotator cuff muscles. This is the first treatment for shoulder problems related to injury to the rotator cuff. Stiffness, pain and weakness in the shoulder or arm are good indicators of injuries to the rotator cuff.

The R.I.C.E. treatment is used in conjunction with exercises for rotator cuff. The meaning of R.I.C.E. is rest, ice, compression and elevation. These four treatments are used to reduce swelling and inflammation that can happen due to the injury and also from rotator cuff physical therapy.

The first choice for treatment of rotator cuff injuries are exercises for rotator cuff. If physical therapy has not been effective, surgery will be recommended. This is usually a last resort.

The doctor will recommend that you avoid exercises that require you to stretch the shoulder extensively. This includes reaching backwards or turning with the injured arm. Exercises for rotator cuff begin with easy stretching that will be closely watched by a physical therapist. Strenuous exercises will not be started till some range of motion is restored. Strengthening exercises are only added to the daily workout after extensive physical therapy has been done.

Even though exercises for rotator cuff are very effective, it will come slowly in order for the proper healing to take place. If physical therapy is post-surgical, this is especially true. Rehabilitation of the shoulder muscles always includes therapy after rotator cuff surgery. Range of motion may not be completely 100%, but physical therapy is very effective in restoring the amount of use that is regained in the arm and shoulder. The physical therapist or the physician will monitor the physical therapy very closely.

Massage Therapy

I've been a massage therapist for over four years now and I've grown accustomed to the raised eyebrows and suppressed chuckles I get from people when I tell them what I do for a living. It's a pity that these people don't know enough about massage therapy and the magical, pleasurable way it can improve their quality of life and overall well-being.

A massage can do wonders when applied properly to the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, joints and the like. Therapeutic massage therapy can help greatly in healing injury, relieving psychological stress, managing pain and improving blood circulation.

I guess most people wonder about massage therapy because they don't know what happens behind the closed doors when the curtains go down. In communal settings, massage procedures and techniques are mostly the same. The client is brought to a communal area where he lies down on a massage table, massage chair or on a mattress on the floor. The massage subject is generally unclothed or draped with towels or sheets to keep warm. The massage treatment begins with the client either face up or down for the first part of the session and he rolls over for the second half of the session. The masseuse expertly needs every part of his body, with special emphasis on areas which are tensed up or painful. The customer must be totally relaxed so that the maximum therapeutic benefits can be achieved.

Professional massage therapists are trained to release all the stress and tension in a person's body, freeing him from physical burdens that he may have carried for years without even knowing it. A good massage relaxes the mind as well while a great massage, some people claim, can touch your soul.

Contrary to some misconceptions, a person need not necessarily suffer from a psychological or physical trauma that is manifested in his muscles to benefit from a therapeutic massage. Such a massage is beneficial to most everyone, including those who lack exercise, have poor nutrition and are generally weak and unhealthy.

There are over 150 types of massage therapy which offer their own unique benefits and health- and life-enhancing positives. One need only experience a therapeutic massage once to realize the tremendous benefits that it has to offer.

Is Barber School Right For You?

First and foremost many may believe that barber school and beauty school are one in the same, however by definition this has become a sweeping statement to say the least. Barber schools are primarily concentrated on the study of hair and its many forms. Barbering is gaining the ability to understand the difference in hair types and its relevance to ethnicity. Most seasoned barbers or stylist will be able to identify the variations of hair and its infinite needs.

What is taught in Barber School?

While attending Barber school the student will be taught the fundamentals needed in order to provide total hair and skin care services to men in need of this service. Even though barbering is most often taught within a cosmetology or beauty school, there are also private barber schools which are solely designed to specifically provide education within this historic profession. The student's curriculum will consist of services such as steam facials face massage, foam shaves, modern razor styling, hair cutting, cutting, permanent waving and blow drying techniques. The courses provided are to train and prepare the student for their state board exam in order to acquire their state issued barber license. Barber school can also provide complete knowledge and courses in barber shop ownership and business management. The student will attain the knowledge needed to understand commonly used concepts, practices, and procedures within the barbering field.

The students typically train on mannequins in the beginning stages of their curriculum. The training is being provided by licensed barber instructors, and eventually with enough practice the student will then move on to actual clients in order to develop techniques as the courses advance. Learning how to properly manage all hair types is the essential part of course. All schools should include with in there courses the various hair and scalp conditions that come into play when trying to provide a service. A huge factor in proper barbering is to know that the health of the client's hair and scalp is the most important part when providing and attaining optimal service.

What Requirements are needed to become a Barber?

A high school diploma or its equivalent prior to enrollment is what most schools require. However checking with your states licensing requirements prior to your enrollment is a good idea. It is recommended you make contact with the licensing department within your state when inquiring about changes in programs or required hours.

Finding the Right School for You

Explore the different schools available and ask all the questions may have in order to make a valid choice. The right barber school for you may not be the right school for others. Building your strengths and technique will be what makes you stand out over other barbers, especially when you begin to attain a following. Barber school will educate you in cultivating your unique strengths and how to maintain a professional demeanor. These are necessary beginning steps in attaining gainful employment anywhere you might choice to take your career.
What is the Cost of Barber School?

The majority of schools offer full-time or part-time course loads, and the tuitions will vary, based on the nature of the courses, the hours needed, and where the school is located.

What Career Opportunities are offered to a Barber School Graduate?

Countless students that graduate from barber school go on to work for an already established shop, or ultimately open up their own.

How Much Do Barbers Earn?

Based on a search at, as of March 2010 the salary of a barber in New York City can range anywhere from a little as $20,211 up to $44,777. Salaries will vary based on your location, experience and clientele.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Upfront Collections - A Critical Success Factor in Physical Therapy Practices

It is no secret that the vitality of cash flow is dependent on the critical success factor of upfront collections. Upfront payments on patient co-pay and money towards the deductible is the patient's responsibility and obligation to the clinic, and is an expectation set by the patient's insurance carrier. However, a large volume of billing balances directly owed by patients has grown at an alarming pace. The driving force in the rise of patient pay responsibility is the increase of insurance plans with high deductibles and high levels of co-insurance. Due to this, it is best to take a proactive stance of upfront collections at time of service versus pursuing patients for large balances in past due accounts several months later. Collection of money at the time of service is a critical indicator of good practice management and benefits both the patient, as well as the provider. It not only helps the patient manage a smaller, more affordable bill after graduation, but also assures the provider will obtain timely reimbursement.

It is important to remember that an insurance plan co-pay is a required amount that the patient must pay themselves. The insurance payer sets a benefit cost for the patient, with the co-pay amount influencing the premium cost most of the time. The higher the co-pay, the lesser the premium cost from the patient's employer. Therefore, the insurance carrier requires the patient to contribute to the final payment of their healthcare in the form of a co-pay.

Patients are well informed of their co-pay or co-insurance responsibility from their employers; the verification of their benefits should be confirmed by the Front Desk Coordinator (FDC). It is vital that the FDC establishes collection arrangement with the patient on the first visit to the clinic. Explaining their Physical and Occupational benefits, as well as outlining the amount that will be expected at each visit, is very important in the success of upfront collections. Patients are craving more and better communication about their financial responsibility. FDCs should take the time to clarify the expectations proactively therefore reducing confusion through the billing and collection processes.

Another best practice is to put the expectations of the financial plan in writing, which can be accomplished nicely with a "Welcome Letter" on the patient's first visit. Also, when scheduling for repeat visits, remind patients of their co-pay expectations.

Stay consistent and compliant with the collection of up-front money to ensure prompt payment and to create good-standing with the patient. Patients will be pleased to know you are actively helping them stay out of larger medical debts by collecting upfront on services rendered. Upfront collections are here to stay, and showing the value of physical or occupational therapy is important when asking patients to pay. The role of the front desk team for this task is key to the practice success.

Use Of Traction Devices In Physical Therapy

Health care services and physical therapy are not going anywhere. There will always be a need for services of this kind as long as there are physical problems with humans. As technology and society advances, the efficiency and effectiveness of these services do as well. In the modern era there is a great measure of devices that help medical professionals to offer the best medical service possible. These are just a few of the thousands of devices that help health service professionals do their job.

The first device is a traction device. This instrument is most commonly used in a physical therapy setting. A patient receiving this type of treatment normally suffers from a pinched nerve in his/her neck. It works like this: there is usually some sort of curved piece or a two points sticking up creating a slot for the neck to rest in. There is then a weight, wrapped around the head, pulling it back (the head is hanging). This process then begins to stretch the spine out and restore a normal curve to the spinal part of the neck. Over time this will help to relieve paint and stress on the nerve. The use of traction devices has helped many patients overcome chronic neck pain and other symptoms of that nature.

Another tool that has become a staple in modern medical technology is ultrasound machines. This device does not help to cure patients with an ailment, but helps to diagnose it. Differently than traction devices, doctors use these machines to view what's inside a person and not fix something from the outside. Ultrasound machines are most notably used for viewing pregnancies and examining the baby in the womb.

Although this is the most widely known use, it is very common for doctors and ultrasound technicians to use this technology to view other aspects of the human body. Examining the kidneys, liver, heart, stomach and many other organs is normal. This machine works by sending a sound wave with a frequency far above human hearing. Typically this frequency is between 1-10 MHz. The wave hits the desired area and reflects back to the device. The device then interprets this reflection and produces an image.

Technology like traction devices and ultrasound machines has revolutionized the medical field. Doctors and therapists use these instruments across the world and have had exponential success. Experienced use of these tools along with many other tools and techniques continues to enhance medical care and in turn, extend and improve human life expectancy and comfort.

What Are the Hallmarks of Swedish Massage and How Can It Benefit You?

When people think of massage therapy, they're most likely thinking of Swedish massage techniques. But what is Swedish massage really all about?

Swedish massage is among the most popular massage techniques in the U.S., and it's a great entry point if you're new to massage. The techniques can be adjusted for people who are sensitive to pressure and for those who want deep muscle relief. Various therapists may have personal massage styles that differ from person to person, but there are a few basic hallmarks that differentiate a Swedish massage from other types of massage therapy.

Preparation, Positioning, and Warm-Up

In general, for Swedish massage you'll lie prone on a table with your face resting in a U-shaped cushion, so you can breathe easily without twisting your head to one side. It is often performed with you nude or nearly nude beneath a sheet. If you prefer, you can wear underwear, a swimsuit, or a tank top and shorts. The massage therapist will lift only certain sections of the sheet at a time, depending on what body part is being worked on. Most Swedish massage practitioners will begin by applying massage oil to your skin, rubbing it in to warm up and relax the muscles. Once the muscles are slightly warm and supple, the therapist can truly dig in to release knots and tension. Many of the massages begin with the back, followed by the backs of the legs, the fronts of the legs, your arms and shoulders, and finally your neck and head, but the order can vary based on personal preference.

Swedish Massage Techniques

Certain strokes and actions are associated with Swedish massage. The term "effleurage" refers to gliding and stroking movements across your skin. "Petrissage" refers to the kneading action that a massage therapist uses to dispel knots and tension in the meat of a muscle. "Tapotement" is a rhythmic tapping action performed by the palm, edge of the hand, or back of the hand. A specialist may also employ friction to produce heat, increase circulation, stimulate nerves, and soothe muscles. Some masseuses will also utilize vibration or shaking of certain muscles to help induce a more relaxed state. Which of these actions your massage therapist uses will depend on your health and fitness level, what areas of your body are experiencing tension or soreness, and any goals you have for the massage.

Benefits of Swedish Massage

You may think a massage is solely intended to relax your body and relieve muscle tension, but those are just two of the many benefits of Swedish massage. Massage therapy can also improve your circulation, relieve joint and nerve pain, and stimulate your lymphatic system. Regular massage can help you sleep better, in addition to helping to dispel stress hormones. Swedish massage can even speed up recovery time following a muscle or joint injury, if applied gently and gradually as part of a monitored physical therapy regimen.

One of the great things about this type of massage is that it's straightforward and easy to understand, even for massage novices. Unlike Asian-style massages that focus on meridians and energy work, Swedish massage focuses directly on your anatomy. That makes it easy for you to adapt the massage to your needs. Not enough pressure? Ask the therapist to dig deeper. Experiencing pain when the therapist touches a certain muscle? Let her know, so she can adapt her work accordingly. If something makes you nervous or uncomfortable, say so. The more comfortable and relaxed you can be, the better the results of the massage.