Saturday, September 28, 2013

How to Massage Your Colon For Constipation Relief

Massage of the abdominal area is a great way to tone the muscles in your colon area. If done regularly, this massage will strengthen your colon walls and help to loosen stagnant chime that is causing constipation. If you are trying to relieve constipation, then you can massage for a week or two until you get past your constipation. Regular massaging can be of great benefit to your colon and to your surrounding organs.

You can do this colon massage with oil as you lie in your bed or, as I do, in the shower where I use a soap solution to slide my hand over my abdomen with relative easy.

Start on the right side down near your appendix. Start with small circular or short movements, in one direction, and move upward toward your rib cage. This is the direction your fecal matter travels in your colon. If you have long fingernails, you may have a problem doing this massage.

You can apply pressure in your massages. You may want to start gently and increase your pressure in subsequent days.

When you start your circular massage near your appendix, you are also strengthening your ileocecal valve. In the shower, everyday, I massage this spot to strengthen and tone my ileocecal valve. This one way valve is the gateway between your small intestine and your colon. You want a strong ileocecal valve so fecal matter moves into your colon it does not move backward into the small intestine.

Massaging near the appendix also helps to move any stagnant fecal matter that is stuck there. Stagnant fecal matter in the appendix can lead to bacteria build up and inflammation.

So, massage your ileocecal value every day in the shower or with oil just before getting out of bed for 1-minute or so.

Now, once you've reached the rib cage, move to the left to the outer point of the left rib cage. Now move downward a good length toward your groin.

Take 2-3 minutes to do this massage and you will get constipation relief and you will start to improve your overall feeling of well being.

As you massage your colon area, notice if you find areas that have a slight pain or a lot of pain. With areas that have a slight pain, you can work these areas and probably reduce the pain with daily massages.

With areas of deep pain, in the colon area, do not continue the massage. Consider consulting with a doctor, if the pain persists.

Remember to move your hands in one direction in short strokes, upward, then to the left, then downward. Massage your ileocecal valve everyday and this will stimulate you appendix area.

These massages will help to loosen and move fecal matter that is stagnant in your colon. Combine this massage with other constipation remedies and this should help you get constipation relief.

Massage Therapy Advertising

What Is Massage Therapy Advertising?

Massage therapists often believe that successful advertising is done by word-of-mouth, business cards, discount coupons and fliers.

Unfortunately, much to the disappointment of many massage therapists, these tactics rarely bring the desired results and the massage business often ends up being just another statistic.

People Will Pay For What They Desire

Instead of following everyone else's idea of what should work, it's time to look at what actually does bring in the clients and how you can change your marketing techniques to fill your practice.

Here's a huge hint:

"People will ALWAYS pay for what they truly desire."

Knowing that, all you have to do is get your advertising to persuade them they really desire a massage from you.

What Is The Basis Of Persuasive Advertising?

Firstly, it is concentrating on the benefits of your massages, instead of the features.

Too often massage therapy advertising is focused on the features, for instance the fact that the Egyptians used massage, or the technique you use in your practice, and so on.

The first step in designing your massage therapy advertising is to find out what your potential clients desire. The easiest way to do this is to ask your existing clients why they came to you for a massage.

If you stop giving your clients what they desire, they'll stop coming. It's as simple as that. So if you have regular clients, you're obviously giving them what they desire. All you have to do now is ask them what that is and you suddenly have the basis of your marketing message.

Physical Therapy for Bulging Disc Relief and Recovery

Bulging discs commonly occur as the body ages and the intervertebral disc degenerates. However, bulging discs happen not just in senior adults but also in younger ones. At the center of the intervertebral disc is a soft and spongy substance called the nucleus pulposes. When this substance bulges out, it puts pressure on the ligaments known as annulus fibrosis, which surrounds the core. This normally is not a cause for major concern and may not even be painful but it becomes serious when the bulging intrudes into the area of the spinal canal. When this happens, the pain can be unbearable.

While majority of people with bulging discs do not experience debilitating pain, there are a few cases when patients suffer severe and persistent low back pain caused by a bulging disc, which hinders their normal activities. The good thing is most cases of bulging discs do not require surgical treatment. Doctors usually provide initial treatment of bulging discs through non-surgical or conservative methods focusing on pain relief, both short-term and permanent, and more importantly, healing.

To help reduce inflammation, your physician may recommend that you limit your activities and get some bed rest. For mild to moderate pain, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medicines. Sometimes, patients receive steroid injections for temporary pain relief.

Physical therapy for bulging disc is also one of the recommended ways of treatment. Like any medical treatment, physical therapy for bulging disc starts with the doctor's evaluation of your condition. Once the doctor has determined his diagnosis, he or she will design a program specific to your needs.

Physical therapy for bulging disc makes use of different methods, one of which is traction. In this procedure, the therapist pulls the vertebrae so the blood can flow into the damaged disc and promote healing. Another common physical therapy for bulging disc is massage therapy, which also improves blood circulation in the affected area.

Stretching exercises are also part of physical therapy for bulging disc. In addition to this, your therapist may gradually incorporate strengthening exercises into your therapy program to strengthen the muscles in your back.

Other methods in physical therapy for bulging disc are ice therapy, heat therapy, ultrasound therapy, and electrical stimulation. Your doctor or therapist may also recommend muscle relaxants and pain relief medication in combination with physical therapy for bulging disc. There are many treatment options for bulging discs. Some may work and some may not. Your doctor will help you determine which ones will work for you best.

Sports Medicine Colleges - Getting the Right Education to Launch Your Career

Staring your sports medicine career is going to require getting your sports medicine education underway. You will need to spend a little time researching and exploring your options for sports medicine colleges. You choice of college should be based on a few simple criteria, which include:

Matching your career choice and college curriculum.

Cost of the school.

Location of the school

School Reputation

Defining Your Career Choice is the Starting Point of the Search

One thing to be very cautious about when choosing a sports medicine college is to not lose sight of your personal goals and ambitions. You may have made a decision to become a Physical Therapist with a specialty in sports medicine and during your search you suddenly get distracted by all the other career choices and their potentially lower costs. Stick to your plans or you may discover you have headed into a career you will not enjoy.

The choices for certain specialties become limited very quickly. As an example, to pursue a sports medicine education to become a Sports Medicine Physician means you will be acquiring a four year Bachelor of Science degree, spending 4 years in medical school, 3 years in residency, and possibly more time in a fellowship to acquire acceptance into your specialized field. Since only a small percentage of schools are accredited medical schools your choices reduce rapidly. You must first qualify and be accepted into the college. Here are couple examples of top medical programs for Sports Physicians:

繚 Stanford University - The University offers one of the few fellowship programs in the nation for specializing in this field. The program offers access to their Human Performance Laboratory which explores sports medicine using cutting edge technology and works in partnership with the Stanford University athletic teams and departments.

繚 Ohio State University - Another fellowship program offered through a top medical university. The program offers many of the same advantages as Stanford.

It is important to note both of these programs require you have already finished college, medical school, and your residency. Sports Medicine Physicians are not created in medical school but in their continuing training after becoming a Doctor. These two programs make Stanford and Ohio State the two top sports medical universities in the nation.

Schools for Medicine - Other Career Areas

When you change your focus away from being a physician to selecting other careers within medicine your choice of schools expands rapidly. As an example, if you wanted to pursue a career as a massage therapist working with athletes you can find schools in many states including the following schools:

Denver School of Massage Therapy

Woodridge School of Massage Therapy in Chicago

Omaha School of Massage and Healthcare at Herzing University

Nevada School of Massage Therapy - Las Vegas, Nevada

Arizona School of Massage Therapy

Is Sports Physical Therapy the Right Direction for Your Career?

Another educational pursuit is in becoming a Physical Therapist. This is one of the better paying careers in medicine. You can choose from one of the 212 accredited colleges. Of these 212 schools for sports medicines 203 offer doctorate degrees in Physical Therapy with the other 9 offering Masters Programs. Your requirements to become a Sports Physical Therapist are as follows:

Complete a Bachelor Degree program. No specific degree is required but including courses on biology, anatomy, physiology, and other related sciences is highly recommended.

Earn your graduate degree in Physical Therapy. The doctorate programs take approximately 3 years to complete, with masters programs averaging 2.5 years.

Residency in Physical Therapy - An average 1500 hours of on the job work under the supervision of a licensed therapist is required.

Pass Licensing Exam - This is administered on a state by state basis.

Pass Exam to Become a Physical Therapy Specialist in Sports. This specialty designation is offered through the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties and requires you have practiced physical therapy for 2000 hours plus passed their exam. This is not required to work in sports medicine but does give you added credentials.

With the slight difference in time to receive a doctorate or masters it would be in your own best interest to pursue a doctorate degree. With over 200 schools offering specialties in Physical Therapy you will be able to find a school within your budget and in a location near you.

As can be seen by our three examples your choice of sports medicine degree colleges is highly dependent on the career path you select. Your starting point is choosing whether you wish to be a trainer, doctor, physical therapist, or other choose a different career. You can then quickly uncover the right sports medicine colleges for you.

Seven Secrets to the Right Massage Therapist

Have you ever had a less than pleasant experience when receiving a massage? The therapist uses inappropriate language or does not listen to the treatment you would like to receive, giving you a full body relaxation massage instead of the trigger point therapy on your neck and shoulders that you ask for.

The following several suggestion can help you find your ideal therapist, the best way to start is with a referral by an Allied Health Practitioner i.e. Chriopractor, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Naturopath and some GP's are able to give referrals to local massage therapist's. Nowadays it is becoming popular for allied health practitioners to have an affiliated link to a massage therapist's website and vice-versa. Just remember not all therapist have an internet presence with their business.

The next best way to find a good massage therapist is through word of mouth. When you hear someone talking about a massage treatment that they recently had, and they enjoyed, grab the contact details of the therapist.

When you have the details of a therapist you would like to see, make sure the massage therapist is politely spoken and addresses you appropriately by your name, pet names are inappropriate i.e love, dear and sweetie. If this happens politely let the therapist know that they have called you by a pet name and if they could address you appropriately by your name. When you arrive at the clinic or the mobile massage therapist arrives at your house, the therapist should greet you with a warm friendly greeting and some therapist may also include a hand shake with the verbal greeting.

Attire for a massage therapist must be neat, tidy and presentable. This should also apply for outside of the clinic in a social scene,?therapist wearing?neat casual clothes. Networking is a big part of working for yourself and most therapist know that even outside a clinic, potential clients are all around.

During the massage the therapist must have minimal social conversation although a therapist may ask you during the massage if the pressure or technique is okay. If the therapist is talking during you massage, kindly tell them that you wish to have no talking in the treatment. Ask for what you would like your treatment to be, you are a paying customer.

Does the therapist have a negative outlook on life, always talking about the lack of clients or having to take on a second job just to pay the bills? This type of massage therapist may not be for you. You want to come away from your therapist feeling uplifted and excited about life after your treatment. You do not want to be worried that if you don't re-book with the therapist next week then they will have to shut the doors for good.

All qualified massage therapist have to be within a Professional Massage Association. They will have a logo of that association displayed on either promotional material or website. This membership to an association requires them to follow a Code of Ethics, have Professional Indemnity Insurance, Senior First Aid, along with maintaining Continual Professional Education workshops throughout the year.

Following these seven steps and you will find a suitable massage therapist for you. You may have to see a few before you find your gem, don't lose heart. Keep trying until you find the one that is right for you. Every massage therapist? offers a different treatment even if they have study at the same college. Every therapist is as individual as are their treatments.

Deep Tissue & Swedish Massage Therapy - Get it Light Or Hard, It Depends on Your Tolerance Level

Two of the more famous massage therapy techniques are deep tissue massage therapy and Swedish massage therapy. Both of these techniques provide relaxation and alleviation of tension in the body for residents of former capital of the Republic of Texas and the current state capital, Austin. They also provide a host of physical benefits. Many massage therapists combine techniques from both traditions into a single session since each brings its own benefits and drawbacks to a massage therapy session. Let's look at each of these traditions and see how they differ.

Most people recognize deep tissue for the slow deep manipulation of muscles and soft tissue. This technique is very helpful with relieving stress and tension experienced in stiff necks, sore shoulders, and painful backs. When a client is under constant stress or has a painful injury, muscles, ligaments, and tendons often become stiff and rigid. These rigid bands of tissue are often quite painful and can block circulation in some cases. With deep tissue massage therapy, the therapists work to break down these rigid bands of tissue by applying pressure or friction against the muscles. Many clients report that this technique is very effective for relieving deep tension and stiffness in muscles. However, as the therapist applies pressure, a client may experience some discomfort.

Most people recognize Swedish massage therapy, on the other hand, for its gentle motions. As with most forms of massage, you experience relaxation and other health benefits from this technique. The therapists often use massage oils to promote the strokes used during the massage. The strokes can include stretching, tapping, kneading, and friction. Swedish massage therapy is a very good way to ease into regular massage sessions. You can request light pressure or firm pressure in one of these massages. As you become used to having massage, you might find firmer pressure to be a pleasant experience. For those experienced with massage, a traditional light pressure massage may not be enough.

Either deep tissue or Swedish massage therapy gives you the benefits, and to most forms of massage. These include promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation, reducing anxiety and tension, preventing, and relieving muscle cramps, improving blood circulation, and helping with pain management. As with any other therapeutic option, consult with your doctor before starting any massage therapy. Some people with certain medical conditions might experience pain or other problems during a massage. By clearing it with your doctor, you get assurance that you will get the most benefits from the experience.

If deep tissue or Swedish massage therapy doesn't ring your bell, a holistic healer can offer other options. Does hypnotherapy get your interest? You can get therapy for losing weight or quitting smoking. Do you want to experience your past lives? Past life regression will open up images and thoughts from lives past. You can find a variety of therapies available to help you regain your health and balance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Importance of the Client Consultation Process in Massage Home Study Courses

The importance of the client consultation process must be made obvious in any massage home study courses that you evaluate. When working as holistic therapist it is very important to carry out a client consultation before performing a treatment.

If this is their first visit you will need to conduct a client consultation with them. A client consultation helps you to determine why the client has come to see you. It helps you to evaluate any health issues they may have, be these emotional or physical. This will help you to formulate a treatment plan to help elevate the client's symptoms.

The client consultation information should include:-

  • Personal details

  • Medical History

  • Contra Indications

  • Clients lifestyle

  • Treatment record

When carrying out a client consultation we are looking for contra indications to treatment. Contra Indications are health conditions that the client may have which mean that you should exercise caution or possibly avoid working on an area of the body. In more extreme cases you may need to avoid treatment altogether.

It is important to inform the client of this eg. "I am just going to run through a consultation form with you. The reason we are asking these questions is to determine that it is safety to proceed is to determine that it is safe to carry on with the treatment. We are looking for health conditions that mean we may have to modify the treatment or may need to get a doctor's permission before we can proceed. All the information that you give me is private and confidential and will only be used to determine whether it is safe to proceed with the treatment."

It is important that you check with your insurance company to determine which contra-indications they require you to check for, the list of contra indication can different for each insurer. If you do not check for their list of contra indications, then you may find that you are not covered should a client make a claim against you.

Ensure that both you and the client sign the consultation form to indicate that this is a true statement of the client's health.

If the client is a regular, then ask them to check the consultation form that they have filled in and inform you of any changes. Once you have determined that it is safe to proceed with the treatment, take the client to the treatment area and perform the treatment. Following the treatment, you should assess the treatment, make notes of any observations that you made during the treatment and give the client after care advice.

When you assess the treatment:

  • Ask the client if they enjoyed the treatment, if not why not.

  • Ask them what they liked the best and make notes, you will be able to modify their next treatment and do more of what they liked best?

  • Was there anything they didn't like, if there is then again you can modify the next treatment and miss out what they didn't like?

  • Was the pressure ok, again this allows you to modify your next treatment to meet your client's needs?

  • Write their answer up on the follow up form, along with any problem areas you found when performing the treatment. It is important to write up this information as this is your record of the treatment, and you can use this information in the unlikely event of a claim being made against you. Just be prepared.

Client consultations are a very important part of being a professional holistic therapist. They protect both the client and you. They make sure that you do not perform a treatment on a client that may be detrimental to their well being and in the unlikely event of a client making an insurance claim against you, it shows that you took all the steps required of you and it shows the health information that the client told you, and it was this information that you used to decide to proceed with the treatment.

How Massage Eases Menopausal Symptoms

Many women enjoy receiving regular massage sessions as a means of relaxation and stress relief. With our hectic, fast-paced lives and busy schedules, massage can be the perfect outlet for releasing the tension brought on by our daily activities. As women get older, their lives don't necessarily tend to slow down, which can make the aging process somewhat of a challenge for some. It's likely that by the time a woman reaches the age of 50, she's begun to experience some signs of menopause. Massage therapy can be very therapeutic for menopausal women during this time.

Every woman reacts differently to the bodily changes that occur during menopause. Some women manage with confidence, while others may be overwhelmed and not so apt at controlling their emotions. Whatever the case may be, the gentle, nurturing touch of massage can be calming and soothing to a woman going through this major life change.

There's no question that the bodily changes that every woman must go through during menopause are permanent. Since many people are resistant to change, this can wreak havoc on a woman's emotions. The uncomfortable symptoms of menopause, such as weight gain and mood swings, can be so intolerable that depression may inevitably set in. Traditional Western medicine relies strongly on medications such as anti-depressants and sleeping pills to treat these symptoms, but massage therapy offers an enticing, drug-free alternative. Relieving stress and increasing relaxation can help a woman cope with and manage these discomforts with greater ease.

As a bodyworker, help your female clients understand that they don't have to go through this change alone, and educate them on the therapeutic benefits that regular massage therapy sessions can provide for menopause relief.

Learn more about which massage modalities can best help to ease the symptoms of menopause.

Ohio Massage Therapy Licensure Exam - What to Expect After Taking the Exam

Okay, so you study like crazy and finally "sit" for the Ohio Massage Therapy Licensure Exam in either June or December. You know you have to wait about 4-6 weeks at the minimum to get your results. Did you pass or not? How will you be notified? What is the earliest you will know? What are the next steps after you find out you passed or failed?

Read on to get some information about what to expect as far as results and when.

First of all, the State of Ohio Medical Board (SMB) committee typically meets the second Tuesday of each month. At the July and January meetings, time is devoted to approving those people who took the massage therapy licensure exam the previous month. Results are made public that same week.

Secondly, you can get your results by:

1. Calling the SMB office at 614-644-5920 on the SECOND THURSDAY of July or December.

2. Checking the SMB website for your name to be listed on the SECOND FRIDAY of July or December (maybe, if lucky, it will be posted on Thursday). Look on this web page on the left side for "Newly Licensed Massage Therapists" and click it to get this list.

3. Waiting for snail mail confirmation of your results (should be ON Saturday or shortly after).


If you PASSED the exam, you might...

1. Get disability insurance especially if you are making massage your full-time gig. Try the information at the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) OR do a Google search for other options.

2. Get a job. Ask your instructors, check your massage school, get out the yellow pages, join your classmates in a business, do an on-line search for a job, check out the chiropractors and gyms that are close by, look for rental space, prepare a room in your home.... The possibilities are endless!

3. Broaden your options by getting certified nationally in massage or as a personal trainer. The latter option will allow you to offer multiple services to the same client (don't need as large a client list!) and is recognized INTERNATIONALLY. The former will allow you to practice massage outside of Ohio in some warm, sunny, beautiful climate!

Those NOT PASSING the exam should...

Wait for their results in the mail to determine if one part of the exam was passed and THEN...

1. If you have failed that part LESS than three times, you can register for the exam again. The letter you receive with your results from the SMB will tell you about the process.

2. If you have failed either part MORE then three times, you must take competency school work just for the part that you failed BEFORE you can retake the SMB exam. There are a limited number of schools that provide this service. You can find all the schools offering competency programs on the medical board web site under the "Information for Massage Schools and Students" tab.

My recommendation is to go to Stark State (Google this to find their web site address) and take their ONLINE class so you have no travel expenses. LOOK IMMEDIATELY on this web site since their class begins SOON after each SMB exam.

Preparing and taking the Ohio massage therapy exam is a stressful event in the lives of most massage therapy students. Knowing how to find you exam scores and when to expect them helps relieve some of that stress. The procedure taken by the medical board in reporting has been fairly consistent over the years. Trusting the process I have outlined above should help with the "unknown."

Sports Massage: New Study Shows Positive Benefits of Massage Therapy Treatment on Athletes

A new scientific study shows that sports massage provides anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing benefits. Offering healing relief for pros and recreationists alike, massage therapy now has empirical evidence illustrating its advantages for the treatment of athletes.

Anecdotal and experiential evidence have long shown that massage therapy can provide healthful benefits to both amateur and professional athletes. Until recently, there has been little scientific research performed to confirm these findings. However, with a new study published in the February 1 edition of Science Translational Medicine (online), there is now empirical data supporting the long-held belief that massage techniques can provide relief following strenuous physical activity.

This study, a collaboration between the Buck Institute for Research on Aging and McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), involved a comparative analysis of muscle biopsies performed on several male athletes, with samples taken prior to exercise and following exercise. Using one leg as a control, the other leg was massaged; both legs were then biopsied after 10 minutes of massage treatment and again following a 2.5-hour rest period.

Utilizing genetic analysis, the researchers found an increase in the biogenesis of mitochondria (energy-producing parts of a cell) as well as a decrease in inflammatory cytokines. As the study contributor who performed the genetic analysis, Buck Institute Dr. Simon Melov, noted, massage therapy's pain reducing benefits may hinge on the same mechanisms as traditional anti-inflammatory medication.

Since the advent of therapeutic massage, people have known that the treatment can create pain relief as well as relaxation, but it hasn't been well understood precisely why. This new research from the Buck Institute is helping to shed light on just why seeing a massage therapist feels so good.

Particularly with situations of muscle exhaustion and athletic stress, the body is generating a great deal of inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to the muscle soreness you experience a day or two later (delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS). By using sports massage treatment to suppress those inflammatory responses, you can help to reduce that muscle discomfort.

So the next time someone tells you that massage is relaxing but not physically beneficial, or someone tries to claim that the pain-relieving aspect of sports massage is all in your head, refer them to the Buck Institute study. With clear evidence that massage therapy works to reduce inflammatory cytokines and boost the creation of mitochondria in muscle cells, we now know for sure that massage treatment is scientifically beneficial to your body following intense exercise. Additional research will be needed to expand our understanding of how and why massage provides healthful benefits beyond sports treatment, but for now, there is finally empirical data to support massage therapy's pain relieving results.

The 5 Best American Colleges for a Career in Massage Therapy

The U.S. News and World Report lists Massage Therapist as one of the Best Jobs of 2012, under the Healthcare Category. It is a fact that there are innumerable massage therapy colleges mushrooming across America as a large number of people become more and more interested in a career in massage therapy. You can certainly find massage therapist schools in almost every state, each offering different kinds of courses and training programs so that you become highly specialized and can begin to grow a long client list.

If you are planning to select massage as your career path, then you may be wondering about the coursework and the degrees that offered by most massage therapist colleges. It is always smart to research the best massage therapy schools to determine which will provide you with the necessary opportunity to excel and bloom in this field.

Top Medical Therapy Colleges in America: Taking Your Career to the Next Level

Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts is a top choice for the student looking to jump-start their career in massage therapy. It is a private college located in Tempe, Arizona and is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET). The main aim of the college is to provide quality professional education to their students so they can not only grow, but also successfully heal the body and soul of their clients. The Southwest Institute of Healing Arts students can acquire degrees and diplomas by enrolling themselves in the following programs:

1. Professional Massage Practitioner

2. Advanced Bodywork Practitioner

3. Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

4. Western Herbalist

5. Master Massage Practitioner

6. Spa Management and Leadership

7. Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner

8. 600 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

9. Yoga Teacher Training/Yoga Therapist

National Massage Therapy Institute

It is located in Philadelphia Pennsylvania, and is renowned as one of the best training programs offering hands-on education to its students. It also has branches in multiple locations in the area such as Northeast Philadelphia, PA; Egg Harbor Township/Atlantic City, NJ; Falls Church, VA; and Wilmington, DE. Here you can attend evening, day or weekend classes. The best thing that National Massage Therapy Institute offers is placement in local salons, gyms and orthopedic offices. This provides students with real world experience and a helping hand in getting their first job.

National Holistic Institute

National Holistic Institute is one of the most respected massage therapy schools in America, providing the finest professional training to its students. Located in Emeryville California it may be the perfect choice for students to acquaint themselves with excellent massage techniques. The college offers the unique Core 900 Hour Massage Therapist Training Program that helps their students to learn best-practices and techniques and most importantly keep pace with the rapidly growing/changing massage therapy industry.

Cortiva Institute

The campus of Cortiva Institute is located in various locations of the United States like Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Washington, New Jersey, Florida and so on. If you enroll in this college, then you will certainly benefit from the host of other benefits such as exclusive online job boards, financial aid assistance, affordable tuition and job placement assistance. The college provides various kinds of in-depth massage therapist programs to its students, including:

1. Neuromuscular Therapy

2. Swedish Therapeutic Massage

3. Hydrotherapy

4. Sports Massage

5. Myofascial Therapy

The Soma Institute

The Soma Institute is a very popular university with students looking to become successful massage therapists. It is located in Chicago, Illinois and notably has the highest placement rate for student graduates. Students can enroll for a diploma by attending a 750-hour clinical massage program and a 300-hour master clinical massage therapy diploma program.

It is important that you choose a top massage therapy school so your career starts with the proper skills and the best education; then you can move into the profitable and exciting career of massage therapy and help your clients to work out the kinks of their tiring and hectic lives.

4 Easy Twitter Setup Guidelines For Massage Therapists

Set-up Guidelines

  1. Make your Bio pop
    Your Bio is one of the most important pieces of writing you will do on Twitter. This is because it is both the most easily searchable part of your profile, and the only thing most people will read when deciding if they should follow you back. Most Twitter Bios are not full sentences, but rather a series of descriptors. Begin by brainstorming labels that sum up parts of your life, habits, education, etc. Remember that Twitter is a social platform, and therefore you need to make your bio and presence about more than just your work. I highly suggest adding some personal information as seasoning to your business information. A good example comes from Alyssa Haines's Twitter profile:

    Marketing consultant, massage therapist, and frequent user of the Oxford comma.

    It is snappy, personality driven, and clearly communicates the gist of what she does and what she might have to offer.

  2. Customize your Twitter background
    Your Twitter account page theme is an important choice to make. Think carefully about what you want it to say about your business and what feelings you want it to inspire. For example, as a massage business, you might want to create a sense of peace, relaxation, and serenity. To do this you could use images and colors like clouds, light greens and blues, or nature scenes. Conversely, if you are a Rolfer, you may want to convey a more clinical atmoshpere by using diagrams of anatomy.

  3. Include a link to your Website
    This should go without saying: put a link everywhere you possibly can. There are several reasons. First, that link is the access point your followers have to getting to your website and making an appointment. Most people don't attempt to remember your web address; there are simply too many websites to remember them all. They do, however, remember where they found you. So, the link in twitter is like an archived point of reference. Second, the link in your profile is one of the only real links you will have on Twitter, and including a link is good for your search engine visibility.*

  4. Link Twitter to Facebook
    Linking your Twitter account to Facebook is an easy way to create a force multiplier, or a double-down effect. Connecting accounts allows you to make a content contribution, say in LinkedIn, and multiply its effects by having it post in Twitter, which posts to your Facebook page. Automation is the key to getting your message out there without spending more time marketing online than you have to. If you aren't convinced you need a Facebook account, stay tuned for my next article.

*The link is actually a no follow link, but some search engines will catalog it anyway. Even Google is non-committal as to how they would treat such a link. With enough social legitimacy, it may be indexed.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Combining Osteopathy With Massage Therapy for Best Results

Osteopathy is a type of treatment that many people think of using. What most people do not think about is combining osteopathy with massage therapy. A lot of people find that they get the best results from their osteopathic treatment when the combine it with massage therapy. If you want to offer massage or osteopathy then you should know about the relationship between these two treatments.

Does osteopathy include massage?

When you train in osteopathy is massage included? This is a question that many people ask if they want to combine these two. The answer is that most training for osteopathy will not include massage. You will be learning about the principles of osteopathy and the various techniques that are used during this. You will also learn how to take care of patients in a clinical environment. Although there is a form of treatment known as osteopathic massage that can be used. This treatment remedies problems with posture and mobility.

Using massage therapy to relax the muscle after osteopathic treatment

When traditional manipulation techniques are used during osteopathic treatment relaxing of the muscles will be needed. There are many reasons for why massage therapy is used with this treatment. To get the best results of the osteopathic treatment relaxing muscles is very important. Mobility is one reason why many people go to an osteopath. By implementing massage along with other techniques you can increase mobility. Massage also helps with the flow of blood which decreases the healing time needed to see results.

How does osteopathy training interact with massage?

The techniques that are used during osteopathy training and massage have a similar result. Both types of training will work toward helping the client increase mobility and decrease pain. It is important that when you combine these two therapies you are aware of the different types of massage. Certain massage types will not be ideal for this combination. Swedish massage is one form that is very good when combined with osteopathy. Other types that are good will include sports and medical massage.

Will massage courses cover both techniques?

You may be wondering if the massage courses you are going to do will cover both techniques. The fact is that there will be some overlap when you study massage. There are many techniques that massage therapists used that are derived from the work of osteopaths. The reason for this is that both disciplines want to help their clients. While osteopaths are more concerned with the treatment of illness through the skeleton, massage therapists wish to increase the flow of blood and sensation along the nerves. While the basis may be different, the way they go about it is very similar. Manual manipulation is used by both and a massage course will often include the massage techniques used by osteopaths. Of course the kind of massage course you are doing will also have an impact on what you will be learning.

A lot of people find they get the best results from osteopathy when they combine it with massage. The reason for this is that the massage will relax the muscles that may have been tense before osteopathy is done. Of course many osteopaths do use osteopathic massage as a manner of treatment.

Yoga for Physiotherapy Patients

Yoga has gained quite a lot of attention since the 90s as an effective form of exercise and physical betterment. From celebrities to the average Joes and Janes, yoga has essentially become a way of life. But have you ever heard of yoga for physiotherapy patients? Would you believe that yoga can be an effective form of physical therapy?

These days, many of us have heard of yoga for teens, the elderly, pregnant moms and even yoga for toddlers. There is even yoga for dogs, believe it or not. The fact of the matter is yoga can be quite helpful in reliving specific health issues that many physical therapy patients are facing, so long as it is done correctly. Even though the research behind using yoga as a type of physical therapy is still in its infancy, the interest towards the matter is most definitely growing.

Using yoga for physiotherapy patients can have a positive effect in a number of debilitating problems that affect the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and neurological systems. Chronic back pains and certain respiratory issues can also benefit from a good yoga program. Most yoga practitioners believe that yoga does not just promote physical fitness. They believe that it nourishes the mind as well; some will even go as far as claiming that yoga can essentially strengthen one's spirituality. But whether you believe in a supreme being or not, one thing is for certain; mental relaxation and peace of mind are among the benefits that you can expect from a good yoga technique.

Like most exercise programs that are used in conventional physical therapy, yoga addresses the entire body, and not just specific areas. In one yoga session, your whole body will be getting the right amount of attention in every pose. And because of this, you are essentially taking the focus away from the regions where you are experiencing pain. Talk about an all natural pain reliever! Apart from strengthening your core and improving your flexibility and biomechanical efficiency, the relaxation and breathing exercises can also help you get your mind at ease. And to a person who is dealing with more than just the physical aspects of his illness, a good meditation exercise will certainly help a lot.

Integrating yoga for physiotherapy patients work because it effectively combines traditional and evidence-based physical therapy with yoga therapy. Sort of like conventional western medicine meeting time-proven eastern remedies. You will receive the best treatment experience possible, and then some. Why do you think yoga is so popular among millions of people? That is because this form of exercise really works. And if you take a moment and think about the advantages that it can offer when you incorporate it to your physiotherapy sessions, the possibilities are virtually endless.

For you to become an effective physiotherapist, you need to be open to new techniques and methods. And using yoga for physiotherapy patients really is quite helpful and efficient, both physically and mentally. Although there are yoga poses that are impossible to achieve for some patients with certain disabilities, not every yoga pose is that difficult. You just have to be creative in your approach.

Everything You Need to Know About the Massage Therapy Industry

Last week we taught you everything you need to know about going to a massage therapy institute. This week we will focus on everything you need to know about the massage therapy industry.

After your proper schooling and once you acquire certification, the best place to start looking for employment is a part-time job at a spa or hospital. There are few opportunities for advancement, but managing the office you work in is good experience in the long-run for ultimately beginning your own business. Creating relationships with patients is very important because building up a clientele is necessary in order to start a private practice, where earnings will be highest.

Forbes magazine pointed out, in an article from 2006, that many hospitals are initiating massage programs and more doctors are recommending massage treatment. As a result, many insurance companies have begun to include massage in their coverage. Because of its rising popularity, many companies are even beginning to offer workplace massages in an effort to be more employee-friendly.

You'll also probably wonder what salaries are like. The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the median wage of massage therapists is $16.78 per hour. Annual salaries vary significantly because many therapists work only part-time.

Considering all of the points discussed so far it is easy to appreciate the expectation that employment in massage therapy will grow faster than average for all occupations through 2018. As such, the applications and enrollment at massage schools and massage therapy institutes are expected to rise across the country. So don't wait any longer and find the right massage school so you can start your career!

Private Schools Vs Public Schools

This debate has been going on forever it seems. Both private and public schools have their benefits. It depends on a person's own perception towards education that ultimately decides what they want for their children.

Despite the somewhat expensive tuition costs, there are many benefits of private schools. However public schools cannot be ignored either. Today's article will pit the two concepts against each other and highlight their positives. This will help parents decide which school to enroll their children in.

Expensive Education vs. Free Education

Nothing can beat public schools when it comes to the cost of learning. It's free - Paid for in full by the US Government all the way up to 12th grade. What is even more encouraging is the fact that the quality of education at public schools has been getting better and better over the years. This makes public schools a no brainer for many parents.

Quality of Education - The Main Difference

The thing that sets private institutions apart from public ones is the quality of education. Private schools have one single vision in mind - to provide the best possible education to their students by using the latest technology and excellent teaching staff. They carefully screen their teachers to ensure they are up-to-date on the latest teaching trends and possess the necessary academic distinctions required for teaching.

Furthermore, their curriculum is carefully designed to incorporate the highest levels of teaching methodologies. They also have a better student teacher ratio compared to public schools which also improve overall teaching and learning. These are traits not found in public institutions.

Access to Better Facilities, Tools and Equipment

Students at private schools take full advantage of all the amenities provided to them. They have access to better facilities both education and recreational. The libraries contain a healthy volume of books for research and the computer labs are better equipped to assist with projects and daily assignments.

Students are also given ample opportunity to indulge themselves in recreational activities in order to keep a healthy mind. Better gymnasiums, fitness classes and different types of recreational sports are just a few things offered at private institutions.

After School Enrichment Programs

Both public and private schools are big on after school programs. The types of programs however vary from school to school and private institutions tend to stay ahead of the pack, with the diverse, fun and highly productive after school programs designed specifically to enhance student growth both mentally and physically.

When it comes to education, parents certainly have good choices on the table. All schools have to uphold minimum standards of education and teaching as mandated by their respective school districts. With that in mind, both private and public schools provide children with the skills they need to succeed in life. Private schools though, do a much better job of it than its counterpart.

Geriatric Massage Benefits and Precautions

Geriatric massage is an ideal form of massage therapy for the elderly. It uses various massage techniques done in gentle strokes on the different parts of the body. Most of the massage strokes used are conducted in a Swedish massage. Pressure applied during massage therapy is monitored and controlled to avoid injuries.

This type of therapy is similar to any common massage therapy as it mostly uses basic yet effective massage strokes. Most of the massage strokes used are gliding hand motions which use light pressure. The therapist's wise judgment on how many repetitions should be done plays an important role on the safety and effectiveness of the therapy. Some of the patients get exhausted much quicker than the other so there is no standard number of repetitions per massage technique.

The therapy however varies from patient to patient as it is adjusted depending on the needs and condition of the client. It is also strict in following the 30 minutes duration for a therapy as longer sessions can exhaust the elderly. Positions during the therapy are either side-lying or semi-reclined. The patient must be in his or her most comfortable position before the therapy begins.

Geriatric massage benefits are the removal of body pain due to the tightening of muscle tissues. Joints and limb flexibility can also be enjoyed after sessions of this therapy. Elderly massage therapy also helps in speeding up the healing process from injury or illness. It improves the deep breathing of the patient. Blood and oxygen circulation within the body is also improved with regular sessions of this therapy. Mental and physical relaxation is also achieved as the body enters a soothing experience with this relaxing treatment for seniors. Improvement of the lymphatic flow enhances the disposal of toxins and other wastes from within the body. Geriatric massage is also effective in treating emotional problems due to stress such as anxiety, loneliness, and depression. This technique also gives benefits to the body by healing muscle pain, headaches, and other types of body pain. Sleep is also improved when the elderly adds this therapy on his or her medical care. Although this therapy may seem to have many benefits up its sleeve, be on the lookout for its precautions in order to get only the best out of it.

Massage therapist who specializes in geriatric massage therapy are trained to spot conditions that are not allowed to be treated with this type of therapy. Here are some of the precautions on having an elderly massage therapy:

• Swollen or bruised areas of the body should never be massaged as it will only aggravate the condition. Instead, medicines or ice should be used to lessen the inflammation.

• Patients with fragile or damaged bones should stay away from this therapy as it will bring more harm than benefits. Certain kinds of cancers in elderly patients are also not allowed to be treated with geriatric massage.

Consulting or getting checked by your doctor should be the first step before opting on having an alternative medical care.

Finding a Massage Therapist That Is Right for You

There are more than 250 different types of massage and each massage therapist applies a technique that is unique to their specific massage school training and experience. When searching for a massage, it is important to understand that this form of therapy is all about you. The type of treatment you receive will depend on your specific needs. A professional massage therapist will listen to your requests and apply specific techniques that are suitable for your needs. When searching for a licensed massage therapist, it important to take the time to find one that is right for you.

Finding a licensed massage therapist can be a difficult task, however, it is much easier to do when you know what your needs are such as alleviating back pain, migraines, relaxation, or promote healing of a muscle injury. One of the easiest and fastest ways to find a massage therapist that meets your needs is to do a search using the internet. On the internet, you will find a broad range of practitioners offering a variety of massage techniques. One of the best places to locate a massage therapist is to use an online massage therapy directory such as Massage Metro which is the newest and largest U.S. directory online for massage therapists. Massage directories provide an international directory of massage practitioners. They do not sell anything on their directory and they provide a map of the US states where users just have to click on the state and select a massage practitioner on the list. Their list of massage practitioners are the best in that particular area.

Most states these days require that massage therapists be licensed by the state and have completed a program from an accredited school, therefore, you will not have to worry about their credentials. Once you have found a massage practitioner in your area, make sure that you check the website to learn about what services they offer so you can make an informed decision and their applied techniques meets your specific needs. It is helpful to know what types of treatments are suitable for you specific condition so you choose the right therapy to promote your healing experience.

Because of today's stressful lifestyle, Massage Therapy is becoming a necessity in helping to alleviate stress and physical injuries. Getting regular treatments once or twice a week is beneficial to one's overall health and well-being. Finding a massage therapist that will meet your needs is often a process of elimination. Trying different types of massage and massage practitioners will help you discover which one is best for you. It is important to take a proactive role in your search and explore different types of therapies and practitioners. To get your search started, it is beneficial to use an online massage therapy directory which will definitely help you make a more informed decision about your healthcare.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

3 Great Ways iPads Help Improve PT Clinics

The introduction of the iPad in April 2010 has helped revolutionize the way healthcare professionals perform their daily tasks. Allowing for mobility, easier access to online physical therapy software programs, and more interactive patient education, this relatively new tablet has helped improve PT clinics everywhere. Although it may not be the solution to everything, it is much less intimidating for patients than a stack of paper or a desktop computer.

Here are three great benefits that physical therapy clinics can gain from using PT software programs on an iPad.

  1. Access from anywhere with real time updates
    In a physical therapy clinic, mobility is key to improve efficiency. Using a secure wireless connection with a mobile device, such as an iPad or other tablet, in the clinic can allow physical therapists to document items in real time. Inputting gym exercises into a digital flowsheet can help accelerate the process of paperwork as well as allow for patient interaction as objectives are attempted and completed. Also, the real-time note taking abilities help create more accurate billing.
    The use of the iPad is especially convenient for physical therapists with older or younger clients who require house calls. After installing online PT software programs to an iPad or other mobile device, it can be used anywhere with an Internet connection. This allows for quick data completion on-site instead of countless hours back at the clinic.

  2. Convenient access to multimedia articles and diagrams
    Along with more efficient documentation, the iPad can be used as an educational tool as well. With convenient access to articles and diagrams across many different media including videos, charts, animations, blogs and more, teaching can be done interactively with a patient anywhere. Also, medical apps are becoming more readily available for exercise programs, surgical procedures, anatomical viewing, geniometry and more.
    For physical therapists treating children, there are apps and games available that can be downloaded to the iPad to help with hand-eye coordination, balance, speech and many more.

  3. Does not require excessive IT support
    Cutting costs is easy when implementing more iPads and less desktop computers into PT clinics. Although they shouldn't completely replace desktop computers as they are unable to connect (without Bluetooth) to a printer, fax machine, camera, or scanner, they will cut back on the excessive need for IT support.
    It is small, light and a completely mobile resource. Also, much cheaper than a desktop Apple computer, the iPad and other tablets are both affordable and portable. It's battery life may seem short compared to a desktop computer, but it with extended battery life it can last up to 10 hours, which is a full day of work.

For PTs in a clinical setting, iPads with physical therapy software programs can be useful tools for implementing more effective educational plans and patient interactivity.

Massage Therapy - The Real Health Benefits

Massage therapy has been found to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. No longer is it just a luxury, it is a necessary part of living a healthy lifestyle!

What do you think of when you hear the words "massage therapy?" For many of us, the term is associated with an extravagant vacation or a relaxing spa day. While many think of it only as a luxury, there are actually a number of health benefits associated with getting regular massages. Few people are familiar with the many benefits of massage, but once you learn about them you may find that a bi-weekly or monthly massage is essential to your well-being as eating well and exercise! Schedule your appointment today, both for your relaxation and your health!

One of the most obvious health benefits of massage therapy is its effectiveness in stress reduction. This is not to be underestimated as stress can have significant effects on the body, both mentally and physically. Other, less well-known benefits of getting regular massages include improved circulation, increased flexibility, reduction in stretch marks, reduction in post-surgical swelling, and migraine relief. Massage can actually enhance the body's immune system by stimulating lymph flow.

It can also affect mental health, with some individuals finding it decreases depressive symptoms as well as anxiety. Finally, for anyone who considers themselves an athlete, whether just a weekend cyclist or training for a marathon, massage is an essential part of your training. This type of therapy can help to both prepare the body for a strenuous workout and to aid in recovery. If all this is not enough evidence, many individuals report enhanced sleep quality and less fatigue with regular massages.

The medical community has recently begun to embrace massage therapy as a valid treatment and it has become increasingly popular as a valid form of medical treatment for many populations, from newborns to the elderly. The amazing thing about this treatment is that it can be effective for everyone and has virtually no side effects!

Massage therapy was once thought to be a luxury but with recent research touting its many health benefits, massage should no longer be reserved as just a splurge. Getting a 60-90 minute massage regularly can improve your health and overall well-being in a multitude of ways. Schedule your appointment today and start feeling the benefits immediately!

Massage Therapy Training With Bamboo

Bamboo-fusion massage therapy is the latest and greatest spa treatment to hit the industry in years! It is easy to implement and the massage therapy training can easily be provided at your location to minimize travel for your staff, thus keeping expenses to a minimum.

Massage therapy training classes are readily available across the country specializing in warm bamboo massage. Bamboo-fusion has been featured in top spa magazines and trade publications making massage training for bamboo massage in high demand.

Nathalie Cecilia, originally from Nimes, South France is the original source in the United States for a brand new spa treatment she calls Bamboo-fusion. This trademarked treatment is in high demand by luxury spas and is gaining in popularity. Ms. Cecilia uses bamboo pieces cut into different shapes and sizes as extensions of her fingers during a massage treatment. She also "warms" the bamboo to allow the bamboo pieces to penetrate and relax the muscles quicker.

She originally discovered this form of massage during a massage treatment where the client kept requesting "deeper pressure" on his upper trapezius (shoulders). At a little over 5' and only 100 lbs, Nathalie began to experience pain in her hands within only 2 months of doing traditional massage. As a Thai therapist, Nathalie sometimes did back walking while using bamboo poles that are 6 feet in length for balance. "As I was working on this gentleman who was in a sitting position, my eyes caught the two bamboo poles that I used for balance when back walking. I had the idea to use one of the poles for tapotement on his upper trapezius. So I stood about six feet from him, tapping on his shoulders with this very long stick, and he told me it felt really great!"

Small repetitive movements performed by the massage therapist when doing traditional massage can result in repetitive use injuries such as carpel tunnel. With the Bamboo-fusion massage, the bamboo tools allow the massage therapist to easily address deep pressure requests. Ms. Cecilia explains that she has noticed that after a few bamboo massage treatments, the client's skin can actually become more supple.

In 2004, shortly after becoming a massage therapist, Ms Cecilia first started using bamboo and rattan tools to perform a flowing Swedish type massage. Imagine a skilled therapist using warmed bamboo to dissolve knots and tension throughout your body. These hand crafted tools are custom designed so that even the smallest therapist can give an effective deep tissue massage that is easy on their body, hands and wrists. This ecologically sound and sustainable product is currently made by skilled woodworkers, however when Ms. Cecilia first began bamboo massage, she actually made the pieces herself by hand.

Her bamboo tool sets have evolved over the past few years and are now made with 100% solid bamboo which is pressed into different shapes and sizes to match her Bamboo-fusion massage routine. The new bamboo tool sets, designed for full body massage, hold heat well and are very comfortable for the therapist to use. In addition to making bamboo sets that are commercially available, she also offers massage therapy training to other massage therapists. Her massage training offering for top quality professional massage training is well received by high end spas that need to offer unique treatments to their discriminating client base.

"There is a beautiful quality to the material; both you and the client feel very energized and revitalized, but also more relaxed." Her technique uses massage oil or cream when performing a full body massage on a client. Shorter pieces of bamboo work well for smaller areas such as around the scapula. A 16" bamboo stick is also used to knead the muscles and do a "criss-cross" technique that stretches the fascia in all directions.

Unlike warm stone massage, the bamboo is easy to heat without the use of a roaster or crock pot. In the heating device she uses, the bamboo stays warm (which of course the clients love), and there is little clean up between sessions. During the Bamboo-fusion massage training classes, we also offer suggestions to incorporate the use of a few hot stones into the treatment for those that desire to mix bamboo and stones.

As therapists and clients continually search for new approaches to massage therapy, bamboo is at the forefront of the industry, offering the most basic solution. The use of a renewable and sustainable resource that connects us to ancient times allows our modern need for deep tissue massage to be addressed. Nathalie is the pioneer of bamboo massage and is a leader in the massage and bodywork industry. Massage therapy training in bamboo massage is great for seasoned massage therapists or for those in school or new to the industry. Massage therapy training classes in bamboo massage can be held just about anywhere. The bamboo sets are very lightweight and easy to carry making the massage training classes portable.

Many Asian countries treat bamboo with great reverence since it has played a significant role in feeding and housing them. It is very common for bamboo to be used in making musical and surgical instruments, furniture, eating utensils and storage baskets in addition to hundreds of other uses.

Bamboo is a highly renewable (sustainable) resource and boasts more than 1500 different species that grow naturally throughout most Asian countries in addition to South and Central America. The Chinese and Japanese have used bamboo since ancient times; however is just now becoming main-stream in the American culture.

In the United States, bamboo is primarily symbolic and is gaining in popularity due to the fact that it is a highly renewable resource. It is also beautiful and considered "lucky" by many people that possess bamboo stalks commonly arranged in a small vase. Many high end resorts and spas are now decorating with bamboo in the form of flooring, furniture, and artwork. Clothing and linens made of bamboo fibers are also very popular. Top resorts and spas take this a step further and incorporate bamboo into their spa menus as part of a new exotic treatment that feels luxurious. The massage therapy training class covers all aspects of implementation, ranging from the initial massage training to writing a description for your spa menu.

Nathalie and her team of instructors are in high demand by individual therapists and spas/resorts seeking massage training in this new effective treatment using bamboo. To address this demand, Bamboo-fusion massage therapy training classes are offered in various locations in the United States and are approved by the state of Florida and the NCBTMB for Continuing Education (CE's) for license renewal. Classes are offered at several training facilities on a regular basis in Sarasota, Florida where Nathalie resides, as well as taught in Everett, Durham, and Cincinnati. She also offers onsite massage therapy training at spas and resorts across the country.

In addition to massage therapy workshops, Cecilia also offers DVD's and specialized bamboo sets for each of her techniques which are for use on the table for full body massage and on the chair through clothing. In addition, Ms Cecilia just created a new French facial massage called Bamboo-Visage which utilizes a delicate tool set hand crafted from bamboo and rattan. This treatment was introduced at a recent spa show in Las Vegas and intrigued massage therapists as well as estheticians and spa directors.

Benefits of Engaging in Physical Education and Sport Activities

Engaging in natural health remedies such as physical education and sport activites are encouraged by health and nutrition experts today. The increasing number of health risks and conditions that are experienced by most people today, young or old, create concern about the impact of lifestyle and diet factors to increasing those risk factors. If you wanted to adapt a change in lifestyle, make sure to learn how you can incorporate those activities in your daily life and experience their benefits.

What is Physical Education?

Physical education is a form of instruction that focus on promoting activities that involve physical development and enhance an individual's overall well being. This is one reason why physical education is an integral part in a school's curriculum, especially for grade school to high school students. This is the time wherein the physical body is undergoing development and engaging in activities such as dance, sports, gymnastics, and calisthenics, among other PE classes are highly encouraged.

Aside from those physical activities, games can also become part of physical education and sport classes. The idea is to stimulate play behavior to develop physical fitness and skills. Although physical education has been largely associated with the modern society, it actually has a long history that dates back to the times of ancient Greece.

Teaching Physical Education

The ability for children to benefit from physical education and sport classes depend largely on the teaching methods employed. This is why PE teachers need a certain level of qualification before they are allowed to teach this subject. A baccalaureate degree is the most basic requirement for PE teachers and some could even have concentration studies in the area of human behavior and biology.

Aside from teaching physical education and sport in schools, there is also a large demand for PE instructors in other sectors. This is partly due to the recent surge in health and fitness awareness with the need to stay active being considered as one of the healthy yet natural alternatives to combating common diseases and health risks.

Sport Activities

Although sports is viewed today as a competitive activity, it can also be practiced for leisure and fitness purposes. There are various level of sports activities that one can engage in such as amateur, leisure, and professional sports.

Sports classes are also held in schools to encourage students to participate actively for physical stimulation. After all, sports is not only fun and competitive, but it also teaches one the importance of taking care of your body and well being in terms of physical self-discipline. There are several sports activities that one can choose from such that it is easier to commit yourself into this activity, depending on what you enjoy doing most. Some of the most popular sports today include basketball, football, soccer, volleyball, tennis, swimming, to name a few.


To encourage your kids to engage in physical education and sport activities, here are some of the rewards for doing so:

• Depending on the type of sport, it can encourage social behaviors and improve one's ability to work with a team.

• It boosts your endurance and fitness level such that you stay healthier for longer.

• It teaches one self-discipline to adapt a healthy lifestyle and take good care of one's body.

• It promotes physical development and acquire essential physical skills.

Common Mistakes Massage Therapists Make

For massage therapists, from experts to novices, it is sometimes easy to forget some very basic procedures and massage techniques for keeping yourself healthy, your business profitable, and your clients happy. By avoiding these common massage mistakes, and remembering to maintain posture, focus, and a high level of customer respect and service, your practice can thrive.

Massage Mistakes Made by Beginners and Professionals

Body Mechanics: While in school, beginning massage therapists tend to use improper body mechanics because they haven't become acclimated to how they should use their bodies for leveraged strength and balance. By using the correct flow, you can relieve your arms of early fatigue by combining full body movements during a massage. Techniques, such as, learning proper body mechanics and posture, can help you avoid any undue stress to your body, while concurrently providing your client with the best massage possible.

During a massage session, massage therapists should be attuned to how their client is reacting to pressure. Massage mistakes include errors in pressure, or not checking in with the client about his or her comfort. If you are applying more pressure than is comfortable to the client, they will tighten their muscles, restrict their breathing, and will be uncomfortable. When your client's body is tensed, you are only creating more stress - not relieving it. If your pressure is too light, the massage may be relaxing, but will likely not positively impact the muscles that the client wanted addressed. It is important to check in with the client about pressure to make sure your massage techniques are effective.

Self-Care: Common massage mistakes therapists make are that they do not take care of themselves as much as they should. Much like any extended physical activity, it is important for you to stretch before you begin a session. Keep in mind that while you'll be primarily using your arms, your entire body will be getting a workout as you'll be depending on your legs for counterweight, your back for strength, and your torso for core balance and posture. Of course, the primary complaint of massage therapists is that their arms, wrists and fingers hurt. Again, while this is normal, it can be avoided by stretching and using a proper flow and massage techniques. It is important to maintain proper stretching and strength exercise routines so that you avoid any symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause early burnout and fatigue.

One very important thing for therapists to remember is to routinely receive massage. Mistakes often made by therapists include forgetting the "self-care" portion of their profession, which attributes to a high level of industry burnout. Another important factor for massage therapists to weigh is staying current with the client experience - how does it feel to be on the table? What massage techniques work, and which aren't as effective? By receiving regular massages, you can maintain a focus on the customer perspective of the massage experience.

Customer Service: First impressions count in every industry, and this consideration applies to all massage therapists, even those with existing practices. At all times, you should strive to dress in appropriate attire, appear professional, and be well-groomed when performing massage. Techniques for checking your appearance would be to simply think, "Do I look like a professional?" While you should be comfortable in your clothes, you shouldn't wear jeans, a tee-shirt with logos, old sweatpants, etc. during a massage. Mistakes in appearance can leave a negative impression, or potentially make a client uncomfortable. A good industry standard is to wear clean, loose yoga or exercise pants or loose fitting khakis. Scrubs, a solid polo shirt or cotton t-shirt with a high neck is generally considered appropriate for massage. Therapists who are smokers in their free time need to avoid cigarettes and cigarette smoke while at work. Many clients are sensitive, or even allergic, to specific dyes and odors, and may be incredibly uncomfortable with the scent of tobacco, perfume, or even some strong deodorants. Because of this, it is also very important to use a hypoallergenic cream or lotion which performs the same as other lotions, and does not negatively impact your massage techniques.

Whether your client is a regular or has a first-time appointment, it is important to ensure that you greet your client as soon as possible, offer them a seat in a waiting room if you're running behind, and not keep them waiting for an unreasonable amount of time past their set appointment. It is crucial for all massage therapists to be professional, on-time, and courteous before, during, and after a massage. Mistakes can leave a bad first impression, and prevent a repeat customer. From a business standpoint, it's all about customer service.

Focus: While working with your client, it can be obvious when you are distracted and not paying attention to your client's needs or requests. Before going into the room, take a moment to let go of your mental to-do list, don't think about your next client, or anything that might distract you from your current client. Massage techniques should include not only posture and flow, but focus as well.

When meeting with your client before the massage, truly take the time to listen to them while you review and chart your S.O.A.P. notes. Look carefully over their intake form, and be sure to ask them about any specific problem areas or points of concern before a massage. Mistakes massage therapists commonly make are to either fall into a routine where they provide the same massage time and time again, or to ignore the client's requests for pressure / focus and instead only focus on what the therapist feels is important. At the end of the day, you should always provide a consistent level of service to all clients and make sure you focus and listen during massage. Techniques focused on customer service preserve your reputation as a therapist, and build and maintain customer rapport and business.

Code of Ethics: After novice massage therapists graduate from school, they may actually be very aware of the code of ethics and confidentiality that comes with a therapist-to-client relationship. But when a seasoned massage therapist becomes more comfortable in their practice, they may tend to forget these rules (even with yearly CEUs on the subject) and accidentally divulge client information, or begin an inappropriate personal relationship with a client receiving massage. Mistakes happen, but it is important to routinely assess your ethics. While it is imperative to develop a rapport with your clients, it is not appropriate to call them at home (unless to confirm an appointment), discuss their personal lives, or accept personal gifts whether directly or indirectly related to massage. Techniques involving consistent professionalism will ensure the success of your practice.

Additionally, working with a client means maintaining their right to confidentiality. During a session, massage therapists may be made aware of personal medical conditions or treatments - these should always be kept strictly confidential and private. It is not appropriate to go home and talk to friends or family about a client, even if their name remains anonymous.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

These massage mistakes are among the most common for all massage therapists, whether you are just beginning or have years of experience. By enrolling in continuing education courses, massage therapists can refresh their knowledge of ethics, body mechanics, and current massage techniques to stay up to date within the field and also promote their personal and professional development.

Massage for Whiplash: How to Find the Right Massage Therapist to Treat Whiplash

Massage for Whiplash: How to Find the Right Massage Therapist to Treat your Whiplash Injury

Whiplash is also known as cervical acceleration/deceleration injury, and hyperextension/hyperflexion injury. We will assume for this article that you are already aware of the symptoms of whiplash and that you have an idea of the most common causes of whiplash. Massage has a proven track record in helping people heal from whiplash injuries and ongoing research in this arena is promising.

The 4 Main Hurdles to Overcome in Utilizing Massage Treatment for Whiplash are:

  1. Many physicians still have limited knowledge about the usefulness of massage and bodywork. Massage and bodywork for medical conditions and injuries are still in the process of gaining acceptance by the medical community at large. The good news is that more physicians everyday are opening up to, and recognizing the benefits of, utilizing massage and bodywork for injury treatment.

  2. The training for massage therapists and bodyworkers is not standardized and there can be a great disparity in knowledge and training among graduates from different programs. Some states still have no licensing requirements. Fortunately, there is a growing movement advocating for advanced training for massage therapists and bodyworkers who specialize in treating injuries and managing pain associated with chronic medical conditions.

  3. You may live in a state where massage is not a licensed healthcare profession and auto insurance companies may balk at paying for massage for whiplash treatment.

  4. The knowledge base of the public. Most lay persons, and whiplash sufferers, may not know there is a difference between spa massage, and massage and bodyworking techniques that can be effectively utilized to speed healing from whiplash. I am not slighting the spa industry. Massage for relaxation has its own therapeutic value, although it is not well suited for site specific injury treatment. What's the difference between spa massage and medical or therapeutic massage? Spa massage tends to be a more generalized effort to calm the nervous system and reduce general tension in the structure. Medical massage, or therapeutic massage, is more focused and endeavors to address trauma and to alleviate pain in the short term. The long term goals are to effect mechanical changes, make histological improvements (effect changes in the characteristics of the tissues involved), and to restore function and balance to the structure.

Tried and True Methods of Finding the Right Therapist or Organization

There are some tried and true ways of finding a massage therapist to treat whiplash. If you are fortunate enough to have a physician who is already aware of the usefulness of manual therapies, he/she may have a clinic or list of medical massage establishments that are reputable and can render effective massage treatment for whiplash. If not, there are other avenues such as friends, coworkers, and online rating sites. The problem here is, unknown to each of these sources, treating whiplash requires higher levels of training and skill. Finding someone to perform effective massage treatment for whiplash is different from finding a massage practitioner who performs great well-body massage. The problem with relying on word-of-mouth referrals from people who may not have had massage for the treatment of whiplash, is that they may not know the difference between the use of relaxation techniques and the use of more advanced theories and techniques which are used to treat significant soft tissue injuries. It is often necessary to take things into your own hands and do your own research.

Finding Massage for Whiplash On Your Own

Things to look for:

  1. A clinical setting with a therapist or therapists who have a higher level of training. It is possible to find a clinic that has many excellent therapists. Excellent professionals seek out associates of equal caliber to stay challenged, and up to date, so they can continue to grow their skill-sets. Collaboration between colleagues can offer advantages for patients and massage therapists alike. These are just points to consider. It is also possible to find an exceptional practitioner who operates a solo practice.

  2. An experienced therapist or therapists who have worked with many whiplash cases. Less experienced massage therapists can render excellent advanced work as well, when properly mentored. Seek a therapist or organization where whiplash is one of the primary conditions they treat.

  3. Therapists who are in the practice of keeping professional chart notes (also called SOAP notes) and who can write accurate reports containing important information for physicians, claim adjusters and lawyers. You will want excellent documentation of your injuries and treatment in order to establish the medical necessity for the treatment. In addition, complete and accurate documentation of your treatment is essential should your case need to be argued in court.

  4. Location. Is it in a reasonable location for you? Are you willing to drive longer distances to see more experienced specialists? Depending on the specifics of your case, the treatment period could be weeks or months. This makes distance and the convenience of getting to your therapist's location an obvious consideration.

Questions to ask of a prospective therapist or organization:

  1. Do they specialize in whiplash? Are they comfortable working in the anterior triangle of the neck? Many therapists are not comfortable working the entire neck because they have not been trained to work the front of the neck, known as the anterior triangle. Treating this area of the body is not taught in many basic licensing courses and the therapists without this training will not want to work this area, nor should they. It is important to note that, although most whiplash pain is felt in the back of the neck and upperback, it is usually perpetuated by post-traumatic muscle guarding in the anterior (front side of) the neck. Alleviating whiplash pain is only the initial concern. Restoring function and the proper anterior/posterior postural balance (holding your head well balanced on top of your neck and shoulders) is imperative for long-term health and the avoidance of serious residual problems down the road. Properly treating the anterior triangle is an important part of restoring that balance.

  2. How much experience do they have as an individual or as a group? How much knowledge is under one roof? This is an important consideration, because inexperienced therapists who are not being supervised or mentored, may miss problems common to a whiplash injury. There are problems of which the patient may not be aware. For example: a patient was rear-ended while sitting at a traffic light. It is common for a person holding the steering wheel in this situation to have shoulder joint injuries which are masked by the overwhelming neck pain. An inexperienced therapist may neglect to do simple palpation of the shoulder, which would be surprisingly tender to the patient, and confirm the injury. A missed condition that will become more evident as the inflammation in the neck subsides. This shoulder injury could be unnecessarily challenged by the insurance company responsible for payment. The insurance company would argue that the shoulder injury was not from the accident, since it was not charted on the initial visit. I understand that this is unfair, but it is how insurance companies usually behave. The point here is that massage therapists who are experienced in treating whiplash know what to look for and how to treat it.

  3. How long have they been in business? Again this speaks to the level of experience. Seasoned therapists, or clinics with multiple therapists and a large collective body of knowledge, understand the intricacies of treating serious injuries such as whiplash. Just as important is an understanding of proper documentation and dealing with insurance companies, which leads us to number 4...

  4. Do they do the insurance billing for you? Or will they require you to pay at the time of service and leave you to bill your own insurance company? Billing is a valuable service provided by well established practices. It can take a lot of the paperwork load and hassle off of you while you are healing.

As mentioned before not all states regulate the practice of massage. Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Vermont, and Wyoming are the states where massage is currently unregulated. Check the American Massage Therapy Association website for the latest update.

While this article is not meant to answer all of your questions on how to find the right massage therapist or organization, I hope it gets you well on the way to finding the person or persons who can render the most effective massage for your whiplash treatment, and help you fully heal from your injuries.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Fight Lymphedema - Learn Lymphadema Massage Training

Lymphedema, otherwise known as lymphatic obstruction is a condition characterized by swollen arms or legs. It is caused by a lymphatic fluid build- up in the soft tissues of your body. The lymphatic system is referred to as the second circulatory system of the body. It consists of the lymph vessels and lymph nodes. It is responsible for collecting and filtering the lymph fluid which is made up of fats, protein, water, and cellular wastes of the body. The filtered fluid is then returned to the blood. When the lymphatic system becomes damaged, the lymph fluid then builds up and results to swelling.

If you want to learn how to deal with lymphedema patients, you may choose to attend a training. There are actually two types of lymphedema: the inherited and the acquired. Some people may be born missing lymph vessels and lymph nodes. During these people's adolescence, the swelling usually appears in the foot or calf. However, another case of which may develop during infancy, this is called Milroy's disease. Acquired lymphedema on the other hand may occur due to an injury in the lymphatic system due to surgery or radiation treatments, or even liposuction procedures. These treatments can actually damage the lymphatic system.

People suffering are dangerously prone to infections. Even a slight cut or insect bite on the swollen affected area can cause severe infection. The infection can affect the connective tissue under the skin and recurring infections can scar the skin which makes it more prone to further infection. The onset of lymphedema may be detected through a number of symptoms including pains, weakness, tightness or heaviness on your arm or leg. Also, your wrists or ankles may not be as flexible as it used to.

Lymphedema, according to some medical experts, is incurable. However, if mild it is treated accordingly, the condition can be prevented from worsening. There are some institutions that offer training in Maui. These establishments teach people the proper way of handling the illness. The treatment includes exercises, massages, pneumatic compression, and the proper usage of bandages and compressions garments.

Light exercises of the affected limbs can help pump out the lymph fluid out of the limb. Also, the affected lymph must be cleaned regularly and must be applied with lotion. There is a special massage technique that can be performed on the affected limb, called manual lymph drainage which can further help in pumping out the lymph fluid out of the affected limb. Then, bandages should be wrapped around the affected limb to promote movement of the lymph fluid from the affected limb and into the trunk of the body. Also, when doing chores, make sure to wear protective gears to avoid getting cut.

Some may be advised to undergo pneumatic compression wherein the infected limb is inserted into an inflatable sleeve. The sleeve is connected to a pump which will be inflated at certain intervals to put pressure on the limb and will eventually encourage the lymph fluid to move. And lastly, the use of compression garments may be advised to prevent recurrence of the swelling of the affected area.

Massage Therapy Salary - A Booming Business

In May 2006, the median massage therapist salary and hourly earnings, with tip, were $16.06. The middle 50 percent earned an hourly wage of $10.98 - $24.22. The lowest 10 percent earned an hourly wage of less than $7.48, and the highest 10 percent earned and hourly wage of more than $33.83.

They typically earn 15 to 20 percent of their massage therapist salary as tips. For those who work in a hospital or other clinical setting tips are not common. Of the 118,000 in the US, 64% were self-employed in 2006. In addition, there is a significant number of massage therapists who work part-time, which may bring the number of actual practitioners up to 200,000.

Most don't get a salary as we typically define it. Most are self-employed, owning their business and are independent contractors who bill hourly. Indeed, some are fully employed by hospitals, fitness centers, clinics, sporting facilities and the like. Even most of them are also paid on an hourly basis. So when we refer to their salary, we are talking an hourly wage.

Demand for jobs in massage therapy are rapidly increasing in demand. It is projected that the demand for these jobs will increase by 20% by 2016, but we don't know yet how that will affect the salaries because we're not sure what the market will be like. What we do know is that this will be a booming industry. Those with the right qualifications in various forms of massage therapy and those with good interpersonal skills will be able to compete the best for these jobs and do the best when it comes to making money.

Due to an increase in awareness of health issues, alternative medicines, and natural therapies, the massage therapy industry will boom with it, but again, we still don't know how it will affect salaries. In addition, the graying baby boomers who are increasingly retiring and entering into the elderly stage in life, will require massage therapy as a source of health and well being.

84% of massage therapists were women. We don't know the differences in income between the two sexes. This data comes from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Massage Therapy: The Physical Benefits On Digestion, Immunity, And Circulation


Massage Therapy can help to improve digestion by increasing peristalsis (this is the involuntary contraction of the muscles that helps food to move along the intestine).

By increasing peristalsis, massage therapy can help to reduce constipation.

If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, a regular programme of massage therapy could be particularly effective in helping to reduce pain caused by constipation and cramps.

Massage Therapy also encourages the release of enzymes which help to break down food. This not only makes it easier to digest, but also increases the absorption of nutrients. Improved absorption of nutrients can have a positive effect on all the sytems of the body.


The lymph system carries lymph (milky fluid containing waste products which may include bacteria, viruses, and toxins) around the body. The system helps to destroy waste products and remove them from the body via a system of ducts and vessels.

Massage Therapy helps to encourage circulation and drainage in the lymph system, helping it to work more efficiently to remove waste and toxins from the body. This is particularly beneficial if you are trying to fight an infection.


The techniques used in Massage Therapy will improve your circulation by speeding up the movement of blood around your veins and arteries. Your Massage Therapist will sometimes apply techniques with more pressure when moving towards the heart. This increased pressure can help the heart to pump blood more efficiently around the body.

Blood carries oxygen and nutrients that are needed throughout your body. Oxygen and nutrients provide you with energy and help to repair and regenerate cells. Your circulatory system also works with your lymphatic system to remove waste from the body.

By improving circulation, Massage Therapy can help your body to work more efficiently.

Benefits of Russian Massage

Russian massage is a therapeutic massage which focuses on using the basic elements such as effleurage, petrissage, friction and vibration to treat various problems of the body. Most of these are injuries that affect the mobility, flexibility, growth, and health of any specific parts of the body.

In Russia, massage therapy was not used as a common medical care among the people not until the Second World War. Since then, the importance of this alternative treatment in healing, repairing and conditioning the body was regarded as helpful especially to doctors and medical practitioners. Russian doctors usually write prescription of Russian massage therapy to their patients to help the healing process and recovery rate to speed up.

Although massage therapy became associated with the treatment of doctors in Russia, the type of therapy never made mark in the other countries in terms of popularity. However, the therapy is somehow compared with Swedish massage due to the manipulation of the basic strokes and techniques used in the therapy. Both uses the four abovementioned hand strokes used in massage sessions. They also share the same pressure used which is gentle and slow to promote a relaxing experience for the client during the therapy.

In a Russian massage therapy, you can expect a calming sensation from the slow movement of the hands and their light pressure while you comfortably rest on a massage table. The slow movement of the hands stimulates the muscles which in return aids in the relaxing of any stiff muscle. However, the therapy involves firm touch from the therapist which is as an aggressive form of therapy.

After the gentle massage techniques, the body is opened up, conditioned and ready for the deep therapy on the muscles. The therapist then begins to manually manipulate the muscles and work on the repairing damaged tissues that were injured. Slight pain can be experienced by the patient for a short period of time due to the treatment of injuries in their specific spot. However, there's no need to worry as the pain will soon settle down.

Russian massage was developed mainly for treating and correcting injuries. That is why most of the patients are athletes or at least active individuals who are always on the go. Most of them take the therapy as a healing therapy, while others are enrolling in Russian massage therapy sessions as preventive measures against injuries. Although some sessions last only for 15 minutes, the result is still the same as with the other types of massage therapies.

The therapy is very good in treating specific areas of the body that have conditions such as cardiovascular and neurological disorders, gynecological problems, gastrointestinal problems, musculoskeletal issues and many more. Regular session of this massage therapy provides significant improvements in the recovery and healing of a patient. Like all other types of treatment, it would be best if the patient stick to the prescribed therapy program for his or her benefits. Unlike other types of therapeutic massage, a consultation with the doctor or physician is not needed as the doctors themselves are recommending every patient to undergo in this type of treatment, especially in Russia.