Saturday, May 25, 2013

Suggestions and Benefits of Massage Therapy

Avoid eating or drinking too much just prior to a massage session.

Be conscious of one's breathing throughout your massage session.

Advise your massage therapist of any acute or chronic pain/conditions you may be experiencing. You're encouraged to notify your massage therapist of anything you feel may help him/her give you the very best massage possible. Good communication enhances the massage session expertise.

Permit your self some free time after a massage to ensure that you may further enjoy your massage experience.

Therapeutic massage can be inappropriate in some cases, like in individuals with:

* Inflammation of the veins (phlebitis)

* Infectious diseases

* Certain types of cancer

* Some skin conditions

* Some cardiac problems

* Acute fever

If you have one of these, or some other diagnosed medical condition, always check together with your physician prior to seeking a massage.

Results & Benefits

Whether seeking relief for a medical condition, searching for a method to assist deal with the stresses of daily life or wanting to maintain great health, more and more individuals are turning to therapeutic massage.

Massage doesn't just really feel good. Research shows it reduces the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles, improves range of motion, and increases endorphins, the body's natural painkillers. Therapeutic massage enhances medical treatment and helps individuals feel less anxious and stressed, relaxed yet more alert.

The relationship of stress and illness is of interest to anyone maintaining their health. We all have stress in our daily lives related to work, family, environment and society. Stress causes the release of hormones that create vasoconstriction -- vessel shrinking -- and reduced circulation. Affected by stress, the heart works harder, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and digestion slows. Nearly every body process is degraded. Psychosomatic studies show how stress factors can cause migraines, hypertension, depression, some peptic ulcers, etc. Massage therapy can help by counteracting stress effects.

Massage therapy can be one of the best ways to eliminate any stress that we may get in our daily life. Stress is inevitable most especially if people will not do anything about it. It will lead for them to suffer from other types of condition like depressions. As much as possible, it should be dealt with properly. Massage therapy can do the job for them. Its benefits are amazing. They will be able to be free from stress and continue living their life to the fullest. They have to seek the best help from those experts in massage and get the best out of it.

Your ADHD Child and Massage Therapy

Attention, impulse control and hyperactivity problems. The diagnostic label Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). More and more children and adolescents are being diagnosed with ADHD on a daily basis. The condition, if left untreated, could result in various problems including family stress, school disruption, criminality and substance abuse. School-aged children with ADHD have inferior academic performance, social, emotional and adaptive skills.

Various medications and treatments have become available to treat ADHD. Today, I would like to discuss one such treatment. Massage. I feel, at this stage, that something important needs to be said. Massage, as a treatment for ADHD should be considered as a complimentary therapy. In the past, complimentary therapy was referred to as alternative therapy, suggesting that it should take the place of more conventional medicine. This has led to wonderful, miraculous healing stories, but also as many sad and unnecessary situations where conditions have worsened and in severe cases caused death. For serious illnesses and conditions that can be life threatening or could cause serious future problems, always seek the advise of a medical professional and then, with your treating professional's consent, include other therapies to compliment their treatment plan.

With that said, massage can be an extremely valuable tool in helping to alleviate the effects of ADHD and can bring about great relief for parents and children alike.

A study which appeared in the spring 1998 issue of the journal Adolescence (pages 103-108) revealed the following results:

A number of adolescents with ADHD were selected to commence two forms of therapy. One group was sent for relaxation therapy. The other group was sent for a set of massage treatments. The results surprised many as children who received the massage therapy rated themselves as feeling happier than those who had participated in the relaxation therapy. Observers also rated them as being less fidgety and focused following the sessions. Teachers also noticed a significant decrease in hyperactivity for the massage therapy group but not for the relaxation therapy group.

Feedback from parents of children with ADHD in my own practice have reported some other differences in their children, including better confidence, an over-all more relaxed child, improved moods, and better sleeping patterns. I have also treated an ADHD adolescent who had been involved in a car accident. She had been extremely tense and nervous in the car after that. After just one session, the adolescent got into the car with her mother, turned around in her seat and slept peacefully throughout their 60km trip home. Massage, although mainly used as a form of relaxation, holds many benefits. Massage is a mechanical cleanser (increases the interchange of tissues fluids emptied into the capillaries and lymphatic system), it improves circulation, brings about a general state of relaxation, adds to overall well-being, relieves muscle spasms, improves muscle tone, produces an alpha state in which the body and mind are totally relaxed, promotes good digestion, relieves head, neck and backache, is a great help in releasing negative and pent-up emotions, and improves self-esteem. These are just some of the benefits, but when one looks at this list, it is not surprising that massage can work wonders in the case of ADHD.

In conclusion, just one or two short massage sessions per week can be extremely beneficial for your child or adolescent who has been diagnosed with ADHD. Obviously, a 1 hour full body massage will probably be a bit much for your child or adolescent to handle due to the fact that they have trouble staying still for prolonged periods of time, but short 20 - 30 minute sessions will be a wonderful start and should start showing results within the first few sessions. Furthermore, supplementing professional treatments with short home massages will help tremendously. This will also strengthen your bond with your child. Speak to your massage therapist about private training in a few simple techniques which you can use at home between professional.

Finally, always remember to be good to yourself and spoil yourself with a massage session every now and again too.

Multiple Sclerosis and Massage - Is Massage Therapy a Good Idea?

While there has been much said about MS and massage there are still a lot of differing opinions as to whether or not it is successful or even safe for the person with this life altering disease. Part of the problem lies in the fact that no two peoples symptoms are alike and you will need to find a therapist who is aware of this and can adapt their massage therapy technique to your particular needs and your symptoms.

There are many different ways that people are affected by MS and massage therapy can be a great way to relieve many of the symptoms as well as provide overall relaxation so that you can continue to get the most out of your day. At times you may find that deep tissue therapy can help to release knotted muscles and relieve the pain that goes with them, while at other times even the lightest touch can invoke a painful reaction.

What are the Benefits of Massage Therapy?

When it comes to MS and massage therapy the benefits are twofold, first when applied properly a good massage can help to alleviate some of the symptoms of MS. Secondly massage therapy can help relieve the everyday stress that daily life can cause allowing you to relax. Just being able to relax can help reduce the frequency and severity of many of the symptoms of MS.

One of the problems that most MS patients have to deal with is stiff joints, muscles and tendons. Massage is designed to help increase the blood flow to the muscles and to help the ligaments; connective tissues and tendons become far more pliable so that when combined with a regimen of stretching and exercises the muscles and joints will stay far more flexible all the time especially between sessions with your massage therapist.

If you suffer from muscles weakness or your muscles have started to atrophy massage therapy can help to restore these muscles by improving the blood flow to them. This will help to carry oxygen and vital nutrients to these muscles and tissues and help them to regain some of their former health and vitality. If spasticity is the issue, massage can be used to relax the muscles and improve circulation which in turn will reduce the stimulation of the muscles and in doing so relieve the spasticity.

Are there Times when Massage is Not Recommended?

There are however times when MS and massage therapy are not necessarily a good idea. Most therapists will agree that if you are at a point of acute exacerbation you should probably avoid therapy. Since your body is fully inflamed at this time massage therapy may in fact make the situation worse instead of better. At this point you need to let the exacerbation run its course and then return for more treatment when you are ready.

Can Massage Chairs Be Bad for You?

Massage is an effective way to get rid of stress, tension and some other problems related to heavy work, fatigue and existing health conditions. Unlike before, massage is not only provided by massage therapists. Nowadays, if you do not have enough time to spend in dropping by a spa or massage parlor, you have an option to take a look into different types of massage equipment. Because the leading manufacturers of electronic devices/appliances were able to see the problem of the people with very hectic schedules, they were able to come up with such massage equipment. If you read some reviews online about the equipments, you would have an idea on how they work, etc. You may be able to find some reviews that tell you about how the equipment can help you, massage chairs in particular. But so much about the good things, it is also important for you to consider the possible negative effects of massage chairs.

The first possible negative effect of using a massage chair has something to do with our blood circulation. Massage is known to improve the circulation of your blood in the body but if you have an existing problem related to this like blood clot or deep vein thrombosis, massage and using a massage chair can make your condition worst. Evidently, you would not want this to happen, would you? Thus, you have to be careful before you actually use any massage equipment.

In addition to the circulation issues, there is also a possibility that you may experience allergic reactions or suffer from infection using the said massage equipment. Massage chairs are made of different materials like cloth, leather and many more. So if you won't check on the materials used for the equipment carefully, you will not know if your choice is really suitable for you. When talking about infection, you should be aware that the massage therapy will eventually help your body to release enzymes and toxins. This means that along with regular us of the equipment, you should drink a lot of water to easily get rid of the toxins. In this way, you can avoid any infection.

Using a massage chair can also cause you a lot of pain instead of relief and relaxation. Because you are not going to get the massage therapy from a professional massage therapist, you will be the one to adjust the settings on the equipment. Hence, if you do not know how to properly adjust the settings, your might suffer from a lot of pain. For instance, you did not use the settings of the Shiatsu massage technique; you will probably feel pain that may last for a couple of hours to a few days.

However, you are only going to experience all these possible negative effects of using a massage chair when you have some existing health problems. A massage chair can be bad for you if you do not know how to use it properly or if you are going to overuse it. So to avoid this, you should consult your doctor first before using the said massage equipment and make sure that you are knowledgeable enough about it.

Ayurvedic and Massage Therapy for Acne

What is Ayurvedic treatment and how may it help in dealing with acne? Will acupressure and reflexology be effective in treating acne as well? What about juice therapy? If you are interested in finding these out, continue reading!

Ayurvedic Treatment. Ayurveda probably is the oldest form of holistic medicine, dating back some 5,000 years ago. It is the art of creating a harmonious and healthy living by practicing self-knowledge and self-care. The word "Ayurveda" originated from the Sanskrit words "ayus" meaning life and "ved" meaning knowledge or science. Hence, Ayurveda literally means the knowledge of life.

In Ayurveda, life is composed of four fundamental parts. These are the mind, body, the senses and the soul. Each of these holds equal importance and an imbalance in one area may result to ill health. Healing through Ayurveda is based on the theory of balancing these four areas. To achieve this, one must eat the right foods at the right time and maintain the cleanliness and purity of the mind and soul. Only when these things are met will true healing be attained.

In this traditional form of ancient medicine, acne is considered as a symptom of imbalance in one's way of life. It is viewed as an aggravation of the pita vata dosha. To cure it, one must comply with several dietary restrictions. Traditional practitioners may advice eating bland foods such as oatmeal, applesauce and basmati rice to minimize the problem. You must also try to eliminate fried foods, spicy foods and citrus fruits from your diet. Herbal remedies used to treat the condition include black kosch and neem.

One very useful tip is to apply toothpaste to your pimple before going to bed to help minimize the swelling. Drinking a lot of water also helps as this facilitates the elimination of bodily wastes that may cause or aggravate the condition. Again, exercising regularly plays a vital role in the fight against acne. Aerobic activities bring oxygen to the cells of the body to give you that healthy glowing skin.

Another great acne treatment can be obtained by employing massage techniques. Both acupressure and reflexology brings wonderful results.

Acupressure is now practiced around the world. This alternative form of acne remedy is a traditional form of the Chinese healing art, having evolved from acupuncture. Acupressure involves exerting pressure to specific points in the body to balance the functions of the bodily systems.

In curing acne, concentrate on the stomach meridian since it is one of the several energy pathways that regulate skin functions. When practiced properly, acupressure can dramatically enhance the appearance of your skin.

In using reflexology, focus on the liver, adrenal glands, diaphragm, intestine, kidney and thyroid gland points on the hands and feet.

And finally, the importance of Juice Therapy. Acne outbreaks are symptoms that the excretory organs are not functioning properly. Loading up on natural fruit juices can help stimulate the liver and cleanse your system. For maximum results, use a blend of one part beet juice, three parts carrot juice and two parts water. Carrot juice is a rich source of vitamin A, which reduces the production of sebum and keratin.

How Tens Machines Help Heal Faster - Electrotherapy Used Post Operatively

What's the big deal you ask? Back in the late 70's, early 80's there was a movement in the U.S. to use tens machines post operatively for pain control. The most noticeable effect was on patients who had abdominal surgeries, thoractomies, and any procedure where there was a loss of muscle tone in the abdominal area. The mantra was the use of a tens machine immediately after surgery and, the incision was sewn, would help:

1. reduce pain,

2. decrease need for pain meds,

3. decrease time before rehabilitation exercises like range of motions could resume,

4. reduce pain from bloating, gas.

There were several problems in trying to get a program started in hospitals.

The one big obvious is there was not a billing code to reimburse the facility for time, materials and use of the tens machine. Obstetric use of tens machine for labor and delivery was being used in Europe extensively, but not so in the U.S. other than by physical therapist Moms with access to a tens machine. In the U.S. without a billing code the use of the machine, cost of labor and expertise, and the sterile electrodes cost were being undergone as a "loss leader". Unfortunately the thinking at the time was tens was indicated only for "chronic pain" and an operation was not classified as "chronic" so there was no coverage. In the U.S. the use of tens therapy post operatively died and was overlooked for almost 30+ years.

What was not known then was the tens therapy could not only be effective for pain as previously thought, but the use of positive and negative charges of electricity ( what tens machine delivers) could accelerate tissue repairs. As a few clinicians and researchers developed the knowledge and did the studies it became obvious that if one wanted to reduce the time of incapacity and loss of function, the use of tens electrotherapy would help. Electrotherapy became main stream in using units to heal non-fractures. The book, "The Body Electric" by Dr. Robert Becker moved the application of tens type machine to heal fractures to main stream orthopedic use. To heal bones faster, and in many situations to heal bones rather than amputate, became the main reason for using tens type "bone healing machines" with bone fractures.

Electrotherapy machines were being used and had been shown to also heal bedsores, decubitus ulcers in the 70's. The form of electrotherapy was called "high voltage", later becoming "pulsed galvanic stimulation". In all the machines whether for pain, for bones, or for soft tissues the commonality of electrotherapy was using the positive and negative charges to accelerate repair for tissue and for sensory input for pain. Today the standard form of electrotherapy that was exclusively reserved for the clinic is interferential therapy. Today a patient can do, as with a tens machine, and take an interferential unit home for personal use whether pain or tissue healing. The most useful form of take home electrotherapy machine is a unit with both tens and interferential functions.

Using tens machines post-operatively languished form the early 80's to present day.

Today I'm encouraged to see that many post operative orthopedic procedures involve the application of tens machines to patients for pain control. The physician ( or the manufacture's rep.) is applying the unit while the patient is sedated, well before the pain cycle begins. The patients are being stimulated 24/7 and pain is reduced. That is good.

My personal opinion though is the main benefit being gained is still not being acknowledged. It is the tissues are regenerating faster than they normally would and the patient is healing faster than ever. As read about and shown repeatedly, positive and negative charges are what excites our body to repair itself, whether bone tissue, soft tissue or heaven forbid the discussion, but the mating of sperm and egg cells. The process of rejuvenation is one of basic physics and the charges are the excitator to start or accelerate cellular growth and division. Greater rate of growth means shorter rehab. and faster healing over time.

Finally electrotherapy is gaining the recognition for healing and that is good.

What is bad though is always only if someone is paying for gain, when the best would be for just plain helping patients heal faster with less pain and for the benefit of good health care. The knowledge is there, results are there, but the reimbursement processes are hampering full use of electrotherapy for better human health.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Acupressure Certification Programs offered at Natural Healing Schools

Find Acupressure Certification Programs in the United States and Canada. While alternative and natural medicines are continuing to strengthen in mainstream acceptance, students who are interested in learning and applying the healing arts will find that earning their acupressure certification can be both personally and professionally rewarding.

Both professional massage therapists and students stand to gain a wealth of information and skills through one of several acupressure certification programs. Taught as an ancient healing art, acupressure certification programs provide apprentices with the knowledge on how to effectively use the fingers to apply pressure to key points on the surface of the skin. In doing so, muscular tension is released and circulation is improved. Similar to principles of acupuncture training, acupressure certification programs use the same points of reference; but instead of needling techniques, acupressure certification classes teach students how to apply firm but gentle pressure using the hands and feet as a self and natural-healing aid.

Students enrolled in acupressure certification programs will learn that this ancient Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years, and while it is commonly used for relief of tension and muscle stress, it is widely known to improve skin condition and tone as well. In addition, students in acupressure certification programs will discover that acupressure is a great complementary medicine to patients who have from arthritis, and chronic headache sufferers.

Though many acupressure schools, massage therapy schools and other Oriental medicine schools offer acupressure certification programs for humans, candidates who prefer working with animals will often find that equine and canine sports massage training institutions will also provide acupressure certification courses that are specifically geared toward the animal kingdom.

Depending on individual academic institutions, acupressure certification programs may accompany or may be offered as an elective in a variety of massage therapy programs. Once candidates have earned their acupressure certification, they may integrate this into their professional bodywork practice and may expect earnings up to $32 per hour; depending on education, training, and experience.

If you are interested in finding your dream job, let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs [] near you.

Acupressure Certification Programs offered at Natural Healing Schools
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Etiquette For Your First Massage Therapy Session

A Massage can be a truly luxurious experience, but there are certain guidelines to follow. Here are some tips to help you through your first experience.

  1. Arrive on time. Usually they recommend coming in 10 minutes early in order to fill out forms if it is your first appointment. Remember that if you show up late you may receive a shorter massage.

  2. Show up to your appointment or call to cancel if you can't make it. Appointment times can be pretty hot commodities and other clients may be on a waiting list for your appointment time. Also, your therapist may be able to schedule other tasks or clients in that time if they have advance notice.

  3. Personal Hygiene. Massage therapists are health care professionals trained to help you regardless of your body type, size, shape, age or gender, but personal hygiene is still a requirement. The massage treatment area must be kept in hygienic condition for all clients that have appointments after you.

  4. Turn off your cell phone. A massage session is the perfect time to forget about the stress of the world outside. Don't let a badly timed phone call ruin a perfect moment.

  5. Express yourself. The massage therapist may be an expert at massage, but you are the only expert on yourself, your body and your goals for the massage. Don't be afraid to let the therapist know if you would like more or less pressure, if you want more attention paid to an area, or if you want an area avoided.

  6. Advice for Female Clients. There is nothing wrong with having a massage during your monthly cycle. If you mention your cycle to your therapist, he/she may be able to add a few techniques to reduce discomfort you typically receive with your period. Also note, you shouldn't feel embarrassed about not shaving your legs. A little hair on the clients legs is a non-event for me.

The most important rule in the massage treatment is that the experience should be all about you. Make sure your voice is heard and that you and your therapist understand each other.

A Massage Therapy Business Plan For a Successful Massage Therapy Practice

In this article we'll discuss key concepts to incorporate into your massage therapy business plan to ensure growing success and profitability in your massage therapy practice.

Monetise Your Massage Therapy Practice in Multiple Ways

Monetise your massage business to provide multiple streams of income. Obviously as a newly qualified massage therapist, the very first service you have at your disposal is your massage skills. Many massage therapists simply leave it at that and miss out on so much potential income they could generate from offering alternative massage related products and services. Even as a new masseur, you can offer a range of products to your customers, including:

  • books and videos

  • relaxation CD's

  • aromatherapy and massage oils

  • portable electric massagers

  • and even novelty items.

When you get more experienced you can also begin to run your own evening or weekend courses for a variety of massages for home use. These can bring in substantial extra income as well as be an additional source of promotion for your business.

Market Yourself In Multiple Ways

Don't just hang a sign outside your window and put an ad in the local paper. These are the minimum you should be doing. There are so many methods you can incorporate in your massage therapy business plan to market your massage business that are cheap or free.

  • Leaflet drops in the neighborhood of your massage business

  • Signage

  • Press releases

  • Create a website for your business using free tools like Word Press

Use Creative Marketing Techniques

  • Set up a loyalty program, for example a card that your clients bring to record each massage. After 9 massages, the 10th is free

  • Set up a Referral program. Give your clients a brochure with a unique code and explanation of the program. For example, for each new customer they refer to you, they get 10% off their next massage.

Master Your Communication Skills

An old standard truth that has been taught in sales training for decades is the importance of having your customers 'like you', because they will not buy from someone they don't like. It doesn't matter how outstanding your product knowledge is, if they don't like you, they will NOT buy from you.

As the owner of your own massage therapy business, master the art of likability. There are key skills that anyone can learn to become more 'likable', that can be used both on the phone and face to face. A good place to start is putting the phrase "how to build rapport" into Google and you'll be amazed at the list of great free tips at your disposal.

Create Something Unique About Your Massage Business

To set your massage therapy business apart from the rest in your area, find something you can incorporate that no one else does. People who are seeking a regular massage will often try out a number of massage therapy practices in an area to find the one they like the most.

If you are able, actually go and have a massage at your competitors in your area and take great mental notes of everything that's good and bad about their practice. Then simply incorporate all of the good and none of the bad into yours. On top of that, find something unique that none of the others have. It could be something to do with your physical environment, the massage techniques you use, the products you use, or even the music you play. Create something that makes them think of you first when ever they want a massage.


It's not rocket science. To have a successful and profitable massage therapy practice, you need a massage therapy business plan that put's the odds in your favour. There are really only four things you need:

  • clients and customers

  • products and services to sell to them

  • systems and strategies to ensure they return to you

  • systems and strategies to have them refer others to you

Create a massage therapy business plan that covers these points and your business will thrive. I hope the ideas shared in this article help to set you off in the right direction in your massage therapy practice.

Physical Therapy Degree

The physical therapy degree has always been considered one of the most important causes in modern health. This is because at times the sickness deny the patient recovering the chance to resume normal walking or even have a permanent walking disability. This profession is not limited to recuperating patients only, once one has the physical therapy degree, one would have job vacancies open to attend to the elderly whose vertebrae is failing the bone structure that supports movement. In the sporting would where injuries are often and fatal in some cases, a well trained and certified physician with a physical therapy degree would be best placed to work on such cases.

There are many institutions that do offer the physical therapy degree to those who would like to pursue this profession. One should check the reputation of that given institution before enrolling for its program. This is to make sure that the medical training offered is recognized by a commission on accreditation of physical therapy. This course requires one to have full knowledge on various core physical science subjects such as human anatomy, neuroscience, biomechanics and even physiology exercise.

Physical therapy degree online
These studies can be acquired online. If one chooses this mode of knowledge acquisition on physical science, then one should look for an institution that has online program for the degree. Apart from the practical part where the student would be required to attend the lab lessons. Students who enroll for online program would benefit from the e-resources and control the pace of learning which is a contrast to what a student attending physical class would.

The physical therapy degree program
The program should be comprehensive and should cover everything that would equip the student with the right set of skills ready for the job market. The examination is one of the critical components of the course. Internal examination should be standardized in a way that would evaluate the student's performance. Apart from understanding the science aspect of it, the student will also learn other aspect such as proper handling of the patient. Since this is a physical treatment on humans, the patient has to understand the importance of each routine the physician is introducing. The program will enable one tackle challenges such as the patient's skepticism or bad attitudes towards given routine.

When one gets online, one can actually see as many institutions offering the program and this comes as a convenient to one since one has to choose an institution with the best program while at the same time having affordable tuition fees.

Using Therapeutic Home Ultrasound to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common, persistent foot injury that requires proper treatment. Plantar fascitis results in acute inflammation and severe pain in the fibrous band of tissue running across the bottom of the foot. Because the ligaments, tendons, and tissue in the foot move every time the foot is flexed, when they are inflamed, every movement hurts, making daily activities very painful. Once the plantar fascia tissue is injured, 100% recovery is difficult and re-injury occurs frequently. But, therapies such as ultrasound can hold the key to complete plantar fascia healing. And luckily, ultrasound technologies are advancing and new affordable and portable ultrasound machines are becoming available for home users.


Because the plantar fascia can only stretch 102% of its length without tearing, the stress of an extremely active lifestyle can be too much. This condition of the foot is caused primarily from overloading and overuse in jobs that require a person to be on their feet all day, such as teachers and waitresses, to push heavy loads, such as shippers and construction workers, and to participate in vigorous sports, such as running, dancing, football and basketball. Plantar fasciitis is one of the top five most common foot and ankle injuries among professional athletes.

Poor biomechanics, foot muscle and/or ligament imbalances, and faulty foot structures can also contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis. Other causes include obesity and poorly supported shoes.

The inflammation in the arch of the foot experienced by plantar fasciitis suffers can also lead to an intense stabbing pain in the heel and eventually, heel spurs. For this reason, it is critical to properly treat an inflamed plantar fascia at the onset of the condition with ultrasound therapy or another modality.


The intense flare-ups of pain in the arch of the foot associated with plantar fascitis can be best managed through conservative, regular treatments. Patient education on how to treat plantar fasciitis and self-care are critical components in healing from plantar fasciitis. Patience is also key, as an inflamed plantar fascia can take six months to a year to completely recover.

By modifying daily activities and exercise, wearing properly fitting shoes, taping the feet, and massaging the foot arch, the acute inflammation of plantar fasciitis can be minimized. After strenuous activities, RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) is generally the prescribed procedure for plantar fascitis sufferers. However, for 100% injury recovery, using therapeutic ultrasound prior to RICE treatment is best because the ultrasonic waves efficiently decrease inflammation and relive pain for diagnosed or chronic plantar fasciitis within the first 48 hours of a flare-up. Daily ultrasound physical therapy can be a very effective way to manage and heal plantar fasciitis and heel spurs and is best accomplished with a personal, therapeutic ultrasound device.

For those suffering from chronic plantar fasciitis, foot and tendon rehabilitation at home is now possible with the advent of portable ultrasound machines. The ultrasound therapy utilized by these devices can be used as an advanced treatment of plantar fasciitis and the chronic tendon pain that accompanies the condition. Therapeutic ultrasound can be used to reduce pain and heal foot and ankle injuries twice as fast.

Ultra sound waves provide gentle deep tissue heating that decreases pain and inflammation to speed healing by penetrating the skin and causing vibrations in the tendons and soft tissues of the foot. Ultrasound therapy relaxes muscles and decreases swelling by increasing blood flow and oxygen to tendons and ligaments. Ultrasound deep tissue stimulation can be used as a pain therapy system to control plantar fasciitis flare-ups and can now be used in the comfort of your very own home.

A home ultrasound unit works the same way as bigger machines, found in physical therapist and chiropractor practices, but is more compact and priced reasonably so home users can afford to purchase. Portable ultrasound machines are also safe for use by the general public because they utilize pulsed, instead of continuous, ultrasound waves, which are just as effective when used on a daily basis. Plantar fasciitis physical therapy involving ultrasound will provide users with immediate relief and continual healing over a 3-4 week period.

Because plantar fascist involves soft tissue and tendon inflammation, a specific kind of home ultrasound machine is required for treatment. A home ultrasound physical therapy machine should emit 1Mhz ultrasound waves. It is also important to purchase an FDA approved ultrasound unit that is quality manufactured. The portable therapeutic ultrasound device should also be covered with at least a 1 year warranty. And best of all, with a portable therapeutic ultrasound machine, you can treat your plantar fasciitis daily when it is most convenient for you.

Reduce Stress With Massage Therapy

A professional massage helps you relax your mind, body, and rejuvenates your sense. No wonder, there is a huge demand for professional massage therapists, who charge a good amount of money to provide these services. A perfect massage makes you feel great and also has numerous health benefits which you might not be aware of.

The massage therapist works on your neck, arms, back, legs and head. Many studies prove that a proper massage eases your stress level and lowers blood pressure. An effective massage therapy also affects a person's heart rate, and thus safeguards from various critical health problems including cardiac diseases and strokes.

In fact, this therapy is believed to be a boon for people dealing with various types of mental health conditions. Often psychiatrists recommend massage to help their patients alleviate symptoms related to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. Though the mechanism with which massage therapy works is still unknown, but there is no doubt in its effectiveness. It helps you feel relaxed and stimulates various functions within your body including brain's production of endorphins and serotonin. While endorphins act as a natural pain killer, serotonin is a mood-enhancing substance.

It is a preferred by many professional and athletes and it helps them feel relaxed before they play. You can also enjoy the health benefits of massage therapy as it also minimizes the pain, inflammation, and problems related to osteoporosis, arthritis, asthma, and diabetes.

Massage therapy is good for almost everyone, and if taken from an expert massage therapist, it relieves you from day-to-day stress, eases pain and inflammation, and helps you live longer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Health Benefits of Shiatsu Massage

For those who have tried getting a massage as well as trying out acupuncture, you might also want to try out Shiatsu massage. This method is described to be using acupressure. This means that it has put together the techniques that both acupuncture and massage can provide. But does this indicate that the benefits that you will receive are also doubled?

Your skin might be able to display the most obvious results. If you have indeed benefited from Shiatsu massage, you may notice that your skin is a little bit softer and smoother. This is because of the fact that massage can help improve circulation throughout your body. When there is adequate circulation, the nutrients from the food you eat and the nourishment that you get are appropriately distributed to the body's cells.

Older individuals can have Shiatsu massage in order to alleviate pain caused by osteoarthritis. Even those who are suffering from an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis may undergo massage in order to reduce the pain that they are feeling. It may be necessary for you to seek the approval of your doctor before you allow yourself to undergo a massage therapy session for your inflamed joints, though.

Those who are suffering from migraine headaches might likewise take advantage of what Shiatsu massage can offer. When the body is relaxed and when there is good circulation all throughout the body, headaches may be effectively averted.

If you are stressed from having a tough and busy day or week at work, you should be able to de-stress with the help of massage. Stress can be reduced when the body is able to relieve the tension that it is harboring. The effects of massage are not only towards the physical body. The person can feel emotionally relaxed. This is ideal for those who are emotionally stressed. A good massage can make them feel lighter and refreshed.

The increase in circulation will also affect the digestive system. With this, a person can expect better digestion. Elimination of body wastes can also become regular and without any problems. Stomach ages and indigestion can be prevented effectively.

Women who are pregnant cans get pregnancy massages. At some instances, Shiatsu massage may also be good for them. This type can help reduce the suffering that women get from morning sickness as well as swelling. The lower extremities can be greatly affected by this swelling. And since the mother might have reduced physical activity, a little massage can help the body cells function and eliminate unwanted body fluids. Pregnancy massage, however, is not ideal for women who are in their first trimester of pregnancy. However, there are those who use massage to induce pregnancy to mothers who are overdue.

The pressure points that are triggered by Shiatsu massage are believed to greatly cause the results. The use of touch can likewise add to the relaxation that a person gets. So, if you are still deciding which massage therapy method to try out, you might want to look into Shiatsu massage.

Massage Therapy in the Workplace

Many corporate offices are beginning to incorporate and offer massage as a means to benefit and enhance productivity. Corporate entities have begun to utilize chair massage techniques in the workplace which has slowly gained popularity and has become a staple in most work environments. Long hours in front of computer result in back pains and other physical restraints. In addition, a high stress area as is within a workplace can negatively impact a worker's body and mind. It is important to have several activities and aids in place which lessen the stress and workload. Reducing fatigue and anxiety will result in a better work atmosphere.

Massage therapy has thus become a very valuable asset for the corporate community with many offices installing products and offering services which bring about productivity and wellness. Whether it be as an incentive or as a regular benefits package, massage therapy in the workplace will become an asset for any employee.

On site massage therapy will positively affect employees in the following ways:

- It increases productivity and morale. Fortune magazine commented on corporate massage and how greatly it worked at benefiting the employees of over 100 companies. As summarized by the Gallup poll "employee attitudes correlate strongly with higher profits."

- It relieves fatigue and stress. On-site massages are able to energize the mind and body by relaxing muscles and soothing the spirit. A survey by Time Magazine stated that workers preferred massages over coffee breaks.

- It is able to increase brain power and also sharpens the senses. In Florida, a test was administered where workers who were massaged finished a math test faster and with fewer errors than others.

- On-site massages are able to free the body from emotional stress or reduce the body from the damaging effects of stress. It also helps to relieve pain, muscle spasms, headaches, backaches, is able to improve circulation and reduce blood pressure.

Corporate massage therapy does not occur the same way it would at a massage parlour or spa. Massages are administered within 10-20 minutes and is performed while a worker is fully clothed. These massages are aimed at the back, arms, neck and shoulders. The massage therapist provides a specially designed chair, relaxing music, aromas and other such products.

Appointments are made by the company in advance and time is set aside for the massage. Many businesses also help to remind their workers of upcoming massage dates so as to have them working efficiently and productively. Payment varies, where some companies may pay the full amount while others may split the cost. Some make the service available for those employees who would like a massage and would like to pay for it themselves. Most therapists take all forms of payments such as cash, checks or credit cards.

There are also several other benefits to on-site corporate massage. For one, massage is tax deductible as it is seen as a medical expense. Massages in the workplace are also flexible as workers or employers can pay from a spending account. Some large companies also offer further wellness aids such as exercise programs and other similar activities.

The Joys of Being a Traveling Physical Therapist

First, before we discuss the joys of being a travel therapist, let's talk about what that is exactly. A traveling therapist is someone who registers with a company that specializes in placing therapist into a job that is in need of a qualified therapist, but does not have qualified candidates locally. The therapist takes jobs of their choosing on a temporary basis, usually around 13 weeks long, though it can be longer or shorter depending on the need.

Travel pt jobs (physical therapist) can have a lot of rewards for the therapist and his/her family. First, there is the traveling aspect of the job. This can be a great way for the family to see the country with very limited expense to the family.

Another benefit of being a travel therapist is the chance to see many world class facilities in the medical field. In addition to seeing those facilities is the chance to work in them, giving the therapist valuable work experience to improve their skills and expand their knowledge in the field.

Against some more common beliefs concerning the lack of insurance in a travel pt job, insurance is one of the benefits received as a traveling therapist. Health insurance is usually offered through the "referral company" that a physical therapist works with. In addition, life insurance and long term disability insurance can be part of the insurance packages offered, making it competitive with more traditional forms of medical employment.

There are ways to make extra cash without any extra work. Just signing up for a job, in some cases, can bring a sign on bonus to the physical therapist. Also, selected assignment jobs offer a completion bonus for completing a job (staying for the whole time requested). Another way to make extra cash is through referral bonuses' offered for referring other therapist to the referral company.

Traveling therapist also has meals and other incidentals reimbursed or are given an allowance for this. This can really make it much easier to save the money that they are making. This can really help a therapist and their family to get ahead or catch up if they have a lot debt, by greatly reducing their living expenses.

Another advantage for therapist who takes travel pt jobs is the ability to have education paid for. Some programs offer a reimbursement for continuing education, up to as much as $1000 / yr. This can help not only to save money, but to increase the knowledge and ability of the therapist in a way that will make them more attractive to future employers.

There are many advantages to becoming a traveling physical therapist, as we have discussed. Perhaps none is more important for the long term success of a therapist though as the chance to build their resume with the experience. Travel therapists have the ability to add a long list of experience on their resume in a much shorter amount of time than typical. This can make them stand out in any jobs that they apply for in the future, giving them a leg up on long term stability.

Massage Therapists: Learn 5 Secrets to Preventing Injury

Injury Prevention is crucial for lasting career in massage therapy. Staying healthy and injury free happens when you create balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Balance happens when different parts of your life are in proportion to each other. It is important to make an effort and balance your physical self first. Important components of caring for your physical body include correct body mechanics, exercise, proper nutrition, and plenty of rest.

Here are some of my secrets to help you maintain health with your physical body:

1) Use Proper Alignment- When applying pressure during massage, make sure your bones are in alignment to conserve your energy and to reduce muscle overuse and misuse. Keep your body as relaxed as possible, and stay behind each stroke as you lean into the tissue beneath you.

2) Make Time for Physical Activity- Another key to career longevity is getting the proper amount of appropriate physical activity, in addition to performing massage therapy. Exercise increases circulation and delivers more oxygen to your body's cells, boosts your energy, and reduces your chance of injury.

3) Receive Massage- Massage therapists need to get massage themselves. Take some time out to get a massage; either pay for it or trade with a friend.

4) Educate Yourself- Education and having fun are other ways to care for your mental health. Massage Therapy Continuing Education stimulates the mind, and learning keeps you up-to-date on the latest information.

5) Restoration of Your Body- Sleep and rest are vital for repairing and restoring your body. Your physical body not only re-charges when you sleep and goes into repair mode, so you must get adequate sleep to avoid injury.

As a massage therapist and bodyworker, you can burnout physically, mentally, and emotionally. Practice self-care daily to protect your energy and to promote career longevity. Balance your work with education, play, and social activities to deter burnout.

In addition, think of yourself as a massage athlete and train your body like one. This physical work demands skill, strength, and endurance, just like any other athlete. Performing massage is very strenuous on your hands and upper extremities. At some point in your career, an injury can likely occur. If an injury does happen; take the proper amount of time off to heal when an injury occurs. Injuries do occur, and when you sustain one, do not feel ashamed. Taking time off is invaluable for an injury to heal completely and is essential for the prevention of a chronic condition.

Basic Requirements Needed To Get Into An Occupational Therapy School

So, you want to be an occupational therapist? Many people dream of becoming one but only 2 out of 5 occupation therapist students will succeed to become a professional occupational therapist. This may be because this kind of job entails a heavy responsibility and not everyone has the characteristics and traits to become an occupational therapist.

But, what do occupational therapists really do? Many people are confused with the real responsibilities of occupational therapists but the main responsibility of an occupational therapist is to help individuals who are suffering physical injuries due to accidents. Example, a man who had met a car accident may suffer from broken leg. The job of the therapist is to ensure that the person will be able to regain his normal physical condition so he can work and function normally just as he used to do before the accident. Of course, the situation will also depend on many factors like the severity of the damaged the patient suffers etc.

In order for one to be an occupational therapist he must have a master's degree from an accredited school or online program. You might be wondering how and where to start in becoming a therapist? Well, the very first step to becoming a therapist is to make sure that you have chosen the right school.

Once you've finally chosen the right school to enroll in, the next step is to take the prerequisite courses such as include human anatomy and physiology and the like. These subjects need to be taken before the student will be admitted to the school.

Once all prerequisites are taken, the next step is to enroll in a bachelor's degree course which can be taken either in a traditional way or by online degree programs. More or less the student will be able to obtain his bachelor's degree diploma in just 4 to 5 years max. This course is not that easy, one needs to have self discipline and the drive in order to graduate with flying colors in this course.

Most schools would require the student to submit an application letter for admission and it is a requirement to have a list of character references on hand. This will boost your approval rate for admission. This would ensure that you are a responsible citizen who will do nothing that might compromise the name of the school. Also, you have to specifically state in your letter why you really want to enroll in their school and what makes you the best occupational therapy student.

Acupressure More Effective Than Physical Therapy

We all know Acupressure has been around for some 5,000 years now and those of us involved in Holistic and wellness remain convinced that the procedures encompassed within this sphere are more efficacious than physical therapy. Every living being has a life force, or energy, called qi or chi (pronounced "chee"). When this energy, which runs along meridians, is in balance and flowing freely, the body is in a state of health. Acupoints tap into the the major energy pathways of the body

When this energy is blocked or deficient, illness can result. These energy disruptions are often the result of stress or injury. It is believed that acupressure causes the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins play an important role in immune function, pain relief, stress reduction, and slowing the aging process.

Lower back pain has long been the bain of the modern world not only in lost man hours but also because of the numerous side effects, complications and nuances of lower back pain complaints. Further studies now confirm the benefits of acupressure over physical therapy. Albeit that the studies failed to take into account functional status and disability as recommended by most low back pain researchers the results are still very meaningful and relevant. In February 2006 a randomized controlled trial took place at The National Taiwan University in Taipei.

129 patients with chronic low back pain received acupressure or physical therapy for 1 month. Primary endpoints were self-administered Chinese versions of standard outcome measures for low back pain (Roland and Morris disability questionnaire) at baseline, after treatment, and at 6-month follow-up. After treatment, the mean total Roland and Morris disability questionnaire score was significantly lower in the acupressure group than in the physical therapy group regardless of the difference in absolute score or mean change from baseline.

Compared with physical therapy, acupressure was associated with an 89% reduction in significant disability and that improvement was maintained at 6-month follow-up. Study limitations include a confounding psychological effect of therapy; loss of 15.5% of patients to follow-up at 6 months and effectiveness of any manipulation therapy dependent on the therapist's technique and experience.

Participants were aged 18 to 81 years. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy and contraindication to acupressure. 64 patients were randomized to acupressure and 65 to physical therapy. Conclusive or inconclusive the results still point towards the undeniable and positive aspects of acupressure and holistic healing.

On a more lighter note Acupressure has also been cited as a new aid for sleepy students. 39 student volunteers found that those who were taught to self-administer acupressure to stimulation points on their legs, feet, hands and heads were less likely to drowse during class. The acupressure consisted of light tapping of fingers or using thumbs or forefingers to lightly massage the stimulation points. It was conceded that more study is needed in relation to acupressure and the effect on human alertness.

Looking further into the positives might this self administered acupressure also be a consideration for children with ADHD contra Ritalin!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Massage Therapy Coursework and Training Programs

Massage therapy is used to promote a healthy body by improving muscle function. Professionals work with numerous clients to help relax their muscles and rehabilitate individuals from injuries. Massage therapy coursework and training programs are available through many holistic healing colleges that provide students with a focused curriculum based on professional training requirements.

Education will slightly vary depending on the college providing the program. This type of therapy uses pressure points and therapeutic techniques to promote healing in the body. Several modalities, or commonly called techniques, exist and programs may concentrate on different ones. Educational programs focus on several industry-related areas to help students succeed as massage therapists. Courses could include:

The anatomy of the human body is covered in detail to prepare students to understand how to properly administer different modalities. Students are required to memorize the muscles, understand their range of motion, and how they interact with the body.

Massage Therapy Practices
Specific techniques to protect and correctly use the body to conduct massage therapy are covered. This career requires professionals to stand for long periods of time and use their upper bodies to massage their clients. This type of course teaches students to protect their own bodies from unneeded stress and pain.

Students examine various case studies and diseases to understand when massage therapy is not an appropriate form of treatment. This area of study teaches students to protect clients from bodily damage if another alternative medical practice would better suite their physical needs. The process of referring students to another health practitioner is also learned.

Many students start their own businesses after graduation. In a business course students learn how to develop, manage, and budget. The goal is to teach students to efficiently maximize profits and work with clients professionally.

Training programs incorporate these types of courses and more. The most prevalent form of training is at the certificate level. Training lasts around six to nine months allowing students to gain the needed knowledge and hours required to obtain their licensure. The structure of the body is explored in regards to several techniques integrated into programs. Pain and muscle dysfunction is studied as students learn to approach treatment from a holistic healing standpoint. Programs provide students with the knowledge to use several techniques, which can include acupressure, Swedish, shiatsu, Russian, and trigger point therapy. A specialty can be entered when students continue education inside an advanced massage therapy certificate program.

Advanced programs allow students to take their overall knowledge of the field and apply it to a particular area of massage therapy. With an additional three to sixth months of training students will be able to work exclusively with different clients. For example, education can center on orthopedic massage therapy where students learn to work with athletes on injury prevention and rehabilitation. Body mechanics, therapeutics, and ethics are some general courses taken at this level.

Students can start learning about the industry by choosing an accredited program that matches their goals. Fully accredited programs are approved by agencies like the Commission on Massage Therapy Accreditation ( ) to offer a quality educational experience. Enter training and begin the process of becoming a massage therapist.

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Benefits of Trager Massage

Massage therapy throughout the centuries has been proven to yield good results and has provided beneficial effects on the physical, emotional, and mental condition of the patient. It also acts as a great way of soothing and calming down the body as well as the mind in order to improve our self-awareness, senses, and give us a healthier constitution. As a result, more and more people are becoming interested with the art of healing that is not only effective but also safe due to its all natural techniques.

Trager massage therapy, which is also known as Trager work, works in providing relief for the client's conditions by using movement techniques and mind manipulation. The therapist or practitioner conducts movement re-education techniques in an attempt to regain strength, flexibility and mobility on the affected parts of the body. The soft movements and gentle manipulation of the therapist on the neuromuscular system helps in releasing muscle stiffness, tension, fatigue, and stress. It also helps with the sending signals to the brain to help enhance the mood of the client which is essential in the principle of mind and body coordination. The therapy is also divided into two parts that are beneficial in each way to the client's progress and recovery.

Table Session is the part that acts as a passive session where the practitioner works in coordination with the patient (in the patient's comfort range) to achieve movement. This session acts as a way to determine the range of motion, restrictions, and the areas that needs treatment. The client benefits from it in terms of motion through the release of tension and movement restrictions.

The other part which is known as Mentastics uses active movement in the part of the client along with the self-care techniques taught by the therapist during the massage session in order for the patient to treat him to relieve pain, stress, and fatigue each time they attack.

Most patients express relief from all sorts of conditions right after the therapy session, however the result actually varies from person to person. Most of the outcomes after therapy sessions are beneficial to the patient. Among the benefits include the treatment of a wide range of conditions such as the relief from everyday aches and pain in the muscular system, headaches, migraines, the correction of poor posture, prevention of posture degeneration, and the treatment of sports related injuries and all types of injuries. Individuals with health problems such as Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and multiple sclerosis can also expect healing benefits from the treatment when done in regularly for optimum results. Emotional benefits are also included in the therapy such as the relief from emotional stress and fatigue, as well as the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Anyone can benefit from the wonderful treatment techniques of Trager work. Athletes, office workers, manual laborers, and other types of professions can all gain amazing results in their physical, mental and emotional health with just a single session of this therapy. However, for those who want to have the best results, I would highly suggest that they take regular sessions of the Trager massage therapy.

The Five Benefits of Pain Management With Tuina Massage

Looking for a way to get rid of those aches and pains and push that stress out of your body? Tui Na may be the answer you are looking for. Tui Na is a Chinese massage treatment that works by balancing the energy in your body. This will leave you feeling positive both on the inside and out.

1.      It is all natural - if you are suffering from pain or feeling run down, you most likely take medication, including caffeine to boost your mood and your body. With Tui Na, you are not putting even more chemicals or pain killers into your body. Instead, you are massaging out the toxins and increasing the positive energy flow within. This system is all natural (and you don't have to spend a fortune at the pharmacy on Ibuprofen).

2.      It lasts - the treatment has the power to last a long time. Although many people will get regular treatments withmassage, they will be able to feel the difference right away and for a long time more so with this type of therapy. Talk to your local doctor about your condition as everyone is different and thus, every type of treatment is different. A good practitioner will tailor the treatment according to your constitution.

3.      It can be relaxing - there is nothing better than getting a massage. Essentially,it is a form of  medical massage. It relaxes the muscles while working away the kinks and cramps through rubbing, rolling, kneading, pressing and patting. However, all of this is done with intention and care so you should feel no pain, although certain spots may be uncorfortable, this will not last. You will leave the session feeling as refreshed and rejuvenated.

4.      Increase blood flow and more - mainly this type of combined Chinese therapy works by increasing the blood flow and the other systems in your body, ensuring the positive energy is balanced.

5.      Can treat a number of different problems - Tui Na has worked wonders on all sorts of ailments including aches and pains, arthritis, reproduction problems, high blood pressure, weight gain, depression, headaches, sprains and much more.

How to Choose Massage Oils

Massage oils are usually used on alternative and natural body treatment for as long as we can remember. They are primarily used by ancient physicians and herbalists during their medical treatments. Nowadays, they are popularly known and used as mediums during a session. These types of oils come in different types, smell, color and texture. All of these though share the same purpose and objective which is to enhance the physical and emotional health condition of a person.

However, keep in mind that the various types of massage oils can be used on the skin of any patient during a massage therapy session. Some people have sensitive skin that reacts on certain types. That is why a consultation from the doctor prior to a session is essential if you want a successful, enjoyable and problem-free therapeutic massage. Usually, the medical records of the patients are checked before a massage therapy is scheduled to see and know if there are any complications, allergies, or other types of medical problems.

As a standard procedure and a common practice on most types of massage therapies, massage oil is applied on the skin of the undressed patient during the session. This is for the advantage of having a good manipulation of the body parts for the massage therapist.

In case you have allergies, the best thing to do is to consult with your doctor. And he will discuss the possible types of massage oils that wouldn't react with your skin. Ask for your doctor's opinion regarding the certain oils that you have interest in and inquire if they are suitable for use on your body. In case they are not safe to use, you can drop them from your list and look for alternatives.

You can also look for tons of great information through the internet to broaden your knowledge on the many different types of oils that you can use on your massage therapy session. You can compare their advantages and disadvantages as you can have an access on many ready information when searching with the internet.

Some oils are less greasy than the others that is why researching on the many various types of massage oils is important. Sweet almond oil is a popular type of oil used during a therapeutic massage as most patients find it comfortable on their skin as it is slightly oily and doesn't have a foul smell. Not only that, it is also affordable as compared to the other popular types of massage therapy oils. The absorption of the skin is also fairly quick unlike the other types of oils that are absorbed very fast by the skin. This is important as the massage therapist can focus on working with your body during your massage therapy instead of constantly adding up massage oil on your skin.

If you are planning on having a massage therapy, starting with the ideal types of oils to be used should be on your concern to have a pleasurable and relaxing massage therapy.

Massage Oil Holster, An Extra Hand for a Massage Therapist

Massage Holsters are an inexpensive and common tool used by many Massage Therapists. However, they are such a simple tool that many therapist overlook the many benefits.

Ever reach for your oil bottle only to bump it and cause it to come crashing to the floor? Startling your client is never a very effective relaxation technique. And even if you're super careful, sometimes your client will move and inadvertently send the bottle flying across the room.

You can keep the bottle safely on a counter top, out of the reach of moving arm and legs. But that creates a new problem, now it's out of your reach too, how convenient is that?

With a massage holster, your oil or lotion is always right by your side without danger of being dropped or kicked to the floor. No more awkward reaching/searching for that elusive oil/lotion bottle.

Keep in mind there are many kinds of massage holsters out there to pick from. In choosing one remember that a good holster will have a belt that you can adjust to your own needs, and will be sturdy and machine washable. The rest is according to your own personal tastes and comfort. Try taking it on and off, is it easy to buckle and unbuckle? Does it feel good in you hands?

There are many, many tools and gadgets all designed to make a massage therapists job easier, there are very few that help as much and cost as little as a massage holster does.

Positional Release is Effective Therapy

Positional Release is a highly effective technique that helps reduce pain and restore function to muscles, bones, and joints. In positional release the most comfortable position resets the sensors in the musculature and joints known collectively as the proprioceptors. With the correct stimulus to these sensors, the musculoskeletal system returns to a healthier state, eliminating pain and allowing joints to move back to dynamic balance.

Creating the right twist and pressure in the muscles and joints resets the sensors very quickly. Postitional Release may be helpful for a wide range of problems including:

-Arthritic conditions
-Allergies and asthma
-Back and disk problems
-Neck pain and tension headaches
-Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
-Fibromyalgia Syndrome
-Foot and ankle pain
-Psoas / hip pain
-Sports injuries and performance enhancement
-Sprains of various joints
-Stress management and prevention
-Whiplash and other impact injuries

Positional release began in the 1950's when Lawrence Jones, D.O. discovered by accident that when he placed the body into a specific comfortable position pain and dysfunction would heal quickly and completely.

In 1954, Lawrence Hugh Jones, DO, FAAO (1912-1996) made an observation that led to the development of his Strain and Counterstrain Technique. A graduate of the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in California in 1936, Dr. Jones was running a successful practice in Oregon when he attempted to treat a patient who had been suffering with back pain for two and a half months. After six weeks of treatment the patient had not improved. The patient was unable to sleep for more than 15 minutes at a time.

Dr. Jones spent one visit only attempting to find a comfortable position for the patient. He passively put the patient in a variety of positions until he "achieved a position of surprising amount of comfort, the only benefit he had received in four months' treatment." Afterwards, Jones began to experiment with this discovery.

He initially called this approach to pain "Spontaneous Release by Positioning" and later Strain an Counter Strain簧. Eventually variations of his work became known collectively as "positional release."

There are some differences in the application of Positional Release particularly among Osteopaths, Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists. Some practitioners have developed their own versions and have different variations on the name of the work.

I have been practicing Positional Release since 1991. I have found it to be a very effective modality. It releases pain and trauma very quickly and the results are long lasting or permanent.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

NMT: Trigger Point Therapy and What to Look for in a T Bar

Massage therapy is as ancient as noodles. People have been striving to reach a state of ultimate comfort and efficiency, while at the same time, cutting the work load.

I believe that is a great goal to work towards, and I want to highlight how my experience with Sorbo Vibe rubber has changed my life! I recently heard from a co worker of mine that attends a massage school in Texas about a true blue massage tool that took the classic trigger point staple, the t bar, and made it more comfortable and ultimately better.

In my occupational field of massage therapy, every little bit helps.. When I tried this Sorbo Vibe t bar, I was amazed! Their uniquely created polymer is smooth to the touch, and perfectly hard, allowing just enough give to achieve the vibratory absorption needed to relieve the stiffness associated with t bars I have relied on for all these years. It makes perfect sense once you get to touch the smooth blue polymer they're so proudly calling Sorbo Vibe.

For those of you unfamiliar with t bars and NMT as a whole, I strongly recommend you take the time to unwind with or without the massage tool. If you have not discovered the miracle of trigger point therapy, then you surely are holding more tension and muscle stiffness in you than I am.

Fit or not, the body stores tension deep within the muscle tissue, and t bar massage tools have been the answer for so many massage therapists to this day, that massage schools all across the globe require their students to learn the ways of the perpendicular shaped massage tool and trigger point therapy as a whole.

My friend and massage therapy partner has changed my life and though my job is still rigorous and constantly active, I am confidently able to say that massage tools beware! Sorbo Vibe has created a solution to make comfort more accessible to those working so hard to comfort everyone else on a daily basis.

Ask your family doctor or chiropractor about trigger point therapy and massage therapy in general as an alternative or supplemental level of therapy for any muscle related fatigue or stiffness. Having frequent headaches? NMT, might be just what the doctor ordered!

Give it a shot, I promise the t bar is your friend and will always be a mainstay at the therapists office.

How Long Does It Take To Be Certified At Beauty School?

One benefit of choosing to attend beauty school is that is much quicker than getting most other types of a degree. This is beneficial for those who want or need to pursue a career in the near future, or for anyone who simply does not want to spend very much time in school. In fact, attending a cosmetology school usually means that a degree is awarded based on the number of hours spent training rather than on the number of credits which have been earned.

For a cosmetology diploma, for example, the student must spend 60 weeks, or 2,100 hours, of learning theory and practicing hands-on training in order to earn a degree. This is how the beauty school ensures that the student gains extensive knowledge about the business of beauty and spa. With this degree, there are endless options for career paths - from working in any type of spa to running a modeling agency.

A massage therapy training diploma, on the other hand, requires a much shorter 33 week, 650 hour attendance. In this short time, the student will learn exceptional skills in massage therapy from the hands-on training. The graduate must simply then apply for a state licensure, which tends to vary from location to location. This diploma opens up opportunities for careers in chiropractic offices, gyms, physical therapy offices, and more.

In order to become an esthetician, a student must put in 30 weeks or 600 hours of practice and learning theory at a beauty school. Estheticians specialize in skin care, spa services, and sometimes applying makeup. It is an excellent diploma to have for a person who loves to make themselves and others feel beautiful. There is such a diverse number of jobs available for graduates who are practiced in this discipline that it is always sure to offer a refreshing career.

The fact that getting a diploma from a beauty school is such a quick process may look very attractive to high school graduates. Even more so, though, is the fact that there are so many things a person can do with these certifications. No matter what career path is chosen, it is sure to always be changing with modern styles, so it will be different every day and the practitioner will never feel bored by his or her occupation.

The Benefits of Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat germ oil is one of the most common used oil on massage therapies for so many good reasons. It is a type of oil that is basically extracted from the germ of the wheat kernel. It is an unrefined type of oil used on massage therapy sessions that contains high amount of vitamin A and D and holds the record for having the highest amount of vitamin E among all the other vegetable oils.

When applied on the skin, the massage therapist can work conveniently and efficiently on the areas of the body that needs to be massaged. Not only is it good aid for providing a smooth surface for the masseuse, it also improves the condition of the skin which is why it is also a popular ingredient used on many beauty and skin wellness products all around the world. Thanks to these wonderful properties of the wheat germ oil, many patients can enjoy the benefits and pleasure of both worlds.

Wheat germ oil used on the patient's body during the massage therapy has many positive and beneficial results aside for being just a medium for a good application of the different massage strokes on therapeutic massage sessions. You can find below the many benefits one can get from using this type of massage oil during a therapeutic massage:

Improves the skin condition - Wheat germ oil as mentioned above has the highest vitamin E content from all of the vegetable oil. This means that whenever this type of oil is applied on the skin during the massage therapy, the skin absorbs the amazing benefits by getting revitalized and rejuvenated. Add to that the constant stimulation of the nerve and the muscle of the body, the oil is equally distributed all over the body with every stroke of the massage therapist's hand. Vitamin A is also present in this type of oil which also aids in the healing process of the skin and has similar properties that addresses the heath condition of the patient's skin.

Improves the blood circulation - massage therapy improves and increases the blood circulation of the patient after regular massage therapy session. The massage oil plays a huge role during the massage therapy that is why it is vital in achieving a good health condition. Wheat germ oil when applied on the skin improves the blood circulation in the skin. Aside from that benefit, it also aids the self regeneration of the skin cells that were damaged due to environmental causes such as too much exposure to direct sunlight.

Maintains a younger appearance - it its popularly known as having antioxidant properties that keeps on preventing the signs of aging inside the body of an individual which results on the person's outward appearance. Imagine enjoying the benefits of a good massage therapy with the additional benefit of retaining your younger looking self from this type of massage oil. It also contains both oleic acid and linoleic acid which contributes as essential fatty acids good for keeping our immune system up on guard, the nervous system, as well as in regenerating the damaged cells in our body.

Physical Therapy Schools

Physical therapists who treat and rehabilitate victims of debilitating disease are in great demand, and more and more people are opting to get the relevant training. Universities across the U.S. offer graduate programs in physical therapy, among them UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University, Temple University, and the University of Connecticut.

Some schools offer an undergraduate program in physical therapy, which students can enter as freshmen or after completing two or three years of undergraduate training elsewhere. These students will receive a bachelor's degree in physical therapy on completion of the program. For entry into a two- to three-year graduate program in physical therapy, a student must first obtain a bachelor's degree in some other field. On completion of the graduate program, students will receive a master's degree in physical therapy.

Entry into physical therapy programs is very competitive, and most schools prefer grade point averages of between 3.5 and 4.0. Health-related volunteer work may earn a few points in your favor. Some schools require applicants to have engaged in volunteer or paid physical therapy work at hospitals, as it helps them understand the profession and decide whether they are really cut out for it. While different schools have different admission prerequisites, nearly all require at least a year of biology, at least one semester of chemistry and physics, and courses in other science-related fields.

Students seeking admission into a physical therapy program must find out which tests are required by schools of their choice. The General Record Examination (GRE) is a prerequisite for several schools offering the master's degree program. Others require the Allied Health Professions Aptitude Test (AHPAT) for admission. A student is advised to make early plans to complete required courses and tests.

The scope for employment for trained physical therapists is vast. They may be employed in hospitals, nursing homes, fitness centers, or rehabilitation homes, or they may provide private care. A physical therapist can specialize in areas such as pediatrics, geriatrics, or sports medicine or work in related fields as occupational therapists, speech therapists, and recreational therapists, among others. Whatever field they pursue, they can be sure that their services are helping to improve someone else's life.

Physical Therapy Assistant Schools - How to Choose the Right One

There is a wide range of physical therapy assistant schools to choose from for those who plan to pursue a career as a physical therapist's assistant. However, there are several considerations to take into account when selecting a school. One of the most important things to consider is the school's status with regards to accreditation.

Because they are acknowledged and held in high regard by virtually every healthcare facility, accredited programs are the wisest option for one's education. There are over 265 schools throughout the country dedicated to teaching students the knowledge and skills required to work in the field, meaning the relevant training can be obtained by almost anyone.

Physical Therapy Assistant Schools

Accreditation Considerations

In August of 2010, the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education-CAPTE-obtained permission from the American Physical Therapy Association to grant accreditation status to such programs.

Each learning institution is judged on its program's quality, the instructor to student ratio, IT features and administration considerations. For this reason, choosing a CAPTE-accredited school is the best way to ensure that one receives a quality education.

Although the school selected will depend on a variety of factors, the following two schools are inexpensive and offer a high quality of teaching:

Southern Illinois University

Southern Illinois University offers an Associate's of Applied Science program for those interested in becoming physical therapist assistants. An individual can earn his or her degree in five semesters and the university provides job placement assistance. The cost of each credit hour is approximately $74 as of January, 2012.

College of Southern Nevada

The College of Southern Nevada also offers an Associate degree program in Applied Science. The degree can be earned in four semesters, and the average tuition cost as of April, 2012, is approximately $69 per credit hour. The college also provides several financial assistance programs for students that are deemed to need it.


Although coursework will vary at physical therapy assistant schools, almost all programs will include the following: anatomy, physiology, biology, neurosciences, behavioral sciences, pharmacology and therapeutic procedures.

Students will learn through classroom lectures and clinical experiences, the latter of which is taken under the direction of a physical therapist or other licensed health care practitioner. With most programs, essentially 100% of the final semester will consist of hands-on training. Clinical rotations are typically taken in clinics and hospitals in the general vicinity of the learning institution where one is enrolled.

Online Options

Students can also choose to complete their education at one of many physical therapy assistant schools available online. This option has become increasingly popular over the past 10 years. However, it is important to note that only accredited online schools should be considered. The following is a popular school which meets this criteria:

Online PTA Program at San Juan College

Prospective students can earn an Associate of Applied Science degree at San Juan College's online campus. The New Mexico based college is CAPTE-accredited and specializes in assistant programs. The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges has also accredited this School. As of 2011, tuition stands at approximately $50 per credit hour.

Those who are interested in becoming an assistant in this field will discover that physical therapy assistant schools are available to suit virtually every lifestyle and budget. Therefore, those who wish to realize their goal of working in this profession should enrol in an accredited school to take the first step toward securing meaningful employment in the field of physical therapy.

Physical Therapy For Autism

There are many ways in which occupational therapy can help people afflicted with autism. Since autism is usually detected in very young children by parents and pediatricians, the main goal for all concerned is to help the child to become the very best, and most independent person he can be as he enters adulthood.

The first goal of the occupational therapist is to help the child to integrate with and react to the world around him while at the same time assisting parents, family members and others with whom he comes into contact to understand some of the basic reactions exhibited in very common situations. For example when an autistic person shies away from being touched or from merely be greeted such as saying 'hello' to him, the autistic person is simply trying to indicate that he is over-sensitized or simply not ready to react since the touch or greeting may have be viewed as a distraction or interruption from the stimulus he was processing at that moment.

Autistic people, particularly children often have problems controlling their body, blending into the space around them and relating to the space between them and another person. The main goal of the therapist is to aid the child in learning to perform basic tasks as dressing himself and communicating with others. While some autistic people have some speaking ability, others may be classified as non-verbal meaning they can only make sounds such as grunting or groaning. Thankfully for these people, there are tools available such as specially-designed 'talking boards' which allow the person to click on pictures and basic phrases to communicate with others.

In the United States, in order to become an occupational therapist, one must have a masters degree, with a concentration or undergraduate degree consisting of courses in biology, psychology, sociology, anatomy and basic liberal arts. A license to practice occupational therapy is also required along with the passing of a national certification exam.

For many people, there is another avenue which is to become an occupational therapy assistant or aide. In order to achieve entry, one must have an associate degree from a community college or technical school and obtain on-the-job training working with a licensed occupational therapist. The median salary is around $26,000 with an average hourly wage of $12. Since 1 in 100 babies are born with autism, occupational therapists are critically needed in the medical profession.

Online Physical Therapy Assistant Programs Things to Know

If you are looking into becoming a physical therapy assistant, there are certain educational requirements that you must meet in order to pass the necessary testing and obtain your state license to be employed as a PTA.

There are a number of ways in which to gain the appropriate training required to enter this type of career including numerous accredited online physical therapy assistant programs, though it is important to note that in the US, a college degree is also required.

In order to be able to sit for testing for employment as a PTA and get the required state license, prospective applicants must have earned an Associates Degree (AS), as well as obtained the more specific training for the job.

About Online Physical Therapy Assistant Programs

Today, it is possible to take many different kinds of training and coursework online. Not only can a student earn their actual Associates Degree online, but there are quite a few physical therapy assistant programs that can be taken online as well.

Some colleges offer an Associates Degree with emphasis on physical therapy assistant careers and it is just like attending a regular college. In other cases, such as for someone who already has an AS prior, they can enroll in a program tailored to just teaching the necessary education and skills for taking the licensure exams to become a PTA.

This can be especially useful for people wishing to study for a new career path while they are still employed.

In the UK and other countries, a college degree is not actually required in order to obtain employment as a physiotherapy assistant, though prospective employees are required to have a certain amount of on the job experience.

However, it is recommended that those interested in a career as a physiotherapy assistant do enroll in educational or vocational courses in order to learn the full scope of the job. Doing so will enable them to get the most out of their work experience training so that they may fully obtain the title of Physiotherapy Assistant.

National Health Service (NHS) approved programs are available both online and offline. Additionally, once employed as a physiotherapy assistant, candidates may obtain extended training in specialized areas, which do require continued education.

Things to Consider When Choosing an Online Physical Therapy Assistant Program

Even though it is possible to take college degree courses and vocational courses online however, students are still required to perform a required amount of externship hours, which of course cannot be done online.

Colleges and schools normally assist students in setting up their externships, which are extremely important, especially if classes are done online.

Getting to see the way the job actually happens in a real work setting is essential before any student can consider themselves prepared to take their licensure exams and be able to pass them easily.

Another important point of note - especially with regard to online PTA programs - is that prospective students ensure they enroll in an approved, accredited educational program. Since educational requirements are monitored closely,

only those online physical therapy programs that are recognized and accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), which is the only accrediting bureau in the US for physical therapy and assistant programs.

Students who complete courses that are CAPTE approved can at least feel confident that they are being offered the proper and most current information online or offline, so they will be well prepared for testing.

With these many choices in approved and accredited schools in which to study to become a physical therapy assistant or physiotherapy assistant, now is the best time to do this.

Colleges and online physical therapy programs will be able to prepare students for any licensure and work experience that they require in order to reach their highest potential in this challenging, yet rewarding healthcare field.

Also, the convenience in being able to study online - either for initial vocational and technical training or continued education to obtain further qualifications - allows for much more in the way of opportunity, enabling PTAs and equivalents to study while also working in their job.

For some people, online physical therapy assistant courses are a great option enabling them to achieve their goals of employment in a medical field more easily.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Training and Skills You Need to Become a Physical Therapist

A physical therapist is a much needed profession. When someone is in an accident, they need your expertise and guidance to help them get back on their feet. If they have a stroke, they need your skills and training to help them find the use of their arm or legs again. There are many reasons why people may need the help of a physical therapist.

You will need to be mentally prepared for the challenges ahead of you and understand the duties and responsibilities you will have. In the following article I will discuss the training and skills you will need to become a physical therapist.

Physical Therapist Training

To be a physical therapist, you must be familiar with medical terminology. You will be consulting with physicians and other medical professionals on a daily basis in order to be able to create a rehabilitation therapy program geared for each of your patients. You will then use this program to help your patient work daily, weekly or monthly until they have built up their body to a healthy form once again. For some patients, this could take years. Some of the aspects of therapy include deep tissue massage, exercise, and ultrasound treatments.

In school you will need to take numerous science courses, these include biology, chemistry, and physics. Most high schools have these as part of your mandatory list of courses. You then will need to go to University and graduate with a Bachelor or Master's degree in Physical Therapy.

Once you have graduated, you will still need to take and pass a licensure exam. Each state may have different laws, so you will want to check yours to make sure you understand what is needed. Once you have graduated and found a job, you may want to consider additional studies to become a specialist in a specific field such as sports medicine, pediatrics, or even neurology.

Physical Therapist Skills

You must be in good physical shape yourself to be this kind of therapist. You will need to bend, stoop, kneel, crouch, lift, and stand for long periods of time. You may also need to move heavy equipment or patients who need the extra assistance when trying to stand, turn, or walk.

Other skills necessary for this therapist is that they need to communicate very well. They will often need to educate their patients about their situation. Without strong interpersonal and communication skills, this can become very difficult when dealing with emotions, language barriers, conversing with multiple people at the same time, or any other situations that may arise.

A physical therapist must also truly have the desire to want to help people. Patients will be able to tell when a physical therapist is just feigning compassion and this could delay or even deter any progress for the patient.

While being a physical therapist may be a demanding job sometimes, it can also be just as rewarding when you get to see those patients who you have worked so hard with finally find their success and get moving again. They will learn to trust you, build a relationship with you and come to know that they can rely on you to help them go the distance. This is one of the true benefits to being a therapist.

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6 Most Popular Massage Therapies

Massage therapy is a practice of manipulating muscles and other tissues of the body which results in functional, physical and sometimes psychological goals and purposes. This type of therapy can be dated back thousand of years. It is sometimes a part of conventional treatments and in some instances involved in complementary and alternative medicine.

Many people use massage therapy for numerous health-related purposes. For instance a hot stone therapy utilizes heated stones to relieve muscle tension. Massage therapy involves the client being treated while lying on a massage table or sitting on a chair. He may either be partially or fully unclothed. There appear to be only a few risks to this kind of therapy if it is properly used by a trained professional. It is a diverse field and offers different types of massage. To help you figure out what kind is right for you, here is a guideline on the most popular types of massage therapy.

1. Aromatherapy massage
This is the art and science of using essential oils in enhancing the body, mind and spirit's overall well-being. It draws on the healing power of the plant world which contains medicinal and aromatic characteristics. The essential oils used are chemically complex and have their own distinct therapeutic qualities. It involves the use of slow, gentle, and rhythmic movements. It helps the muscles melt into deep relaxation.

2. The Swedish massage therapy
This is the most common type of massage practiced in the US. It is typically used for relaxation, stress relief and to ease muscle tension. Long smooth strokes and kneading are used by a massage therapist on the superficial layers of muscle.

3. Deep Tissue Massage
This massage targets the deeper layers of the connective tissues and muscle. Slower strokes or friction techniques are used by the massage therapist to relieve tension in chronically tight or painful muscles.

4. Reflexology
Foot reflexology is a non-invasive method to bring balance to the body. Although this is called foot massage, it is more than that. It involves the application of a specific type of pressure on particular areas of the feet which corresponds to the different parts of the body.

5. Stone massage
This is an ancient healing process. This involves placing a smooth, hot stone on certain points of the body to loosen or warm muscles and balance energy centers inside the body.

6. Shiatsu
Shiatsu is Japanese hands-on therapy that uses localized finger pressure in a rhythmical series on specific points all throughout the body. Each point is held for 2-8 seconds improving the flow of energy and helps the body to regain balance.

These are only some of the types of massage therapy you can consider trying out. Massage fills many different needs, depending on the person who seeks it. For some it may be relief from a stressful life. For others, it may mean rehabilitation or treatment of a specific illness. Either way, massage offers therapeutic and relaxing effects. If you have never experienced a massage before, then this is the time you try one. It will certainly provide you with relaxation and relief from the stress of your job and your life.