Saturday, August 24, 2013

Acupressure Massage Therapy Restore Balance & Harmony

Clean out your system with an Acupressure massage. Acupressure massage is based on the ancient Chinese medical arts of acupuncture, but without the needles. Acupressure is accomplished by putting medium pressure on particular trigger points throughout the body. This type of massage therapy activates the body's energy to increase the effectiveness of the immune system and restore balance within the body. Now technology is being used to locate and stimulate your body's acupressure points in the premier massage chair brands of today.

Acupressure is a massage technique which helps to release blocked energy centers in your body. Science has confirmed the existence of meridian pathways using various electrical techniques. Chinese medical arts understood these meridian pathways to carry energy throughout the body. They noticed that certain junctures or centers could become inhibited or blocked causing the body to be out of balance. By applying pressure to certain pressure points in the body, the energy flow could be manipulated and restored. Science has now mapped out the body's acupressure points and has cataloged over 350 points in the body.

Acupressure massage is performed using kneading, tapping and vibration massage techniques. These massage techniques are used throughout the body in conjunction with stimulating the acupressure points. Delivering the acupressure massage is achieved by making rapid circular motions with medium pressure on particular trigger points. The trigger points are then stimulated in conjunction with massaging the body to release blocked energy. The energy flow is restored and the body returns to a normal balance.

Acupressure massage therapy has many positive benefits. It helps to alleviate stress, muscle tension, aches and pains. It helps to harness the body's own recuperative powers. The acupressure stimulations help diffuse the build up of toxins in the body. As toxins in the body build up, it causes stiffness in the muscles. This muscle stiffness puts pressure on the circulatory and lymph systems. This puts unequal pressure on your body putting it out of balance and harmony.

Massage chairs incorporate advanced technology to accurately locate the trigger points of the body. The software programs make a map of the users trigger points. The acupressure massage is then customized for each individual user. There are almost 100 trigger points in the back alone. Massage chairs have outstanding capabilities to stimulate your acupressure points and apply massage techniques such as kneading, percussion and vibration. These massage therapies are effective in relieving soreness, aches and pains in the back, shoulder and neck.

For the lower body, many manufacturers have developed air compression systems. The air compression systems incorporate specifically designed airbags with special nodes to activate trigger points in the lower body. When the air compression system activates, the airbag inflates and the node pushes gently into the trigger point. These are most commonly found for the back of the calves and for the bottom of the feet. Stimulating these trigger points help to induce total body relaxation and release accumulated tension.

New studies of acupressure massage are showing that it can help alleviate headaches, insomnia, dizziness, digestive disorders, constipation and in some cases even motion sickness. We are just beginning to understand the power of acupressure which has been known for centuries in China. Modern technology is being employed in the best massage chair recliners to deliver more effective acupressure massage treatments. The true effectiveness of acupressure massage is when it is done on a frequent basis. Remember stress accumulates daily, so the stress must also be released periodically. Massage chairs are the most cost effective and convenient way of receiving the benefits of acupressure massage.

Massage Therapy and the Ironman

Massage therapy is something else to consider when preparing for you first Ironman Triathlon. For some reason, there are those who benefit more than others from massage. I have tried it, but found it a bit expensive to be able to include it as a weekly part of my training. I used it more as a reward after 6 or 8 weeks of hard training.

Should you decide to include massage therapy as a regular component of your training, be sure to find someone skilled in "sports massage" which in many cases is a deeper massage than most people are used to.

There's no doubt that a massage can do wonders after a long bike or run session, but I wouldn't recommend it too soon "before" a planned long training day. I always found that I was so relaxed, I didn't want to do anything after a massage.

It's for this reason I would "never" get a massage too soon before a major race day like the Ironman Triathlon. If you want a pre-race massage I would highly recommend getting it several days before the big race.

If you only have one massage all year, there is one you must make a point of not missing out on. It's the free one you get right after they put that Ironman Triathlon finishers medal around your neck. Just tell that volunteers who are "supporting" you that you would like to go to the massage tent. They will make sure you find your way there. Get there as soon as can after crossing the line as if tends to be pretty busy depending on your race finish time. You may have to sign in and take a seat, but normally you won't be left waiting too long.

Different things work for different people and possibly your best option is to give sports massage a try and see if it enhances your recovery and training. If so, and if its financially viable, you may want to make it part of your Ironman preparation. At the very least, treat yourself to a massage once in a while as a reward for all your hard work.

Trigger Point Therapy And Referred Pain

Human Physiology versus Modern Living

Human bodies have not changed much in the past 10,000 years; however, during the last 150 years, we have greatly changed our lifestyles. Our bodies deal with new chemicals, sleep habits, physical tasks, indoor lighting, noise, and other unnatural stimulation. The increase of psychological stress, repetitive tasks, and decrease of physical activity in modern lives has contributed to chronic pain. It is difficult to change a lifestyle, but trigger point therapy can be used to reduce or eliminate the source of various types of pain, without drugs or surgery.

Pain Can Be Tricky

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2006 that over 25 percent of Americans aged twenty and older report pain lasting over twenty-four hours. The Annals of Internal Medicine reported that twenty-five billion dollars per year was spent in search of low back pain relief in 2003. Typical allopathic treatments for pain are medications, cortisone, and surgery. For many patients, surgery provides welcome relief, at least temporarily, from sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other mechanical and pathophysiologic problems. However, symptoms mimicking such problems can be caused by trigger points, which surgery does not improve. In general, trigger points frequently remain overlooked, unrecognized, and untreated. After a back injury, medication was prescribed for me for a year with little relief. Then I visited another medical doctor who, in one session, removed my pain using manual therapy. He explained that my pain was referred from the actual problem areas.

Referred Pain

Referred pain is sensed in an area away from the actual pain source. Examples of referred pain are headaches, phantom limb pain in amputated limbs, pain down the left arm during a heart attack, and the infamous so-called brain freeze caused by drinking cold liquid, which cools the vagus nerve running along the throat. During a brain freeze, one may feel it in the head, when the cause may be down the throat. Pain referral is also common in myofascial pain syndromes, which are caused by trigger points in muscle, fascia (fibrous tissue that connects, separates, and supports muscles, bones, skin, and other organs), tendon, and ligament tissue. These trigger points are among the most common causes of chronic pain.

Trigger Points

A trigger point can be thought of as a muscle protection mechanism, which stiffens the muscle in order to limit range of motion, triggered by injury, overuse, and adrenaline - all phenomena in which modern humans excel. Resultant stiffening or spasms of muscles cause blood stagnation, nutrient loss, and buildup of toxins. Such protection can become chronic and painful and can activate other trigger points, spreading pain and disability like an infection. Postural muscles, as in the neck, shoulders, back, and pelvic girdle, and others, such as forearms, hands, calves, and face, that are used in repetitive actions are most vulnerable to trigger points. Trigger points may cause headaches (tension and migraine), temporomandibular joint pain, sciatica, and apparent carpal tunnel syndrome and can be associated with burning, numbness, weakness, temperature, sweating, dryness, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus, vision, decreased range of motion, and other problems. Since trigger point syndromes are unfamiliar to many physicians, these familiar symptoms can make diagnosis difficult. Sedentary people and those, such as computer operators, dentists, drivers, and specialized athletes, who hold unnatural positions or perform repetitive tasks are at high risk of developing active trigger points. After sitting at a desk, running or a gym workout may seem to make up for the sedentary time, but it actually may promote the pain and dysfunction. Rigid use then overuse is not the best. Most trigger points are reduced or deactivated by acupuncture, electric stimulation, or injections. Fortunately, trigger points also respond to manual therapy.

Trigger Point History

Some researchers think that many trigger points and acupuncture points overlap. Hence trigger point therapy was accomplished by acupuncture thousands of years ago in China and other parts of the world. In the seventh-century book A Thousand Golden Remedies, Sun Su-Miao (Si miao) described "ah-shi" tender points - most probably trigger points. In the 1940s, trigger points were first clearly described and mapped by Janet G.Travell, MD, who eased John F. Kennedy's pain in 1955, allowing him to run for president. Dr. Travell then served as the personal physician for both presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Drs. Travell and David Simons later wrote the seminal text on Trigger Point Therapy: Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction: The Trigger Point Manual. Although sixty years of medical research has shown that trigger point therapy relieves pain, the medical community has been slow to promote this therapy. Doctors who do treat trigger points inject steroids, local anesthetics, carbon dioxide, dextrose, Botox(R), MyoX(TM), and even muscle relaxants to disarm trigger points, and such injections have been covered by U.S. medical insurance since 2005.

Manual Trigger Point Therapy

In Europe, manual approaches are used by myoskeletal medical doctors and practitioners. In the United States, physical therapists use spray and stretch techniques, which numb the skin, interfering with pain conduction, allowing stretching to release trigger points. Also, massage therapists use direct pressure by hand, foot, or tool. The simplest and least invasive method of trigger point therapy involves manually locating the trigger point, which may feel like a pea or knot, and pressing or holding firmly, using thumb and finger, for fifteen seconds or more. Elbows and feet may also be used, as in barefoot deep tissue therapy. Best of all, this modality can be incorporated into a Swedish, barefoot, deep tissue, or other type of massage, whether the client is clothed or not. Trigger point referral patterns in muscles have been thoroughly mapped; for example, temple headaches are most often caused by trigger points in the temporalis or upper trapezius. So when a patient complains of a temple headache, the therapist knows, or looks up, which points on which muscles harbor this referred pain. When manual pressure is applied to the correct point, the pain will temporarily increase,and then fade. Many massage schools now teach manual trigger point therapy, and popular laybooks have been written that can prove extremely useful for self-help.


For self-treatment, a tennis ball may be placed inside a sock and dropped over the shoulder between the shoulder blades and pressed against a wall into tender spots for fifteen seconds or so, whether or not "good" pain decreases. This can be done several times a day. For more force, or for gluteal areas, one can lie on the floor or use a harder ball. Several tools are available to aid self-treatment. Not all pain is caused by trigger points, so if one to three therapy visits do not produce relief, then referral to a licensed health specialist is recommended.


Over the last hundred years, Western medicine has been straying from manual therapies to drugs, surgery, and other invasive treatments. Manual trigger point therapy is a noninvasive method for relieving many types of pain. It may be used by doctors as well as massage therapists, and even by patients themselves, to help reach the goal of a pain-free body. To find a trigger point therapist near you, ask your doctor, physical therapist, or local massage school.

Using a Massage Chair While Pregnant

Massage Chairs and Pregnancy

When I was a full-time chiropractor, I would get asked all the time by my patients if chiropractic and massage (which we used in our clinic all the time) was safe to use on a pregnant lady. The answer is a resounding "Yes."

I have treated many, many women over the years who were expecting, whether in their first or last trimester. Of course, when someone is 8-9 months along, the style of treatment may need to be catered to their body morphology. But, I never met a pregnant woman who couldn't be benefited by manual therapy.

Well, now that I am in the massage chair industry, I also get asked quite often if massage chairs are OK for pregnant women to use. Again, the answer is a resounding "Yes."

Before I go into the reasons and physiology of this therapy, I should issue this disclaimer: If you are concerned about the health of you or the baby or if you have extenuating circumstances with your health, by all means visit your primary care physician and get some peace of mind before hopping onto massage chairs.

The benefits of massage therapy during pregnancy apply to manual, hands-on massage as well as robotic massage chair therapy. The principles and benefits are the same regardless of mode of application of massage.

Pregnant women tend to endure some, if not all, of the following health issues: swelling, muscle spasm and pain, postural stress, insomnia, breathing difficulty, lack of mobility, poor circulation, back pain, neck pain and headaches. Of course, you may be suffering from many other things, but this is a pretty comprehensive list to start with.

Now, I'll discuss how massage chairs address each of these complaints:

  1. Swelling/Poor Circulation - massage chairs that have calf and foot massagers can provide a successive compression of the legs to enhance circulation of blood and lymph. This may not only reduce swelling (edema), but also help the body remove unwanted toxins that are in your system. Those toxins may also be contributing to your muscle pain.

  2. Muscle Spasm, Aches, and Pains - muscles may already be compromised by the toxins that I mentioned in #1 above. The massage chair will help flush those toxins out. However, the strain on your body muscles that comes from the change in shape of a growing baby inside you can cause muscle aches and pains everywhere. Massage is the perfect therapy for relaxing those muscles and ridding you of that annoying muscle pain. It can even reduce muscle spasm, let alone muscle pain. Massage chairs also contribute to the release of endorphins into your blood stream. For your information, endorphins are the body's natural pain killer.

  3. Postural Stress - anyone who has been pregnant or has seen someone who is pregnant will understand this complaint immediately. Without a 40 pound mass protruding from your midsection, most people have a poor posture to begin with. Adding a baby to the picture doesn't help at all and, in fact, makes the posture worse. Strained posture leads to strained muscles which, as mentioned in #2 above, can lead to muscle aches and pains. Most people feel like they are standing taller and straighter after a massage chair session. That is because the chair actually works on those postural issues.

  4. Lack of Mobility - range of motion is compromised by the addition of the 40 pound baby and accompanying tissue and fluids. The joints don't move as easily as they would without. Massage chairs add a lovely passive motion to your joints which will keep the discs and joints healthy. You could check how far you can turn your body before sitting in the chair and then check again after a session. You will be surprised at how much more you can turn.

  5. Back Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches - the benefits that apply to muscles pain, joint mobility, and postural strain will ultimately reduce any body pain that you have, be it low back, mid back, neck, and/or headache pain.

  6. Difficulty Breathing - it's kind of hard to take a deep breath when you are pregnant, isn't it ladies? Well, much of that disability comes from the slouching posture you develop with the addition of the 40 pound bundle of joy you are carrying in your front side. When you can have the rollers of the massage chair repeatedly roll over your mid back, you will find that your posture will be straighter and your ability to take in deep breathes will increase noticeably. This can also lead to sleeping better.

  7. Sleeping Problems (Insomnia) - I can't even begin to count the number of people, men and women alike, who told me that the biggest surprise they got with their new massage chair was how well they slept at night. Massage just tends to relax everything, like muscles and joints and posture, but also your "nerves." I can almost assure you that you will enjoy a better night's sleep after having a massage chair session. Now, I totally understand that sleeping with 8 months of pregnancy behind you is no easy task no matter what therapy you try. But, just maybe you'll enjoy a little bit better sleep after you sit in your new massage chair.

Well, that just about does it for pregnancy and massage chairs. I hope this puts your mind to rest about it. The risks are extremely small, if at all.

Are All Physical Therapy Schools As Good As Each Other?

It is very important that you plan ahead of time before you finalize your plan to become a physical therapist in the future to avoid regrets. Keep in mind that physical therapy is such a competitive subject as well as a challenging job.

Nowadays there are so many online universities that are offering physical therapy programs but not all of them are the same. Some schools that are offering online education have high quality of education while others lack the intense training that would help qualify a PT graduate land a good job and eventually manage the stress and expectations of the job. If you would compare one school to another it would be very help to you, as the student, why? Simply because it would open up your eyes to the truth about the world of physical therapy. Not all schools online can help people benefit from an online degree however it would be necessary that you choose a reputable online college that can help you pass the licensure exam by means of providing quality education. Always keep in mind that even if you have graduated from a top notch school if you didn't pass a licensure exam you will never be able to practice what you've been taught.

There are pre-requisite subjects that need to be taken in order to be accepted in a PT program. It is necessary that you take the initiative to inquire about these subjects. Some schools may be stricter in implementing these prerequisite subjects while others would allow students to enroll in a PT program even if without taking the pre-requisites.

It would be best that you would take all prerequisites while you are still in college like anatomy and even chemistry. One of the most serious matters about enrolling in a PT program is having a high GPA. Regardless of enrolling in an online school or in a conventional school it is always necessary that you study hard while you are in college or while you are in high school so that you will be able to achieve the required GPA necessary to enroll in a PT course.

Graduate programs like physical therapy courses are more likely to accept students who are more likely diligent in studying not just science subject but all subject matters. That is why it is necessary that you need to devote more time in learning mathematics and even literature if you want to be accepted to a top notch online university.

Once you are already accepted by a university as a PT student, you should congratulate yourself and give yourself a pat on the back. This is because not everyone who desires to be a PT would end up one. This is a rigorous and challenging journey, so expect to have sleepless nights along the way. However, if you know how to manage your time well you will absolutely be able to cope up with your schooling and at the same time have fun while studying online. It is possible to have fun and be able to finish your studies, time management is the key.

Hot Stone Therapy: A Treatment for Infertility?

We all think that once we are happily married and ready to have a baby we will simple get pregnant and voila! There's a happy, healthy baby. However many couples find to their dismay and heartache that's not always the case. When couples have trouble conceiving, they may consider going to a fertility clinic after they've tried other options. However, did you know that in some cases infertility could be addressed by a professional massage therapist? That is is possible to increase your chances for reproduction through a massage therapy session. Why? Well, medically, massages help increase blood flow to the uterine region... blood flow that could help the uterus function better. And it also helps the women to relax and all of the system in our body respond better when we are in a relaxed state of mind.

Yet, what if a woman loves hot stone therapy... the type of massage where heated stones are used instead of a therapist's hands? Can that offer similar benefits? It depends on who you ask. Holistic doctors would probably encourage Chinese fertility massage. With this type of massage, the principles of acupressure are addressed, which helps free up the body's energy.

However, some massage therapists are very sensitive to metaphysical philosophies when performing their massages. In fact, one of the propagators of hot stone therapy, Mary Nelson, even based her special "LaStone Therapy" training on these belief systems.

In addition, a hot stone massage adds heat to the affected area. When this happens, circulation improves. This is vital for good health, especially in the reproductive region. Combine this with the concepts of acupressure, and a woman could substantially increase her chances that such therapy could help get her body revved up for conception.

But there is one factor that should also be considered. If a woman does become pregnant, it may be dangerous for her temperature to rise. This is why women are often told not to take long hot baths or go to saunas in their latter stages of pregnancy. Yet, that's the ultimate keyword here... 'later.' Hot stone therapy probably wouldn't have an effect in an early pregnancy, since there are many massage therapists that will do the procedure during this time. Then there are others that won't do it at all, just to be on the safe side.

Either way, you will want to keep a close eye on your body during the time you get hot stone therapy. If you miss your period, get a pregnancy test as soon as possible. Don't undergo any more hot stone therapy until you get the approval from your gynecologist. And, if they feel uncomfortable with you doing that type of massage, simply tell the masseuse to give you a more 'traditional' treatment. Save the hot stone until after the baby is born. Sure, you won't get some of the additional health benefits, but your child's development is much more important.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Certain Medical Conditions and Massage Therapy

The Touch Research Institute in Miami has dedicated their resources to conducting studies on massage therapy and its efficacy as an alternative medical treatment for certain conditions. Doctors have long accepted massage, in its various forms, as a Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM), and with that, further research has proven its value as an effective treatment.


Massage strokes that are similar to tapotement (tapping or vibrating) are applied by therapists to post-op patients of heart or lung transplants. Similar to the more popular types of touch therapy such as Swedish massage and deep tissue massage, specialized treatments like these are still based on the basic strokes employed in all variations of muscle manipulation. Research on the use of vibratory massage wanted to observe the effect of light tremor-like touch on pulmonary recovery and functionality. Case studies showed a relatively significant improvement in arterial pressure, heart rate, lung resistance and compliance, tidal volume, and respiration rate.


This is no longer a new realm of study. It is already widely known that regular massage therapy reduces anxiety and increases alertness mainly because of the treatment's ability to induce the production and release of good hormones that leave us feeling more relaxed and happy. Cortisol levels have also been observed to go down significantly after continuous regular massage. Back and deep tissue massage treatments are one of the most recommended therapies for people with high anxiety and stress levels.


Tests on pregnant women on their last trimester of pregnancy were done by allowing them to undergo pregnancy massage 4 times a week. Results have shown that regular pregnancy massage lessens the risks of perineal trauma, as well as post-partum syndrome among new mothers.


Since psychologists have described schizophrenia as a lack of awareness for one's physical self, psychologists and massage therapists have explored the feasibility of muscle manipulation as a way of increasing self-awareness. Through back, neck, and feet massage, conclusions show that massage therapy is worthy of further research and consideration in terms of being an alternative treatment.


There is significant proof that 30-minute back massages done on children with stress-related disorders have had faster recovery from their condition as compared to other control groups. Lowered saliva cortisol levels as well as increased number of hours of sleep were the most notable results in the study conducted by the Miami Medial School, FL.

The Therapeutic Effects of Massage: How Regular Massage Can Help You

Massage is an incredibly effective treatment for muscular aches and pains, stress, soft tissue injuries and mild oedema. Massage is a therapy that alleviates symptoms and it does not provide a cure for a client's underlying ill health. Quite often massage is best applied in conjunction with treatments provided by Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Physiotherapists and as a therapist you should not hesitate to refer a client on to any or all of these highly skilled practitioners.

The Therapeutic Benefits of Massage

Massage Therapy affects the function of nerves
Massage does this indirectly by its sedating effect. Massage can also be used to stimulate the nervous depending on the techniques used.

Massage Therapy affects blood circulation
Capillaries dilate (increase in diameter) due to direct pressure as well as a neurological reflex. This increases venous circulation and removal of waste products of metabolism like lactic acid. Dilation of these vessels allow more oxygenated blood flow into the area.

Massage Therapy affects lymph circulation
Lymph circulation depends on gravity, muscle contraction, active or passive movement, and external pressure thus massage improves lymph flow.

Massage Therapy affects muscle tissue
Metabolism is enhanced through increased oxygenated blood flow and removal of toxins. This accelerates recovery from fatigue which is often caused by lactic acid. This removal of toxins and increase in blood flow reduces the likelihood of muscles suffering from spasms. Massage also slows wasting of muscle tissue due to disease or immobilisation if used regularly (ie. For people suffering from stroke or those who are bed-ridden).

Massage Therapy affects the skin
The oil producing glands in the skin are stimulated thus improving the secretory function of the skin. The texture of the skin is improved because of enhanced nutrition due to improved blood circulation and because oil friction aids the removal of dead cells on the skin surface. Skin temperature can be increased 2 - 3 degrees Celsius thus improving circulation.

Massage Therapy affects Bones
No massage should be performed for 2 - 3 weeks on a bone that has been fractured, then providing the fracture is healing normally, massage increases the formation of fibrous tissue around a fracture and improves the healing rate of soft tissue.

Massage Therapy affects metabolism
Massage increases the formation of urine by direct pressure on the kidneys and by neurological reflex. The effect on the metabolism is cumulative which is why regular massage is important as a preventative treatment. It affects blood pressure indirectly via relaxation.

Massage Therapy reduces the effects of physical trauma
Massage can help reduce bruising however no bruised area should be directly touched, all treatments should be done around the injured area. Massage can also help to reduce underdevelopment of connective tissue and dislocation of muscle fibres.

Contraindications for Massage
There are general contra-indications for massage however with clearance from a doctor or other qualified health professional, there can be exceptions. These contraindications may prevent any form of massage from being performed or may require a more specific treatment plan. A professional massage therapist will have been trained in the best way to treat these conditions.

The following are general contra-indications for massage therapy:

  • Increased body temperature.

  • Acute inflammatory conditions.

  • Pus is present.

  • Abnormal condition of the skin ie severe burns, sores, eczema etc.

  • Varicose veins. Only areas above and below the affected area can be treated.

  • Cancer (Cancer patients will normally need clearance from their doctor before receiving massage).

  • Pregnancy. (There are exceptions however these are dependent on the trimester, the individual's history and health).

  • Poisonous Foci (snake bites, spider bites etc)

  • Danger of haemorrhage.

  • After recent severe bleeding.

  • Recent fracture (no massage in first 2 - 3 weeks following injury).

  • Spasticity or exaggerated reflexes (light stroking and passive movements only).

Rating a Surgery versus a Rotator-Cuff Tear Physical Therapy

You may have experienced having gone through a physical examination, x-rays and all, then a diagnosis of a rotator-cuff tear. Now what started as an arm and shoulder pain ends with a doctor's suggestion of an immediate surgery. But hold your fire; an effective rotator-cuff tear physical therapy may just save you from having to go through any surgery. You can even have it your way, that is, through an educated and therapist- assisted home care.

The tear of a rotator-cuff tendon on the shoulder is the most common tendon tear in the human body. It is usually the result of chronic impingement due to tendon abrasion between the shoulder cap and the shoulder joint ball. This is similar to kneeling until the knee-part of your pants fray and your knees finally tears through. Tears of this kind occur with little or no trauma. Yet in the case of patients over 40-years old, rotator-cuff tear and shoulder-dislocation may occur despite normal tendon strength. In the younger patients, however, rotator-cuff tear occurs due to acute tendon overload from strenuous throwing sports. This may also result from incorrect weightlifting practice.

Having a rotator-cuff tear cured takes a realistic expectation which is important in planning to return to normal daily activities whether sports or work. Often jobs must be modified for many months, especially when tears are large enough to prevent return to activities that may provoke re-tear of the cuff. The rotator-cuff rotates the shoulder, helps to stabilize the shoulder, and acts to depress or hold the shoulder down. With these rotator functions, it is thus best to get the best less risky and damaging treatment.

Rotator-cuff tear physical therapy centers on strengthening of the intact rotator cuff tendons and deltoid, and restoring the functional use of the upper extremity of the shoulder. The rotator-cuff tear physical therapy reduces the painful symptoms in part or in total.

Anti-inflammatory medications used together with the rotator-cuff tear physical therapy may help to ease the symptoms; but if these are not effective, then diagnostic tests and surgery may be the next step.

You may be diagnosed for surgery and you might as well take it. But before you go you must know that the most frequent complication of a rotator-cuff tear surgery is the incomplete resolution of pain, if not, the inadequate restoration of full active motion and strength. On the other hand, infection is seen in less than 0.5% of patients, and neurological or anesthetic complications are exceedingly rare. Overall, resolution of pain and improvement in functional capabilities occurs in over 85% of patients.

Nonetheless, you would still need an after arthroscopy surgical aftercare. Rotator-cuff tear physical therapy is of utmost importance in the first 2-months after surgery. Shoulder motion should be regained rapidly through passive exercises only, helping to minimize pain and stiffness while protecting the repair. Eventually though, slowly active motion and strengthening shall be regained, through an educated and therapist- assisted home care.

A Skilled Massage Therapist Can Give You A New Life

The ever-increasing fame of massage therapy among people worldwide has introduced a powerful and lucrative career in the field of massage therapy. People are looking forward to become a massage therapist and provide adept services in this industry. The process of massage therapy can be extremely grueling and tedious for a massage therapist but there is a great scope to earn fame and money in this field.

A career as a therapist can bring you great rewards and money. To pursue a career in massage therapy, one requires attending a reputed and recognized school. The school will train the individual in the fundamentals of a variety of techniques.

These schools are present all over the world and attending one of the schools will train you in some years. You will also be provided a license as a therapist. Most prefer opening their independent business where they can either train prospective massage therapists or provide massage therapies.

If you are interested in opening your own massage parlor and provide expert services to your clients, you should include the following services in your parlor.

a) Swedish massage:
This is one of the most popular massage therapies that include long, slow strokes to relax muscle tension.

b) Deep tissue massage:
This type of a massage therapy works on the deepest part of the muscles. Athletes prefer this massage as it provides them the kind of relaxation they actually require.

c) Hot stone therapy:
This massage therapy utilizes heated river stones to sooth muscles.

d) Maternity massage:
The therapy help people ease the discomfort that may sometimes accompany with pregnancy.

As a professional massage therapist, you require to concentrate on quality than quantity. You cannot schedule more than a few massages per day. This can be tiring and also affect your proficiency. As a good therapist, you should concentrate on making your last massage of the day as good as your first.

If you are a customer and want to visit a good massage therapist to relive all your tensions and achieve ultimate relaxation, you require keeping certain points in mind.

First and foremost, you need to consider the qualifications of the person whom you want to receive a massage therapy from. Take special care that the therapy training obtained by the therapist must be from a reputed and well-recognized massage school in your country or state.

Second, try to collect reviews about the services provided by a particular massage therapist you want to appoint for the therapy. You can contact your friends, colleagues and relatives for best and honest reviews.

Once you appoint a massage therapist, you need to talk to him or her so that you can obtain the best possible treatment. Tell your therapist if any area on your body aches or has been restricted from this therapy. Also inform the therapist about the area of the body you need special attention.

During the massage therapy, let the therapist know whether a stroke is hurting you and ask whether it is normal.

A massage therapist can provide you the kind of relaxation you require.

Cat Massage - Bonding With Health Benefits

Cats are like humans who experience stress, body pain, anxiety, and other types of physical and mental problems. Humans tend to seek the effective treatment of massage therapy in healing, relaxing and strengthening their body. Today, cats are also entitled to having this type of pleasurable experience as a part of their medical care.

Cat massage therapy is fast becoming popular today due to the effectiveness of this technique both in calming and treating the pet's problems. It helps both pet and owner to bond and relax as they experience the benefits of the alternative therapy. It also aids the owner in getting familiar with its pet's body just by touching it with his or her fingers. Any out of the ordinary within the body can be easily spotted due to the constant touch that breeds familiarity to the cat's body. This also eases the cat during the therapy and heightens its trust with the human touch.

Although deep tissue massage on cats should only be done by professional therapists, cat massage can be conducted by any pet owner. This type of therapeutic massage doesn't require exact execution or proper education of the various massage strokes and techniques. Cat massage practitioners should also take note that the amount of pressure used on cats is significantly lesser than the average pressure used on humans. Our pets usually tend to get scared of too much pressure where they become defensive as they feel threatened by the action.

When performing a therapeutic massage on your cat, make sure that your pet stays calm and cooperative during the whole therapy session. You can do this by letting your pet play before the scheduled time for the massage so that his or her playfulness level decreases. As his or her activity level reduces, his or her struggle during the therapy is lesser. A good way to get your pet to settle down and enjoy a good massage is by getting it accustomed to having massage therapies. You can do this by gently touching the body of your pet in order to get familiar with the treatment. In informal massage therapy sessions, the owner can begin the therapy on their preferred areas. Working on the areas enjoyed by our pets is perhaps one of the best places to begin the massage. The more sessions you give to your pet, the more benefits it gains from the massage. Make sure that your furred friend stays controllable and cooperative during therapies so that he or she can receive the effects and benefits of the physical and emotional treatment.

As cats learn to behave during therapies, their body receives many benefits which includes reduce stress and blood pressure level, stretching and loosening of stiff muscle areas, improved mood, boost in the immune system, relief from body pain and many more.

Although the therapy may sound interesting and beneficial to your pet cat's health, consulting a veterinarian before you try cat massage on your cat is a good idea to avoid the risks and negative effects of this type of massage.

Physiotherapy Treatment For Proprioception

A previous article has identified the importance of joint position sense and here we move on to considering the assessment of a deficit and what the physiotherapist is likely to do about it. The physio will very likely concentrate on the problems the patient has most commonly after trauma or illness, namely muscle weakness, loss of joint mobility and pain. Once these are responding to treatment the physiotherapist will consider whether proprioceptive treatment is required. Complete rehabilitation of the patient to their normal activities, whether sporting or functional, cannot occur without retraining the body's nervous and joint systems to accurately receive, interpret and act on proprioceptive inputs.

Our arms are designed for one main function, to position our hands in a functional posture in front of our vision so we can see our activity and correct it. An effective and accurate feedback loop is necessary so we can assess the results of our efforts in real time and re-design our motor activities to get us closer to our goal. A major part of being human is being able to manipulate the world with our incredibly precise hands and detailed binocular vision. Understanding where our individual hand joints are at any one time is vital if we are going to use them effectively. Touch typing, which I am doing now, is a skill for which I must be certain where my hands are and where my fingers are going next.

Upper limb proprioception can be tested by the physiotherapist getting the patient to shut their eyes and then by putting their good arm into a specific position. Once the position has been set by the physiotherapist the patient is asked to put their other, affected, arm into the same position as closely as possible. A person whose joint position sense is unaffected can mirror position of one arm by using the other, very accurately. Any deficits in the ability to understand the position of the arm joints will be apparent after this test.

Proprioception in the legs and lower body is adapted for a different use than in the arms, lower body function being concentrated on bearing weight and walking. The disability from loss of proprioception in the legs can be very damaging as it affects independent mobility and balance. A good illustration of this problem is demonstrated by a multiple sclerosis patient I used to treat who had problems when it was dark.

My patient recounted a situation which has probably occurred to many of us: we go into a toilet and the light is already on but as we lock the door we turn the light off automatically. For us the solution is easy, we just turn the light on again. For him it was more difficult. Because he was denied the visual feedback he needed by the darkness he fell over. His nervous system could not accurately tell him where his legs were so he had no idea whether they were bent or straight and could do nothing to correct any change in their position.

Physiotherapy assessment of the joint position sense can be performed by practical physical tests. The same test as performed on the arms, mimicking the position of one limb by using the other, can be used by more typical tests are performed in weightbearing. Checking the patient's gait can give valuable clues as to what deficiency in proprioception is present. If there is a less clear deficit testing can take the form of asking the patient to maintain their balance in steadily more difficult conditions. Feet together, balancing on one leg and then with the eyes shut is a possible progression.

Physiotherapy treatment to increase joint position sense includes steadily more challenging work for the limb whilst carefully watching with eyes. As the patient improves they are taught to rely more and more on the information flowing in from the ligaments, muscles and joints to correct their movements. Weight bearing through the joint can increase the position sense and this is used to progress the treatment, teaching the brain pathways to reinforce the patterns for coordinated movement. Continued improvement is possible by continuing the exercises given by the physiotherapist but there may be some long term restriction.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

First Massage? What to Expect

What should I expect for my first appointment?
The therapist will arrive a few minutes prior to the appointment time to ensure proper set up. You will be asked to fill out a brief health history form. The therapist will then ask general questions to establish what areas you would like to be worked on or avoided, and discuss any skin conditions/health concerns that may need to be addressed. The therapist will leave the room allowing you time to undress to your level of comfort and lay on the table.

What is Swedish massage?
Swedish Massage is a very relaxing style of bodywork. It combines an array of strokes such as rolling, gliding, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve ease tension and improve circulation and blood flow.

What is Deep Tissue massage? Will it hurt?
Deep tissue aims to relieve tension in the deeper layers of tissue in the body. It is a highly effective method for releasing chronic stress areas and "knots" due to misalignment, repetitive motions, and past lingering injuries. Contrary to popular belief, Deep Tissue does not necessarily mean you'll have to endure sharp elbows and painful manipulation. Rather, the licensed massage therapist will apply pressure and a variety of techniques to achieve the desired outcome, checking in with the client to ensure your total comfort.

What should I wear?
Undress to your level of comfort. For a full body massage, most people undress to their underwear. It is recommended for women to remove their bra to keep it out of contact with lotions, oils and creams. You will remain covered with a sheet and blanket at all times; only the area being worked on will be uncovered. *Thai massage is recommended for clients who would prefer to remain fully clothed.*

What do I do during the massage session?
It is your massage, and whatever feels natural to you is the best way to relax. Many people close their eyes and relax, while others talk; it is up to you. Do not hesitate to ask questions at any time, especially if feeling light-headed of nauseous.

Will the lotion make me break out?
All lubricants (oils, lotions and creams) are hyopallergenic. If you are sensitive to certain types of oils, lotions or aromatherapy, please let the therapist know.

How often should I get a massage?
Treatment frequency varies by client. For those seeking relaxation, a 60-minute massage every 3 weeks is beneficial. For those with acute injuries, shorter, more frequent sessions are recommended, such as 30-minutes twice a week. To treat chronic conditions, initial 60-minute weekly sessions are suggested for 3-4 weeks, and then taper down to biweekly for maintenance.

Good Vibrations For Thyroid Problems - The Link Between Your Thyroid and Your Voice

What you are about to read is a new theory about the cause, and prevention, of thyroid disease. We believe a simple lifestyle issue that characterizes modern life is leading to thyroid dysfunction. It's something you can test for yourself, on yourself. And the concept itself will change the way science thinks about thyroid function.

If correct, this theory has the potential of significantly reducing the need for thyroid medication, and may help prevent thyroid disease, potentially causing significant loss of revenue for the multi-billion dollar thyroid treatment industry. This information is therefore being shared directly with the public without peer review, since the peer reviewers are part of that treatment industry.

The issue has to do with a commonly known feature of the thyroid, something which everyone knows about the thyroid, but has failed to recognize as a significant feature. It has to do with the location of the organ.

The thyroid is located directly beneath and partly around the thyroid cartilage, or the Adam's apple, in the throat. Tilt your head back and feel for the most prominent cartilage sticking out. That's the Adam's apple. Underneath it is your thyroid gland, shaped like a butterfly.

While the thyroid is on the outside of the Adam's apple, on the inside is the larynx, or voice box. You can tell this by placing your hand on your thyroid and humming. Try this. Hum by saying, "MMMMMMMMM". Then say it louder and louder, until you are yelling. You will feel your thyroid vibrating. The louder you hum, the more it vibrates.

What happens to the thyroid when it vibrates? The thyroid is filled with a gel-like material that is the storage form of thyroid hormone. The gel releases hormone when the thyroid is massaged, which is why massage therapists avoid throat massages for hyperthyroid patients. There have also been medical studies that show certain types of occupational vibrations cause injury to the thyroid. The thyroid is clearly affected by vibration.

It is logical, then, to conclude that the vibration of the thyroid by using your voice also stimulates the release of thyroid hormone. This is a natural mechanism the body has for thyroid stimulation. This would also explain why Nature has designed the thyroid to be surrounding the voice box. In its wisdom, Nature developed a way that our activity level can influence our thyroid function.

That makes sense when you consider the function of thyroid hormone. This hormone is responsible for overall metabolic rate. Too much thyroid hormone, and you essentially burn up. Too low, and you can't get your fire started. So when your life is full of excitement and stimulation, and you talk, sing, or yell a great deal, your thyroid gets stimulated to release more hormone, stoking your fires and keeping your energy up. When you have times of being restful and quiet, your voice gets a rest and your fire gets turned down.

The throat is essentially functioning as an activity indicator, since activity is usually associated with using one's voice. We are social animals, and our activities usually involve other people with whom we communicate by using our voice. And this is true for other social animals, as well. Groups of social animals keep in constant vocal contact with one another, whether it is geese honking, chickens clucking, dogs barking, or humans chatting. In all mammals and most vertibrates, the thyroid gland is associated with vocal structures.

Which raises a question regarding mute humans. If the thyroid is stimulated by vocalizing, and if the person is mute, then you would expect that person to have an understimulated thyroid. Indeed, that is the case. One of the common problems mute children face as they grow up is their thyroid gland does not function properly, and they soon are put on lifetime thyroid medication.

But what if these mute children had their throats vibrated for them, perhaps by some voice simulator? Or what if they had their thyroids massaged? Surely, something could be done to replace the lost stimulation caused by mutism. Unfortunately, the link between vocalization and thyroid function is not considered, so these therapeutic alternatives to drugs are not tried.

Of course, mutism is the extreme case of underutilization of the voice. What about the millions of speaking people, mostly women, who are being told they have low thyroid and need lifetime medication and doctor visits? Could some of these people be underutilizing their voices, too? Are people these days not speaking as much as they used to?

When you think about the reality of modern life, that could certainly be the case. For example, people used to talk to each other in person or over the telephone. Now, they email instead of using the phone. We can communicate with people all over the world, but that communication is electronic, not vocal. Then there were the evenings, not long ago, when people used to sit together and read books aloud, tell stories, and sing songs. People made their own entertainment, and this usually involved using their voices. Now, people silently listen to iPods, watch videos, or surf the Internet. We now consume entertainment, instead of making our own.

We also have less exposure to other people in our daily lives. Many jobs today involve little contact with other people, except over the computer. And more people are working at home, further reducing interpersonal contact. More people are living alone, too, due to record divorce rates and a general trend towards single living. For many people, there's just nobody to talk to.

These people may be suffering from their silence by having an understiomulated thyroid. They may benefit from singing, huming, massaging their throats, or even letting a purring cat caress their throats. They need throat stimulation to keep their fires burning.

On the other hand, there are those who overuse their voices, and overstimulate their thyroids. Hyperthyroidism is associated with stress, and many people who have stress in their lives yell. Yelling really vibrates the thyroid, and could cause vibrational injury. This could cause too much hormone to be released, resulting in temporary hyperthyroidism until the vibrational injury can heal. In fact, most cases of high thyroid get better by themselves, assuming the doctor hasn't already destroyed the thyroid with radioactive iodine or surgery. We have already recorded several case histories of people who developed hyperthyroidism after experiencing months of stress that included intense fits of yelling.

So that's the great discovery. The thyroid vibrates when you use your voice, and this stimulates the thyroid to secrete hormone. It is another axis for thyroid hormone control, along with the well recognized feedback mechanism from the brain's hypothalmus and pituitary. It is something that is obvious, and yet has gone unrecognized by medicine. Perhaps telling a patient to talk or sing more is not something that fits well into the medical pharmacopeia.

Of course, this theory still needs more research. Despite its sensibility and the supporting evidence briefly mentioned above, there need to be biochemical studies. But these studies will have to be funded, and drug companies, and the government agencies they influence, will probably not be interested in funding them (and if they are, beware of the results!) Fortunately, you do not have to wait for the medical industry to considers these comments, (and the potential impact of this information on drug revenues and professional fees.) You can start singing right now, unless, of course, you have high thyroid, in which case you may want to whisper for a while.

And tell your friends, especially those who are depressed, quiet, and told they have low thyroid. This is something they can shout about.

Massage Therapy Careers - Tips To Get You Started On A Rewarding Career

Massage therapy careers are becoming more and more popular day by day, due to heightened awareness, growing demand and general acceptance that massage therapy treatment is a key part of health management solutions. This in turn has led to increased opportunities for new graduates of massage therapy programs as well as for therapists having experience.

People in the know forecast a bright future for massage therapy careers. The United States Department of Labour, Bureau of Labour Statistics, has said that careers linked to the massage therapy field are set to grow at a faster rate than other careers. This rate of better than average growth is expected to continue till the year 2014. Opportunities in the massage therapy field include both part time and full time jobs. Nearly two -thirds of the massage therapists in the United States are supposed to be self employed, either working as contractors or running their own massage therapy centres.

Massage therapy careers differ according to the settings they are housed in that may be either public or private. Self employed massage therapists may opt for a salary, hourly rate or contractor arrangements. Massage therapists can work in any of a wide range of establishments that includes self-employed positions, salaried, hourly, and contractor arrangements, massage therapists can be found working in any of a wide range of establishments that include spas & health clinics, resorts & salons, offices of physicians and chiropractors, rehabilitation centres, hospitals, gyms & fitness centres, private houses, nursing homes, corporate offices and fitness centers, alternative health centres & yoga studios, airports, mall, universities and basically any place that people need to fix their health.

The nature of jobs linked to massage therapy are those of Physical therapist, a therapist's assistant, sports massage therapist, masseuse, mobile massage therapist, massage therapy instructor or teacher and massage therapist.

A career in the massage therapy field can be quite demanding, both physically as well as in the toll that it takes on personal life. In physical terms, the body of the massage therapist may feel the effects as the job of a therapist involves standing for long hours and exerting physically. Fatigue sets in due to having to stand for a long time. People using an incorrect technique could even sustain physical injuries. Therefore, following the right technique and correct scheduling of appointments, with time gaps between each, can solve these problems.

As the job is physically very strenuous for the therapist, most massage therapists are able to actually perform massages for only about thirty hours each week. The US Department of Labor in fact considers fifteen to thirty hours of therapy per week as a full time job. All the same, the therapist may have to spend additional time to complete related administrative tasks.

The personal toll that the massage therapy profession takes is because the services of massage therapists are asked for mostly in the time that is off from work for people. Evening and weekend appointments are quite common even though once a therapist has built a name for himself or herself, they may be able to schedule client appointments in normal working hours.

While being demanding, a massage therapy career can also be very rewarding. All the same, people who are willing to take up the challenge also get all the rewards.

Ballet Strength For Injury Prevention

Ballet injuries are common career ending catastrophes for dancers of all ages. What may seem like a small ache or pain could turn into a serious injury if you are not making the proper adjustments to your technique. There are a lot of solutions offered that just mask the pain. If you do not get to the bottom of the issue that is causing the injury, it could be a life long struggle.

The following are a list of steps you can take to ensure you are doing the right things to prevent career ending injuries.

1.) See a Doctor- I know this may seem like a no brainer, but going to a doctor is one of the most important things you can do if you are experiencing abnormal pain. If you are attending a good ballet school, they should be affiliated with a Sports Medicine department or physical therapist in your city.

2.) Rest- You've heard this one before too. If you are experiencing abnormal pain, you need to stop dancing until you have the issue identified by a physical therapist. I know, you're afraid that you will lose your part to your understudy, but how would if feel if you kept dancing and tore or broke something? Do your career a favor and take a much needed rest.

3.) Therapy- Once you have seen a physical therapist and they have diagnosed the problem, you need to follow through with your treatments. Your physical therapist may have you doing some strange exercises, but if you don't follow through with them the injury will come back.

4.) Investigate- After you are finished with physical therapy and your injury seems to have healed, start investigating your ballet technique. Are you rolling in on your ankles? Are you gripping your hips? You might even want to see a Ballet Strength & Conditioning Coach to help you work on technical weaknesses based on your anatomy and body mechanics. (Keep in mind that these are things that most ballet teachers are not qualified to recommend)

Sometimes your Ballet instructors, though they have your best interest in mind, will continue to tell you to force your turnout, etc so that your body looks aesthetically correct for ballet. While this may look good, it may be doing disastrous things for your body and your career.

Take these simple precautions to prevent long lasting injuries and never be afraid to ask questions.

How Massage Can Relieve Heartburn Symptoms

Heartburn is a painful, burning sensation in the chest that most people will experience at some point in their lives. Heartburn typically occurs at night, while lying down after a meal. Many people aren't aware that the foods they eat or certain behaviors can cause this uncomfortable condition, and therefore experience frequent bouts of heartburn. You probably wouldn't put the two together, but massage therapy can actually be quite beneficial to someone who suffers from frequent or occasional heartburn. Inquiring about heartburn during your intake process can offer your clients valuable therapeutic support in overcoming this condition.

If your clients indicate they experience persistent heartburn, consider offering them some helpful tips on how to counteract its painful symptoms. Ask your clients to recall the types of foods they ate before the heartburn struck. Suggest to them the foods they should try to eliminate (or at least consume in moderation) from their diets, and explain how/why these foods can trigger acid reflux in the digestive system, and subsequently cause heartburn.

If you've been unlucky enough to have experienced heartburn, you're fully aware of the painful symptoms it produces: burning chest pain, acid-like taste in the mouth, and pain when lying down, among other symptoms. These symptoms are severe, and can sometimes be mistaken for other health conditions requiring a physician's immediate attention. Be sure not to "diagnose" your clients with heartburn. Instead, refer your client to their doctor immediately, in case what they're experiencing is not heartburn, but actually a heart attack, as it is often mistaken for.

So, where does massage fit in? One particular modality that can be quite therapeutic is Shiatsu Anma Therapy, which focuses specifically on applying pressure to various parts of the body to achieve the desired result of alleviating the symptoms caused by heartburn. Shiatsu Therapy can aid in digestion, reduce nausea, and decrease stomach acidity.

Learn more about how you can help your clients suffering from painful heartburn symptoms.

What You Can Expect From a Career College

You've just graduated from high school and you're making career plans. Or you're a working adult and you're ready for a job change. You decide to get career training, and you start to research technical schools and colleges. The question is--what can you expect by earning your certificate or degree?

You've heard the claims made by some career schools in advertisements. For example, a computer school might claim that after earning your computer network certificate, you could expect to earn $50,000 a year as an IT specialist. You may have heard ads that state that certain career fields--say, medical assisting or massage therapy--are booming, and with training you could expect to get your dream job in one of these growing fields.

Getting career training is a good thing. But exaggerated promises are counterproductive. You know that building a rewarding career for yourself is a challenging process, and that in this difficult economy there is no "magic bullet" for success. You need some straight talk about career schools and jobs.

So, what should you expect from a career education program?

Expect to gain job skills. That's why you go to a career school--to learn new skills and increase your value in the job marketplace. A career school won't make you popular, or happier, or transform your life overnight. What a good career school can do is give you greater knowledge and experience that will help you qualify for a rewarding and higher-paying career. You'll be better equipped to compete for the best jobs, and you'll have more confidence when you walk in for that important job interview. A good career school can help you change your life one step at a time, in a way that you can feel good about.

Choose a program you love. There's no substitute for your own passion. Don't sign up for a program just because they say it's "hot." Follow your heart. If you love to draw and paint, you might want to consider a graphic arts program. If you love to help people feel better, perhaps massage therapy is for you.

Check out real-world training opportunities. Many schools provide training with equipment and conditions found in the job environment. If you're considering a program in cosmetology, make sure that the school offers hands-on training under salon conditions. If you are entering an automotive program, make sure the school has up-to-date equipment and the opportunity to do real work on real vehicles.

Schools aren't employment agencies. Most schools want to help their grads get rewarding careers, and offer career development services. The school's career office may assist you to spruce up your résumé and even provide job leads. But no school will guarantee a job to anyone. It's up to you to get out there and nail that job interview.

You may need state or federal certification to get some jobs. Earning your degree will prepare you for a certification exam, but you need to pass it on your own. For example, if you complete a home health aide program, federal law requires home health aides to pass a competency test covering a wide range of areas. All states require barbers, cosmetologists, and many other personal appearance workers to be licensed. Your school should provide information on what you need to do to take any required certification tests.

Don't believe the hype. Some schools may convey the impression that you're guaranteed a high-paying job after graduation, and may even give expected salary figures. Reputable and accredited schools follow employment trends very closely, and most career schools don't offer programs in career areas that are not in demand. However, there are no assurances-a career school can help you get qualified and can help you be more competitive in the job marketplace, but it can't guarantee you a job.

Do not buy a degree from a "diploma mill." If you have a lapse in personal ethics and are considering buying a degree, think again. Employers aren't naïve. They know all about the diploma mills and you will not get past the front door of the human resources office. Plus, you are only hurting yourself because if you buy a diploma, you won't have any skills! If by some chance you get hired you'll find yourself up the creek without a paddle.

How can you decide what job training program is right for you? The best way is to do your research online. Go to a reputable school directory website. Browse through the career schools and programs. Check out online programs, too. See if the career schools are accredited and if they offer financial aid. When you've narrowed down your choices to the top four or five, then email them through the directory. The schools you have chosen will either contact you or send you information. You can apply to as many schools as you want within your budget and how much time you have. And then you'll be ready to enroll, earn your certificate or degree, and prepare for a rewarding career.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Massage Therapy for Low Back Pain

It may surprise you to learn that treatment of low back pain does not always occur on the "low back".

Each week I meet people who are seeking massage therapy for their low back pain. They come in abundance, the "huddled masses" who have had enough of that nagging ache or that sharp screaming pain that stabs at them continually. Sports injuries, car accidents, occupational hazards, pregnancy and poor posture are a few of the repeat offenders we see. The cause of their pain is as diverse as their personalities, and so too are the treatments they receive.

Many times, a client's pain is actually caused by opposing muscles in other areas such as hamstrings, quadriceps, psoas, or latissimus. These muscles all have a role to play in the position of the hips. If you think of muscles as pullies and bones as levers, you can visualize what might happen if one of those pullies was shortened and the lever was left in an altered position, forcing all the other pullies to adjust. In essence, there is a "tug of war" going on. If just one muscle is out of balance, the result is pain and/or stiffness.

There are many dynamics that we look at as massage therapists when considering a client's low back pain. In a clinical context, we check posture, position of the hips in relation to one another, and the texture of surrounding soft tissue. Equally relevant information would be the background of the client; health history, prior injuries, pain tolerance, and commitment level in correlation with that clients expectations. That is to say, treatment for low back pain in a 50 year old who is sedentary would differ greatly from an active 30 year old client who has been in a motor vehicle accident.

The patterns of dysfunction and the methods that can treat them are as endless as the stars. In our practice of massage therapy, we employ techniques such as deep tissue massage including myofascial release, trigger point therapy and neuromuscular therapy, as well as complimentary techniques like kinesio tape, stretching, reflexoloyg and craniosacral therapy. By using one or a combination of these techniques, a massage therapist has a unique role in the treatment of lower back pain through manually elongating shortened muscle fibers and connective tissues to restore balance in the lower back.

There is one common factor in the successful outcome of a massage therapy treatment session, and that is a client who is actively involved in the solution. Clients who are engaged in their care and perform stretches and exercises at home along with ice and/or heat on a consistent basis are much more likely to step out of the pain cycle. For more information on how therapeutic massage can help you, please visit: If you would like to get started with your self care, please visit our website for helpful stretches to use a home.

Massage School Opens A Million Dollar Career for A Therapist

Massage Parlors and Spa are common. People go there for medical massage and also for relaxation. You may consider it's a luxury but it has therapeutic value. This chain of massage parlors can bring a truck load of money for an owner.
A certificate from a recognized massage school is helpful to launch a successful career in this career option. Professionally trained massage therapists are given a license, which allow them to practice anywhere in the world. You can take the course not only from massage school but from community colleges. It is not at all difficult to locate a massage school in your locality.

Massage is a natural healing technique which is being practiced by humanity irrespective of age, sex, color, caste, or creed, since time immemorial. Cave paintings show hunting expeditions and massaging the hunters after the hunt is completed. Massaging has been practiced all around the world as the most popular, scientific, and natural way to eliminate bodily stress and strain. Ayurveda, Unani, Allopathy, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Tribal Medicine, and all forms of medical knowledge accept, and recognize the healing properties of massage therapy.

How to join a massage school

Interview some of the school's graduates and personally visit massage schools in your area. Discuss and satisfy yourself on their course hours, massage techniques, exams, and training facilities in classrooms, sanitary conditions, equipment for training, and the overall environment. This preadmission evaluation helps to determine which massage institute offer programs that are compatible with your own interests. You also need to know in detail licensing requirements and legal rules for the state in which you intend to practice.

The Department of Education of USA, UK, and Australia has approved several organizations to provide accreditation to massage schools. These accredited massage institutes get grants and federal loans through these organizations. Low interest education loans are helpful to would be therapist and also massage institute. Massage therapy business is big business requiring much investment. Hence, it is best to apprentice with a successful massage therapist to see if you really will like to practice massage therapy.

What You Should Know Before You Join Massage School

It is commonly known that conventional therapies like massage have only benefits with no side effects. This is one reason behind the increasing popularity of massage schools. Still, one must consider both pros and cons of massage therapy before deciding to become a massage therapist.

Massage therapy complements mainstream medical practices and adds a positive synergistic effect to patient treatment. Massage therapy is especially beneficial after a session of exertion like after a sports event, tiresome day work. A good full body massage session improves blood circulation; quickens the healing processes of the body; helps increased mobility in joints, releases toxins and alleviates pain.

A long massage session is a very challenging task and requires great upper body strength. A massage therapist usually has a fixed number of massage sessions they can handle in a day if they follow the classical massage practices. You can use latest massage tool and equipment to improve the massage quality.

Do You Hate Valentine's Day? Three Tips to Survive

February is a cold, heartless month.

Surrounded yet another year by cheesy slogans and sappy commercials, my ex might have been right. Valentine's Day just might be a conspiracy between the card companies, the florists and the chocolatiers.

Isn't it kind of dumb to assign love to one day? What... you are supposed to treat someone casually for 364 days and then on that one day.....make up for it?

Valentine's Day is only perfect for certain people at certain times. If you score a date with a great new guy a month before Valentine's day....ka-ching! You can expect gifts, dinner and great wine. I think guys are actually relieved to have a new girlfriend on the big day. We are so easily impressed.

Other wise, singles hate Valentine's Day because they are still single. Married women hate it because it is never like it once was. Men hate it because no matter what they do their woman is never satisfied. And of course kids hate it because one, they didn't get as many valentine's as the popular kid and two, there's a lot of pouting going on around the house. I told you...February is a cold and heartless month!

If Valentine's day sucks for you again this year and a part of you still longs to be with someone or to be really loved by your man. I can help you. Don't give up. Here are three ways to get past this inflated day and feel better:

1. Give funny Valentine's cards to 6 people who wouldn't expect one from you. People like your postman, UPS guy, Starbuck's Barista, school bus driver or bank teller, people who you see everyday who serve you in some way. Sweeten the pot by adding a lottery ticket. Sure to bring a smile.

2. Treat yourself to a spa treatment. Get a massage or mani/pedi in a massage chair. My clients complain that they are not getting enough physical attention, you know what I mean? You don't need a boyfriend to massage your shoulders. You can often get great rates on massage at a massage school in your town. Check it out.

3. Get involved with a charitable outreach of some kind. My hubby and I volunteer at the cat shelter to socialize the kittens and get them ready for adoption. I love it. I get to play with kittens, hold them and love them. I also get to see the looks on the faces of the families who adopt them. There is a lot of love to give and get in any kind of volunteerism. The very best way to bring love closer.

How do I celebrate Valentine's day? My sweetie and I share a lot of romance during the year. We have done the expensive dinners and the champagne by the fireplace. This year we are going to an art show and a concert matinee. We exchange small gifts and celebrate our finding one another. I feel so lucky to have drawn this wonderful man into my life.

The Power of Massage Therapy

Do you feel that you have a huge number of duties and tasks you have to complete daily? Do you find yourself thinking that 24 hours a day is definitely not enough for you to deal with work, family and relationships? Many people live a fast paced life that causes a lot of stress. There is always too little time and the "to do" list just seems growing. This kind of situation affects both the body and the mind. You start to feel more anxious and nervous and this takes a toll on your relationships with colleagues and family members. Your body also goes on strike from fatigue, resulting in headaches, tense muscles and skin problems.

One solution to all these complaints is massage therapy. It was used already in ancient times by the Egyptians and the Romans who used it mainly for pleasure. The Chinese and the Japanese also had their own techniques which were used in medicine. Despite the different areas of use, massage techniques have grown and developed over the years. Nowadays there are records of over 80 techniques that are all used for different purposes. The most common technique is Swedish massage. It improves the circulation using movements like stretching, percussion and applying pressure. This relieves the tension in the muscles and helps to improve joint mobility.

Another form of massage therapy that has developed from the Japanese technique shiatsu, is neuromuscular therapy. Despite the complicated name, the principles are fairly easy - it is a deep tissue massage that stimulates certain trigger points in the body. Every point has it's own purpose and affects the body differently, so this kind of massage should definitely be performed by a professional.

Massage Techniques To Aid Digestion

For the past few weeks I've been talking about massage therapy marketing and advertising but I haven't really talked about massage techniques. A friend gave me a suggestion to write this topic and I thought it was a great idea.

Have you ever had a client in your massage business who comes to you for massage to help their digestion and not known what to do about it? Its common knowledge that massage therapy is helpful for getting energy flow to the abdominal region to alleviate pain and discomfort, but is that all there is? IS there something beyond Swedish massage techniques that can help our clients?

When I was studying massage for the first time I learnt a number of really good points on the body to help with massage techniques to aid digestion. And I wanted to share a few of them with you.

I found a really great massage technique to aid digestion that was a combination of acupressure and Swedish. I found that when I worked on the abdomen to relieve digestion pain and discomfort first and then worked on other acupressure points to stimulate the energy to the area. The great thing about this massage technique was that you could gently apply pressure to the digestion/stomach points whilst creating a great sense of relaxation and calm for the client. You could work the acupressure points in with your Swedish effleurage techniques. Gently at first then ask the client if its okay to hold the pressure for a bit until that point has no more pain. When the client has no more pain on this point you would have helped to clear the energy blockage of that pressure point. As a consequence, you will have helped the condition and give the bodies' response to that condition a head start on healing and well being.

If you look on an acupressure chart you will find several points relating to the digestion and stomach. Let's take for example the legs. There is a acupressure point that you can apply pressure to. If your client doesn't mind having his or her legs massage you can simply apply some firm pressure in the form of 'digipressure' or firm Swedish massage "stomach 36". You'll find this point four finger-widths below the kneecap outside the shinbone. You can create this effective technique on both legs. This point is commonly referred to as 'Zusanli' is Stomach 36. It's is one of the most frequently used of all acupuncture points.

You can also use Reflexology points as a massage technique to aid digestion. What I mean by this is that you can offer to do a relaxing foot massage at the end of the treatment as a nice way to finish off, and gently work with your thumbs into the reflexology points to stimulate the energy flow to the digestion.

Finding helpful massage techniques to aid digestion for your clients will give you great credibility with your clients. It's always a great thing to do for them if you can incorporate other modalities into your massage business. You'll be able to help clients in the massage treatment session and they will appreciate your keen willingness to provide good service for them.

Keep up that great work!

Amy Roberts

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Massage For Senior Citizens - Benefits and Precautions

Probably the most important benefit of massage is the pleasure of human touch, and the companionship provided during massage therapy sessions. This provides a relaxation which alone may relieve some of the loneliness, depression and fears that many seniors suffer from. A recent study found that all senior citizens who were receiving regular massages showed a dramatic improvement in their moods and their attitudes toward life in general. Nearly 50% of the same group tested also showed additional health benefits;a reduction in their rates of breathing, an increase in their range of motion, an improvement of their postures, development of more body awareness, their skin took on healthier colors and their muscle tones were enhanced.

In addition to these general life improvements, some health conditions that may respond positively to regular massage include:

- inflammations in the joints;

- arthritis;

- skin discoloration and other dermatological conditions;

- deteriorating muscles and bones;

- reduced appetite and therefore weight loss;

- poor blood circulation;

- sleep disorders;

- weakened mental capacity,

- tendonitis;

- bursitis;

- asthma;

- emphysema;

- high blood pressures;

- diminished functions of the internal vital organs such as the heart, the liver, the brain, the thyroid, the stomach and the intestines.

Before you make your appointment, make sure you take care of safety first:

- Find a massage therapist that is properly trained;

- Limit your appointments to 30-45 minutes at a time;the elderly appear to respond better to shorter, more frequent sessions.

- Be careful when positioning yourself on the massage table: ask for help or request a chair massage.

- Tell your massage therapist if it is your first massage: request a gentle relaxation massage. Your bones may be thinner and your joints stiffer than other patients; ease into it. Over time you may request a deeper tissue massage if it feels comfortable for you.

- Tell your massage therapist if you are not comfortable being touched in some areas: Many elderly prefer head, hands and feet massages. Even massaging these body parts alone will greatly benefit you.

- Request use of lotions or oils, or bring in your own favorite lotions: senior citizens' skin tends to be thinner and less pliable, and using oils will help avoid cracking or damaging of your skin. Lotions will also soften and moisturize your skin, making it healthier and more pliable.

Relax and enjoy your massage! With the above precautions massages are perfectly safe regardless of your age. Most importantly, massages help you relax and improve your outlook on life. That alone may alleviate other aches and pains and make this worth your while.

So contact a qualified massage therapist today, and make the appointment that will help you relax and enjoy some TLC, you deserve it!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How To Achieve Optimal Athletic Performance With Massage Therapy

Whether you are involved in a specific sport or just lead an active lifestyle, massage therapy can help lessen your chances of injury and help enhance your athletic ability. Therapeutic massage can be effective after a strenuous training session, before or after a competitive event, and can also help heal an old or new injury.

Top athletes from around the world use massage therapy and other forms of bodywork to achieve peak performance in their sport. In fact, sports massage was made a part of the Medical Services Team for the first time in history at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games in London. This shows that athletes and coaches from different countries consider massage to be an important part of their preparation and training. You can do the same and gain a competitive edge over the competition by doing what the pros do.

Muscles can easily become overworked by overtraining. When a muscle becomes tight, it becomes inefficient. It cannot elongate and protect the joints fast enough to avoid damage. Massage helps to improve muscle elasticity by stretching and lengthening shortened muscles which helps you avoid injury.

Intense training can also lead to a buildup of waste products within the muscles. Regular massage not only increases circulation to bring oxygen and deliver nutrients to the muscles, it also helps to speed up the removal of these metabolic wastes that can make you sore a day or two after heavy training. By removing these waste products from the body faster, it allows you to recover faster, so you can resume training sooner.

Massage is cumulative. This means that each massage session builds onto the next and you reap greater benefits when you receive regular treatments. It cannot be stressed enough how important regular treatments are to the athlete. There comes a time when an athlete must come to terms with an injury and decide whether or not to continue training. Recovering from an injury during training is not likely if one continues to train at a high level. The risks involved if intense training continues can lead to more damage and possibly surgery.

The best defense against injury is prevention. Preventive therapy can help increase the potential of an athlete. Unfortunately, massage therapy is not a quick fix. If you are already injured, it may take several sessions to achieve the level of training before the injury. This is why Prevention is key. Receiving regular massage treatments can actually help prevent injury. Oftentimes during a session, areas of tension and soreness are felt that was not noticed before. These tender areas can be signs of the beginning stages of a future injury. Getting these areas "worked out" can help you to continue to train hard so you can achieve your athletic goals in your sport.

Making massage therapy a part of your training regimen can only benefit you as an athlete. Strength and endurance can be more easily attained with a relaxed and flexible body. Combining massage with regular training allows your muscles to work more efficiently, increases circulation to speed healing allowing you to recover faster so you can train harder, reduces muscle spasms and injury, and what every athlete wants, improved athletic performance.

Although the demands of each sport is different, finding a knowledgeable massage therapist is also key to helping you achieve your athletic goals. Training for an event such as a marathon or triathlon places a lot of stress on your muscles and joints. Regular sports massage and other forms of bodywork treatments every one or two weeks can greatly enhance your athletic ability. If you want to maximize your potential as an athlete, or if your training is limited due to muscle spasms or pain, it may be time to give massage therapy a try.

Insurance Billing for the Massage Therapist

The massage therapy profession continues to gain serious recognition within the healthcare community as more and more insurance companies allow massage sessions to be insurance billable, much to the benefit of both the client and practitioner. Dealing with insurance companies can be a daunting task, especially for a massage therapist with a solo practice. When there's no other staff to deal with the numerous forms that accompany insurance billing, the burden then falls to the therapists themselves to complete and submit the required paperwork in a timely manner. This can turn an already busy schedule into a very hectic one.

Insurance companies can be difficult to deal with, especially for someone who's just getting their feet wet in this area. Aside from the large amount of paperwork, there's the possibility of waiting long periods of time before being compensated, or in some cases, not at all. This fear of paperwork and inadequate compensation makes many massage therapists hesitant to deal with insurance companies at all.

On the other hand, this "paper-nightmare" may not be as bad as you might think. Expanding your practice into the realm of insurance billing can translate into more clients, which means increased income. What massage therapist couldn't benefit from seeing more clients? The key point to remember is not to compromise your ethical standards when dealing with insurance companies. It can be a ruthless game, but don't let yourself become a victim. Be prepared and stay informed of the necessary information, such as current codes and forms, as they are constantly changing. Keep detailed, accurate notes for each client and session, and take continuing education courses to stay up to date on pertinent information. The more you stay on top of policies and procedures, the easier it will be for you to acclimate yourself to the world of insurance billing.

While the entire process of insurance billing can be overwhelming at first, once you get into the swing of things, you'll wonder what took you so long to join your colleagues in this venture. Click here to learn more about getting into this new aspect of massage therapy.

How to Treat Shoulder Pain

People of all ages suffer from shoulder joint pain. The causes are many and can range from an unknown onset to a traumatic event. Many people develop shoulder pain from performing repetitive type activities for prolonged times. Others will experience pain in the shoulder following a fall on the outstretched arm. Sometimes the reason for pain is not as obvious.

I see many cases where a person cannot identify what caused the pain in the shoulder. Often times this pain can occur when someone bumps their shoulder against the door jam in the middle of the night when going to the bathroom. This rather benign action sets off a chemical process that will build up over several days. Eventually this will cause pain in the shoulder. Since the "injury" occurred several days earlier the person cannot recall any event that started the process. Regardless of the cause of the shoulder joint pain the treatment is often similar from case to case.

Treatment of the shoulder can encompass several different areas. Conservative measures include medication (anti-inflammatories, pain medications), rest, cortisone injections, and/or physical therapy. All of these methods can be effective in helping relieve a painful shoulder especially when they are performed in combination with each other.

Often times when you present to your medical doctor with complaints of shoulder joint pain they will prescribe some medication as described above. Rest will also be advocated although this is not always easy for people to follow depending on their activity levels or their occupations. Injections are sometimes given right away depending on your medical doctor's philosophy. Some MD's would rather you attend physical therapy before considering injecting the painful shoulder. Injections are not the end all beat all and they do not offer relief to all patients that receive them. Often times a well rounded physical therapy program can alleviate the pain and you won't have to consider having an injection.

Physical therapy treatment can consist of the following interventions:

1. Therapeutic exercises - this will consist of range of motion, conditioning, and strengthening exercises. The goal here is to maximize and restore any loss of range of motion, improve the overall endurance of the shoulder blade and shoulder muscles and to improve the strength of these same muscles. The muscles surrounding the shoulder blade must be conditioned and strengthened just as the main shoulder muscles would be because these muscles have to work in conjunction with the shoulder muscles in order to restore normal motion and to prevent recurrence of pain.

2. Manual therapy - this will consist of hands on treatment that the physical therapist would perform on you. This might consist of joint mobilization (i.e. techniques designed to improve joint motion and relieve pain), or soft tissue massage (i.e. techniques designed to improve muscle and connective tissue flexibility and to relieve pain).

3. Modalities - this consists of machines that the physical therapist may apply to your painful shoulder to assist in pain relief and healing along with the other treatments mentioned above. Some of these machines are ultrasound, electrical stimulation, TENS, or iontophoresis.

All of these interventions can be used in the treatment of shoulder joint pain. It is common in clinical practice to use a combination of these interventions. It has been my experience in treating hundreds of shoulder patients over the years that therapeutic exercise is an absolute in the treatment of the painful shoulder. Well rounded exercises that target the shoulder blade and shoulder muscles are the mainstay of any good physical therapy regimen for the treatment of shoulder pain.

Choosing a Massage School - A How-To Guide

Choosing the right massage school is an important consideration on your path to becoming a massage therapist. Throughout your massage therapy program, you will be taught a variety of massage therapy techniques, ranging from Swedish, deep tissue, orthopedic, cross fiber, and neuromuscular. You will also be introduced to other elements of massage therapy that will have a lasting impact on your career as a massage therapist, including ethics, massage equipment and tools, anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology.

Choosing a massage school involves identifying a school that has everything you need to be successful when becoming a massage therapist. Factors to consider should include the program schedule and the length of time required for completion, quality of instruction, commute time, and the cost of your education. Research is vital in helping you make your decision.

Factors to Consider When Becoming a Massage Therapist

Teacher experience: Take the time to meet the instructors when you visit a massage school and perhaps even sit in on a class to discover their unique teaching styles. Find out what teachers will be involved in your education and what their qualifications are. Ask how long the teachers have been teaching in their field and how long they have been with the school. You might also consider talking to current students and graduates of the massage school to see what they think about the program. Conducting a little online research of your own may give you a better picture about individual experience at this particular massage school.

Geography: When becoming a massage therapist, different individuals may consider commute time more or less important. The quality of the massage school curriculum and instructors may make a longer commute worth the time and effort.

State authorization: Ensure that your state's governing massage therapy board recognizes the school. In order to operate in any state, the massage school must be fully authorized. Each school is required to post documentation indicating compliance with state mandated guidelines. Ask to see this documentation if it is not pointed out in your visit to the school.

Courses: Some massage schools tout classes that might not be essential for everyone interested in becoming a massage therapist. Though most massage schools offer the same or very similar curricula, others might add information or techniques that may be useful for some but could create more of an overload to students than a learning opportunity. Each state specifies the subject matter and required hours in the curriculum; anything beyond that is not necessary to fulfill state requirements. (In the state of Georgia, the requirement for massage therapy education is 500 hours.) How the information is sequenced and presented is a key difference between schools.

Class schedule: Determine if the massage school offers a program that can work with your current schedule. While some individuals may be able to accommodate classes that require a full day, many people already have commitments that need to be fulfilled concurrently with their massage therapy training. Whether it is a job, caring for family, or other commitments, you may need to check a number of schools to find one that allows you the flexibility you need. Ensure that you are aware of requirements outside of the regularly scheduled class times for clinic or off-campus events. Some schools require additional evenings or weekends to complete their program. You may even want to inquire about the homework/assignment load, as it may not be realistic with all the other things you have to contend with on a daily basis.

Cost: Be practical. The price of attending a massage school and becoming a massage therapist varies widely. What can you afford on a monthly basis? Many, if not all, massage schools offer financing options to help you afford your education. Carefully evaluate the total cost of massage therapy training including what you will pay in interest for all loans needed to pay for tuition, books, and supplies.

Placement assistance: Find out if the massage school provides job placement assistance after you've passed the state licensing exam. Many employers of massage therapists are affiliated with schools. Ask about this during your interview process. Remember, you are interviewing the school as much as they are interviewing you.

Embark on a New Career in Massage Therapy

A blend of research and analysis goes into finding the right massage school when becoming a massage therapist. Not every school will work for you, your schedule, and your needs. Get to know the school, meet the teachers, and ask questions! The only way you'll know if you belong at the school is if you speak up and ask questions!