Saturday, September 7, 2013

Get Back on your Feet with Ankle Physical Therapy

The ankle bears the weight of our body making it highly prone to injuries. Indeed, one of the most common injuries to the human body is ankle injury, which can typically be sprains or strains, inflammation of the Achilles tendon or Achilles tendonitis and fractures.

There are many possible reasons for any of these problems from wearing improper or inappropriate footwear to overuse of the muscles in your ankle and trauma caused by accidents. Ankle injury can happen to you whether you are an athlete, a sales person required to stand for long hours in your job, or if you simply tripped while walking.

Ankle physical therapy helps manage pain, reduce inflammation, improve flexibility, and strengthen the muscles in your ankle. Ankle physical therapy begins with a thorough evaluation of your ankle injury. Your physical therapist will also review your medical history to find out if you have related problems such as arthritis or diabetes. To help diagnose your exact injury, your physical therapist will examine your gait by asking you to walk or run.

Your physical therapist will also check the range of movement and strength of your ankle as well the blood circulation and sensation in the injured area. Before proceeding with ankle physical therapy, your therapist will also have to look for possible misalignments and ligament injuries.

An effective ankle physical therapy incorporates several exercises that usually start with improving the range of your ankle's movements and then gradually moving into strengthening exercises with the use of weights and then finally performing exercises to improve your balance.

In addition to exercise programs, ankle physical therapy may also include massage and other techniques such as electrical stimulation, ankle joint mobilization, pulsed ultrasound therapy and fluidotherapy, which both makes use of heat to promote healing.

Your physical therapist will design an ankle physical therapy program tailored to your needs. Your doctor may also provide you with orthotics or an appliance to help in rehabilitating your ankle such as braces or shoe inserts. You will most likely have to give up or at least put on hold some of your activities whether it is work or playing a sport.

Your doctor will provide you with an exercise program that you can do at home even after you have completed your ankle physical therapy sessions. Your doctor will also educate you on how to prevent future injuries, which in ankle physical therapy is equally important to quick recovery.

Massage - Why Choose A Couple's Massage?

A massage is an outstanding way to relax and rid your body of toxins that congregate in the muscles. A good massage can rid the body of tension and help you feel better. If you suffer from chronic back pain, a good masseuse can relieve some of that pain with good technique. Massage therapy can find trigger points in the back and help to massage out those painful knots. The overall effect is feeling more relaxed and healthier. It is also proven that massage therapy will release the lactic acid that tends to accumulate in tight muscles and knots.

Why choose a couple's massage?

A couple's massage is a great way to relax with a significant other or with a friend. A couple's massage is usually held in a room that can accommodate two massage tables. They are usually in close proximity to one another. Some spas have truly amazing couple's massage rooms. They are equipped with facilities for multiple services like pedicures. Some even have fireplaces and serve refreshments. This can be a great thing to do with a close friend or sibling that you wanted to catch up with! The more exclusive the spa, the more elaborate their couple's massage rooms are. Some spas have multiple rooms for this type of massage because it has risen significantly in popularity.

Why do romantic couples choose a couple's massage?

This is a great way to unwind and connect while enjoying a therapy that makes the body better. Couples can talk and connect while they share a healing therapy. Some men also have less experience with massage then women. A couple's massage is a great way for a man to feel less intimidated by a massage because they are with their significant other. This time together is without stress, in a very easy environment. It sets a nice tone for two individuals to connect in a new way. This is a peaceful way to share an activity.

Most massages are more about the body work and not about the social piece. However, couples massages encourage two people to rejuvenate and have time together. A novel idea to be able to heal the body and connect to a loved one! Massages are great for issues that plague everyone. Soreness, knots, tight muscles, insomnia and arthritis are relieved through a good massage.

A couple's massage also takes some of the nervousness out of being alone with a massage therapist while naked. Many novices to massage feel very uneasy about this part of massage therapy. However, experiencing this with another individual makes it a lot easier to experience. It is also a great way to help a loved one or friend be introduced to the benefits of massage.

Relieve Back Pain With Physical Therapy Treatment

My name is Manu Kalia. I am a physical therapist. In this article I want to share a few simple tips that I teach my patients to help them manage their low back problems. Eighty percent of the population is affected by low back issues, so I think this is a really important topic.

Every low back pain is different or unique in its own way. Each patient needs to figure out what aggravates the symptoms and what alleviates or relieves the pain. That's very important to understand. Also, the body will heal itself but you have to give it the right environment to heal. Medications may provide temporary relief but they do not necessarily address the underlying issue.

The first thing to find out is the cause, that which aggravates the problem or increases the problem, and then to remove that cause. I always tell my patients that if I hit myself with a hammer and I continue doing so, I do not give the injured tissue time to heal? I keep aggravating it, keep injuring the tissue and do not allow enough time to heal. Same way most of us keep pushing it even when we are hurt or injured. So it's very important to figure out the activities that are causing you more pain, and avoid repeating them.

The first concept to think about is whether your back is sensitive to load bearing activities (like standing, sitting, bending, walking, etc.); and if it is load sensitive you must avoid these positions. So always ask yourself, does this increase my problem? If so, I have to unload the spine to get relief from back pain.

Unloading can be done by lying down, whether you are lying on your stomach, on your side or on your back -- any of those positions that are comfortable.

In physical therapy I often use manual or mechanical traction for my patients. This is similar to using an inversion table to unload and relieve the compression on the spine - basically removing the pressure off of the joints, the discs, the nerves and the local structures.

Second important point to remember is whether the problem is made worst by static positions or with movement? If static positions like sitting or standing in one position increase the pain then it's best to get out of those positions and move frequently.

When movement makes the pain worst, it's best to avoid excessive movement or excessive activity. Whether it's housework, yard work, exercise or other physical activities, you have to moderate the activity level. This will give the injured tissue time to rest and heal.

Another important point to consider is whether the pain is made worst by bending or arching the spine. Positions that cause the spine to round forward like sitting, bending, etc. will cause more pain. On the other hand if the pain is made worst by arching the back as in standing upright, arching backwards or lying on the stomach, then these positions should be avoided.

It is very important to understand which of these positions or activities, cause you more pain. Once you identify the painful positions, avoid those positions and do more of the opposite to allow the spine to heal.

I hope you find this helpful; these are just some simple tips to start thinking about and you could implement these yourself.

Choosing the Right Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is becoming recognized by other health care professionals as viable source of treatment for stress and chronic pain management. It is a holistic approach that will improve an individual's health and well-being. Now that you have decided to try massage therapy; you need to make an informed decision as to what type of establishment and who would best suit your needs.

First, you must decide what type of massage therapy office you want. Will you be comfortable going to a "spa" that provides a lot of frills and extra's. These establishments are alright, but you will probably have additional charges for the extras; or the extras will be "built in" to the price of the massage. This is nice, and preferred by some people because they like to be pampered. The other side of the coin is a professional massage therapy office. These establishments are usually simple in design, clean, and comfortable. Anyone will feel at ease when entering one of these establishments. A benefit of a professional massage therapy office is the services are priced lower, because the office has a lower overhead compared to Day Spas.

The massage establishment has been chosen, now you have to choose a therapist. The first thing to consider is will you be more comfortable with a male or female therapist. This is strictly a personal preference, but it can limit your choice of massage establishments. Not all places will have both male and female therapists available.

After deciding on the preferred gender of your therapist; now it's time to do some research. First, ask friends, family, and co-workers if they can recommend a good therapist. These personal referrals are some of your best starting points; but keep in mind, massage is very personal and what one person likes another may not like.

Most states require licensure for massage therapists. Check your states laws, if it is required, then make sure the therapist you choose is licensed. You can also easily check if the therapist has had any complaints lodged against them through the state massage board.

Meet your therapist. This can be done in person (the preferred method) or you can talk to him/her over the phone. Ask as many questions as you feel necessary. Asking how long they have been practicing is ok, but a better question is to ask how many massages the therapist has performed. Now don't expect an exact number, but a ballpark figure will suffice. The reason for asking this question, in this manner, is some therapists do more massages than other therapists. A therapist who has only been in practice for a year may have more actual hands on experience than someone who has been in practice for 2 or 3 years.

Some additional questions to consider asking:

1. What certifications do you hold?
2. What type of draping techniques do you practice?
3. What massage modalities do you use?
4. What kind of lotion/ oil do you use?
5. How long does the massage session last?
6. What is the cost of a session?
7. Do you offer package deals or specials?
8. What type of payment is accepted? (cash, check, credit/ debit card)
9. Do you have references?

Professional massage therapy is an intimate form of holistic medicine. There will be some things can not be asked; they have to be felt intuitively. Do you feel a connection with the therapist you have chosen? Does the therapist exhibit confidence in himself/ herself? Do you feel comfortable with the therapist? It doesn't matter what credentials the therapist has, if you don't feel comfortable, you will not be able to relax during your session. The client/ therapist relationship is similar to patient/ doctor relationships. They are built on trust.

After your massage therapy session you should evaluate your experience. Did the therapist treat you as you expected? Did you feel comfortable during the massage? Was it a positive experience? Would you recommend the therapist? If you answered yes to these questions, you should relay your feelings to your therapist. This can be done by leaving a gratuity, booking another appointment, or leaving a written testimonial/ thank you note.

Choosing a massage therapist should not be taken lightly. But it doesn't have to be difficult. Trust your intuition above all else. Communication between you and your massage therapist should be open and free. A good professional massage therapist will meet your needs, make you feel comfortable, and treat you with respect.

Treating Arthritis Through Physical Therapy

One of the most common problems with an aging body is arthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative join disease that most often results from trauma to the joints, infection, but most often age. Joint pain is the main symptom of osteoarthritis. This joint pain is the result of inflammation around the joint because of damage from daily wear, disease, muscle strains, and tears of the joint. It is very painfully and can be debilitating in its advanced forms. Fortunately, there are treatments for people with osteoarthritis.

As you develop inflammation in your joints which results in severe joint pain, the main symptom of arthritis, you become less and less likely to move those painful joints. Unfortunately, that only exacerbates the problem. By not moving stiff and painful joints, you are only making the stiffness worse. Physical therapy can help solve that problem. Many people who suffer from consistent arthritic pain seek the help of a physical therapist. Because lack of movement makes the problem worse, a physical therapist can help you develop a program of movement that is the best treatment for your arthritic pain. A physical therapist will help you work out that stiffness without causing further damage to the affected joint.

In addition to physical therapy, occupational therapy can also be beneficial. In occupational therapy you will learn how to modify your work and home environments to reduce aggravation of your arthritic joints. This will help you learn to reduce the strain on your joints that is caused by everyday activities. If you are suffering from arthritis, physical therapy is a great option for treatment.

Experience the Ultimate in Massage Therapy With the Nuga Massage Bed

The Nuga massage bed is a multifunctional product promising an intense relaxation and therapeutic experience during a 40-minute session. The main purpose of such a massage bed is to stimulate blood circulation and cell activity in specific body parts. It promises to increase metabolic activity and serotonin oxidation thus enabling the user more energetic and optimistic.

The Nuga massage bed combines the advantages of Acupressure, Hand massage and infrared rays to provide maximum relaxation for your spine and nearby muscles and ligaments. There are jade balls embedded within its internal structure which are capable of emitting negative ions leading to increased cell metabolism which has a direct effect on lightening the user's moods and creates a feeling of wellness. It has a positive impact on the body's defense mechanism enabling it to uncover its natural healing abilities.

It comes with a Weight and Pain relief pad which can be applied on your body to stimulate cellulite decomposition and aid in constipation relief. It also claims to reduce pain, swelling and muscle spasms and strengthening muscles by improving blood circulation.

The Nuga massage bed is supported on a light but sturdy metal and wood frame. It has an inbuilt digital projector for temperature control and can be inclined from 10-30 degree on the lower as well as upper frame. It comes in an attractive Feng Shui design and boasts of very less power usage.

You can try out this special bed in some centers located in almost all big cities to experience the benefits. You can remain fully clothed during the session, only removing your shoes and belt. The first experience maybe a bit rough, so the staff might actually advise you to spread a thick towel or sheet on the bed before you lie down but within time you will get used to the pressure generated by the rollers beneath.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Management Theory in Business Schools

In the 90s, Business Schools started to extensively teach Japanese Management Practice. This is because Japanese companies and the national economy were seen as being highly successful and continually experiencing greater growth than rival nations. However, the prominence of the focus on Japanese Management theory has been in decline from this high point. Naturally, the relative stagnation of the Japanese economy over the last 15 years will make people less inclined to promote the national management practice. However, should it be the case that Japanese management practices lose their promotion and focus due to economic issues it could also be caused by several other contributors.

Kaizen, Theory A and J and other theories have some fine principles that are valuable to many businesses. They helped companies like Toyota reach global prominence and attain years of strong profits. However, many of these companies are not as successful in recent years, so should their management practices be blamed as many did in the United Kingdom or are there other factors that have caused relative economic stagnation.

Economists will site many reasons for Japan's economic slowdown, which include the strong Yen, hierarchical society, new competitors and many more. Since the credit crunch and the collapse of the carry trade, the Yen's value has increased. This caused a significant problem for a country with a strong exporting base, as their goods became relatively expensive and this could have led to a loss of trade and competitive edge.

Some analysts blame the relatively hierarchical society for failing to adapt to the faster moving competitive market place of recent years. Nevertheless, this seems unfair given the tremendous technological advances and creativity that we have seen in numerous Japanese inventions over the years.

The collapse of large Japanese financial institutions during their financial crisis has led to some commentators citing that relative inefficiency in the financial system as a cause of slowdown.

Also, the emergence of Taiwan, South Korea and China as competitors in fields which Japan had previously dominated is often seen as a contributor to economic slowdown.

There are clearly many reasons for Japan's economic slowdown and varying opinions on their significance. It seems that the Japanese Management Theory that we were keenly learning in the 90s is unlikely to be a reason for this slowdown, but it was a contributor to the many economic successes seen by this island nation. Therefore, we should continue to eagerly learn about these management practices in conjunction with other valid theories.

What Are the Best Ways to Find a Qualified Massage Therapist?

There are many ways to find a qualified massage therapist/practitioner in North London. Obviously, when looking for such a professional, we all wish to find someone who is skilled, experienced, personable, preferably local, and who offers such a service at a reasonable rate and at times convenient to us. London is a large place so finding a qualified specialist local to where you are in North London is vital and not that hard of a job, if done properly.

Firstly, we need to be clear on the type of massage service we are looking for, as massage is as varied as fruit or cakes. Do we want something simply to relax? Or to alleviate chronic tension in our upper back? Do we prefer to have oil massage or clothed massage? When we know exactly what we want, it is much easier to find someone right for us.

Sometimes, a friend or colleague will recommend a massage practitioner to us. This is a great way to find a massage practitioner, as they have been tried and endorsed by someone we know and trust. Often though, we wish for a massage but do not have a recommendation. Where to start? Wherever you begin to search, remember that who you get can often come down to pot luck, and that is why it is important to try out many different practitioners so you get a feel and taste for what you like best and works best for you. You can however get a good feeling, from a practitioner's advertising/website, as to whether they are right for you or not.

The internet now is one of the first places to start your search. Keyword searches, such as 'sports massage north London', on search engines such as Google, are a popular choice and will throw up pages of possible candidates, though many of them will not be based in North London. Generally speaking, practitioners with well optimised websites take a more professional and committed approach to their work so are a better bet, than for instance, many of the practitioner's who advertise on many of the free classifieds. But you never know where you are going to find a gem.

Look for professional bodies such as EMBODY or the FHT, where you can find a list of fully qualified and insured practitioners. Practitioners allied to other health professionals, such as osteopaths or physiotherapists, in well established health centres, are skilled and professional and worth checking out. Local business groups, such as the Rotary Club, Business Club, or the BNI, attract enterprising, innovative, skilled and experienced professionals, so massage therapists you find there will usually be a good option. Seek out places that are professional and with a well established reputation in healthcare - if they do not have a practitioner for you, they can often recommend one.

What to look for?

A massage, whichever style you prefer, is a personal service, therefore the best therapists are those that take a personal approach to you as a unique individual, who are caring and have good inter-personal skills, as well as good technical massage skills. Look for someone with continuous professional training. Generally speaking, those that take regular training are those wishing to be the best they can, so naturally through continuous development they are very skilled. Also, someone who is multi-disciplined, having studied various styles, is generally more flexible and creative in their approach.

Throughout North London there are many qualified massage therapists and following these tips will direct you to the right company or professional to use!

Good luck in finding the best person for you!

Energy Work and Coherence: Don't Be Fooled By What You May Have Been Taught In Massage School

You will very often hear these days about different forms of energy work in the bodywork field. When one conjures up that image it is naturally associated with very light pressure, or no pressure at all. Naturally, if a therapist talks about a discipline where there is from time to time enough pressure elicited to cause a wince or two...we have automatically left the realm of energy work and moved into massage. I have mentioned Buckminster Fuller before in some of my articles about massage continuing education, because I believe his model of tensegrity does a great job of illustrating how the human body works for students and practitioner's of our art. He links clearly the concepts of structural patterns and energy movement. The body consists of tensegrity systems all the well down to the interior of cells.. The continuous network is comprised of tensile elements called tendons and a discontinuous system of compression members called struts. So, if an energy vector enters the system it will flow away from the site of impact through the tensegrous network. The more balanced and flexible the structure the more able it's ability to absorb the impact. Athletes who use Rolfing as a stable in their training diet, know exactrly what I am talking about.

Any shortening or imbalance in one part of the system will impact the structure and movement in other parts. The system is both structural/mechanical and energetic. So, again any imbalance in the system will effect both the mechanical and energetic aspects of the system. Simply said, one cannot influence the structural system without having an impact on the energetic system, and vice versa.

So the tensegrous aspect of the tissues are literally pathways from which energy flows. The connective tissue which we interface with as massage therapists, extends throughout the entire body down to the most simple forms within the cell and nucleus. The entire matrix is composed of semiconductors. Research has proven that all parts of the living matrix respond to the stimuli in specific ways to every form of energy that enters into the biosphere which surrounds the body.

There has been research that focuses on the amount of energy that is emitted from our hands consciously emitted and as a factor of the therapist's gifts or acumen. The lattice work of of highly organized systems like fascia, tendons, ligaments and cartilage have shown that these lattices vibrate powerfully, emitting coherent energy fields. We know that living tissue is extremely responsive to coherent energy. One needn't look any further than the famous chi gung healers of China who ply their trade in hospitals hardly touching their patients.

So, the more balanced the structure becomes through conscious effort with systems such as yoga, tai chi or bodywork like Rolfing, whose aim it is to bring coherence to the fascial network, the system becomes more energetically coherent as well.

I will leave this discussion for now with the concept that as your client's system becomes more coherent, they will become more responsive to your system's energy field. Conversely, as you are able to tune into their body, you can project more aptly, order and function into their bodies. We see that not only with Rolfing, but with Craniosacral therapy as well, where we talk about the client's resources being able to hold the information that is reflected into the field. More to come on this subject.

Ohio Massage Therapy Exam - Steps to Getting Licensed to Practice Massage

Massage therapy licensure in Ohio is governed by the State Medical Board. This is unique. Most states, maybe none, have this kind of governance. If a person graduates from a board-recognized massage therapy program in Ohio, s/he would be eligible to "sit" for the licensure exam. There are also some schools outside of Ohio that one could graduate from and be "permitted" to sit for Ohio's licensure exam.

Beyond this, what would you have to "do" to become an Ohio licensed massage therapist? Follow these steps and you should be well on your way to a legitimate massage therapy practice.

Step #1. Graduate from a board-approved school with a curriculum of at least 750 clock hours and a minimum of a nine month course of instruction. For a list of these schools, go to the State of Ohio Medical Board web site.

Step #2. Get a criminal records check, a requirement for initial massage therapy licensure. You will need both a Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCII) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal records checks for initial licensure. The State Medical Board won't be able to complete your application to take the licensure exam prior to having this check completed.

Find a vendor that participates in the "National WebCheck (NWC)." Have the results sent directly to the State Medical Board of Ohio and give the reason for fingerprinting. If you are out-of-state, contact the Medical Board by email to request the appropriate forms. You will be sent these forms for your fingerprints to be processed. See the Medical Board web site for more complete information.

Step #3. Apply to take the State of Ohio Medical Board Exam for Massage Therapy. Ohio students will be given their applications from their school. Out-of-state applicants should email the Board to obtain the Request for Application form and Preliminary Education form OR get these forms from the Medical Board web site. All forms and contact information can be obtained at:

Step #4. Purchase study materials or attend a review class to prepare for the exam and what you really need to know to pass it. The Massage Therapy Board exam is a two part exam. The first part of the exam is 110 multiple choice questions on basic science. The second part is the limited branch portion of the exam. It is also 110 questions. A person must pass both parts of this exam to receive their license to practice massage in Ohio. The exam is currently a paper-and-pencil exam administered twice per year, June and December. Deadlines for the $250 exam fee and application are February 1st for the June exam and August 1st for the December exam.

Taking this exam is usually a sizable undertaking for most people. Because it is only offered twice per year, it makes it even more important to be successful. Knowing forms to complete, fees to pay, deadlines to make, can make the process less stressful.

Massage Table For Sale - Reviews & Tips

Professional massage therapist will need massage table and accessories to complete their equipment either at their own practice, on call treatments, beauty salon spas, and medical spas. With proper massage table both clients and therapists will feel comfortable during the session.

You could find the different type table of massage for sale through online or markets; however a typical commercial table has an easily cleaned, heavily padded surface, proper length, width, height, and weight, rounded corners to prevent injury to either you or your client and a horseshoe-shaped head support that allows the client to breathe easily while lying face down.

Stationary massage table could be suitable for fix place where you will not move quite often, while portable, compact, and lightweight table of massage suitable for therapists who work on-site treatments.
Buying the massage table will be related with type of massage. Every massage has the different of technique with specific requirements such as adjust of height either electrical or manual, folding parts and other special features.

Here some different massage table for sale base on massage types:

1. Sports tables of massage must offer the most support for the clients which most athletes as well able to support the therapist weight

2. Ayurverdic Massage tables offer a special table with thick foam and special end panels to able transport all the massage oils used in one central (most on feet side).

3. Reflexology table of massage need a proper height where therapist could do the treatment in sitting position with enough space and knee support for the clients

4. A Reiki therapist may spend lots of time sitting at someone's head or feet, so it's more comfortable to
have that open space for the knees to fit.

5. Pregnant Massage need to have adjustable face and head rests, arm rests and foot rests are some of the advanced options for tables with open and close system in abdomen area.

The table accessories can sweeten any deal. Some very common accessories required along with tables of massage are: Adjustable rests for the face, arms, and feet, Face holes, Pregnancy accommodations, Bolsters, Carrying case, Upholstery, Cushions, Warmers, and Headrests with some of them has come along with massage table for sale [] packages and some are an additional price.

Physical Therapy Scheduling Software - 3 Must-Have Features

The lifeblood of a physical therapy clinic is appointments. A missed appointment is lost revenue. That is why a physical therapist clinic must use robust scheduling software that not only manages appointments, but actually generates revenues for you.

What Are the 3 Must-Have Physical Therapy Schedule Software Features

1. Centralized scheduling on the cloud

There's two aspects to this must-have feature: centralized and "on the cloud."

Centralized means the scheduling software has a central database where all data is stored. What this does is if an appointment is made on one computer, it's entered and immediately posted to all computers. Essentially, the appointment is entered wherever the scheduling calendar is viewed. This is straight-forward, but important in order to prevent double booking.

"On the cloud" means you access your scheduling software through the Internet. It's stored and the application runs off the software company's server. This has the following four huge benefits:

  1. You don't have to mess around with downloading and installing the software.

  2. You don't have to worry about having the scheduling calendar available if you add more computers to your computer network.

  3. You can access your physical therapist clinic schedule anywhere you have Internet access.

  4. Your patients can log into the scheduling calendar on the Internet and book their own appointments. This is the biggest benefit by far. You can have patients schedule single or multiple appointments without using your or your staff's time.

2. Integrated with email autoresponder software

Don't you hate it when a patient cancels. But, what if you could automatically have that vacancy filled? You can if you get scheduling software that integrates with email autoresponder software. Let me explain with an example.

When a patient cancels, you can program your email autoresponder to send out a vacancy notice to all your patients. If you get the right scheduling software that enables people to log into the calendar, they can go on waiting lists for filled time-slots. If someone cancels, your email software can send out an email message to the waiting list first.

I bet you can see the advantage to this technology. You can significantly reduce vacancies without having to call your contacts which is time-consuming and practically impossible to go through the entire patient list for every vacancy.

The key here is that your physical therapist scheduling software also be integrated with your patient contact database. This way the vacancy notice email messages can be sent to your patient list because the calendar is hooked up to it.

3. Scheduling software integrated with credit card processing

Chasing money is not fun for any business. The best way to get paid is up front. if you can automate payment, that's even better.

That's why having scheduling software that enables you to collect upon auto-booking is so convenient and good for your bottom line.

Let me explain. With the right scheduling software (that includes credit card processing), you can have patients pay when they book their appointments online. You can offer discounts when they book this way to encourage online payment up-front. This will save you time in collecting and processing payments.

The power of online credit card processing is huge. You can sell packages and other services (if you offer other services) as well as equipment. The point is, incorporating e-commerce and online credit card processing opens the doors to generate more revenues and you're not involved in the process at all.

As you can see, all of these 3 features are necessary in order to gain the benefits of each feature. They all work together to automate and increase bookings which generates higher revenues for your physical therapy clinic.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Top Five Areas to Massage For Stress Relief

Who couldn't use a little stress relief now and then? Some believe stress is a major contributor to 80% of all illness. Massage has always been a good way to relieve stress but here are the top five parts of your body that will guarantee to take you to the ultimate state of relaxation and stress relief.

1. Your feet. Massage on the feet can be the ultra-relaxation zone for many people. There are hundreds of nerve endings on the feet and an entire massage modality was made just for feet. Reflexology is based on the theory that the body has 10 zones, ending on the bottom of the feet and hands. These zones correspond to different parts and organs in the body. By pressing and massaging these zones on the feet in a particular order, they affect other parts of the body within that zone.

2. Your hands. These two appendages are the hardest working area of our body. Everything in our world requires busy hands. During your next massage ask for the palms of your hands to be opened and stretched. This will be extra tight for those people who work with their hands a lot and are contracted into finger flexion. Over time the muscles that run through the palms of your hands can become shortened from repetitive overuse. It's always beneficial to stretch these hypertonic muscles. Plus, receiving massage on the palms of the hands is surprisingly relaxing.

3. Your neck. Lots of muscle tissue covers the anterior, lateral, and posterior neck. This area holds tension and stress maybe more than you realize. The lateral or side of the neck is as commonly massaged as the posterior or back of the neck. The area that gets left out, due mostly to uneducated fingers is the anterior or front of the neck. Many massage therapists are taught to stay away from the front of the neck because of the arteries and nerves that run through the area. Find a therapist with an educated touch because the scalenes and sternocleidomastoid are anterior neck muscles that when released can cure headaches, thoracic outlet syndrome, and numbness down the arms or in the fingers. The back and sides of the neck have equally important muscles that shouldn't be left out. On the posterior neck lie the suboccipital muscles which are the primary trouble makers for tension headaches.

4. Your scalp. The scalp may be the single most overlooked holding area of stress. The three main muscles that cover the scalp are temporalis, frontalis, and occipitalis. Massaging the temporalis and occipitalis can help headaches. The frontalis is the busy muscle of your forehead that when massaged is very sedating to the nervous system. Try massaging your own scalp next time you need a pick-me-up in the middle of your day. Hook your fingertips in with enough pressure to move the skin over the underlying bone.

5. Your face. Did you know there are over 30 pairs of muscles in the face alone? Muscles that make us smile, frown, move our eyebrows, squint our eyes, purse our lips, the list goes on and on. Also on the face are some sinus pressure points and the ever overworked muscle of the jaw, the masseter. This muscle is the strongest muscle of our body relative to its size. The masseter is contracted when people grind their teeth during times of stress. Notice next time you're late and sitting in traffic if you are clenching your jaw. This masseter muscle is surprisingly tender on many people during a massage. It lies over the hinge of the jaw where we open and close our mouth. TMJ syndrome is commonly treated by massaging this muscle and others. Two sinus pressure points are at the bridge of the nose and just below the midpoint of the cheekbones. Try a press, hold and release combination 10 times next time your sinuses are bothering you. You can also try rhythmic circles at the temples next headache you have.

We all have some degree of stress in our life. This is normal; it's how you deal with the stress that shows how conscious you are of your bodies' needs. A professional massage is an ideal way to relieve stress and tension. Plus, now your own hands can massage these 5 areas in between your professional sessions. Happy relaxation!

How Lymphatic Massage Therapy Can Effectively Treat Lymphodema

If you have lymphedema and are looking for ways to treat the symptoms then you might have heard about lymphatic drainage massage therapy at some point in time. The good thing about this treatment is that it is very convenient. You may have this therapy right at the comfort of your own home or any professional venue. It is also very easy as there are only two things that you will need and these include the hands and a basic knowledge on the anatomy of the lymphatic system. Even if there are really therapists who are expert on this area, you may also do it on your own as long as you know the correct ways of doing it.

What makes lymphatic drainage massage different from the usual massage that we frequently get is that this is really specific to aid in the promoting good circulation of your lymph fluids especially in problem areas in your body. There is a certain technique that is used when the areas are massaged to avoid skin breakdown and to enhance the drainage of the lymph fluids collected. Only light pressure is used when there is a need to move the lymph instead of applying hard pressure and the next thing that the therapist will do is to gently move the lymph out of the problem area. Apparently, the technique utilized is far different from the normal massage so make sure that you know how to do it correctly.

Again, only light pressure is applied when you are trying to work on the collected fluids out of the lymph vessels to the site where collection is done. If you want a therapist to do it for you hen look for someone with a certification on this type of treatment so that you can be assured of the effectiveness of the therapy. Right amount of pressure is needed because applying too much may not produce the results that you desire. If you do not have any idea on how to perform the procedure efficiently then the best way is to look for a certified manual drainage massage therapist.

If you have lymphedema you might want to consider lymphatic drainage massage therapy as a treatment to relieve of the symptoms. Other treatments may be incorporated depending on what your physician thinks Bandages and wraps are replaced right after the massage is done. Before starting on any modes of treatment make sure that you inform your physician about it so that you would know if it is really indicated for you or other methods should be used instead.

How to Maximize Your PT Clinic's Revenue

There are many different ways to evaluate your PT clinic's finances. As long as you stay consistent, you can look at the average revenue per each patient visit, average referrals from physicians, insurance payer mix from physicians and so on. Let's take a look into a few basic questions you should ask as you begin to maximize your revenue.

1. How much does the average patient cost to treat?
Begin by looking at the fixed cost of how much it costs you to see each patient. To run a successful business, this is the best place to start. Of course, providing the best care possible to each patient should be a priority, but in order to do so - you need to stay in business.

Start by calculating you fixed costs that will include utilities, rent and general equipment costs (including depreciation). Then, take into consideration your payroll and offered benefits. Add them up (per month), then divide by however many hours your office is open each month - then you'll know your average hourly cost.

Consider investing in online practice management software to help you keep track of each patient's visit. Find an integrated system complete with physical therapy note-taking software and billing tools as a way to create a more efficient office.

2. What's your average patient cost share? Insurance?
You'll want to take a look at your reimbursements and multiple contracts. Larger companies tend to pay $60 or less - and you have to go above and beyond for authorization contributing to your overhead.

Be sure you are actually making money per patient - all things considered. Is your average patient time care allowing you to make, and keep, a profit? There may be no right answer to your final decision, but be sure you are performing a cost/benefit analysis.

Don't fall into the trap of ignoring your patient cost shares (co-insurance, deductibles, co-payments). Create a defined and consistent rate and policy for those patients who request one. One clear assessment you can perform is to be sure the patients' self pay is greater or equal to Medicare. Of course, there will be exceptions - those patients that you may want to cut a break. Just don't make it a habit.

3. On average, how long does collection take?
Keeping your forms in order is a necessity to a successful business, and can be attainted with proper physical therapy note taking software. If you have your balances organized in some form of online practice management software program, you'll be able to assess the balances monthly. Then, develop a clear cut policy on when you plan to turn them over to collections, making it much easier for everyone involved.

To sum it up, set time aside to review your costs, compare those costs to revenue, and develop and organizational method, like online practice management software, to keep up with patient collections. Keep this in mind and you'll be well on your way to exceeding your clinic goals.

Chiropractic Massage Therapy for Repetitive Injuries

Are you having recurring injuries that keep troubling you? Then you may consider chiropractic massage therapy for quick relief of your boring condition. The good news is that massage therapy is not only safe for your health condition, the treatment is comforting and soothing as well.

Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) are "injuries of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems that may be caused by repetitive tasks, forceful exertions, vibrations, mechanical compression (pressing against hard surfaces), or sustained or awkward positions." Chiropractic massage therapy focuses, essentially, on the causes of musculoskeletal dysfunction rather than just narrowing down on relieving the pain. This is because chiropractic treatment is a holistic approach that uses various techniques and procedures to locate the root cause of the pain and repair it while at the same time supporting and speeding up the body's own repair mechanism.

What is Massage therapy?

Basically, "massage therapy is the specific manipulation of soft tissue (muscle, ligament, tendon and fascia) that can help restore function by treating and preventing specific health issues, musculoskeletal dysfunction and injuries". Chiropractors apply massage to the body with the use of fingers, knuckles, palm, forearm and elbow 'by working from the most superficial to deep layers of tissue within the body.'

Chiropractic massage therapy is very effective in the treatment of repetitive injuries which are commonly associated with people engaging in sporting or work-related activities. Conditions such as muscle spasm or contraction, whiplash, stress anxiety, back pain, tension headaches, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, poor circulation, postural restrictions etcetera can be treated using massage chiropractic therapy.

A technique such as deep-tissue massage is applied. It helps in correcting inappropriate pattern of movement by returning deep, chronically tense muscles to a relaxed state. Deep tissue massage helps in increasing joint mobility and circulation. Also, myofascial release massage is another form of therapy that chiropractors applied in repetitive injury cases. Myofascial Release is a non-oil technique involving the application of stretches and pressure to the fascia and muscles which helps to relieve tension and pain by lengthening the fascia allowing the muscles to return to their correct position, length and function. Acupressure is also used. A firm digital pressure is applied to specific points that cause pain and limit movement. Acupressure therapy is very effective in the treatment of repetitive injuries or for conditions associated with trauma or poor posture.

Chiropractic massage therapy is very effective in treating the treatment of repetitive injuries, focusing principally on the causes of musculoskeletal disorder associated with repetitive chore which is commonly reported by athletes. Chiropractic massage therapy is safe and effective, and it provides quick heal for all your boring injuries.

Yoga Teacher Training: Knee Pain

When attending a yoga teacher training intensive, Paul gave a lecture about pain that I could never forget. Basically, he said: "We usually take life for granted, when we are healthy, but when we are in pain, we can think of nothing else." Yogic science directly addresses suffering and does its best to let us enjoy a pain free life. As you know, there are no guarantees in life, but we can be proactive toward living the best possible life during each precious moment.

A regular yoga practice is one of the best remedies for knee pain. Not only do physical therapists utilize certain yogic practices in their rehabilitation routines, but also physical, occupational, and yoga therapists have been recommending poses and series based on yogic techniques for decades.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Knee pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Often, it is the result of old injuries such as torn ligaments or meniscus that have healed improperly or incompletely. Another common cause of knee pain is tendonitis, which can result from overuse of the patellar tendon. Some younger patients suffer from chondromalacia, which is caused by softened cartilage under the kneecap. Older patients may suffer joint pain in the knee as a result of arthritis, and sometimes scar tissue can build up around the knee from old muscular injuries, causing pain as well.

Common Methods to Remediate Knee Pain

With some of the more common causes of knee pain, the best treatment is to ice and rest until acute inflammation has subsided, and then begin a consistent physical therapy program to promote strength and mobility. What physical therapy does is to strengthen and tone the muscles around the joint or site of injury, preventing compensation by or overburdening of the knee, promoting proper physical alignment within the leg and protecting the joint from stress placed on it by weak or under-performing muscles.

Why Yoga for Knee Pain Works

A daily or regular yoga practice can reduce or eliminate knee pain because some of the physical benefits of practice accomplish the same purpose that physical therapy does. The physical yoga poses aim to stretch, strengthen and align the body properly so that practitioners can enhance their mind-body connections. Thus, the strengthening and stretching of leg muscles during poses, especially of the muscles surrounding the hips and knees, can target knee pain particularly well.

There are some well-trained yoga instructors who will be able to put together a series of poses to reduce or eliminate knee pain, but be very careful. It is best to see a yoga therapist, who has been certified in using yogic exercise as therapy and should have additional training, or to ask a physical therapist what poses can help and what can hinder the healing process.

Although the maxim, "No pain, no gain," may have traction with either you or your students, remember that knee pain can be a sign that you have gone too far. The purpose of yoga is to get you in tune with your body, and that includes listening to your body's pain signals.

Side Notes for Teachers

Therapy is complex and requires each of us to enter into the world of continuing education. Whether you choose to take additional courses in specialist yoga teacher training or some form of therapy, you want to make sure any advice you give to students is within your qualifications to give. Additionally, instructors should know when to tell a student to back off from pain. As many of us have learned: Pushing on a skeletal joint will result in a permanent injury.

穢 Copyright 2012 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Power Wheelchair Or Scooter: 5 Selection Tips From a Licensed Physical Therapist

Choosing an appropriate Mobility Scooter or Power Wheelchair for you or your loved one may seem like a simple task but looks can be deceiving. As a licensed physical therapist and home health care specialist, I assess people with physical disabilities on a daily basis and can provide insight to your in your purchase. Below are the 5 most important aspects of selecting your electric scooter or power wheelchair.

1) Severity of Condition -- Many people ask: Should I get a Power Wheelchair or a Scooter? Its a great question and quite easy to answer. Power wheelchairs are heavy duty and meant for in-home, full time usage and usually those with more debilitating conditions. They cannot be folded up and placed into a car trunk like most scooters. Scooters are meant for intermittent usage around the house and are portable to enable mobility outside of the home as well. Power wheelchair usage outside of the home requires transport via a specialized van or power lift mechanism/trailer added to ones vehicle. Decide what's best for your condition.

2) Home Setup -- Do you live in an open area or tight space? Power wheelchairs have a much smaller turning radius than scooters, sometimes zero with certain high end models. If your home setting is open without clutter, this should not be an issue but with most elderly individuals, open home setups are not the norm.

3) Insurance Eligibility -- Are you Medicare Eligible? If so, as long as your physician deems the wheelchair/scooter as medically necessary you will be covered by Medicare for the device. To determine if you have a condition that would qualify as medically necessary, speak to your physical therapist or physician. Such conditions include severe degenerative arthritis, multiple sclerosis, strokes and respiratory diseases such as emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. If not Medicare eligible, check with your insurance company for any coverage they may provide. Scooter costs can range as low as $500 to upwards of $3500 for heavy duty models while electric wheelchairs are usually $1000 at minimum with some models up to $7000+.

4) Support Systems -- A big factor that needs to be considered is the external support system one has. Is there a family member involved that would be able to physically lift a scooter into a car trunk? Does one have access to a van to transport a power wheelchair? These details need to be factored in before the decision is made.

5) Do you really need it NOW? -- I think this is the most overlooked aspect of this whole process. If you have 2 severely arthritic knees that would qualify under Medicare guidelines, did you consider knee replacement surgery to potentially avoid the need? In my view, individuals tend to elect the use of assistive devices such as power wheelchairs and scooters too early in their lives. Once one chooses to go this route, persons usually fall into a dependent mode and it becomes very difficult to regain mobility and independence into the future. Trying active rehabilitation programs such as physical therapy, occupational therapy or a simple exercise regimen could potentially put off the need for such devices.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Benefits of Thai Massage Therapy

A good way to relax after a bad day or a plain stressful day from work is to have a massage therapy at home or at your local massage spa. There are many different types of massage methods and techniques to choose from that are offered by massage spas. A must-try among these is the massage which uses a combination of different massage techniques from different methods put together.

If you think that you will not be comfortable during a massage therapy session with your clothes off, then Thai massage would definitely be your choice as it doesn't require nudity from its patients. Be aware though that there would be intimate positions during the stretching which is a passive Yoga exercise although there is no need to worry as the massage therapists are highly trained in dealing with body contacts. If you are a female, you can always ask for a female masseuse in case you are uncomfortable with a male massage therapist.

Thai massage benefits are similar with any types of massage method as they all aim on improving the whole body condition of a person. Below are some of the commonly noticed benefits after a session of massaging therapy:

Body relaxation - the patient will experience a whole body relaxation as Thai massage therapy releases the body tension which results in muscle stiffness that hinders our body to have its comfortable state.

It reduces emotional and physical stress. Like any other massage method, This massage focuses on relieving physical and mental stress by addressing the problems within the human body. By working on the meridian points (known as sen key points in Thailand), the body releases toxins that are responsible in building up stress mentally and physically. A good way to aid the quick removal of toxins inside the body is by immediately drinking a lot of water right after you finish your Thai massage.

Increases energy - most of the patients love the fact that their whole body is energized after a good Thai massage session. This is due to the fact that the sen pathways are cleared from any blockage which means that the body gets a complete circulation.

Improves the motion and flexibility - most people suffer from a lack of free movement due to many affecting conditions such as age, hard work, stressful environment and many other factors. Although a Thai massage is rather physical than the other gentle massage techniques, it is quite effective in boosting the self-healing and restoring ability of our body. After a good Thai massage therapy on your body, the tight muscle, hardened joints, and nervous system will loosen up giving your body a relaxed and flexible motion. This improvement in flexibility is a result of the natural healing of Thai massage therapy which focuses on key points all over the body.

All of these benefits can be achieved from a Thai massage, however there are other factors that you need to consider and include as part of your recovery such as diet, exercise and properly taking care of yourself through self-discipline.

Massage Therapy School - What Do You Learn?

When you attend massage therapy school, you will learn what a massage is and how it helps people. A massage is the special treatment that is given to various parts of the body that include rubbing, stroking, slapping, and kneading. Massages are performed to relieve muscle spasms or stiffness and can also help with cramps, anxiety, and tension. You will also learn the connections that touch therapy (massage therapy, the two terms are used to mean the same thing) has with memory.

It has been stated that because a person can relax and give in to a massage that their mind will be at ease and their memory will be short-termed improved. Massage therapy works in two basic ways that helps the client. The basic massage includes stoking, rubbing, and kneading. It will stimulate physical and emotional healing power. The physical part of a massage allows the muscles to relax and not feel so tight. The stimulation will allow a person to feel the relaxing or healing power that they are receiving.

As for the different types of massages that you will learn, there are so many that most schools will only touch base on. It's up to you to learn them and master them so that you are prepared for a job or for your own business opportunity. Massages that originate from the East are Shiatsu, Acupuncture, and Polarity. They all involve the client's body energy and help them release negative energy while you, the therapist, give them positive energy. In most massages that are eastern or evolve around the person's energy do not evolve any touching at all.

Some massages actually. Some of the Western types are Swedish, Escalen, Neuromuscular therapy, trager, and other deep massages that are used to release tension from the muscles. As for the western massages, they are based on the understanding of the body and the muscles that are located in the body.

Some of the descriptions for certain massages include some of the basic strokes or rubbing techniques and add a twist to them. Example, the Swedish massage includes long strokes and kneading in circular movements. It is very gentle and relaxing. It also adds the use of lotions or oils. Aromatherapy is much like a Swedish by it incorporates scented oils that address certain skin needs.

Hot stone is very unique because it applies smooth, heated stones to points on the arms, legs, chest, and back to release any muscle tension and balances the body's energy. When it comes to a deep tissue massage, the massage therapist uses slower strokes that will often make people feel sore for a couple days after massage.

As for shiatsu, it is a form of Japanese massage and uses finger pressure in soothing rhythm. They are firm, but relaxing. Tai massage is something that you will probably learn. It incorporates yoga into massage. There are plenty more types that you can learn and master.

The Burn Journals by Brent Runyon - Book Review

The Burn Journals is a true story. Brent Runyon was fourteen years old when he set himself on fire. It was a deliberate attempt at suicide. And not his first attempt either.

People often wonder what could be so bad for a teenager to want to end their life. What problems could they possibly have? We tend to forget the power of raging hormones and emotions that are so intense they can't be tamed. Teenagers don't have it as easy as some like to believe. They suffer from stress, anxiety and depression just like adults do. As this book demonstrates.

The Burn Journals is the story of Brent Runyon's journey to recovery after being burned. Brent suffered second and third degree burns of partial and full thickness to over eighty-five percent of his body. He was taken to the Children's Hospital where he spent four months being looked after by doctors, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists and occupational therapists.

Nurses cleaned his wounds daily which was very painful. The physical and occupational therapists assisted him to move again as his skin grafts were limiting his range of movement. Psychologists merely angered him. He didn't believe he had a problem, so they couldn't help him, and were a waste of his time. Doctors made him better by performing skin graft operations even if they caused him more pain. And his friends were very supportive and sent cards, letters and made him tapes to lift his spirits.

When the four months were up Brent moved to duPont, a rehabilitation hospital, for 3 months. There he continued his physical therapy and saw three different psychologists during his short stay. He liked none of them. He believed they ask the wrong questions so wouldn't be able to help him.

Next Brent went home for a little while. He attended physical therapy at a local elementary school and went back to the Children's Hospital for some of this therapy also. A tutor came to his home to help him catch up on his school work. Once again Brent had an aversion to his psychologist.

As Brent's body healed he realised that why he burnt himself had become less of a big deal.

Dominion Hospital Day Treatment Program was Brent's last stop for treatment. There he was treated for his mental problems. He stayed there for about two months. It seemed to have helped Brent as when he left there he went back to school. He was away from school for almost a year so going back was scary for him.

Throughout this book Brent uses humour in the form of sarcasm to cope with his ordeal. The book is very well written. It is easy to feel the moments Brent is anxious and the moments he is feeling awkward. Swear words are liberally sprinkled throughout and Brent goes into some very graphic detail about toileting and masturbation. So if these topics are likely to offend, best not read this book. For everyone else it is very easy to get hooked and want to keep reading.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I give it four out of five stars.

Cold and Hard Facts About Cold Stone Massage Therapy

When we are talking about different types of massages, it is know that the hot stone massage is considered as the most popular one. Yet we don't know that a cold stone massage therapy also offers a lot of health benefits. This type of massage is regarded as a form of cryotherapy which is the use of cold for medical treatment purposes.

Unlike hot stone massage wherein basalt stones are heated in water, cold stone massage makes use of marble stones. While basalt is good in retaining heat due to its mineral and iron content, marble on the other hand is effective in maintaining a cold temperature. In either hot or cold massage, these stones help in penetrating their temperature into the body's muscles which gives out a fulfilling massage experience as a result.

Cold stones are usually used on different parts of the body as a decongestant. These stones are responsible for relieving the swelling in the circulatory system and this is the reason why it offers a lot of potential for treating a number of ailments. For instance, if you are suffering from a sport injury wherein a specific muscle or join is swelling, a good cold stone massage therapy can aid in releasing the accumulation of blood in the tissue and muscle. Dark circles that form under your eyes are also due to the accumulation of blood in the tissue surrounding it that is why you can get of this by using small stones to rest on the eyes. This will help in relieving the tired and puffy appearance.

Choosing this type of massage over hot stone therapy, you have to reflect on the situation. The following are facts that you have to consider when opting for cold stone massage:

• There are cases when a patient has to undergo a cold stone massage rather than the hot one. This is because this type of massage is sometimes more preferred medically. For example, if a patient's muscle is sore or if the muscle tissue is already damaged, the heat from the basalt stone could worsen the pain and possible damage on the tissue. That is why it is better to go through a cold stone therapy in cases such as this.

• It also provides patients more options. There are instances as well wherein some people would rather feel the cold stones on their body rather than the heated ones.

• The use of marble stones in cold massage therapy is outstanding when it comes to reducing swelling. As mentioned above, once a tissue starts swelling because of a certain physical activity, using heat can possibly worsen the swelling and the subsequent pain. On the other hand, marble helps in spreading the swelling throughout the entire circulatory system hence it makes the healing process faster.

• It aids in revitalizing certain body parts and can also help in rejuvenating patients.

Although hot stone massages are highly effective, it is definitely not for everyone. That is why we always have to consider the situation first before scheduling a session with your favorite massage therapist.

The Rise of Corporate Chair Massages

Employers have rapidly begun to understand the importance of stress relief in the workplace. Stress free employees have a higher retention rate and higher rates of productivity. It is no wonder, given these facts, that many corporations have been encouraging chair massages in the workplace.

Corporate chair massages involve the visit of a licensed massage therapist for on-site massage sessions. The therapist brings along a portable massage chair and usually gives 15 to 20 minute massages for all interested employees. Employees enjoy getting a break from the monotony of their day and can go back to work with greatly reduced stress levels.

Corporate chair massages are different from other types of massages. Workers can receive the massage dressed fully in their office attired and the therapist does not use oils or other ointments in the process. The therapist can target tension-prone areas to relieve the pressure of those who sit at a desk all day.

Companies can choose to offer this as an employee benefit. Some larger corporations will pay the full price of the massage while others pay a portion. The employee is then responsible for the rest of the fee. Some companies allow therapists on-site but do not contribute the cost. This is becoming one of the most popular employee benefits in addition to traditional benefit packages.

Some studies have even reported that implementing corporate chair massages lowers illness in the workplace. With reduced tension, happier employees and a lower absenteeism rates, it is surprising that every company hasn't jumped on board the on-site massage bandwagon.

A massage therapist could probably spend all day informing you of the benefits of corporate massage. It is proven that massages release tension and can help to prevent common neck and back problems. Employees that work with computers for the majority of their day may also suffer from tension headaches. Massage therapy is also an excellent tool to deal with this and a host of other common ailments.

5 Things Not to Do As a Massage Therapist

The life of a massage therapist can be ironically... stressful. If you don't know how to succeed you'll ultimately fail. For your own health pay heed to the instructions in this article. Go and see if your state has any additional license you need to practice your business first of all and I'll tell you the 5 things you absolutely shouldn't do.

1) Don't under any circumstance practice massage therapy unless you are licensed to do so. This is illegal.

2) Don't arrive late to any meeting with a client. Be on time and in fact, be 15 minutes ahead of time. It is better to arrive early than to arrive late.

3) Don't be rude to you clients. It makes them extremely mad and they won't want to be your client again. Remember you're trying to keep clients not lose them. The last thing you need is an angry client spreading nasty rumors about you.

4) Don't practice massage therapy unless you actually know what you're doing. Bad reviews will be the undoing of your business. You need to build relationships with your customers and for that you need to be good at what you do. Take extra classes if you need to, but just don't go into business unprepared and uneducated.

5) Don't forget to advertise. You'll never get business if you don't advertise. It's the only way to get clients.

Do whatever you have to do to spread the message that you're open for business.

There you go. Now it's time to give a very brief overlook on what you should do. First of all get a portable massage chair. It is essential to your business. Your clients won't always come to you so get a portable massage chair so you can go to them. A portable massage chair is light so it is easy to carry and it is also very comfortable. Your clients will thank you. A Massage therapist without a portable massage chair is the sixth fail to the additional five above. Make smart decisions by planning how you'll organize your business.

Ask yourself questions like Do you plan to do it all solo or will you hire other employees? How much will you pay your employees? How much will advertising cost? Is there a specific type of client you're advertising to? Which is the best way to go about your business? Do you want to go in business alone or with the help of someone else?

There are a lot of ways to succeed and a lot of ways to fail. Be confident in your decisions and if there is room for improvement accept that, instead of being paranoid. Make changes in your business by paying attention to they economy, the weather, and all other factors that just might affect your business.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Physical Therapy College

College programs all across the country are including Physical Therapy as part of their course offerings due to an increased demand for physical therapy services. In the United States, the Bureau of Labour Statistics consider PT as the eighth-fastest growing profession in the country and ranks physical therapy as the 12th best job to have in America. With statistics like these, it is not surprising that colleges will want to offer Physical Therapy in their campuses.

The basis for a career in Physical Therapy is a commitment to academic education. Occupational Handbook 2008-2009 says that the minimum requirement for a career in physical therapy is a master's degree from an accredited Physical Therapy Education Program and a State license. Once you have these prerequisites, you are eligible to be employed as a physical therapist or to set up your own practice.

Some basic courses you need to take include a lot of science courses such as chemistry, biology, mathematics, physics, social sciences and more specific courses in Neuroanatomy, Biomechanics, Examination Techniques, Disease and their Manifestations, Therapeutic Procedures and Human Growth and Development.

The program includes both classroom learning as well as a practicum, which requires you to participate in actual clinic set-ups with many opportunities for you to apply whatever knowledge you have learned in the classroom to patients. You will be under supervision from a practicing physical therapist so this is a great way to learn and acquire some experience prior to graduation.

Some master's programs require students to actively participate and complete a six-week, full time practicum in addition to a couple of eight-week practicums (Northern Illinois University). This is actually a really good way to be eased into what goes on in real-life practice. Some doctorate programs require a minimum of 100 hours practicum with at least 50 hours in an acute care hospital setting before candidates can be accepted into their program (Hunter College).

Physical Therapy also requires the development of interpersonal skills as the therapist needs to interact constantly with patients, their family members and other professionals as well. Being able to establish a positive relationship with the patient early on is a very valuable skill that the therapist needs to take with him throughout his career.

To meet the expected rise in enrollment, colleges are getting ready by having accredited programs already on offer. While some institutions offer a six-year program for high school graduates, others offer two and three-year graduate programs in the master's and doctorate levels. Note that a doctorate degree in physical therapy allows you to practice, diagnose and treat patients without needing a referral from another medical practitioner. This might be something to think about as you plan out your career.

The college where you take your PT education can influence how you turn out as a therapist and how well you run your practice, therefore, it is prudent to do your research well and evaluate all your options before deciding on a course of action.

Massage for Rejuvenating Your Mind, Body and Soul

Massage can have such a profound effect on the entire body that sometimes a three hour spa treatment can be more relaxing than a seven day holiday abroad. Now, this doesn't mean a full three hours of massage but two hour of massage and then an hour of relaxing within the spa area in the sauna, steam room etc, deeply rejuvenates you entirely and fully.

Massage has not only shown to relax the body in various studies, but the effect is almost instantaneous!

Here are some of the following studies that were done over the last few years with mainly positive results:

Over a 5-week period, women suffering from depression were either given three 30-minute massage sessions per week, practiced progressive muscle relaxation for 30 minutes, three times per week, or received just the standard treatment. At the end of the study, the massage group reported less depression and anger, along with numerous physiological benefits.

A group of 14 people suffering from hypertension were monitored and provided with a 10-minute back massage to 8 of these sufferers, three times a week, while the other 6 relaxed in the same setting for 10 minutes, three times a week. After the 10th session, the people receiving massage showed lower blood pressure than the control group.

The effect of massage was tested over a 5-week period on 24 randomized chronic low back pain sufferers. After having received two 30-minute treatments per week for the duration of the study, the massage group reported less pain, depression, anxiety, and improved sleep.

A study on the short-term effects of massage on chronic pain showed positive improvement. 101 patients were randomly divided, half of which received 15 minutes of massage, while the other half discussed their pain through talking about it. One hour after the treatment, the massage group showed significantly less pain and anxiety.

Eighty-four depressed pregnant women were divided into three groups of the following; massage therapy, progressive muscle relaxation, and a control group. The massage group received two 20-minute massages per week for 16 weeks and reported lower anxiety, depression, and back pain. Interestingly, neonatal outcomes were better for the massage group than the other, leading the authors to conclude that both pregnant mothers and their children may benefit from massage therapy.

The effects of massage therapy was studied on pregnant women versus relaxation therapy. After five weeks of twice-weekly 20-minute sessions, both groups experienced reduced anxiety and leg pain, but only the massage group reported improved mood, better sleep, and less back pain.

One study performed a comprehensive review of massage therapy and its affect on stress reduction. After numerous studies, the team concluded that single treatments improved stress-related conditions and longer-term benefits were apparent in blood pressure, but they were unable to prove longer-term stress-related benefits for massage.

It can be concluded that the effects of massage therapy are simply wonderful and enlightening!

Physical Therapy Assistant School

Attending a physical therapy assistant school may be a good option if you are interested in physical therapy but not quite sure that you want to commit to becoming a full time therapist.

In order to become a physical therapy assistant you would need to obtain an associate's degree from an accredited program. There are over 240 programs in the country that offer this degree. This usually takes two years, though depending on the school and the program it could be slightly longer or shorter. Most courses and colleges also have field experience and clinical work involved in the program, so it would provide some real work experience as well as taking classes.

Just like in any program, where you decide to go to college with affect how much it costs. The two year program can range from $7,000 to $15,000 depending on where you attend college, the prestige and reputation of the school, and where you live. However, keep in mind that there will be additional fees for the clinical section of the course, and for textbooks, etc.

If you're looking to become an actual physical therapist some day, a PTA school might not be worth it. To become a physical therapist you would need to complete college and receive a master's degree in physical therapy, so if that is your goal it might be best to just pursue that plan of action right away. Going through an assistant program will allow you to do more and make more money than just being a PT aide - sometimes almost twice as much money. If you want to be involved in the business but you don't want to go to graduate school or you don't have a bachelor's, assistant school is probably a smart move.

The Bunk Surrounding Massage Continuing Education

Let's get clear about the fiction laying siege around massage continuing education. Why do the massive majority of massage therapists take continuing education courses? To make more money? To further their learnedness? To satisfy the State's regulations where they practice? Or to improve their skills, or just add to the appearance of their business cards? Its unfortunate but, in this day and age, the majority of massage practitioners are quite unskilled.

Sorry if I have annoyed you, nothing personal here. As a matter of fact, legions of the graduates from massage schools never cultivate a sustainable practice. Statistically, only about 10 per cent of massage graduates are still persevering and bankrolling themselves and their families 5 years after graduation from massage school. Now that's morbid. Many massage therapists are roped into the industry because of the proclaimed amount of money that they will gain when they "graduate" from their perspective schools. Just finish school and the money will begin showering in. I wish it were that painless. Hey, if you are generating 10 bucks and hour, 60 bucks and up looks real exciting once you graduate from massage school. Many graduates of massage schools are muddling about these days as a result of demanding economic times, and part of the reason is the ripoff surrounding massage continuing education accreditation.

For 22 years I have polished my skills in massage therapy. It has been my unique source of wealth. I am a graduate of the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado and the Karuna Institute in Devon England. I have had a prosperous practice in both Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy. I have traveled and reviewed 17 other techniques to "add to the soup" including Neuromuscular Therapy, the Bowen Technique, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Core Zero Balancing, and The Reconnection to name a just a few. But, the predominant amount of my studies has been the work of Dr. Ida Rolf (Rolfing) and Dr. William Garner Sutherland (cranial sacral therapy). I have also been honored to have taught at The Utah College of Massage Therapy as their Deep Tissue Instructor, the Virginia School of Technology as their advance technique instructor and The Cayce Reilly School of Massotherapy as an Anatomy and Palpation teacher. I have taught classes in massage continuing education in Structural Integration and Cranial Sacral Therapy since 1996. I have also developed two comprehensive, home study courses in Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy as a provider of massage continuing education for the NCBTMB.

Let me emphasize a point. I certainly wouldn't hire a farrier to put shoes on my horses or find a contractor to build my home that had only 32 hours of training! And yet, the concept of massage continuing education advocates that level of superficiality. We ask our clients to pay us 60 dollars and more per hour with very little training. I have known massage therapists who have just graduated from their massage school programs only 9 months earlier, who are running the massage program of the same school they just attended. These schools had "just hit town" due to a flourishing market. And to outshine that, those department heads had never developed an outside practice before becoming the top instructor of a particular discipline! This is the reality. I have nothing to gain from being dishonest. I have seen over and over again recent graduates who print 7 or 8 different therapies on their business cards, even spelling them incorrectly. This in my opinion is fallacious advertisement and impoverishes our industry. Look, you can't get to the top by sitting on the bottom. It has been said that, "Money grows on the tree of persistence". So, why do so few persevere? Because no one told them the poop about massage continuing education. There is a lot of hogwash out there, and with a little integrity many failing therapists head to the finish line and realize their original dream. The dream that brought them to massage schools in the first place. Its called intensive training!

Let me make a proposition to reignite your fire for a prosperous massage practice. We are existing in an marvelous time where authentic teachers have designed stunning tools for truly increasing your understanding in a multitude of craniosacral therapy techniques. The DVD, and software is an incredible tool of technology to be studied in the comfort of your home until you comprehensively understand the techniques and can implement them with a high degree of capability, which translates to money honey! Find a direction that interests you, buy the dvd home study course and check out a few of them out completely. Or go receive as many sessions from the different methodologies in your town.. And then, when you resonate with a few of the disciplines and their practitioners, buy the best DVD home study courses out there from those chosen practices.Then practice them thoroughly until they are wired. Make sure these techniques have been determined to have been effective in the massage field, and that they will deliver you to where you have always dreamed of going. In the present massage field, especially where disposable income is tightening for many of our potential clients, its vital to unearth techniques that not only manage your clients pain, but increase their performance both physically and spiritually. Folks will still contribute their acorns if they know your technique works and you can get them out of pain. Knowledge without wisdom is no different than a load of books on the back of a donkey! Wisdom comes from practice, practice, practice!

The expense of a valuable dvd home study course in massage continuing education is chump change compared to traveling across country to participate a class. In this economy it makes perfect sense. Do the math...its huge! And don't be led to believe that all you need is 48 hours of massage continuing education hours in 4 years to be proficient at a chosen discipline. It won't work. Trust me, this isn't a car salesman talking to you..this is a practitioner who has been in the trenches for 22 years. Traveling from your home to study is pricey. When you compile the cost of the course, which is usually at least 500 dollars and up, plus transportation, hotels and food, it makes perfect sense to investigate the discipline by using the phenomenal technology that exists first, and then journey to a hands on class and really learn at a deep level what the instructor has to offer. If you like what you have learned from this article, I invite you to check out the resource box at the bottom of this article and investigate what is offered to hurl you to a higher standard of massage practice and on to the journey you have always desired to be possible. But never forget...practice makes perfect.

Earn A Physical Therapy Degree And Have A Satisfying Career Helping Others

Have you recently thought about extending your education in order to fulfill your personal goals? If working behind a desk and pushing paper is what you have to look forward to every day when you walk in to work, consider a new career field. The driving force for success is inspiration and determination. Loving what you do for a living is paramount when determining job satisfaction!

The growing medical field offers a diverse range of options for those looking to enhance their lives through helping others. When traumatic injuries stem from car accidents or even war, patients need special care even after their wounds have healed. Damage to any limbs can mean weeks or even months of intensive physical therapy before they can function normally again.

Earning your Bachelor's and then eventually a Master's degree in physical therapy will open a lot of doors for you. The four years you invest in a Bachelor's will pave the way for your acceptance into physical therapy school. Once you have completed your Master's degree and certification, you will be able to practice on your own.

There is a wide variety of patients who you might encounter while working in physical therapy. Children who are born with birth defects that do not allow them to walk normally, those who have been in any kind of traumatic motor vehicle accident and have lost the use of limbs, as well as war victims who are trying to learn to walk again after they have lost limbs in the line of duty.

The beauty of being a physical therapist is that you have the flexibility to work privately in patients' homes as well as work in a hospital or another private care facility. You can decide whether you feel more comfortable visiting private homes or setting up your own private practice in an office of your very own.

Of course, the idea of returning to school sounds promising and even exciting, but taking the next step is a hard one. Deciding on an educational institute can be very tricky! Compromising quality for proximity should never be an issue. If you would like to attend a well-known university due to its notoriety, you should look into the programs available online to see if you could be a regional student who studies from home through web-based lectures and assignments.

Most students look at the price tag of a Bachelor's or even a Master's degree and count it out due to cost alone. There is help for those looking into pursuing a higher education. Hopefully, you have looked into receiving a grant or scholarship from the federal government to secure money for your education. If not, do some research and see what you can come up with.

What Does A Teaching Assistant Do? A Job Description

A teaching assistant, or teacher's aide, provides support for certified teachers. Although a teaching assistant's responsibilities vary greatly from school to school, the majority of teaching assistants work at least in part with students who have special needs and thus require more individualized attention. This individualized attention may include working one-on-one with a particular student, making sure several students are receiving their required services, and/or providing support to students to make sure they are able to succeed in their classes. The students may have a learning disability, an emotional disability, a behavioral disability, a physical disability, or they may be diagnosed with a condition such as ADHD or autism.

In addition to providing support to students with special needs, a teacher's aide may also assist the certified teacher with various classroom-related tasks, such as grading assignments, entering scores into the grade book, monitoring students, and/or teaching parts of a lesson. Basically, the teacher's aide provides the certified teacher with an extra set of hands and eyes in the classroom, which will allow the certified teacher to better reach all of the students in the class. Typically, classrooms that utilize a teaching assistant contain students who require more attention, so the extra help that a TA provides in these classrooms is invaluable, both to the teacher and to the students being served in the classroom.

TAs may also be called upon to perform a variety of other supervisory tasks, such as supervising the cafeteria, hallways, and/or outside activities. When supervising, teaching assistants will make sure students are following school expectations in these locations. Teaching assistants are valuable to a school because they have the flexibility to perform many tasks that certified teachers may not be free to perform. They perform many of the behind-the-scenes tasks that allow the school to run smoothly.

The teacher's aide position is a great position for three primary reasons. First, it is very satisfying to develop relationships with students, to serve them, and to help them be more prepared for the future. Second, because it is a non-certified position, the responsibilities are less than that of a certified teacher, which allows the teacher's aide to devote more energy to his or her life outside of the job, such as to family, friends, and hobbies. Third, the salary for this position is quite competitive.

Being a teacher's aide means having an exciting and fulfilling job that will make a significant difference in the lives of the children you serve.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Physical Therapy - Some of the Many Benefits!

The benefits of physical therapy are undisputed. After all, the medically related practice has been around since Ancient Greece. This form of therapy is used in multiple ways for many significant reasons all with the single planned result of restoring mobility and reducing pain. The overall goal is for the patient to regain a proper degree of normalcy. There are several principal reasons that someone would seek out the aid of a physical therapist, ranging from stiff muscles to back pain, and even arthritis. Each of these and other similar conditions can benefit greatly from physical therapy.

Perhaps one of the most popular forms of the therapy is a hands-on massage treatment. This type of massage differs greatly from the amateur massage of co-workers and friends. The major difference between the two types of massage; this type of massage actually does some good. A massage given by a physical therapist can help in any number of ways. For overall health, the benefits of the professional massage can reduce stress by unknotting muscles and causing the body to relax. Massages will even improve range of motion and increase flexibility.

Back pain is an increasing issue in today's society and luckily patients can derive many benefits from physical therapy supervised exercises to strengthen the back and reduce the pain. Back pain from daily stress and overuse, or from surgical operations or other conditions can greatly decrease the quality of life. Physical therapists under the direction of a doctor are to prescribe several treatments and procedures that will help the patient regain normal use of the back, improving reach, reducing pain, and restore mobility.

Another benefit of physical therapy concerns joint pain such as arthritis. The therapist will assist the patient in a number of exercises and procedures aimed at regaining the range of motion that the joint once enjoyed. Usually, joints are stiff due to lack of use because of the pain that patients do not wish to endure. Therefore, the patient will perform actions to loosen up joints that will restore movement and overall ease any discomfort.

The other general benefits of physical therapy can also include educating the patient on long term benefits of specific exercises, safety issues, use of physical aides and even diet plans. Physical therapy does not end when leaving the care and direction of the medical professional but to get the overall positive results is a commitment and a lifestyle change.

The benefits of physical therapy are innumerable as each patient can receive help and benefits directed specifically to their individual needs. The key to receive the full measure of benefits is to be guided by the directions of the physical therapist, be diligent in performing your exercises, and you will see the desired results.

Sports Massage Therapy - The Benefits For Athletes

Sports massage therapy can be a great help to athletes like Larry Fitzgerald and Kurt Warner of the Phoenix Cardinals football team. The therapy can help athletes prepare for the game, both physically and mentally. Because athletes are prone to injury, take Warner's rough tackle which left him with a concussion or Fitzgerald's blown out knee in a few games, this therapy is used during games, when injuries occur, and after games, to calm the athlete's body. This therapy must be applied by a licensed masseur or physical therapist because of how deeply it affects the muscles and body tissue.

As mentioned above, this therapy is used before games. This is a preparation techniques for the athlete and his body. It helps him prepare to perform at his best during the game. It also helps the athlete be as flexible as possible because his muscles are relaxed and his adrenaline is flowing. His focus can remain on the game, instead of a nagging pain in his leg, which was bothering him before the massage. During the game, a player may need a massage treatment to eliminate any feelings of fatigue they may be suffering form. It could also reduce the swelling of an injury and possibly help eliminate receiving any more injuries during the game. The use of the massage after the game will, no doubt, help the athlete's body relax from the strain, both physical and mental, of the game. It will help the stress and tension, which had built up in the athlete's body during the game, be released from the muscles and tissues.

The benefits of the sports massage therapy are specific to what an athlete needs before, during and after a game. Not only does this therapy slow a possibly erratic or racing pulse, but it also brings the athlete's blood pressure back to its normal levels in a healthy way. It helps the blood flow increase, so that circulation to the limbs and brain return to healthy and normal levels while allowing the lymph flow to follow suit. If any injuries were received during the game, this will help reduce or even eliminate the pain of those injuries, along with any lingering muscle tension left over from the physical activity of the game.

This type of massage therapy is recommended for athletes and not the casual or recreational person seeking a massage. Because this is a mix of a Swedish massage and a Shiatsu massage, the techniques can be quite rough and intense on someone's muscles who are not used to this type of massage. If one is choosing this massage, be aware that it will involve deep tissue therapy, which could hurt.

Massage Therapy Types - Deep Tissue, Trigger Point and Swedish Massage

There are dozens of massage therapy types and techniques. Knowing what they are and what they do is sometimes confusing. It is hard to ask for a particular type of massage if you do not know what it is called or even what it will do for you. Here we will try to break the mystery into an understandable list of some commonly practiced massage types and what they do.


Massage is the practice of soft tissue manipulation with physical, functional, and in some cases psychological purposes and goals. It involves acting on and manipulating the client's body with pressure (structured, unstructured, stationary, and/or moving), tension, motion, or vibration done manually or with mechanical aids. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, forearm, and feet.

Massage can be performed by a massage therapist, or by other health care professionals, such as chiropractors, osteopaths, athletic trainers, and/or physical therapists.  Massage therapists work in a variety of medical and recreational settings and may travel to private residences or businesses. 

Deep Tissue 

Deep tissue massage uses deep muscle compression and friction along the grain of the muscle. Deep tissue massage is also called deep muscle therapy or deep tissue therapy. It is a massage technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue and requires more skill and strength than a Swedish massage.

Deep tissue massage helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Deep connective tissue massage is a form of intense massage that aims to release myofascial (connective tissue) restrictions in the body, and to break up any restrictive scar tissue.

Deeper strokes can also be used to break down adhesion in muscle and connective tissue, which is common after injury and in areas of body tension. Using deep muscle therapy tools allow both patient and caregivers to apply the same kind of pressure to painful muscles as a regular part of everyday self-care.

Trigger Point Massage 

Trigger Point utilizes ischemic compression of individual areas of hypersensitivity in muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia. Also called a pressure point massage, this involves stimulating hypothetical trigger points that may refer pain sensations to other parts of the body. These trigger points are defined by their referral of pain to distant locations in muscles, connective tissues and organs. Trigger points can present themselves as referred patterns of sensation such as sharp pain, dull ache, tingling, pins and needles, hot or cold, as well as can create symptoms such as nausea, earache, equilibrium disturbance or blurred vision.

Trigger points generally occur in more than one location. Trigger points cause muscle shortening with secondary weakness and decreased range of motion, which can be observed. They can be felt by palpating the muscles; trigger points will consist of tender, hard (or ropy) knots or nodules surrounded by what feels like normal muscle tissue. 

Trigger Point Therapy applies pressure to these points leading to immediate release of tension and improved muscular functioning. The therapist locates and deactivates `trigger points', which are often tender areas where muscles have been damaged or acquired a re-occurring spasm or `kink' that worsens painfully when aggravated. Due to the location of many trigger points, performing trigger point therapy on yourself can be awkward at best, without the use of tools. Manipulating a trigger point elicits referred pain and often slight nausea.

Swedish Massage

A Swedish massage is not related to the country of Sweden, where massages are quite uncommon. Swedish massage, a lighter relaxing massage, aims to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles.

Swedish massage is perhaps the most well known type of massage. This soothing technique incorporates gliding, kneading and compressing strokes, improving circulation and lymph flow. Swedish massage therapy is comprised of five basic strokes and their variations: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement (or percussion) and vibration.

These five basic stokes including long gliding strokes, kneading, friction, tapping, and shaking motions on the more superficial layers of muscles, generally in the direction of blood flow toward the heart are sometimes combined with active and passive movements of the joints. It is designed to increase circulation and blood flow.

Swedish massage has shown to be helpful in reducing pain, joint stiffness, and improving function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. It relaxes the muscles and eases aches and pains.

Swedish massage reflexology is a form of bodywork based on the theory of zone therapy, in which specific spots of the body are pressed to stimulate corresponding areas in other parts of the body.

Swedish, Deep Tissue, Light and other massage styles can be combined for a better quality and more relaxing experience. Heated or Hot Roman Stone Massage is massage bodywork utilizing Swedish massage techniques along with smooth heated and or chilled river or ocean stones.