Monday, January 28, 2013

Marketing For Massage Therapists - 5 Marketing Tips For Massage Therapists

One of the most important methods for marketing for massage therapists is to introduce yourself and your business to other business owners within your community. Getting to know other business owners that have already created a trust and respect with their customer base is a really powerful way to attract massage clients. You can offer a discount to their customers, simply ask for referrals, or give the business owner a % of the money earned from the referral.

Another great method of marketing for massage therapists it to donate gift certificates to different organizations within your community. Not only will people see this as a generous thing to do and gain respect for you and your business, but it also exposes your massage services to a wide range of people that might not otherwise receive massage. This is a great opportunity to help the community and help your business at the same time.

Furthermore, figuring out your target market, or the type of people you want to market your business to is crucial if you are going to attract potential clients. Make sure you are marketing to specific issues or problems that people might be having, instead of marketing just massage therapy. For instance, you could market to pregnant women that are suffering from low back and hip pain and provide your skilled massage therapy services as the solution to their problem. Speaking to peoples problems in your marketing will no doubt set your apart from your competition.

In addition, you must have a website that details your massage therapy business. Marketing for massage therapists isn't just about placing ads and making brochures. If you are going to be successful you must have a website that speaks to those in your community who are searching for a massage therapist. Having a website is like having a marketing funnel constantly working for you. Without one, building your business will no doubt take much longer.

Lastly, you must have some type of referral program in place to reward your existing clients. Marketing for massage therapists always needs to include leveraging your existing client base. You have already built a trusting relationship with your existing clients, why not utilize that trust to attract more clients. Make sure you reward your existing clients with some type of discount or gift. They will feel appreciated and continue to refer more clients your way. Make sure you have a referral program in place at all times.

As you can see, there are many different methods for marketing for massage therapists. Once you grasp the different types of marketing necessary to attract clients into your business, you will begin to see a huge increase in how many massages you are doing per week. Keep working hard and don't give up. With the right mindset and hard work you will no doubt be successful

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