Sunday, February 17, 2013

Learn About Zen Massage - A New Type of Relaxing Massage Therapy

Are you currently living your life with a superbly busy schedule? If you are, then what is your favorite place to visit whenever you want to clear your mind from stress and take a moment off from the busy activities of life?

I'm sure you can come up with several different choices of places to visit. However, for somebody who truly wants to experience real relaxation and de-stressing solution, then I have just the perfect solution to recommend. When was the last time you enjoyed having one relaxing massage therapy? I'm not talking about having just any kind of common massage that is available in massage centers, I'm talking about a relaxing massage therapy.

There are several types of relaxing massage therapies, and the most popular type is called the Swedish massage. However, there is another new type of relaxing massage therapy I have encountered recently, and this type of massage is quickly becoming popular particularly from the place where it was originally introduced which is in Austin, Texas.

Zen massage as they call it, is a is a highly intuitive, soothing, energy-balancing massage which incorporates a variety of advanced techniques to create a seamless, effortless relaxation experience. This type of massage targets to relax your muscles and lets you experience that mental state wherein you suddenly feel naturally calm and peaceful from within. Zen massage is a completely therapeutic massage technique. All of the procedures involved in applying it are all designed to produce healing effects to the body.

Here are some of the procedures you can expect to experience when having a Zen massage:

  • Hot Stone Treatment - involves the use of therapeutic stones gliding along your muscles with the perfect combination of heat and pressure.

  • Hot Towel Pore Cleanse - involves using fresh steamed towels opening the pores while deeply cleansing and rejuvenating all the skin layers.

  • The Bio Mat - the Bio Mat relaxes tight sore muscles, soothes jangled nerves and provides an overall sense of well being.

  • Aromatherapy - the inhalation of pure essential oils that aid in relaxation, stress relief, balance and well-being.

  • Peppermint Bliss Foot Massage - soothe and soften your tired, over-worked feet through the use of acupressure.

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