Sunday, May 12, 2013

Who Can Benefit From Trager Work?

Massage therapy is known as a natural form of therapy which focuses on addressing dysfunctions, medical conditions and other problems of the body and mind through massage techniques. Although most of the styles and types of massage therapies all over the world are effective and shows promise in providing treatment and relief to all sorts of conditions both physically and mentally, not everyone can benefit from the massage techniques. That is why it is important to consult first before trying any form of bodywork.

Trager work is a form of massage therapy created by American Medical practitioner Milton Trager in the 1920s which relies on treatments using gentle shaking movement techniques. The bodywork, unlike the other types of massage therapies refocuses in conditioning and educating the mindset of the patient to be more aware of their own bodies in order to help them during the therapy session. Practitioners of this healing art believe that what we feed our mind comes out in our physical body. It means that whenever we think badly of our health, physically we become prone to sickness and disease. The manipulation of the mind is essential in the recovery of a client during a Trager massage therapy session.

Regardless of the benefits the therapy brings to the client's health, the question of who gets to be able to receive the therapy is always asked. Basically, the methods involved in the therapeutic massage are safe due to the lightness of touch and the slow, gentle manipulation of the movement done on the various parts of the patient's body. Most of the motions are conducted with the consent and confirmation of the client that they are indeed comfortable and pain-free. Any discomfort in the part of the patient during the session should be told to the practitioner or therapist in order to properly address the situation. By doing so, the patient is not only saving himself or herself by preventing further injuries or aggravating the condition but also helps the therapist to know the limitation of the client's movement.

Although anyone who wishes to confront his or her condition with Trager work therapy is acceptable, there are always contraindications to the treatment that may cause certain risks to the patient. Pregnancy is always controversial when it comes to all sorts of therapy regardless of their safety due to the fact that any wrong move on the manipulation of techniques may result to dangerous effects to both the mother and child. Expectant mothers if they want to have massage therapies like this one can always ask their doctors in advance regarding the safety, risks, and dangers of the bodywork to their health and current condition. The seniors can also enjoy this light and gentle movement technique when performed by a highly trained and skilled therapist or practitioner. The techniques should be done in slow and very light manner as the bones, muscle tissue and nervous system of aged individuals are frail and delicate that they may be damaged quite easily. Any individual who had surgery, broken bones, and other similar skeletal problems should stay away from the therapy.

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