Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Physical Therapy and Preventing Sports Injuries

Sports Injuries are becoming more and more common and those who are above their prime sports years and well into their 40s often attempt to write checks that their bodies cannot cash. When they do these weekend warriors often end up with sports injuries, fore they lack the conditioning, stamina and muscle groups they had as youngsters.

Ask any professional sports physical therapist and they will tell you that 60% or more of these injuries could be prevented if these aging sportsters would simply do some form of workout daily or every other day which was similar and stretch before each competition or test of sports manhood?

Physical Therapists know what they are talking about and a 20-30 minutes stretch session prior and a warm-up prior to asking your body for peak performance will greatly reduce your chance of injury. Preventing sports injuries, most of them is possible if one will only pay attention. Breaking your body in order to prove you have not lost the your skill set does not need to happen. So play it safe, stretch out and work up to that new peak performance level. It just does not make any sense to prove me right. Please consider this in 2006.

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