If you have been seeking massage therapy for aches and pains, you may want to consider getting deep tissue massage. Though the Swedish-style massage can be great for minor aches and pain, and is also great for relaxation, there are times when it just isn't enough. Deep tissue massage is more about therapy and healing than relaxation, and there is a reason why it works better than the Swedish type. You should consider that the problems you are having in association with chronic pain need a more advanced approach.
You may not hear much about deep tissue massage, but it is something that is used quite often to help athletes and others who have very physical jobs. Most injuries are not just surface injuries, and it is important to get to the root of the problem for real relief. Athletes are not the only ones who can benefit however, as there are many injuries that go deeper than the surface. If you have an office job where you must sit in front of a computer all day, or if you do a lot of repetitive motions for any reason, you are also at risk for this type of problem.
3 Things You Need to Know
1. How it Works
Deep tissue massage reaches core muscles that are often not stimulated through surface massage. These muscles may be in a state of agitation. These core muscles are important for posture, and when they are not loose and working well, you are going to have all sorts of problems. If you have a backache that won't go away, and regular massage doesn't seem to do much to help you, it means that the core muscles are in need of manipulation, and that is where deep tissue massage can help. You may find relief for many types of chronic pain through this type of massage, and once you find you are feeling better, you may kick yourself for not having tried it sooner.
2. What Results Should You Expect?
A therapist using deep tissue massage will have to apply more pressure to reach the muscle well below the surface. This means there is going to be more pain when you have treatment. This pain is temporary, and is letting you know that the proper tissues are being targeted. When muscles are bunched, the act of kneading and manipulating them will hurt. This pain is temporary, and depending on the state of your health, you should see results rather quickly. It is important that you keep up with your treatment if you want to see total and complete results.
3. Where Can You Go?
You may have to look hard to find a good deep tissue massage therapist. You generally won't find someone like this in a spa that specializes in Swedish massage, but it is not unheard of either. If you can't seem to find anyone, talk to your medical doctor. They may know of somewhere you can go. Though some doctors are iffy on recommending alternative therapies, many of them respect what deep tissue massage can do for the health and well-being of their patients.
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