What makes massage therapy more effective and relaxing is the fact that the procedure is aided with certain essential oils. Can you imagine yourself having massage on sliding motion without oil? That would be too hurtful. However, in some types of massage like shiatsu, oils are sometimes not necessary since the focus of massage is putting pressure on a specific body part.
Oils are necessary for some massage types since it aids in bringing relaxation of muscles and tissues of the body. It also stimulates the normal healing process of a certain damaged tissue or muscle since it enhances the hand strokes, thus oxygenation is also improved. Oils are also known to relieve pain and increase in the psychological aspect of the person and his or her sense of individuality.
The best thing about oils used in massage therapy is that, they are not derived from any mineral or is commercialized, but the oils are juices of extracted herbal plants, which adds up on the effectiveness of massage therapy in the healing process. Aside from giving the masseur an easier movement of hand strokes, these oils do also contain Vitamins and minerals essential for your skin health.
The following are different essential herbal oils used for massage therapy that may also be used in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome.
- Almond oil
This is the most commonly used oil in massage therapy and is considered to have a great effect on softening and soothing your skin. Aside from that, it regulates the loss absorption and moisture of your skin, thus making it very good oil in nourishing skins.
- Grape seed oil
On the other hand, grape seed oil contains a lot of different minerals, vitamins and proteins which makes it very essential for the skin and its membrane. It has a rejuvenating and restructuring components, as well as moisturizing properties that aids in the healing of damage tissues of the skin.
- Jojoba oil
Jojoba oil has found to be very effective on the treatment of blemished skin and is considered as an excellent moisturizer. Since it acts on blemished skins, it also plays a great role in controlling and preventing recurrence of acne breakdown. In this event, jojoba oil is really impressive to the polycystic ovarian syndrome woman with problems of acne. This oil can also be used in performing facial massage.
- Wheat germ
This is a type of oil that has a great component of vitamin E and essential fatty acids, which is responsible for making the skin smoother and younger-looking. Wheat germ aids in heali9ng process of different skin problems and aids in the promotion of new cells. in addition, it also enhances blood circulation and help in the skin repair which is due from sun damage.
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