Monday, September 30, 2013

Technology Related Pain: A 21st Century Epidemic

The growing popularity of smart phones, tablets, computers, laptops, mobile phones, and other such gadgets has both positive and negative effects. While it makes it easier to stay in touch with the people that matter to you it can also lead to several physical pains that result from prolonged use. The American Chiropractic Association reports that tens of thousands of Americans currently suffer from a debilitating condition called Text Neck. Americans send 4.1 billion text messages everyday which is why it comes as to no surprise that this physical complaint is getting more rampant each day.

What are the body parts that are affected with Text Neck?

Studies show that constant texting and typing causes inflammation of the tendons and wrist. There are even some cases wherein teenagers and young professionals, which is the demographic that sends text messages the most, are diagnosed with arthritis in the thumb.

In addition to the tendons and wrists other injuries that could come up from prolonged use of these gadgets are neck and back pains. Doctors and chiropractors have all agreed that this stems from poor posture. Users of these gadgets especially the cellular phones and tablets often hold these between their waist and shoulders so there is a tendency for him to look down and lower his head all the time. This causes strains on the neck and the back.

If you are one of those people who experience these symptoms then you should see a doctor right away. If these go untreated and if you will not correct your posture you will eventually develop more serious conditions like tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome.

How can massage therapy help ease the symptoms of Text Neck?

A massage is highly beneficial to anyone who is feeling some aches and pains on his back or neck. Years of studies has shown that a massage can help alleviate tension build up in your body and will help reduce stress. Having a massage will result to feelings of deep relaxation because it improves the circulation of blood flow in your body.

Technology will continue to bring forth a wave of new gadgets and gizmos that will make life easier and more convenient. Smart phones and tablets appeal to every demographic. With this in mind, understanding the potential threats and injuries these devices may cause us from over use is important and should be expressed to all who use them.

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