Massage therapy has many benefits. Many conditions, both physical and mental, can be slowed down or stopped completely with a good massage. The technique helps reduce tension and pain in your body. It helps with circulation of oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
Massage helps to clear lactic acid from your muscles. Lactic acid is the chemical your body produces naturally which can house itself in your muscles and when you exercise it is this chemical being pushed out that causes you to be sore afterward. It is also believed to reduce cortisol levels which accumulate in your mid-section and make it difficult to maintain a slim belly. You should eat light or not at all before any style of massage therapy as it can create different reactions in your body.
There are many styles of massage therapy. Swedish massage is a gentle type of massage. It uses long strokes intermingled with kneading. The smooth stroking patterns focus on superficial layers of muscle tissue for the desired result.
Hot stone massage gained notoriety in the United States when a therapist began using it in Arizona. It uses hot stones, often river rocks that are smoothed by the continuous flow of water across them. They are heated to a comfortable temperature and placed at specific points on your skin. This calms the nervous system, rebalances the body and mind and gives an overall comforting effect.
Shiatsu is another popular and well known style. The word itself means "finger pressure" and is used to improve the flow of your qi (chee). The Japanese culture has used this technique for millennia.
Thai massage was developed over 2500 years ago by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha who was Buddha's physician in India. This style uses not only the hands but also feet, legs and knees to move your body into different positions. Some refer to it as "Yoga massage" because it places you into many positions used in Yoga. It helps improve circulation and muscle tension but also leaves you more energized. This is different from most massages that leave you relaxed and sometimes sleepy.
There is another style of massage therapy that has become popular. It is pregnancy massage. There are lots of stresses that go along with pregnancy and a good and proper massage can help alleviate many of them. Back pain is one that is most prominent for pregnant women. A certified pregnancy therapist will know how to reduce this discomfort. It is also claimed that this type of massage can assist in reducing the depression that often accompanies pregnancy.
It is recommended by those who frequent massage therapists that everyone get a massage as often as possible. It will help all manner of conditions you may be susceptible to as well as reduce stress and tension.
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