Friday, January 3, 2014

What Is the Difference Between a Massage Therapist and a Bodyworker

The difference between a massage therapist and body worker are distinctive yet not mutually exclusive since they both are body focused for relief of pain and stress while restoring and revitalizing strength and energy. The different benefits of each approach are apparent in their intent and result of intervention. A massage therapist works on the physical body with Western medical and physical therapeutic training. While the bodyworker works on the mind, body and spirit as one entity with Chinese and Easter medicine philosophy (practice of acupuncture, acupressure, herbs and hot and cold items).

The bodyworker is trained in the delicate techniques of touch with the added influence of pressure that comes from centuries of ancient Chinese medical training in manipulative application of needles, physical pressure, natural herbs, hot stones and ice or cold items to relive, restore and revitalize the energy field of an individual person (known as the "Oi"). The major theory behind the bodyworker's practice is to provide balance and restorative power so that one gains vitality and maintains equilibrium of good health. The belief is that if a person has regular intervals of bodywork, they will arrest chronic aches and pains caused by stress, illness or disease and have a healthy "Oi," and thrive on positive health.

In the alternative, a massage therapist has the goal of providing a form of tension relief, soothing of muscular and joint discomfort that is calming and supportive of overall restfulness and fitness. It does not propose to be a health remedy. A massage therapist manipulates soft tissues, massages and pressurizes the skin to varying degrees. It goes through a range of levels of application of pressure for specific effects. A light massage stimulates blood circulation and loosens muscular tension, while more intense therapeutic applications serve to provide deep tissue massage and vigorous muscle stimulation. Massage therapists can also apply hot stones, oils and other items in the process of massage.

In addition, a massage therapist provides the manipulation that many find very relaxing to relieve daily stress and anxiety. They also provide the manipulation that sufferers from arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain and chronic pain disorders, injuries due to accidents, sports and illness, headaches, sinus misery, depression, hypertension, immune disorders and more find relieving.

In conclusion, the similarities of a massage therapist and bodyworker are that both provide physical touch, pressure and applications for relief, relaxation and health related, self care purposes. The main focus of a massage therapist is to provide release of tension, decrease soreness, relieve pain and elevate feelings of fitness, reduce some mental and immune disorders as well. While a bodyworker focuses on obtaining and maintaining optimal health, restoration from aches, pain, illness and symptoms of disease. Areas of practice tend to determine the requirements, credentials and training required for practice of each of these disciplines. The bodyworker is trained in ancient traditional methods for wellness maintenance and health related remedies.

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