Sunday, January 19, 2014

Undiagnosed Back Pain Management

The main reason back pain is such a difficult condition to treat is that its cause is difficult to diagnose. While doctors are trained mainly to look for spinal abnormalities, the cause of back pain is often musculoskeletal and biomechanical in nature. Given the lack of training in how to diagnose such dysfunctions, most doctors can do little more than prescribe medication and give generic advice to help patients with chronic back pain.

Finding the cause of your pain is the only way to ensure thorough treatment; this can be done by seeking out physical therapists, chiropractors, myofascial specialists and massage therapists trained to identify commonly overlooked sources of back pain. Getting an accurate diagnosis is the ultimate goal, but finding a way to manage pain safely while you get there can be just as important.

Chronic back pain can interfere with relationships, work and quality of life in general. The longer pain goes untreated, the more susceptible patients are to depression and cessation of activity, things that can actually make pain worse. Prescription pain medications come with serious health risks and can interfere with your ability to function normally. Over-the-counter medications also carry serious risks if used for a prolonged period of time. Fortunately, there are safe pain management options for people looking to avoid the health risks associated with pain killers, even if you don't know what is causing your pain.


Acupuncture has been around for centuries and is finally gaining credibility in the scientific community. There are many theories on how acupuncture works to relieve pain; some say unblocks energy pathways in the body, while others say that it stimulates nerve clusters to interfere with pain signals. Others say acupuncture works by increasing the flow of endorphins through the body. One or all of these may be correct. Perhaps most relevant to its treatment of back pain is the fact that it can fight inflammation.

Cortisol is a hormone that triggers the body's anti-inflammatory response. A study was conducted to assess cortisol levels in people after receiving acupuncture treatment. Participants had 28% more cortisol in their blood 15 minutes after treatment and 50% more 45 minutes after treatment. Inflammation is a main source of pain and is associated with nearly all types of injury. See more on the study at


Theramine is a medical food available by prescription only. It consists of neurotransmitters and precursors thereof. The neurotransmitters that are initiated by Theramine both interfere with pain signal communication between nerve endings and the brain and help reduce inflammation. It may be a useful alternative to other types of pain medications that come with greater risks, or as a supplementary medication to reduce your reliance on other drugs. Talk with you doctor about this natural pain medication.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is part of the treatment plan for almost any type of back pain. One study, found at, showed that patients with back pain who sought physical therapy early on saved money in the long run due to lack of need for expensive medications, imaging tests and further doctor's visits. Physical therapists can guide you in stretches that keep your muscles flexible and exercises that strengthen your core. The core muscle group supports your spine and helps you maintain proper posture. This relieves strain on muscles and ligaments. Strong muscles in the stomach and back also help reduce stress on spinal discs and joints.

A physical therapist may even be able to diagnose the cause of your pain. If you find a therapist well-versed in muscle imbalances and biomechanical dysfunction, he or she may be capable of seeing what your physician can't.

The cornerstone of back pain treatment is an accurate diagnosis; however, pain management is necessary in the meantime. The above natural treatments may help you cope with back pain, no matter what the cause.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Bring Out Your Inner Massage Therapist

When you lying face down on a massage table, regardless of how great a job the message therapist is doing, you might always be tempted to assume that at the end of the day the entire job entails is a pair of hands. In reality, there is much more to a massage than that. A professional message therapist must know quite a few things. First of all, they have to know exactly which tools to use whether it is the hands, fingers, elbows and whatever else. They must also know exactly which oils to use, which scents etc. Most importantly, the message therapist always has to precisely how to handle the client's body. He or she must know where to touch, how to touch it and even how long to touch it.

This is not a simple thing and to be in tune with all this, all professional message therapists must attend massage therapy spa training. If you have also been wondering how to start off on a career in this industry, you will also need to start here in order to learn massage therapy. The time it takes in massage training varies according to what it is the student wants. Some simply seek the minimum requirements needed to get started while others go the whole way and seek to master the discipline. In some cases, this period of learning time is regulated by a stated body and can range anything from 330 to 1000 hours. This will translate to programs that last anything from between a few weeks to two years.

After attaining the necessary skills needed, the next step is to start building a career out of this. There are various approaches one may take. Some start on entrepreneurial ventures and start their own business such as massage parlors or massage therapy spas while others seek employment from already established businesses. Some of the places in which a massage training graduate can attain employment include but are not limited to Spas, resorts, hotels, hospitals (as medical massage therapists), private offices, fitness centres, country clubs etc. The tourism and hospitality sector is the place where it would be easiest to find employment because massages have become an important part of most peoples relaxation routines thus the best place to find them would be where they go to relax.

Even if you are not interested in a full time job as a message therapist, it can also make for a great part time job which is a great idea for somebody seeking to make a little extra money. It is also the kind of skill that is great fun to have handy in the bedroom as a sensual massage can make for a great experience in the bedroom.

In case you wish to learn massage therapy for other reasons other than getting a job or just to simply expand your knowledge then you are in luck because this is a field that has as many variations as it could take you to learn in a single lifetime. You could take a massage continuing education and seek to learn as many different techniques as you can learn. Massage practices from the east will give you an especially good amount of work to do as they have many varying types of massage therapy ranging from Japan's shiatsu, Thailand's Hilot, the stone massage among others.

Massage continuing education may seem basic but it can also be an education in healing as many massage therapists will testify to at least one patient who claimed that the message therapist hands are what cured them after many years of ailment. When you learn massage therapy, you also learn to heal.

The Benefits of Massage Therapy

Many people consider massage a luxury, and not something that could be considered a treatment for some medical conditions. However, there are a lot of benefits to this sort of therapy. It is definitely something that would be helpful for most people to do from time to time.

One of the benefits of massage therapy is that it is very relaxing. It can help to reduce stress levels and calm down people that are upset or feeling aggressive. It can also help people that are having trouble sleeping. You can get a massage in a darkened room with nicely scented warm massage oil to really help you relax. Soothing music can also be played. The whole experience contributes to the feeling of relaxation.

Sore muscles can also be helped through massage therapy. Be sure to tell the therapist about any muscles that are sore that you would like worked on so they con concentrate on the areas that need help the most. When tight muscles are massaged it can help to loosen them up, thus relieving many other types of pain such as headaches.

This type of treatment can also improve your immune system. Studies have shown that after having a massage people have higher white blood cell counts. This means that it can also help people recover from surgery and other illnesses.

Babies many times benefit from massages, and there are lots of resources you can use in order to learn how to give them a simple massage to relax them and help them to feel better when they are fussy. Their digestive process can also be aided through this therapy.

Although it is beneficial in many cases, there are some situations that make it unsafe for you to undergo this treatment. You will want to check with your doctor before you schedule any massage appointments just to make sure that there is no reason you shouldn't do this. Heart conditions and problems with blood vessels make it unsafe for you to get a massage. Those who are pregnant should only get this treatment from someone who is qualified to do pregnancy massage since massaging some areas during certain times during the pregnancy can be dangerous. You also don't want to get a massage in any areas where you have skin conditions.

Physical Therapy Salary

The average salary a physical therapy professional practicing in the United States can expect to receive, according to a recent survey by, is $69,946. This generous basic compensation along with attractive benefits contributes to the increasing popularity of this profession among people today, aside from the fact that the current lifestyle and population trends warrant an increase in physical therapy services.

The average salary for an entry-level physical therapist position was found to be $54,632, according to This is quite a respectable amount given the level of education needed before you can practice. Other factors can affect this annual amount though, like where you practice, the facility you are employed by, your level of experience, as well as the credentials you bring to the establishment. So overall, there is quite a bit of room to grow in.

The increased demand for physical therapy services may have given rise to the better compensation packages on offer, which can keep getting better. In addition to better compensation, steps were also taken to fill these positions by opening them up to foreign-trained physical therapists. This means there are truly numerous opportunities out there that are not being locally met yet and are open to those who are interested.

Along with the enticing basic salary, employers put together an attractive benefits package, which can include dental, medical, optical, disability and life insurance; paid vacations; 401(k); stock purchase plan for employees; etc. Physical therapists trained abroad can receive coverage or assistance in airfare costs, board and lodgings, work visas, immigration and moving costs, etc.

Given these enticements, it is still important for you to discern where you will finally choose to practice as different states compensate differently. For instance, while New York and Houston offers the highest average salary by city, California offers the highest salary per state (PayScale research). Also consider the costs of living per area - these three locations are known to have high costs of living so most of your high pay here will still go towards living expenses in the end.

In addition, various types of employers compensate differently. For example, self-employed therapists' average salary come out to be $46 per hour while therapists employed by universities only get $30 per hour. Other facilities, like government and non-profit organizations, private clinics, and hospitals compensate between $30-$40 per hour.

Consider, too, the level of qualification and amount of work experience you bring to your prospective employer. Therapists who have trained longer and get their certificates of specialties will definitely get paid more than those with just a basic level of physical therapy training and education. Also, therapists who have logged in more work experience over the years and have seen and treated more types of patients will definitely be compensated better for the expertise that they bring to their employer's facility.

For instance, a therapist who specialized in Wound Care with 1-4 years of experience is paid around $36.61 per hour while an entry level therapist with less than a year's experience is paid $26.81 per hour. Therefore, you should consider this factor for determining wages carefully during the early stages of your career so you can prepare accordingly and decide on a specialty, if that is what you want to do.

Now, armed with the basic information regarding physical therapy salary, it is up to you to plot out your career chart and take these factors into consideration so you can achieve your career goals.

Maternity Massage: Benefits of Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy can be a real grind on your body. Back pain, swollen feet and sore legs are just a few of the trials and tribulations that pregnancy brings. It can be a real drag, but here's a little good news: prenatal massage offers a myriad of benefits. Not that anyone should ever need an excuse to get a therapeutic massage, but studies show that prenatal massage can help to:

• Alleviate swelling, including joints
• Reduce nerve pain (that sciatic nerve can be a real sore spot during pregnancy)
• Improve circulation
• Reduce stress
• Improve sleep

While prenatal massage can be performed during all three trimesters, some experts feel that it should be avoided during the first trimester, so it's highly recommended that you get the go-ahead from your doctor before receiving a massage and that you find a massage therapist that is certified in prenatal or pregnancy massage. While massage has never been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, those who have a higher than usual risk of clotting or early labor should probably avoid it. Other conditions that are contraindicative for prenatal massage include:

• Chronic hypertension
• Diabetes
• Heart problems
• A previous miscarriage or problem pregnancy
• Asthma

Much like regular massage, prenatal massage involves the use of touch to ease aches and pains, increase circulation, and promote relaxation, but it's particularly designed for the changing needs of a pregnant woman's body. It's usually done with you on your side, and many practitioners that specialize in prenatal massage have a special table or pad, as opposed to a traditional massage table. Since pregnancy can mean an increased risk of blood clots in the legs, typically prenatal massage will avoid using heavy pressure or deep tissue technique on your legs, instead using light strokes, often known as Swedish massage technique. While some practitioners will avoid massaging your belly, many feel that light strokes and touch on you abdominal area can help to relax your baby as well. It's worth mentioning that since massage therapy often involves aromatherapy, you may want to mention to your practitioner if you're having any increased sensitivity to certain smells, although some essential oils that may be beneficial during pregnancy include:

• Tea Tree
• Mandarin
• Lemon

It's always a good idea to consult with your doctor and get approval before receiving a prenatal massage, and in fact, many massage therapists will require a written note from your doctor before your massage. It's also a good idea to be sure that the massage therapist that you choose is certified and experienced in prenatal massage therapy. You can check with one of the national associations to find a licensed, certified professional in your area, or ask your doctor, midwife or doula for a recommendation.

Runner's Knee Strengthening Exercises - A Must For Anyone Struggling With Runner's Knee

When you're hit with an injury like Runner's Knee, it can really put you down. As runners, we are the rare breed that actually enjoy what others consider punishment. But when you have Runner's Knee, it puts you back in the basement with everyone else. That is, seeing running as a chore. But don't pull your hair out: you can easily get back to enjoying running with the right Runner's Knee strengthening exercises.

While you are doing these exercises, it is important to remember that strength should be built up gradually. In other words, "take your time." Also, absolutely do not ignore pain when you are stretching or following these exercises. That will just make everything way worse than it already is. If you are feeling a good amount of pain, you must take a break.

Now, here are a few Runner's Knee strengthening exercises that will help you recover:

1.) Leg Lifts - Lie flat on your back. Bend your left knee at 90-degree angle, keeping your foot flat on the floor. Keeping the right leg straight, slowly lift it to the height of the left knee. Hold this for a count of three and repeat 10 times, then switch sides. *It's important to only do one leg at a time

2.) Knee Dips - Stand with your knees slightly flexed and point your toes straight ahead. Make sure your kneecaps are also pointed straight ahead. Lift one leg up and balance on the other leg. Slowly lower yourself up and down a few inches. Keep the knee of the leg you are balancing on slightly flexed. Stand straight, do not lean your body to one side. Complete 10 dips, then switch sides.

Kyphosis and the Office Worker

Kyphosis is a pronounced curve in the upper spine as the diagram below illustrates. The chances are if you're reading this you're probably sitting at a computer. All of us at some time will use a computer and a large majority of people will be sat at a desk and do most if not all of there work sat facing a computer. Typically people working at a computer will be slumped, leaning forward into the computer screen, the shoulders will be rolled forward and the neck will be long. Over a period of time the pectoral muscles on the front of the chest will shorten which in turn will bring the shoulders forward and tighten the muscles on the upper back. This will have several effects.

Effects of postural kyphosis


Tight shoulders

Compresses the lungs causing possible breathing difficulties

Compresses the internal organs leading to possible digestion problems.

Energetically obstruction of the lung channel again leading to respiratory problems

Instability of the shoulder joint

Possible cause of headaches

There are several types of kyphosis but as a massage practitioner I am mainly concerned with postural kyphosis which is a condition I see and treat on a regular basis.

Everything is connected

Everything in the body is linked so if one thing goes wrong there is going to be a chain reaction so if a muscle tightens there is going to be an effect on surrounding muscles and structure.

The client during the consultation will complain about tight shoulders and on physical examination will find that between the shoulder blades and the surrounding area feel tight. A lot of therapist will go straight to the upper back and treat there because that's where the pain is coming from and the client will expect you to start there because they believe that's where the pain is coming from. The shoulders are tight but they are tight because they are long not short. If you roll your shoulders forward and inwards towards your chest you will feel your upper back tighten. Further more in this position you will notice that this compresses the chest impairing the lungs function to expand to its full capacity and that by bending forward compression of the internal organs will occur.

If you consider how much time you spend sitting at a computer you have some idea of how serious this condition is, lets say you work a 37 hour week that means you spend 148 hours every 4 weeks in this position. At the end of the day sat at a computer, people will get in there car, get home and slump in front of the TV constantly being in a poor position.

The negative cycle

What's worse is that once this position is adapted this becomes the normal position for the body to be in. If a person slumps at there desk and then tries to adapt a correct posture by sitting correctly, pulling the shoulders back and putting the neck/head into a correct position it will cause pain because the body has adapted to a incorrect position and because when trying to correct pore posture it causes pain (mainly because the pecs are short) the person will go back to slumping because that's what feels normal. At this stage the muscles would be considered to be chronically tight.

When muscles are tight the supply of blood flow is restricted. The blood flow is responsible fro maintenance, repair and carrying away waste products from the muscles. When blood flow is restricted the muscle doesn't get nutrients and waste builds up. This is the start of the negative cycle causing the muscle to tense up more causing the fibres to harden leading to loss of movement and pain.

In this position the muscles that attach to the back of the neck are being stretched so again this will restrict the blood flow in this area which could be a possible cause of headaches.

Correct treatment

Release of the pectorals muscles thus realigning the shoulders and helping the muscles that are tight on the upper back into the correct position

Massage of the upper back and shoulder

Treatment of lower back and hip flexors

Releasing the neck with massage and stretches

Advice and Exercises

Core stability- these are the abdominal muscles and the muscles around the centre of your body which provide stability to the spine giving you strength to sit correctly

Correct posture see links below

Stretching of muscles especially pectorals, lower back, lower hip flexors. See my sheet on stretches

Pilates class

Further reading

Nhs direct- watch a video on kyphosis and read more explanations on the condition

Advice on how to sit correctly whilst using a laptop or desktop

Friday, January 17, 2014

Create Valuable Business Alliances in Your Physical Therapy Practice - Segment 2

Criteria for Choosing the Right Partners.
When you are thinking about who you might partner with to enhance your practice and the services you offer it is very important to choose the right people or partners. Read the list below for some of the things to consider when identifying the right partners for your practice.
There are several important criteria to consider in choosing the right partner.

  1.  Approach prospective partners who target the same people that belong to your target market.

  2. Each partner must feel as though she or he is getting the better part of the deal. I like to see that a partnership will help build my business as well as help my new partner.

  3. One partner at least must have marketing ability or a way to reach the mutual target audience.

  4. At least one party must have the expertise for the partnering "project". This is essential.

  5. Your idea for a partnership must be highly targeted, that is, must be very specific to a particular group of people.

  6. Stay within the criteria you established for a partnership or what you need from the partnership. Don't endorse a service or product if it doesn't fit your needs even if it is an excellent service or product.

  7. Make sure you create high quality promotional materials for this new service or product you are jointly offering. An excellent product is not good enough without high quality promotional information.

  8. When considering a prospective partner a good criterion is to help them fill a gap in their services and products, too. Ask: what are they missing? Offer them something they do not have.

Massage Therapy Benefits Acknowledged

In today's busy and stressful world, massage therapy has become an important portion of total health and fitness. Massage therapy has been used worldwide for thousands of years. In the United States, it is finally being recognized as the therapeutic treasure it really is.

Massage therapy greatly help to treat illness, chronic conditions, and injuries. Recent scientific studies are proving the natural benefits of body massage. Massage therapy increases circulation and oxygenation to the cells and helps to free lactic acid and other toxins from tired, sore, muscles and other tissue.

The benefits of massage therapy don't end there. As the body is rejuvenated and cleansed, massage therapy relieves physical and emotional stress. Stiffness, pain, and soreness are all reduced by massage therapy.

If you've ever visited a massage therapy professional, you know how great you feel after a massage. Daily tension and stress can be removed in just minutes. Back pain, stiff joints, and neck pain all are all soothed by a good massage. Unfortunately, for most of us, busy schedules just don't allow the luxury of visiting a professional massage therapist on a daily basis.

The good news is that you can still receive daily massage benefits even if you can't visit a professional therapist. Advances in technology, and design now gives you professional massage results right from the comfort of your home. From a full body massage to a more specific hand held massager, you can now get all the benefits of professional quality massage therapy at home.
Browse through specialty retail shops and you'll find many professional quality massage tools you can use right at home. One of the favorites is the massage chair. With the ability to provide a total body massage with a variety of movements and pressures, the iMedic 380 Massage Chair is a great example of what's available. This chair is able to tailor the massage to your specific body size and shape. You'll be relaxed and rejuvenated in no time.

If you spend all day on your feet then a foot massager might be just what you need. One favorite is the iSqueeze Calf and Foot Massager. Complete with all the benefits of a professional quality foot and calf massage your tired aching feet will feel rested and relaxed in no time.

For those spending long hours at a desk or in front of a computer, the shoulders and neck can be a source of tense, aching muscles on a regular basis. On great tool for at home massage therapy, is the Shiatsu Massage Pillow. Kneading Shiatsu nodes each reach deep into the knotted muscles in your neck, shoulders, and lower back to relieve tension and help you relax and relieve stress after a hard day.

Just a few uses of these great massage therapy tools and you'll be hooked forever on the benefits of great massages right at home.

A Bit About Different Massage Therapy Techniques

As you will soon discover there are number of different massage therapy techniques a person can avail of. Some will help a person to relax whilst others can help to improve a person's health or repair injured muscles etc., in the body. Below we will take a look at some of the different types of massage therapy now available and how they can help a person.

Ayurvedic Massage

Also known as Abhyanga Massage originates in India and has been used by this culture for more than 5,000 years. Generally this form of therapy will be carried out by 2 therapists who through the use of a blend of heated herbal oils will be aiming to establish a balance between a person's mind, body and their spirit once more.

Traditional Persian Massage

Also referred to as Cachunga (pronounced Ka Khn Ga) it was introduced to the Persians by Darius III. This particular type of massage works and focuses on the breasts of women. This is a deep tissue massage therapy and is performed to help improve circulation of the body.

Chinese Tui Na Massage

This particular form of massage therapy from China will push, stretch and knead the muscles in the body. It has been seen to be effective in helping to treat such disorders to a person's digestive, respiratory or reproductive system. Plus helps to treat many kinds of musculoskeletal problems as well.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage therapy will be used to work on specific joints, muscles or muscle groups in the body. Often the therapist will start with the higher levels of softer muscle tissue before working there way down into the depth of the muscle that is causing the problem. This in turns much more freedom of movement after the therapy session has taken place. It is important however that the therapist does not rush the treatment by applying pressure too quickly or deeply as this in turn can cause the muscle to tighten in order to protect the area it covers. This in turn can cause damage or inflammation to the area that is being treated. Little if any massage oil is used during this therapy as the pressure being applied should not travel too far over the person's skin.


This form of massage therapy originates from Japan and uses the thumbs to apply pressure to a person's body. Often a person remains fully clothed whilst they are laying flat on a mat on the floor.

Stone Massage

Usually with this form of massage therapy the therapist will place hot or cold stones on to particular parts of the body. Often it is hot stones that will be placed on the body and these help the muscles to relax more easily. Which in turn allows the therapist to actually work deeper in to the person's muscles but will not feel as uncomfortable as if you were having a deep tissue massage carried out.

Above we have looked at a few of the different types of massage methods a person can now use to help treat them. But there are plenty of others available also and these you can easily learn about on the internet today.

Why 5-Star Hotel Spa Massages Are So Bad

What would you say if I told you that these 5-star Hotels put this poor quality out on purpose, would you be shocked? I was.

Oh don't get me wrong, these Hotels are first rate as far as their non-spa services, ambiance and amenities, so why do they go out of their way to hire fresh-just-out-of-school massage therapist?

  • Profit margins

  • Easily trainable for their "Spa Culture"

I'm positive that they have more reason for this other than what I listed, for instances, I know that these 5 star hotels impress upon newly graduated massage therapist, the allure at working such a prestige luxury spa. Once this is accomplished, they throw in a bunch of fluff "employee benefits" to make their massage therapist think, "wow" I am special.

By design someone needs to pay for that terry robe.

These 5 star hotels are very smart they know their industry. They purposely avoid hiring massage therapist with experience as they know most likely this massage therapist is "set in his ways" and will not work for such low wages. These Hotels lose a lot of money for instance if they hire a veteran massage therapist, who specializes in deep tissue and delivers that massage to all guest. Advance massage therapist may also find a problem and spend more time there, which the guest did not pay for.

Let me explain have you ever noticed how much they charge just for a 50 minute Swedish Spa massage and have you noticed how much that price jumps when you get anything extra (i.e. aromatherapy, reflexology, deep tissue or scalp massage), I don't need to tell you folks. If you had gone to a hotel to a massage then you know what I am talking about it. A 50 minute deep tissue massage with aromatherapy and tip will be over $200 easily, and all that goes to your hotel. Your massage therapist might be lucky to make 15-18% of that total.

Your veteran massage therapist on the other hand may find a problem that needs that extra attention and not care if their customer only paid for a Hotel Signature Spa massage. The massage therapist with experience often will know that in this spa business, your tips may be well over what you get hourly from the Hotel. Your veteran massage therapist will be more customer service orientated than your newly graduated massage therapist will be more likely to do what is required no more no less, until they become smart.

All fluff and no substance, 5-star ambiance, 2-star massage service

Even with their reputation at stake here, I am amazed that these 5-star Hotels would not want to put the best quality experienced massage therapist on their payroll. I cannot tell you how many times customers of certain Hotels have come to me and express their disappointments. Do these spa's think that they can win you as a repeat customer, just on fluff alone, but hey if fluff is what you like, I can give the names of many places to check out.

Shiatsu Massage Therapy - How is Shiatsu Different from Modern Western Massage?

There is common ground between Shiatsu and Western massage. Both systems are wonderful ways of relieving stress and promoting health and they focus on the body of the person to be treated. Further, neither system uses any sophisticated electronic or mechanical machinery in the diagnosis or implementation of treatment. The third common ground is that both Shiatsu and massage are classified in most of the Western World to remain outside the bastion of Western medicine, which is based on current Western mainstream scientific tradition. Outside Japan both Shiatsu and Western massage share the outfields of non-traditional treatment or alternative medicine with Healing, Reiki, Hypnosis or Crystal Healing.

Shiatsu practitioners tend to distance themselves from the bandwagon of alternative treatment approaches like Reiki or faith healing by demonstrating their usage of anatomy, physiology and pathology in the same vein as Western medicine. This could be one of the explanations for the great popularity of Shiatsu in the West as it bridges the West and the East.

When we explore the differences between Shiatsu and Western massage, we notice four main differences.

  1. The historical evolution of the treatments.

  2. Technique used and ingredients in treatment.

  3. The philosophy behind the approach and the essence, which every practitioner attempts to capture.

  4. The nature of derivative systems that have emerged.

Body massage might be one of the oldest forms of medical care known to man. Though we may not know what the ancient Egyptian practitioners actually believed in, Egyptian tomb paintings show people being massaged. A Chinese book from 2,700 B.C., The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, recommends massage of skin and flesh as the appropriate treatment for many ailments. Ayurveda, the 5000-year old traditional Indian system of medicine, greatly stresses the therapeutic benefits of massage with aromatic oils and spices. Writing in the 8th century BC, Homer of Greece mentions massage being used commonly also for Olympic athletes in the same way as it is used today.

1. The History and Evolution of Shiatsu

Though the earliest modern reference to the term Shiatsu in a publication might be the 1915 Japanese book, Shiatsu Ry繹h繹 written by Tenpaku Tamai, Tokujiro Namikoshi's (1905-2000) followers consider him to be the founder of Shiatsu. His approach was entirely different from the Chinese meridian or Qi-based therapies. Namikoshi at age seven in 1912 independently developed a technique of pressing with his thumbs and palms as he tried to nurse his mother who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Namikoshi's influence on Shiatsu can be compared to the role of Picasso in art because he not only created an important genre, but also became an inspiration for many other creators of derivative therapies.

Tokujiro Namikoshi opened his first clinic for Shiatsu Therapy in 1925 in Hokkaido using the system that he perfected. In addition to founding in 1940 the first school of Shiatsu Therapy in Tokyo (Now known as the Japan Shiatsu College), Namikoshi was involved with the legal recognition of Shiatsu in Japan, which may account for his emphasis on Western medical theories. Namikoshi achieved fame and successfully treated many high-ranking persons such as the former Japanese Prime Minister Shigeru Yoshida. As his fame spread foreign celebrities like Marilyn Monroe and Muhammad Ali sought his treatment. Currently in Japan, Namikoshi's system enjoys special legal status. Starting from 1947, after an eight-year clinical investigation period to ascertain which of 300 treatments could be legalised, the Ministry of Health of Japan acknowledged Shiatsu Therapy, as it proved effective. Shiatsu was placed in the same category with Anma and Western Massage in 1955.

In 1964 Shiatsu was acknowledged as a separate therapy on its own in Japan. Everyone practising Shiatsu in Japan should obtain a licence from the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Licensing also requires that Shiatsu practitioners study a 2,500-hour educational program of Shiatsu therapy lasting about three years in the universities or colleges authorized by the Ministry of Health and Welfare and pass the national exam.

2. Technique used and ingredients in treatment

The second difference between Shiatsu and Western massage is in technique and in the use of ingredients like oils and spices. Shiatsu technique relies on finger and palm pressure, while western massage uses a rubbing motion. Since shiatsu does not involve rubbing, no oil or lotion is ever used during a treatment.

3. Philosophy of Western Massage and Shiatsu

The third and main difference comes from the philosophy behind Western Massage and Shiatsu.

The principal difference between Shiatsu and other modern Western forms of bodywork, e.g., Swedish massage, is that Shiatsu is a form of holistic healing while modern Western massage is based on conventional Western views of wellness and healing. Western massage usually considers the human body the domain of the masseur while the mind is the domain of psychology and psychiatry. Adapting a holistic approach, Shiatsu regulates the nervous system and promotes natural healing by stimulating chemical responses in the body.

Western massage is based on the idea that muscle tension and improper alignment may cause or worsen physical, mental and internal imbalances. Massage techniques attempt to reduce tension within the body to facilitate the free flow of blood and energy. This in turn makes the major systems of the body (immune, circulatory, nervous, etc.) to be better able to naturally heal disease and promote health and well-being.

In Shiatsu, there are 838 basic shiatsu pressure points, or Atten in Japanese, located on the muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lymph vessels, bones and endocrine glands. Depending on the condition of the body, the therapist applies proper types of pressure. The tighter the muscles are, the lighter the pressure. As the muscles relax, the pressure becomes deeper but is always firm and steady. This triggers the release of hormones and body chemicals necessary to heal, to soothe and to make you mind and body perform optimally. This method of triggering the own healing system of the body does not produce side effects or toxins and is thus a totally healthy way of getting relief from ailments.

Looked at casually from far Shiatsu whole-body charts can be confused with Qi or meridian charts used in Chinese medicine. But Namikoshi Shiatsu practitioners are quick to point out that Namikoshi's style of Shiatsu places emphasis only on regions based on anatomy and physiology rather than on energy channels/pathways/meridians. Shiatsu works the whole body (including doing stretches).

4. Derivative treatments

The last area of difference between Shiatsu and Western massage is that of derivatives. Derivative Shiatsu usually refers to the other current styles of Shiatsu, which have evolved after Namikoshi Shiatsu, such as Meridian Shiatsu, Zen Shiatsu, Tao Shiatsu, Tsubo Shiatsu, Ohashiatsu and Quantum Shiatsu. None of these derivative styles are recognised by the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Within Western massage there are many styles and techniques, which focus on particular areas of the body (e.g., deep tissue massage, tendo-muscular massage, scalp massage, etc.). However, Western Massage can be broadly grouped into three camps, sports massage, well-being massage and erotic massage. Sports massage aims to get the athlete in fit shape and ensure superior performance. Creating a certain type of ambience with candles, colours, incense or music is very important to well-being and erotic massage but almost totally absent in sports massage. The camp of well-being massage displays the widest divergence in different types of derivative forms like aromatherapy, reflexology or deep tissue massage.

Sensuous massage or erotic massage has been a derivative of traditional massage for centuries in all parts of the world but to date there is no sensuous or erotic Shiatsu therapy.

Shiatsu and Western massage do have common ground but differ much in theory, philosophy and practice. However, in spite of the differences, the aim of both systems is the same - a balanced, healthy and happy individual.


  • Tokujiro Namikoshi, Japanese Finger-Pressure Therapy Shiatsu. Japan Publishing - (1974)

  • Tokujiro Namikoshi, SHIATSU; HEALTH AND VITALITY AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Japan Publishing - (1971)

  • The Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy

  • The Shiatsupractor Association of Canada

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Some Benefits of Massage - The Power of Touch

Massage can be used for relaxation, stimulation or rehabilitation of the whole body, or just part of it. Although all too often we only ever treat ourselves to a massage therapy when our bodies are exhausted and we have over exerted ourselves and we are feeling a bit burnt out...

Massage is a technique derived from many cultures, used for various reasons; comfort, touch, communication and a safe non threatening natural therapy, whatever the power of touch is of real benefit and can heal the mind body and soul... So treating ourselves to regular massage therapies and experiencing all the various types of treatments available is of real benefit to our well being.

There are so many benefits to a good massage treatment, and if added to our routine of body maintenance it can help us in so many ways, the real pick you up treatment, the buzz and the healing and nurturing effects of a good massage are so beneficial...experience it for yourself.

Soothing- for most of us we hold and retain all the everyday stress we encounter and the soothing touch of massage when applied to the body can reduce stress and improve our general well being. A massage therapy that combines a soothing touch when applied with oils and creams can simply smooth away all our stress and lift our mood.

Comforting - the power of touch is so comforting, from all ages we all appreciate the comfort gained from touch, as children when we fell and hurt ourselves the gentle touch from our parents comforted us and " massaged " away the pain and discomfort... even animals licking their wounds and healing the pain... never under estimate the comfort of touch. When we are upset and anxious, following bereavement or relationship stress and anxiety, massage therapies can comfort us and leave us feeling safe and secure. It's a natural therapy and the power of touch can be the strongest non-invasive therapy.

Physiological - In addition to all the psychological benefits of massage there are all the true physical benefits... massage can improve the circulation, remove dead skin cells, remove toxins improving the lymphatic system, and encourage better breathing and all of these benefits can be achieved through regular body massage treatments.

Clients all enjoy different types of massage, with so many to choose from and all of these treatments offering their own benefit, do some research and book a few types of massage to see which type works best for you.

Some of the more gentle therapies such as aromatherapy massage, or lymphatic drainage massage can improve the circulation, remove toxins and combined with the power of aromatic essential oils can soothe, uplift, energise, relax or stimulate.

Stronger massage therapies like deep tissue massage or sport massage is beneficial for releasing the tension in the muscle and for restoring the balance. After any sports injury the massage therapy will improve the muscle flexibility and reduce swelling and assist the body to recover and repair the injury that has been sustained.

So there are real benefits to massage treatments, and more and more clients are seeing the improvement in their well being, the improved sleep patterns, reduction in stress, and better muscular structure.

If you have never experienced massage it's not too late...

There are many therapists that can visit your home; there are therapists that work from health clubs, spas or home studio. Whatever type of massage treatment you want, if you feel more comfortable with a male or a female therapist, even speak to your friends, often first timers feel more comfortable with a therapist that has been recommended to them.

Go on book yourself a massage and experience the benefits for yourself.

Basic Massage Therapy Techniques As a Natural Medical Remedy

Massage therapy is a natural medical remedy for many ailments like chronic headaches, insomnia, constipation, joint pains, and many more. According to a trusted massage spa is Sarasota, FL, regular sessions of therapeutic massage can help increase your chances of avoiding colds and muscle fatigue by 4 times.

Different massage techniques can target different conditions. Dr. Annie Bond of Sarasota explained some of the common massage techniques that help improve certain physical conditions.

SWEDISH MASSAGE uses soothing, tapping and kneading strokes to work the entire body, relieving muscle tension and loosening sore joints. Swedish massage therapists use five basic strokes for the treatment. They are effleurage-stroking; petrissage-muscles are lightly grabbed and lifted; friction-thumbs and fingertips work in deep circles into the thickest part of muscles; tapotement-chopping beating, and tapping strokes; and vibration-fingers are pressed or flattened firmly on a muscle, then the area is shaken rapidly for a few seconds. A According to a Venice, FL massage therapist, Swedish massage is ideal for people experiencing insomnia and muscle fatigue.

DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE targets chronic tension in muscles that lie far below the surface of your body. You have five layers of muscle in your back, and most massages like the Swedish massage, can only reach the first two layers. A deep tissue massage uses slow strokes, direct pressure or friction movements that go across the grain of the muscles. Massage therapists will use their fingers, thumbs or occasionally even elbows to apply the needed pressure. According to one massage spa in Sarasota, many patients feel sore after a deep tissue treatment, but this is just a natural reaction of the body to the heavy and slow strokes.

SPORTS MASSAGES are designed to help athletes train and perform better. The techniques are similar to those in Swedish and deep tissue massage, but a Sarasota therapist says a sports massage has been adapted to meet the athlete's special needs. Pre-competition massage can help warm up muscles and improve circulation before competition, but it can also energize or relax an athlete and help him focus on the competition. Post-competition sports massage can detoxify the body of waste products and hasten recovery.

REFLEXOLOGY is a bit different from most massages because it focuses on vital points on our hands and feet. This massage technique works with the idea that there are specific points on our hands and feet, directly connected to our organs like the liver, heart, lungs, etc. Reflexology manipulates these points in order to improve the functions of our organs or even treat it from its dysfunction. However, a Sarasota massage spa suggests that pregnant women avoid this massage because it could induce labor.

PREGNANCY MASSAGE is designed, strictly for the pregnant woman. This massage is also known as a prenatal massage. A Venice, FL massage therapist says the technique help pregnant women get through the common pains of pregnancy like back ache, leg cramps, headaches, and anxiety. Using a special massage table that can accommodate the growing belly, the therapist then targets the lower back, the legs, and neck, and the head. One Sarasota therapist reiterates the importance of avoiding the hands and feet during a pregnancy massage because it can cause premature labor.

Getting a therapeutic massage one a month can sometimes make all the difference. Make sure you subscribe the help of a professional Sarasota massage therapist before you set an appointment.

Methods of Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is the condition of pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint accompanied by loss of motion. An inflammation in or around the shoulder may trigger the body's normal defensive response of stiffness. When the shoulder becomes stiff, it becomes too painful too move. Someone with frozen shoulder may not be able to reach above and over the head or touch the back.

While there is no definite cause of frozen shoulder, over 90 percent of patients experience full recovery. Doctors recommend physical therapy for frozen shoulder as the best treatment.

Physical therapy for frozen shoulder starts with reducing the pain and stiffness of the shoulder and increasing blood circulation through heat. One effective way of the heating method is taking a 10-minute hot shower or bath. Alternatively, the physical therapist may apply heat to your shoulder locally with the use of heating pads, wraps or towels. Hot water bottles and heat creams and ointments may also be used.

Shoulder massage is also a good way to start physical therapy for frozen shoulder as it increases the flow of blood and oxygen into the area. Once pain is reduced either through heating or through massage, the therapist proceeds with a series of physical therapy exercises.

In physical therapy for frozen shoulder, you will first perform weight and non-weight stretching exercises to improve the flexibility of your shoulder joint. The common exercises include arm swing with weights, arm raise, overhead stretch, stretching your arms across your body, and towel stretch.

It is important to note that during these stretching exercises, you should feel tension but you should not overstretch your shoulder to the point where you feel pain or severe discomfort. These exercises are done once or twice daily until the shoulder restores its normal range of movement.

Your doctor will advise you should you need to perform other exercises to tone and strengthen your shoulder muscles such as rotation exercises. Remember not to force movement in your shoulder. This does not mean you should not move it at all but instead to limit activities that may further injure your shoulder.

If physical therapy for frozen shoulder does not work for you, your doctor may recommend surgical treatment. The good news is physical therapy for frozen shoulder is usually enough for patients to get effective results that improve with time. If you have frozen shoulder, consult a physical therapist and get the treatment that you need.

Hospital Outpatient Rehab Clinics Can Move From Paper to Computer With Physical Therapy Software

Treatment for aching bones, joints and  muscles is the sole specialty of the Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin. The Glendale, Wis.-based hospital sees a steady stream of patients who require physical and occupational therapy. Because of high patient demand, the hospital's state-of-the-art rehabilitation clinic grew from having a handful of therapists on staff to having 16 clinicians in just a few years. During the growth spurt, the clinic experienced problems with its manual processes for information management. Therapy clinic scheduling was the thorniest challenge. Patients were turning up for appointments that weren't on the books.

Front-desk staff and clinicians were at odds over who was to blame. Todd Heikkinen, director of rehabilitation services, decided it was time to toss the clinic's scheduling books in favor of a physical therapy software system. As a result, those errors have fallen off to near zero. What's more, the department has witnessed an 80 percent improvement in the timeliness and accuracy of therapist documentation by implementing the therapy software. The new system also came with the unexpected advantage of ensuring complete accuracy in therapist billing and coding, says Heikkinen. He calls that fact huge and says it allows him to rest easy about the prospect of a visit from JCAHO or Medicare.

The Orthopaedic Hospital of Wisconsin is a relatively young facility, and since they were only beginning with a small clinic (a staff of six or seven clinicians), the hospital's rehabilitation department chugged along with old-fashioned information management processes. "We used paper scheduling books and paper charts," says Heikkinen. "All of our statistics were compiled manually out of the scheduling books." The paper-based system wasn't ideal, but it worked - for a time. With each new therapist hired, however, the office began to experience an exponential increase in scheduling errors.

Just eight months after opening its doors, the clinic reached a crisis point with its manual recordkeeping methods. It needed an automated information management solution, and fast. "Front desk employees had to deal with patients who were coming in at incorrect times or whose appointments had been erased," says Heikkinen. "It created friction between patients, the front desk and clinicians. These errors triggered tense moments." When the clinic's staff reached critical mass at about 14 or 15 therapists, the system had cracked. "The small systems just weren't working for us anymore," says Heikkinen.

Heikkinen wanted a new system that would improve the accuracy and dependability of the clinic's scheduling system. He also wanted help monitoring the clinic's workflow and performance. Finally, he hoped to find a system whose reporting capabilities would allow him to provide an accurate portrait of the practice - on demand - to Orthopaedic Hospital's CEO and owners. "My concern was for accuracy above all else," says Heikkinen. "I wanted a fail-safe system for therapy scheduling, clinical documentation and administration." The industry movement toward an electronic health record also swayed Heikkinen's decision. "I don't think anyone disagrees that the electronic health record is going to be a standard feature everywhere in a short period of time," he says. "It's important not to end up so far behind that it's difficult to catch up."

After examining several products, Heikkinen selected a comprehensive physical therapy software  to solve his clinic's scheduling woes and other errorprone processes. He found a system that had everything he wanted. Some products he looked at had great scheduling programs; others had great documentation modules. But there was only one proven software program superior in tying all of the administrative and clinical information management aspects together.  He had found a therapy software system that had seamless integration.

What the front desk enters into the system automatically appears in the clinicians' systems and in the administrator's system. There's no duplication of data entry or room for more errors. It all happens behind the scenes electronically in one unified suite of software. Four or five key staff members attended a demonstration for the software to confirmed Heikkinen's choice.  As clinicians, they particularly liked the point-and-click menu system, which meant they wouldn't have to type so much. "They appreciated being able to click boxes instead of typing sentences," says Heikkinen. "The knowledge base is very thorough. It's rare that a clinician would have to type in a sentence that doesn't fit the normal flow of the knowledge base." Some of the systems Heikkinen rejected had clunky interfaces that required clinicians to use a lot of keyboard commands. "Those systems would never fly at my practice," he says.

After implementing the software, the rehabilitation clinic decided to eliminate even more manual processes. It asked the software company to integrate to the main hospital system, one for medical records and one for billing. "We were an island that was functioning well, but to get billing information from the rehab software to our hospital system, was a manual process," says Heikkinen. The software interface connected to the hospital's document management system. Medical records transfers that once required 100 hours of labor now took only 20 minutes with the  interface.

Accuracy in therapy scheduling and in other aspects of clinical information management has improved nearly to the point of perfection since the clinic implemented a physical therapy software system.   "Errors are obviously still going to occur," says Heikkinen, "but with this system, we can find out where the process is breaking down and deal with it." Heikkinen has noticed improvements in clinic productivity, even though this was not an explicit goal of the implementation. Therapists who were quick on paper are "fast as lightening on the therapy software," he says. However, those who always took a lot of time to complete their paperwork still take a lot of time on the electronic system. Nevertheless, says Heikkinen, the clinic has seen an 80 percent improvement in the timeliness and accuracy of therapists' documentation. Moreover, the system makes it easy to monitor workflow.  

Physical Therapy Software helps root out any issues before they turn into bigger problems, but with paper charts there's no way to know if somebody's beginning to drown." As director of the rehabilitation department, Heikkinen may be asked at any time to give a snapshot of his service line's business to the CEO or other top executives. The software allows him to do that. Productivity figures, referral patterns and reimbursement rates are just a few of the reports available at his fingertips. "With this therapy software, I can generate a report on anything I want to see, for any time frame, within three or four keystrokes," says Heikkinen. "The system gives me hard numbers to show exactly how the practice is doing. With a manual practice that's impossible. You'd be looking at chart audits, and only dealing with a rough estimation."

One benefit of the rehab software that surprised Heikkinen is its accuracy in therapist billing and coding. The importance of this feature is huge, he says. While working for previous employers, he always dreaded the moment when JCAHO or Medicare would come around to do their inspections. What if they pulled the one chart showing how a therapist billed four units instead of two? "With our new therapy software, there's literally zero concern over that issue," says Heikkinen. "All a therapist has to do is enter what they did with the patient. The software automatically converts that into the proper billing amount. It's all perfectly done, every time."

The Benefits of Massage For Infants

As a new parent it is daunting knowing exactly what activity to introduce to your baby and what value it will bring to your baby's life. You want to give your baby the best, the best love care and attention. Yet it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available to you. I remember when my daughters were new-born I was so confused about the array of baby products you buy this gadget, feed your baby this formula or take her to every mother-baby group....It was all too much. I wanted something, simple, affordable, and brought joy to the parenting process. That is why I started baby massage.

What Is Baby /Infant Massage?

Baby massage consists of a series of gentle simple stroking movements over your baby's body. You can undress your baby and massage her as part of her daily care routine or you can slip in a quick massage during the day when she is wearing her clothes.

What Are The Benefits Of Baby Massage?

If you have ever received a massage you will know how relax, energised and stretched you feel afterwards. Baby massage has the same benefit for your baby.

There are many physical and psychological benefits from giving your baby a gentle massage.

Five Main Benefits of Baby Massage

1. Improves Confidence. Baby massage helps you to get used to touching your baby. If you are apprehensive or unsure how to handle your baby, giving her a simple massage can help you feel more confident and assured in your ability to carry and touch your baby.

2. Enhances Communication. Every time you massage your baby, you pick up non verbal and verbal cues about how they feel and what parts of their body like stroking. This information is useful if your baby feels distressed, unhappy or cold. You learn how to respond quicker to their needs.

3.Eases Parental Stress. Parenting is stressful and hard work. Giving your baby a massage allows you time to sit down, relax and enjoy quiet time with your baby. The more relaxed and comfortable you are it becomes easier for your baby to settle and enjoy a good nights sleep. A definite boom for you.

4.Stimulates Circulation and Digestion. As you massage your baby you help to stimulate all her bodily systems especially the digestive and nervous system. This makes it easier for your baby to settle and be contented. Feeding and sleeping play a central role in your baby's life. So the easier it is for your daughter to digest her food and sleep the happier she grows.

5.Encourages Bonding.If you had a difficult birth or your baby has a medical problem or you suffer from post natal depression, it is hard to bond with your baby. Massaging encourages you to slowly get used to looking after your baby and spending quality time with her.

Are There Are Disadvantages Of Baby Massage?

Although massage is fine, it is best to wait till your baby has had their 6-8 weeks check before progressing on more advance massage techniques involving moving the hips. Always listen and respect your baby. if at any time they look distressed or uncomfortable, stop what you are doing and give them time to readjust and settle down.

As your baby grows you can still give them a massage. My "babies" are now teenagers yet they still love me giving them their hand or foot massage as part of their "wind down- bedtime routine!".

I urge you to find out more about the benefits of baby massage. Maybe there is a class near you or you can look online for in-depth articles and videos.

Knee Physical Therapy

What is the largest joint in our body? Answer: The Knee.

The knee is the connecting point of a total of three bones in our legs: the lower end of the thigh bone or the femur, the upper end of the shinbone or the tibia, and the knee cap or the patella. Other parts of the knee are the cartilage or the shock absorbing cushions in between muscles, the tendons or the cords connecting muscles to bones, and the ligament or the bands connecting our bones to other bones. Any damage to all of these parts are accounted for by a Knee physical therapy, and just the ligament alone is so vulnerable to pulling, stretching and tearing, and with each knee having four major supporting ligaments: the anterior cruciate ligament or ACL at the center of knee, the posterior cruciate ligament or PCL also at the center, the lateral collateral ligament or LCL at the outer knee, and the medial collateral ligament or MCL at the inner knee - Oh the pains of a sprain! and much more other knee ailments. Knee physical therapy deals with damages to all these bones and parts altogether - so what better reason to take care of it!

Knee physical therapy injury prevention itself does so much in providing a better health for our knees. Being one of the most easily injured joints in the human body, the knee rightly deserves its warm- ups, before it lies fateful to Cartilage Injuries, Chrondromalacia, Tendon Injuries, Iliotibial Band Syndrome, Osgood-Schlatter Disease, Osteochondritis Dissecans, Plica Syndrome, or Arthritis.

If you are already suffering from any of these, then you should be in luck for knee physical therapy. Whether you are lying cooperatively on an injury RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation), or just watching your way for tripping stones, whether you have knee injury or knee pain, recovering from injury, or plainly trying to avoid it - Knee physical therapy can handle it all, as long as you get it immediately.

Yes there are other procedures to hold your back beyond a knee physical therapy, yet should you go that extra mile of surgery, arthroscopy, or knee replacement? Knee physical therapy offers easy access to prevention, emergency, or rehabilitation. Following simpler processes such as evaluation, therapy, education, and aftercare, knee physical therapy can literally make you good to go. Try to jump, stand, run, and pivot - jump for joy if you have a healthy knee!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Mystery Of Chiropractic Care Explained

Chiropractic, also chiropraxis, is derived from the Greek words cheir meaning hand, and practikos meaning to do or efficient. In simpler terms, it means done by hand. Chiropractic care is a therapeutic system based on the belief that physical disorders are a result of a malfunctioning nervous system. It also has as its doctrine that the body is self-healing. Spinal manipulation is the primary treatment that chiropractors employ because it is theorized that the realignment of the spinal cord will restore a person's normal health condition.

According to Chapman-Smith, Chiropractic is classified as complementary and alternative medicine or CAM. It is non pharmaceutical and nonsurgical. However, it should always be kept in mind that it may never replace the benefits of drugs and surgery in cases where these are the most viable options to get well.

Originally, chiropractic has existed in many cultures long before the 19th century, but Daniel D. Palmer, a grocer and a magnetic healer, is famous for the technique. He founded the modern chiropractic theory during the 1890s and a school seven years later. In his theory, Palmer stresses that all communication is directly associated with the spine, and its misalignment can cause physical disorders relating to the spine and other body parts.

After his death, his son B.J. carried on his work. Faculty member from the college he has established were divided over the role of sublaxation in disease. Sublaxation is a descriptive method of identifying and/or describing the signs and symptoms of the spinal column. It is usually a term common to straight chiropractors.

Neuromusculoskeletal disorders often result to low back pain, high blood pressure and headache and in chiropractic; these are treated via manual/physical therapy, exercise programs, diet management and lifestyle counseling. Manual/physical therapy may cause muscle spasms and acute muscular pains, but these go away in a matter of days after therapy and are deemed harmless side effects.

Traditionally, chiropractors aren't recognized by the medical community, but since its practice has been backed up by science, medical associations have come to acknowledge it benefits for ailing patients. Today, chiropractic claims its place in the medical world, although not as solid a background it has in the hospital scene, more doctors refer to this treatment as effective. Also, since it is non pharmaceutical and non surgical, patients or people have become more willing to try its benefits. Chiropractors are usually licensed to do the job. They have gone intense training and have been certified to practice.

Tips for Massage Therapists to Provide Massage Therapy to Special Needs Clients

Massage therapists often work with clients who have physical and mental disabilities, and they should be prepared to identify potential contraindications in order to best provide massage therapy to this population. Often, special needs clients may not disclose medical ailments or their need for accommodation until they arrive for the appointment, so it is up to massage therapists to be well educated about situations when it is, and when it is not appropriate to provide massage therapy services.

Special Needs

The term "special needs" is broad, and encompasses a large spectrum of minor to severe needs ranging from mobility assistance, to cognitive impairments, to clients with medical ailments. When special needs clients make an appointment for a massage therapy, they often (but sometimes do not) disclose that they have a physiological or mental impairment that may require special assistance. For massage therapists, it is best to be aware and prepared to work with clients who require additional attention and techniques to provide a quality massage while not compromising the client's health or safety.

Educating Yourself

How would you work with special needs clients who require a wheelchair for mobility? How will you approach treatment with a client who has had a full skin graft on his or her back? How do you provide massage therapy to a client with a history of seizures? For many massage therapists, the answers to these questions are often guesses at best, and educating yourself about possible special-needs situations can help you become knowledge and prepare for any unforeseen needs and potential contraindications.

For example, special needs clients with mobility issues may not be able to assume a supine or prone position on a conventional massage table to receive massage therapy. While a massage chair is a possible alternative, some clients may not want to / be able to move from their wheelchair and must be treated in a seated position. By being prepared with supportive pillows and bolsters, massage therapists can massage a client while they are in a comfortable position in their own chair. Be sure to educate your client about what you are doing during the massage therapy session, and why you are doing it. When working with special needs clients, ensuring their emotional and physical comfort should be one of your highest priorities.

Another example is working with clients with visual or hearing impairments. How will you communicate with your client if it is difficult for them to see or hear you? For clients who are hearing impaired, massage therapists should always know to establish a set of mutually agreed upon hand signals, or have a piece of paper and pen prepared to write down questions or statements. Just because special needs clients may not be able to hear you is no reason to not attempt to communicate things during the massage therapy session like "are you too hot or too cold?" "Is the pressure ok?" "Are you ready to roll over?" As with hearing impairments, massage therapists should also be prepared to modify their method of communication with special needs clients who have visual impairments. Before you begin the massage, describe the room, assist the client to the table, and explain where everything is. Do not move anything once you have described the layout, as this can be disorienting to your client. During a massage therapy session, clearly describe everything you are about to do, and give the client a moment to give his or her consent.

One more example is working with special needs clients who have medical conditions that may be ambiguous to the massage therapist. In school, massage therapists are educated about working with clients with autoimmune disorders, and communicative diseases. But what about clients with full-back skin grafts? What about a client who discloses that she occasionally has seizures? What about working with a terminally ill client? These special needs clients are examples of conditions that massage therapists will likely encounter during their practice, and each therapist should anticipate these concerns and prepare accordingly to provide quality massage therapy.

Preparing Your Practice for Special Needs Clients

For a standard massage therapy session, many massage therapists have a room set up with at least a table, a bolster, extra sheets, candles, and a headrest. But fewer massage therapists have a closet full of bolsters of various shapes (triangular, thin, thick, circular, flat), a massage chair to accommodate clients who cannot lie supine or prone, lights that can dim or brighten depending on a client's visual needs, or an erasable board to communicate with clients with hearing impairments.

Physically preparing accessories and the layout of your room for a massage therapy session can increase the positive experience had by special needs clients exponentially. Additionally, massage therapists should consider how clients will even get to your massage room. Are the hallways in your practice large enough to accommodate clients of all sizes, and clients in wheelchairs? Is your practice ADA compliant with stairs and a ramp to the front door and a method of moving from one floor to another such as an elevator?

Finally, are you advertising that your massage therapy practice is welcoming of special needs clients? By writing a sentence on your website such as "I am pleased to work with all clients, and request that you inform me of any special needs prior to making your appointment. I appreciate this extra time you give me to arrange your massage room, make a spot for any assistance animals, and prepare to provide you with a quality massage", massage therapists can let everyone know that they provide massage for special needs clients.

Continuing Education

As previously stated, "special needs" is a broad term and encompasses many medical, emotional, and physiological needs. There is a wealth of printed material about providing massage therapy to special needs clients, and these should be read by massage therapists to best prepare to accommodate all clients. Additionally, always understand that the client you are working with knows their condition better than anyone (including you). Ask them about prior massage treatments, and what did and did not work for them in the past. Always be mindful that they are above all people and clients with special needs - not a problem or a challenge to overcome.

More massage schools are offering continuing education courses about accommodating special needs clients, and massage therapists often have the chance to learn about ADA compliance, medical contraindications, complementary therapies, medical massage, and much more. It is always a good idea to educate yourself to stay informed about best practices to serve all clients. Subscribe (if you do not already) to a trade journal or newsletter about special needs massage. Therapists should read articles on reputable message boards about accommodating special needs clients, and always be prepared to identify potential complications in order to give the best massage therapy possible.

Why Doctor Advised For Regular Swedish Massage Therapy Session?

Swedish massage is the most common form of relaxation massage and also most popular modern holistic massage techniques. Tapping motions are used in Swedish massage therapy to stimulate the body's circulation system leading to a variety of positive effects on overall health. Effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, compression, and vibration are the main strokes in Swedish massage.

Long flowing motions are used in Swedish massage therapy and the direction of these strokes is in the direction of the heart.

Key benefits of Swedish massage?

Swedish massage increases oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. This massage shortens helps muscle to recover quickly from muscular strain by flushing the tissues of lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic wastes.

Swedish massage stretches the ligaments and tendons keeping them supple and pliable and also increases blood circulation. The increase blood circulation stimulates the skin and nervous system and soothes the nerves themselves at the same time.

Physician often advised to take regular Swedish massage as it reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management. Swedish massage helps in several different physical complexities. Regular massage therapy sessions are the best way to receive the healing powers of Swedish massage.

How to set up environment for good Swedish massage therapy session

The Swedish massage uses that of long flowing strokes which are in the direction of the heart, and these strokes helps to improve circulation and blood flow. There is usually a massage cream or lotion applied to the skin in order to reduce the wrong kind of friction and to allow for smoother strokes.

4 suggestions for Massage therapist

1. Set up a relaxing and comfortable environment

2. There should not be any interruption during massage therapy session.

3. Room should have mild temperature

4. There should be dim lights in the room or better candlelight; for an enhanced effect, try lighting aromatherapy candles.

You can also use Swedish massage chair to have the massage therapy at your home. However, many believes that occasional visit to licensed massage therapist has no substitute.

Becoming An Effective Massage Therapist

Our body needs to be pampered right after a long and tiring day at work. You have to free your mind from several stress stimuli and be comforted by a therapeutic massage that promotes utmost rest and relaxation period. Pressures, tension and anxiety can be present anywhere. Therefore, you have to counter it with a touch of comfort in order to bring balance.

Being a therapist has a lot of things to consider. She must have the desire and willingness to do the job with a whole heart since kneading could greatly affect a client's mood and general health condition. Body massage could be that simple but its health benefits are tremendous. Every pressure point has a definite equivalent to the body. Therefore, rubdown must be performed with care and delicacy. Once you've decided to become a therapist, an extensive training must be acquired. As mentioned earlier, each pressure point has an equivalent effect to the human body. That's why it is very important to learn the dos and don'ts of this therapy. By undergoing necessary trainings, you will definitely improve your skills in rendering therapeutic care, eventually.

There are different courses being offered in order to become a credible therapist. You can even choose a modality as to which area you want to specialize. The modality you're going to use in rendering a therapeutic care would always depend on the physical condition and health needs of the patient. There are some techniques intended for relaxation while others are used for aiding body impurities and impairments. Keep in mind that the main goal of your job is to rejuvenate the body and be able to attain freedom from pain and stresses. For this reason alone, a therapist must really take necessary measures with enough knowledge in order to satisfy the needs of the client.

In using special techniques to delicate patients such as pregnant mothers, infants and stroke patients, adequate knowledge and skill is also a requirement. You cannot just give anything to the mentioned clients above. Remember that circulation and nerve endings are greatly affected in every pressure that is being introduced to the body. You have to make certain that acupuncture or other stroke movement is not contraindicated to your client so that complications will be avoided.

Health clubs and spa clinics require highly qualified personnel so that the treatment they would render to the clients are surely comforting. Be aware that a therapist who does not obtain enough skill could actually add to the stress that the patient feels. Therefore, as personnel who provide therapeutic care, be very sure to give comfort and alleviate the patient's suffering and not to aggravate his condition. Ensure patient's safety too and always aim for a good feedback.

Do not confuse yourself to physical therapists and massage therapists because they have different job descriptions. Physical therapists are more focused on previously injured or disabled patients. It requires thorough knowledge and a college degree in order to complete the course. You must also obtain the license to practice.

Risks and Benefits of Thalassotherapy

Massage therapies are by far one of the safer types of medical care when properly conducted by a good therapist. However, even the most natural treatment of all is not exempted with the possible risks and dangers of acquiring injuries, aggravating the patient's current condition, or delivering additional devastating blows to the client. On the other hand, there are ways to make sure that you are getting a safer type of treatment in a massage therapy.

Thalassotherapy is a form of holistic modality that uses sea, warm water, seawater, and related products for health and wellness purposes. The therapy is a popular alternative for balneotherapy, watsu, and other types of water treatment. The therapy is commonly used in treating medical conditions such as asthma, arthritis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, and other sorts of ailments, disorders, and dysfunctions. The therapy program is also used for the purpose of weight loss and for detoxifying the body naturally.

The benefits received from a Thalassotherapy session can be quite numerous due to its complex methods of delivering and promoting health and well being in an individual. The main purpose of this type of water therapy is to detoxify the body from harmful toxins and elements that can cause various health issues when left inside the human body. Although this is the common use of the therapy on most patients, there are still other purposes that attract many clients to using the techniques of the medical care. The therapy is great for enhancing the metabolism of an individual which is an essential ingredient for people who are into the weight loss program. It also helps in resolving digestion disorders which may lead to uncomfortable and painful conditions. The water therapy is also known for its effectiveness in providing treatment for various medical conditions such as arthritis, bronchitis, hypertension, scabies, muscle atrophy, eczema, muscle pain and all sorts of painful conditions. It is also used for de-stressing purposes as it is highly effective and powerful in releasing stress, tension, and fatigue from the mind and body of a patient in order to achieve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual enlightenment.

The risks of Thalassotherapy are less and not that significant as compared to its advantages to the human health. However, it is a wise move to respect the possibilities that it can cause more harm to the patient when done in the wrong way. The common errors done during the therapy session is the use of the pressurized jet sprayer. Although it does not do any major damages or injuries to the client, it can cause traumas to the patient when used in the wrong way. Anything done improperly can leave negative impacts to the client that's why it is very important to make sure that the therapist knows what he or she is doing. The practitioner should also stay focused and alert throughout the whole duration of the therapy session to avoid causing health problems.

In general, the therapy is more on the safer side than risky when conducted by a certified practitioner or therapist.

The Health Benefits Of Massage Therapy Training

Imagine this: you're a recreational runner who suffers from leg pain. It's not often, but enough to make you consider giving it up, which you don't want to do because the health benefits have been phenomenal. Massage therapy training can help you to overcome this - relatively easily.

If you suffer from joint pain or stiffness, massage therapy can help you learn to deal with it so that you can continue to indulge in the activities you enjoy. Many people are unaware of just how effective and beneficial this therapeautic method can be.

If you're not convinced, consider this: the art hasn't been round for thousands of years for naught. In ancient cultures, massage was used to treat a variety of ailments we're used to reaching for a pill bottle to cure today.

There are many types of massage - to date, some 80 techniques according to experts. Take shiatsu massage for example. It has been known to cure and/or greatly relieve rheumatism.

Another type, lymphedema massage therapy, has been used to drain fluid from affected areas of the body. Massage therapy training teaches you how to press, stroke and rub affected areas to do this. In fact, lymphedema massage is accepted by the medical profession as a way to treat lymphedema.

If you're with child, there are massage techniques especially for pregnant women to help alleviate back pain, joint swelling and more. These techniques are designed to help you relax, allowing for a stress-free, healthy pregnancy.

There are but a few of the various types of training in this discipline you can receive.

Massage Therapy Training Schools

Now that you know the benefits of this type of therapy you may be interested in learning about what to look for in a school that teaches it. While there are some excellent schools in this, the healthcare education niche, there are specifics you should look for no matter where you decide to go.

The main things you want to look for in an institution is one that is accredited, offers training in a variety of massage therapy methods and has qualified instructors.

Whether your interest in massage therapy training is strictly recreational, or more professional, it offers a plethora of benefits to help you enjoy a healthy life for years to come.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sports Physical Therapy Jobs

Sports physical therapy specifically focuses on healing strained muscles and improving athletic performance. Sports physical therapy service providers offer the most up-to-date PT and wellness practices for all age groups to treat sports and work related injuries and disorders resulting from accidents, surgery and trauma. They also provide suitable training programs to help prevent further injury. Such jobs carry attractive benefits and job satisfaction; these healthcare jobs are available for suitably qualified professionals in the field.

Focused on Restoring Flexibility and Strength of Athletes

Sports physical therapy professionals utilize their skill and knowledge to evaluate and improve movement of the body through physical therapy and exercise. They design treatment plans for the athletes. Therapy assistants and aides work in conjunction with therapists to provide excellent care before, during and after sports events.

Entry Level Requirements

In order to practice in the United States, a sports physical therapist is required to pass a state licensure exam after securing a master's degree from a recognized educational program. Those with an associate degree or certificate program in sports PT can work as therapy assistant. A high school diploma is essential to become a therapy aide. Aides receive on the job training to advance their career.

Besides academic qualifications, qualified therapists must have good knowledge of sports to design rehabilitation programs and a strong desire to treat athletes.

Career in Sports Medicine-Advantages

In the United States, there are great job options for sports physical therapy professionals in sports medicine clinics, professional clubs, fitness centers and institutions. This profession gives you the option to choose your own hours - full time or part time.

Professionals can enjoy a rewarding career that offers great benefits including:

• Additional state license
• Continuing education
• Healthcare insurance
• Immigration processing
• Paid housing
• Short-term disability insurance
• Competitive salaries
• Section 125 Cafeteria plan
• Job bonuses
• Relocation expenses
• Professional liability insurance
• 401(k) retirement savings plan

Established Recruiting Agencies Ensure the Best Jobs

Register your resume with an established medical staffing solution providing company. Such a company would find jobs that meet your individual preferences.

Breaking Into The Field Of Physical Therapy

Are you an individual who is interested in helping people recover from physical injuries or physical limitations due to disease, age, or birth defects? This is the world of physical therapy, and it is one of the few professions that have not been hard hit by our economy, making it a great career choice. Also, because the unemployment rate is so high, now would be the perfect time to start getting the education that you need to enter the world of physical therapists!

You will need a Master's degree to work as a physical therapist; however, you should always first check with the state that you reside in to make sure what is required for licensure before you enroll into any degree program. Each state varies with its requirements for state and national testing, plus they will all want that the school where you earn your degree to be current with its accreditation.

In the year 2020, the American Physical Therapy Association will require for an entry-level position, a Doctorate degree. When searching for a degree program that is right for you, it might be beneficial to find one that combines the Master's degree with a Doctorate degree, which would definitely give you a jump on the competition.

Most schools do not make it mandatory that you have earned your Bachelor's degree in physical therapy; however, there are a number of prerequisites that are necessary before you can enter into Master's degree program. These generally include organic chemistry with lab, general biology with lab, general physics with lab, statistics, calculus, and psychology. One way to complete these classes is online, which will help you with your time frame, while you continue working during the day.

For most schools offering a master's degree in physical therapy, students must have a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.3 along with some experience working/volunteering as a physical therapist assistant. Some degree programs also have a mandatory requirement of 150 hours of clinical experience and a satisfactory score on the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) prior to admission.

The curriculum of any Master's degree program in physical therapy will more than likely include courses in basic medical sciences, biomechanics, neuroanatomy, pathology, and rehabilitative procedures. If you are interested in taking the courses through an online program, you should inquire with the American Physical Therapy Association, whether or not it is recognized and accepted by them before you enroll. After you complete the classroom courses, you will also be required to complete an internship for clinical experience.

Once you have graduated you will need to take and pass the National Physical Therapist Examination (NPTE), and meet any additional requirement your state has before you can become employed. Many physical therapists decide at this point to obtain their certification in a clinical specialty such as pediatrics, geriatric or sports physical therapy. Of course the more qualifications you have the better the job prospects will be.

Software For Physical Therapists: Streamlining Your Billing And Accounts Receivable

If you haven't yet tried the latest software for physical therapists, your PT clinic is probably still struggling to keep up with patient invoicing and accounts receivable. In this day and age, that can quickly cripple the profitability of your practice and even put you in the position of having to justify your invoicing practices. If you still haven't invested in ERP software for physical therapy, you or your office manager need to explore the options and select a program that will fit your clinic's size, income flow and individualized needs. There are several reasons to purchase a comprehensive package for invoicing and other practice management needs, including:

Easy Access To Patient Billing Information

Look for ERP software for physical therapy that gives users quick access to both past and current patient billing information so that you can pull up any information needed when a patient is in your office or has called with a question. Scrambling to find the information can give the impression that your staff is unprofessional or disorganized. Electronic billing solutions can sort information using a wide variety of criteria, including type of health insurance, method of payment and age of the account. Helpful alerts can signal when accounts are past due or delinquent.

Customized Electronic PT Billing Software Decreases Time Between Cycles

We all intend to invoice our patients on a regular schedule, but in many cases, the realities of managing a PT practice can get in the way. Too often, at the end of the month you simply don't have time to manually review accounts receivable, find any aging accounts that are still outstanding, and produce the voluminous number of invoices needed. With customized programs for physical therapists, it's easy to bill regularly without putting in a lot of overtime on nights and weekends. Automation means you can quickly produce accurate invoices that are sorted by a variety of criteria, including types of claim or the insurance coverage provider.

Batch sorting and checking can confirm that insurance forms are filled out properly and that no claims will be rejected for insufficient information. The right electronic PT billing software can even catch mistakes in coding or missing information, cutting down on the time you'll need to spend on filing health coverage appeals.

Improving Professionalism

Any time you or one of your staff physical therapists work with patients, they should be putting forth a professional image that reflects well on your practice as a whole. Hand-written instructions, poorly worded statements and missing information on invoices can undermine your sense of authority. Using software for physical therapists, you can make sure every one of your employees has the opportunity to produce professional looking statements, at-home instructions and treatment records. Patients are more apt to trust therapists who they perceive as professional and organized. These same patients are more likely to stop coming for treatment if they feel that their treatment or their private documents aren't being handled appropriately.

If you haven't yet invested in an ERP program designed for physical therapy practices, don't put it off any longer. Every day without electronic PT billing software is another day you aren't maximizing your profits.

Physical Therapy Assistant Programs And Education Requirements

For someone who desires to be a physical therapy assistant, it is important to first get all the facts and details about physical therapy assistant programs.

This is because there are several requirements that must be met before one can join this career. One needs to get their training from accredited schools. For those taking online lessons, it is also important to ensure the course provider is properly accredited.

PTA programs are intended for those who wish to work in helping patients who are recovering from some physical ailments such as arthritis, heart diseases, fractures and other injuries that may have resulted to some form of disability.

Working with physical therapists, the assistants help patients to improve or regain mobility, reduce pain or even limit the possibility of patients becoming permanently disabled.

They try as much as possible to restore a patients overall health. This means that besides the academic qualifications, one who seeks to join this profession must have the desire to help fellow human beings live more wholesome lives

The daily working routine of a assistant involves assisting patients do some exercises, performing massages, cold or hot packs, performing ultrasound, keeping patient records and electrical stimulation among other duties.

For one to comfortably work as a physical therapy assistant, they must have both physical and emotional stamina. The job requires that one will often lift patients and heavy equipment

Education Requirements
The physical therapy assistant programs require that one acquires an associate degree after an undergraduate course.

Normally, this involves two years of undergraduate training. The training involves both class work and clinical training. During the training, one learns basic life saving skills on top of other scientific courses like physiology and anatomy.

One advantage of pursuing physical therapy assistant programs is that it does not take many years of training as it requires only two years in order to complete the basic training.

At the same time, this program can be a good starting point for one who desires to eventually pursue a full career as a physical therapist. As such, a physical therapy assistant can complete the other required years of training to be a fully fledged physical therapist while still working.

There are many schools offering physical therapy assistant programs. But as already stated one must be careful to ensure that they get their training from accredited institutions. Good training will make a lot of difference between an efficient and successful physical therapy assistant and one who is not.

There are also several online programs for those wishing to be physical therapy assistants. By carefully searching through the various online sources, one will be able to eventually get an accredited online program. Online training is convenient as one does not have to physically travel to a training school. Most of the learning can be done from the comfort of one's home and then go for clinical attachment at a physical facility. This would greatly save on training costs.

Online training also comes with the advantage of the ability to access training programs offered far away from one's residential area. It is also not subject to the limitations of the size of the classroom.

At the same time, whereas many medical courses require many years of rigorous training, physical therapy assistant programs are among those healthcare courses that will take a short time. Also, the requirements for entry into this profession and training costs are quite favourable to many people.

Employment Opportunities

For those pursuing physical therapy assistant programs, there are many job opportunities. Many of the graduates of this program work with physicians in medical practices.

Others work in surgical and medical hospitals. There are also numerous opportunities in rehabilitation centres and clinics.

The jobs are available in both full time and part time basis. Statistics show that jobs prospects for those undertaking this course are quite good.

The prospects in this field are more favourable than in many other professions. The main areas where these jobs are available include nursing care facilities, health practitioners' offices and surgical hospitals among others.

Salaries for those who have undergone training are very good. On top of the salaries, there are several other benefits including health insurance and paid vacation.