Friday, January 17, 2014

A Bit About Different Massage Therapy Techniques

As you will soon discover there are number of different massage therapy techniques a person can avail of. Some will help a person to relax whilst others can help to improve a person's health or repair injured muscles etc., in the body. Below we will take a look at some of the different types of massage therapy now available and how they can help a person.

Ayurvedic Massage

Also known as Abhyanga Massage originates in India and has been used by this culture for more than 5,000 years. Generally this form of therapy will be carried out by 2 therapists who through the use of a blend of heated herbal oils will be aiming to establish a balance between a person's mind, body and their spirit once more.

Traditional Persian Massage

Also referred to as Cachunga (pronounced Ka Khn Ga) it was introduced to the Persians by Darius III. This particular type of massage works and focuses on the breasts of women. This is a deep tissue massage therapy and is performed to help improve circulation of the body.

Chinese Tui Na Massage

This particular form of massage therapy from China will push, stretch and knead the muscles in the body. It has been seen to be effective in helping to treat such disorders to a person's digestive, respiratory or reproductive system. Plus helps to treat many kinds of musculoskeletal problems as well.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage therapy will be used to work on specific joints, muscles or muscle groups in the body. Often the therapist will start with the higher levels of softer muscle tissue before working there way down into the depth of the muscle that is causing the problem. This in turns much more freedom of movement after the therapy session has taken place. It is important however that the therapist does not rush the treatment by applying pressure too quickly or deeply as this in turn can cause the muscle to tighten in order to protect the area it covers. This in turn can cause damage or inflammation to the area that is being treated. Little if any massage oil is used during this therapy as the pressure being applied should not travel too far over the person's skin.


This form of massage therapy originates from Japan and uses the thumbs to apply pressure to a person's body. Often a person remains fully clothed whilst they are laying flat on a mat on the floor.

Stone Massage

Usually with this form of massage therapy the therapist will place hot or cold stones on to particular parts of the body. Often it is hot stones that will be placed on the body and these help the muscles to relax more easily. Which in turn allows the therapist to actually work deeper in to the person's muscles but will not feel as uncomfortable as if you were having a deep tissue massage carried out.

Above we have looked at a few of the different types of massage methods a person can now use to help treat them. But there are plenty of others available also and these you can easily learn about on the internet today.

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