Sunday, December 8, 2013

How Massage Therapy Can Improve Your Health

There are so many ways Massage Therapy can benefit you. A healthy body relies on the happy co-operation of the body's skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems - and this type of bodywork benefits all of these. In addition, the tone and condition of the skin improves.

Massage affects you physically, emotionally and physiologically. It is very relaxing and helps to dissipate fatigue and muscle strain. It can also improve your immunity to disease, by increasing the white blood cells. Improved oxygenation helps the tissues to receive the nourishment they need and elimination improves, often with accompanying reduction in water retention.

Relief from headaches, anxiety and insomnia can also occur. Scar tissue is sometimes seen to reduce and regular healing bodywork can help you recover after an operation. By improving muscle tone and balance, the physical stress placed on bones and joints is improved.

If your work involves long hours of standing on hard floors, lifting heavy objects or having to sit for lengthy periods, you may end up with back pain, tense shoulders and other uncomfortable symptoms. Repetitive strain can result from remaining in the same position for unnatural amounts of time.

If your joints tend to be stiff from too much or too little exercise and you suffer from various aches and pains, regular massage could be very helpful. Massage is very useful for dancers, sports people and others who rely on their body being in tip top condition for their work.

Even babies can derive great benefit from a massage. In ancient cultures, such as in India, it was common practice to gently rub oil into an infant's limbs, to assist its health and benefit the joints and skin. Research conducted on children who had been massaged daily by their parents showed a marked increase in their health.

Some of the more difficult effects of aging can be ameliorated by good physical therapy. Sessions are often a welcome addition to the care provision in hospices, because of its deeply calming effects.

Psychological difficulties like depression can be alleviated. The beneficial effects on the body's system help to promote positive and healthy mental states, partly because of hormones (endorphins) released by the process.

The word in Arabic which means 'to knead bread' is the origin of our word 'massage.' Sessions include applying kneading movements to the muscles as well and more direct pressure to the deeper tissues.

During a session, the therapist will rub and knead muscles to dissolve the tension and soreness stored in them. Traditional strokes have names like 'effleurage' (a gentle stroking, sweeping motion), 'petrissage' which deeply kneads and squeezes the underlying muscles and 'tapotement', or 'hacking' which applies rhythmic percussive movements, using the sides of the hands, the fingertips or cupped hands which stimulate the body.

Preventative care is crucial to maintain good health. A regular physical therapy session will calm and revitalise you, so improving the function of your whole system. If you need a bit of time just to relax or need advice and help with a health problem, massage could help you in building a more naturally healthy and productive lifestyle.

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