Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Physical and Emotional Health Benefits of Massage

In a fast-paced world filled with deadlines and an overabundance of tasks, many seek the therapeutic benefits of massage to address the physical and emotional strains that sometimes accompany the resulting physical strains and mental overexertion. Massage is historically rooted in body care throughout all the countries of the world. It is increasingly being offered, along with standard treatment, for a wide range of medical conditions. Found in a variety of settings, massage therapy offers individual physical and emotional restorative care in an effort to maintain balance in daily living.

Physical Care

Massage therapy can be a powerful ally in individual health care regimen. Peer-reviewed medical research shows that the elements of massage promote overall healing of lymphatic, gastrointestinal, circulatory, and musculoskeletal systems. In response to massage, specific physiological and chemical changes occur in the body, with profound effects on physical functioning and well-being. The manipulation of various muscle layers can alleviate chronic pain, stimulate the immune system, aid in blood pressure control, promote infant growth, improve joint flexibility, increase circulation, enhance tissue regeneration, reduce spasms/cramping, and lessen post-surgical lesions and scar tissue. Additionally, massage therapy is often a supplemental protocol in the care and treatment of diseases such as cancer, arthritis and cerebral palsy. Currently, massage therapy is the most utilized form of complementary and alternative medicine in hospitals throughout the United States.

Emotional Wellness

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress related. Massage therapy continues to promote overall health and emotional well-being with its ability to reduce stress and lessen anxiety. In addition to promoting general relaxation and stress relief, massage can be used to stimulate the release of pain relieving neurotransmitters (endorphins and serotonin). There is an abundance of research confirming the benefits of human touch. Just as infants build security and attachment to their caregivers through touch, the adult body responds to human touch with increased levels of self-assurance, safety, and calmness. Massage therapy reduces anxiety and depression while enhancing energy levels and promoting quality sleep. The relaxation and rejuvenating properties of therapeutic massage greatly contribute to the promotion and ongoing support of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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