Sunday, February 24, 2013

Contraindications of Hot Stone Massage

Everyday stress usually drains the life out of you and as a result, you get all kinds of physical manifestations of being so physically drained. Parts of your face and body tend to have shots of strains and pains from being so overly used in daily activities. When this happens, you cry out for immediate relief so that you may be able to get back to your life and go about things without muscular or skeletal discomfort.

You usually resort to body massage when muscular or skeletal pain is experienced. Many spas nowadays offer various types of body massages. Most of them utilize muscle and bone manipulation to relax and de-stress each part of the body. A variety of mineral oils come with these well-founded techniques to help facilitate relaxation. Although many people still seek the conventional whole body massage, others still opt for a more intense body massage experience.

Some people gain complete recuperation from stress with massages that utilize muscle and bone manipulation with the aid of therapeutic stones (basalt, marble, or chakra). Exposure to increased temperature of helps hasten tissue healing. Thus, recovery becomes faster by heating stones and by using them for massage. Most people prefer stone massage because of the interesting and strategic way it facilitates a deeper sense of relaxation in the client's whole body massage experience.

It should be noted that this type of massage service is not for everyone who frequents specialized spas. There are some contraindications to remember and these are as follows:

a.) Hypertension. People with high blood pressure should not undergo hot stone massage. Therapists heat the stones between 120 to 155 degrees for 15 to 55 minutes. Blood pressure rises when temperature rises. So, this massage can indeed be detrimental to hypertensive people.

b.) Inflamed Skin Conditions. Those who have skin inflammations should not be readily subjected to hot stone massage. Heat is a characteristic of inflammation. So, the heated stones will only worsen the skin inflammation. If the client or patient requires this massage, the skin condition has to be healed first.

c.) Diabetes. Stone massage is not advisable for a person who has diabetes. In this type of massage, the skin will be subjected to heat and friction brought about by the stones themselves and the manipulation of the massage therapist as well. This way, the skin is prone to bruises or mild burns from the hot stone massage, and the diabetic person will have a hard time healing.

d.) Open Wounds or Sores. Although an increase in temperature does hasten tissue healing, repetitive rubbing on these open wounds or sores with very hot stones is not advisable. Again, this only aggravates the condition by burning the wounded or affected area, therefore subjecting the client or patient to more pain.

e.) Pregnancy. Pregnant women should not undergo stone massage. During pregnancy, a hormone called relaxin is increased. This helps shorten and soften the muscles in preparation for giving birth. The increased temperature and deep tissue work during the massage lengthens these tissues, which makes it difficult for the pregnant woman's body to prepare for birth.

These are only some of the common contraindications in hot stone massage. Feel free to read more about them so that you are well informed. In this light, you can be sure that your next hot stone massage will definitely be unforgettable.

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