Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Get All the Massage Clients You Want - And Keep Them!

Dear Massage therapist...

Are you a new massage therapist full of enthusiasm, just starting out in your career and looking for your first clients? Are you wanting to build your massage business and make a name for yourself? Or are you an established massage therapist looking to enhance your client list, bringing those massage clients back time and time again? If this sounds like you read on.

Dreaming of enriching people's lives with your newly acquired skills is most inspiring. Massage is truly rewarding for both you and your customer. To be able to make someone feel better without drugs or medicine is a wonderful feeling.

When you started out in this fantastic business of massage therapy I bet you had dreams of endless satisfied massage clients flocking to your door time and time again. You could be forgiven for thinking your massage clients would be queuing out of the door and your appointment books would be overflowing for someone as skilled as you.

If this is happening to you already then you have my congratulations and do not need to read on.

However, for the rest of you I'm guessing, while you were at college learning your unique massage skills, you also thought your tutors would be there to guide and support you with developing your business. Did you think that they would steer you through those difficult business issues that your were so unsure of? You probably thought that it would all fall into place because you were so skilled.

Do you remember hearing that little voice in your head asking so many questions, "Where am I going to get my massage clients from, how will I actually find them? How long will it take me to build my client list? How will I advertise my business and where? What will I need to do to keep my clients interested in coming back?"

I guess you asked around, friends and family, possibly even other therapists! I bet you never got any useful answers though did you?

I am sure you were told by many well meaning people it would take you years and years to build up a successful practice? Well I've got some good news for you. Being told that a massage therapy practise takes "years and years" to build up is absolute rubbish. I know that for a fact, because it's been proved wrong.

Oh, of course you can take years to build your massage business, especially if you like to take your time researching how to do this yourself, (the hard way) but let's face it, if you are anything like me and want to have a thriving massage practice with more clients and prosperity than you can handle then you would be looking for the easy way, avoiding the pitfalls of the trial and error approach.

Using a clear cut proven way to get more clients and keeping them coming back is all you need to create the successful, busy massage therapy practice you could ever want.
Discovering the one thing that all your clients urgently need from you will keep your appointment book full and with a waiting list!

Have you ever asked yourself, "What do my clients think about me?" Do you know the first thing that clients notice about you? Being aware of this may be the answer to you securing repeat business!

A key issue in building your massage business is having a clear understanding of your client's fears and frustrations. Learning to address these, is a key issue in expanding your business.

Understanding how the most successful massage therapists in the world think and learning the secret techniques that are compelling to new clients on the phone will grow your list beyond belief.

Don't destroy potential client's interest? Learn what to never do when advertising your practice.

Discover how to market your massage business like an expert-even though you may just have graduated!

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