Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Aging Population Driving Physical Therapy Jobs

In San Benito, California a developer is currently poised to spend millions of dollars to purchase a fan abandoned hospital and completely renovate the building into a new medical facility geared toward the aging population in that area. In Rochester New York, two hospitals have constructed assisted living facilities specifically for the elderly within the last several years; a couple of more are in the works as well. It is a story that is being played out in both large and small cities around the country as our population continues to age.

With the aging population and industry adaptations designed to accommodate it, physical-therapist jobs are becoming more and more plentiful. While the aging population certainly needs all types of medical professionals, physical therapists are a vital part in helping our seniors live as normal and productive a life as possible. The result is a long list of nursing homes, assisted living centers, and even private practices searching to fill vacant physiotherapy jobs.

Physical Therapy Makes a Better Life

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that physical therapy makes a better life for those who need it. One example is a St. Louis area mail carrier who suffered two strokes in a very short amount of time. After receiving the proper medical care, this dynamic middle-aged mother was sent to a nursing facility in order to begin her physical therapy. After what seemed like an eternity to her, she walked out of that facility and back to her mail route.

There are other stories, too. Stories of car accident victims who underwent physiotherapy to regain use of damaged limbs. Others who needed help recovering from surgery or a debilitating illness. Still others who were born with physical deformities that could only be overcome with the help of physical-therapies. The point is that although an aging population is certainly contributing to an increased need for physical therapists, the need still exists among all ages and demographic groups.

A Bright Future

Statistics regarding the medical field, and physiotherapist jobs specifically, show a bright future for those who are employed in this field. Among all medical workers, physical therapists routinely report some of the highest levels of job satisfaction and career fulfillment. More than just the financial rewards, physical therapists note a real and tangible method of their own success by how well their patients respond to treatment. At the end of the day having helped someone make a better life through physical therapy is the greatest reward the job can offer.

Statistics also indicate that physical-therapy-jobs will be plentiful at least for the next several years. And with a population that continues to live longer with each passing year, it doesn't appear as though the demand will be slowing down anytime soon. Jobs will be available in hospitals, public clinics, nursing homes, assisted living communities, schools, private practices, and so on. And they will be available in major cities and rural areas - and everywhere in between.

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