Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Much Does a Massage Therapist Make?

One of the biggest reasons that people are attracted to a career in massage therapy is that they feel they are able to help others in a meaningful way. It is a job that is in alignment with the core values of service to others. Many people long for meaningful work, something that really makes a difference in people's lives, and connects them with others.

There are so many professions out there that just feel lifeless to people. Many professionals today are walking away from stressful careers to find work they can be passionate about, even if it means making less money. Let's face it, most people trade time for money, and the question arises, what's more important, time or money? Is it possible to have both?

If you've ever had the feeling, while doing something you love, of time seeming to slow down and the feeling that you could do it all day, that's when you are in alignment. What an awesome feeling that would be to have while you work. Would that be work at all?

Maybe you don't know how passionate you really are about a career as a massage therapist. Let's look at what it takes to become a message therapist and what is expected of you. Prior to 1990 you could train as an apprentice or attend workshops, but now that the profession has grown it's vital to complete an educational training program. You also will need to pass the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork after you graduate, as well as licensing requirements that very from state to state.

In a city a massage therapist can earn $60 to $100 an hour, and $50 to $75 elsewhere. Most practitioners consider 27 hours a week to be full-time work. It is physical work and that is something to take into consideration, hands get sore and you're on your feet a lot, it takes a considerable amount of energy. It's definitely not a career you want to just jump in to.

With the way things are changing in this economy there are many unconventional business models out there that are very lucrative, that require no schooling, do require some learning, but allow average people to create six figure incomes from home using only a computer and phone. Particularly in the soon to be trillion dollar 'Wellness Industry', there are many companies looking for passionate people to work with, providing the training and infrastructure to create substantial income.

Most people want to become a massage therapist, or enter similar occupations, because they are very passionate people that want to be of service, and that is admirable, the question you have to ask yourself is, do I want to invest the serious amount of time and money into becoming a massage therapist? Is it really your dream?

To find out about some alternatives to massage therapy please visit:

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